No. 1
Eegiglature of Ontario
Fourth Session of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature
Tuesday, March 5, 1974
Afternoon Session
Speaker: Honourable Allan Edward Renter
Clerk: Roderick Lewis, QC
Price per session, $10.00. Address, Clerk of the House, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto
(Daily index of proceedings appears at back of this issue.)
Tuesday, March 5, 1974, being the first day of the fourth session of the 29th Parliament
of the Province of Ontario, for the despatch of business pursuant to a proclamation of the
Honourable W. Ross Macdonald, Lieutenant Governor of the Province.
The House met at 3 o'clock, p.m.
The Honourable the Lieutenant Governor,
having entered the House and being seated
upon the throne, was pleased to open the
session with the following gracious speech.
Hon. W. Ross Macdonald (Lieutenant Gov-
ernor): Pray be seated.
Mr. Speaker and members of the legislative
assembly, on behalf of our Sovereign, I wel-
come you to the opening of the fourth session
of the 29th Parliament of Ontario.
As hon. members were reminded earlier
today, continued improvement in the prosper-
ity of our province was slowed to some extent
last year by inflation.
In 1974, the economy of Ontario, as with
most of the major economies of the world, is
faced with uncertainties of the real and poten-
tal impact of the energy situation. In my
government's view, however, the prospects
appear more favourable here than elsewhere.
Despite projections of slower economic
growth this year, combined with the con-
tinued rapid growth of the province's labour
force, it is still hoped that the level of em-
ployment achieved in 1973, which produced
a record of 149,000 new jobs, will be main-
[While my government will employ all
practical means at its disposal to alleviate the
causes and effects of inflation, nevertheless it
bears repeating that the problem can only
be dealt with in a national context, with all
governments co-operating.
[In recognition of the fact that science,
research and innovation play such an important
role in an advanced and diversified economy,
the government of Ontario will establish struc-
tures to develop and co-ordinate science policy,
both within our province and in co-operation
with the government of Canada and other
TxJESDAY, March 5, 1974
provinces. Strong emphasis will be placed on
the practical application of science to main-
tain our leadership in high-technology in-
dustry. This is a key component in my gov-
ernment's efforts to preserve our national
economic independence and to ensure that
maximum social benefits are achieved.
[A comprehensive programme to improve
essential services in remote areas of the prov-
ince will be introduced. This will include
an extension of the electrification process,
and improved telecommunications, especially
for emergency purposes.]
Improvements in telephone and communi-
cations systems in remote areas will benefit
the residents and provide a firmer base for
economic development. The co-operation of
the federal government and of industry will
be sought to develop reliable communications
systems for the north.
A feasibility and engineering study will be
undertaken for a road link to James Bay
through Moosonee. This will include an en-
vironmental impact study and full public
Priority consideration will be given to the
supply of electric power to northern com-
munities. A power line to Moosonee will be
the first project in this undertaking.
Northern communities in unorganized terri-
tories will, through enabling legislation, have
the opportunity to establish local coromunity
councils. Fire protection, water, roads and
other such services wfll become the respon-
sibility of these community councils. Imple-
mentation of this plan will follow fuU con-
sultation with residents of commimities that
wish to participate.
[In recognition of the fact that the north,
with its great distances, requires a first-rate
highway system, high priority has been given
to rebuilding and widening Highway 17 be-
tween Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury.
[Following the success of norOntair, four
more communities in northwestern Ontario
[Editor's Note: Copy within brackets was not read but is contained in the formal Throne Speech.]
will receive air services in the first phase of
an expansion programme. In addition, funds
will be made available for improvements to
certain existing airports to bring them up to
the standard required for a regular scheduled
air service.
[The Ontario government is negotiating an
agreement to participate, through an appro-
priate agency, in the Polar Gas project to
Ijring natural gas from the Arctic Islands to
[Studies will be made regarding the estab-
lishment of a port facility in the James Bay
areas to bring potential supplies of gas, oil
and minerals from sources in the eastern
The proposals for energy management an-
nounced last June indicated my government's
long-term goals for the continued social, in-
dustrial and economic progress of this prov-
ince. Developments in the Middle East in
recent months have further underlined the
pressing need for a co-ordinated energy policy
for Canada, which the Ontario government
has been urging.
The government will shortly outline On-
tario's policy on the control and development
of uranium as a provincial and national
A general development agreement between
the federal government and the Ontario gov-
ernment has been signed. The agreement has
a duration of 10 years and is intended to
improve opportunities in those areas of On-
tario which are in need of special assistance
and to realize greater development potential.
The community of Cornwall is the first to
benefit from this agreement, and joint ex-
penditures of approximately $14 million will
be provided for such projects as the com-
pletion of servicing for an industrial park,
construction of a civic centre, and the de-
velopment of a tourist and recreational area.
[Tourist operations, small businesses and
service industries will benefit from improved
loan programmes and financial assistance from
the three provincial development corpora-
tions. Operators of small business establish-
ments will receive more help and advice in
solving management problems.
[The Ontario Council for the Arts will
undertake a programme through which prac-
tising artists in the creative and performing
arts may work in and with local communities.
Emphasis will be placed on visits to schools
in remote areas, and on programmes in public
[A wide variety of extension programmes
will be offered at provincial cultural facilities.
The Art Gallery of Ontario will establish an
internship programme to prepare fine arts
students for art gallery careers, as well as
programmes to promote the visual arts
throughout the province.
[In response to the recommendations of
the Commission on Post-Secondary Education,
my government proposes to expand academic
and cultural opportimities in the open sector.
This will include the extension of educational
broadcast services within the province, along
with the development of new and innovative
educational support materials for school and
college students as well as for persons learn-
ing at home.]
You will be asked to consider legislation
concerning negotiations between the teaching
profession and school boards, as well as pro-
posals for the consolidation of all legislation
respecting elementary and secondary educa-
In keeping with my government's deter-
mination to introduce programmes on a
selective basis to meet those areas of greatest
need, an income support programme will be
proposed which will assist in achieving a
greater measure of security for Ontario's older
citizens and for the disabled.
A proposal will be made for a prescription
drug plan for our senior citizens.
Ontario's younger children are presently
served by kindergartens, daycare services of
approved agencies and special programmes
for the handicapped. My government will
continue to support these services and will
initiate a new programme of assistance for
co-operative daycare centres in low-income
areas. The use of school and other com-
munity facilities for child care will be en-
couraged, and accommodation and stafiing
regulations will be reviewed with the aim of
removing unnecessary impediments to the
creation of new services. Resources will be
made available to expand high-priority ser-
vices such as those for handicapped children,
children from low-income families and native
Rehabilitation services will be strengthened
to provide assistance to a larger number of
physically and mentally disabled persons.
Special efforts will be made to encourage
local initiatives for community-based mental
retardation services, including new community
Amendments to the Health Insurance Act
will provide a formal review mechanism for
[Editor's Note: Copy within brackets was not read but is contained in the formal Throne Speech.]
MARCH 5, 1974 T
claims for services by non-medical practi-
tioners, paralleling the system now used for
claims by physicians.
The report of the health planning task
force, which has been chaired by Dr. Fraser
Mustard, has been received by my govern-
ment. During the course of this session, pro-
posals will be placed before you for further
development of a comprehensive health plan
for the people of Ontario.
My government will present proposals for
extensive new sports, fitness and recreation
programmes that will offer more opportu-
nities for the improved health and enjoyment
of the people of Ontario.
A health education programme will be
prepared providing information on such
health hazards as alcohol, tobacco and other
drugs, arid to encourage better use of our
public health care system. -
[You will be asked to approve a major
educational and enforcement programme de^
signed to reduce the highway accident toll
caused by irnpaired drivers. /
[With regard to the Ontario Law Reform
Commission's report on administration of the
courts, my government will proceed with a
planned' programrtie of implementation for
judicial areas and for the rotation of judges
and trial centres throughout those areas in
consultation with those affected.
[My ^gdvemment is reviewing legislative
and common law rul6s affecting the family as
an institution in such matters as occupational
and property rights in the home and laws
concerning children, ' .
[A legislative progranime will be introduced
ensuring that family law in Ontario reflects
today's social and economic realities. The ulti-
mate objective is a code of family law, with
special attention to the status of women and
for the provision of a legal framework that
will strengthen the family unit in our society.
Attention will also be given to citifying the
legal rights of married persons. "
[My government will create a new oflBce
for women Crpwn employees in order to im^
prove perspnn,el a^ministratiop ^^di hiring
practices.] ; ,' J,
My government intends to promote the
development of small community-based adult
residences in place of traditional correctional
institutions. These centres, will be used in the
rehabilitation of selected offenders prioi' to
their release and as residences for thos'e who
are working of studying under the temporary
absence programme. In northern areas of the
[Editoi^s Noteii Coisy within bniiekets was not read
province, centres will be located closer to
communities with potential employment op-
A new system will be introduced to place
juveniles in training schools closer to their
own homes and to provide better integration
of group homes, probation, aftercare and in-
stitutional services.
Negotiations are under way for operation
and supervision by private business of an
industrial enterprise within a correctional
centre. This innovative experiment should
provide inmates with realistic employment
and training experience. The labour force
would consist of those serving short terms
under minimum cuistody, who would be paid
competitive wages. My government is confi-
dent that with the support and co-operation
of labour unions and industry, the concept
can play a worthwhile part in correctional
services in the years ahead.
My government will introduce legislation
with regard to consumer product warranties
and guarantees in order to provide bettei;
protection for consumers, new redress pro-
cedures and more flexible means of admin-
istration. Legislation vdll also be introduced
to protect the cojasumer from unfair and
unacceptable trade and business practices.
Hon. members, you will be asked to con-
sider provisions for the mandatory use of
automobile seat belts.
Legislation will be presented to establis}^
an inter-regional public transportation author-
ity for the Toronto area; My government be-
lieves tljis, legislation will maintain regional
autonorny -and .provide a model that may ]b^
adapted to, other areas of the province. '
i f-yon will [ be asked to approve legislation
which, will; require an, environmental assess-;
ment of major new deivelopment projects. .
A permarient advisory committee on solid
waste management; will be estabhshed in
order to achieves, closer consultation with mu-
nicipal governments?,, environmental groups
arid industry, whose co-operation is essential
to the solution of problems created by in-
creasing waste of energy and material re-
sources and the difficulties of waste disposal.
My government will also propose other
measures for the control and reduction of
litter and solid waste.
My government bdicves that positive steps
must be taken to conserve and improve our
visual environment. To this end, your views
will be sought with respect to placing limita-
tions and controls on outdoor advertising.
but is contajiied in the f onaaal Throne Speech.]
For the second consecutive year, dwelling
starts in Ontario have exceeded 100,000 units,
a rate of construction which is consistent with
the government's overall objective of one
million new dwelling units in 10 years.
[To assist in this achievement, a wide range
of programmes and approaches in housing
development and community planning will
be proposed, including housing for Tower-
income earners. These programmes will be
implemented within the legislative framework
of a revised Planning Act, amendments to the
Condominium Act and die establishment of
a new building code for Ontario, and will
be characterized by a closer partnership with
other levels of government, the private sector
and citizens* groups.
[It is proposed to increase spending on the
construction of sewage and water treatment
facilities from $81 milhon in 1973 to $115
million this year. The funds will be used for
anti-pollution control and high quality water
soipply programmes and servicing needs for
new home construction.
[In cases where land is designated by the
government for necessary housing or is being
held by the private sector for future develop-
ment, the government will make proposals to
ensure continued agricultural production on
all suitable lands until they may be required
for other purposes.!
Twenty-three communities have been desig-
nated as neighbourhood improvement areas
eligible for federal-provincial assistance for
planning and improving physical and social
facilities. My government will urge the gov-
ernment of Canada to extend assistance for
commercial and industrial renewal.
The private sector, in consultation with
local and regional governments, will be en-
couraged to increase the supply of serviced
lots and to work toward stabilization of land
and housing prices. The government looks to
the private sector for even greater co-opera-
tion than in the past in the construction of
public housing, involvement with rent supple-
ment and integrated community housing pro-
grammes, the preferred lending programme
and condominium building, so that the hous-
ing needs of a large segment of the popula-
tion can be met within a moderate price
A provincial home renewal programme will
be introduced with grants to homeowners and
municipalities for preserving and upgrading
the quality of existing housing in rural as
well as urban areas.
Cet automne, le Premier ministre de
rOntario sera I'hdte de la conference annuelle
des premiers ministres des provinces cana-
diennes. Cet evenement se produit a un
moment particulierement important de notre
histoire ou, en raison des difficultes qui nous
assaillent au Canada et des problemes de
portee internationale, un renouveau de coope-
ration et de comprehension entre les provinces
s'impose si nous voulons raflFermir notre nation
et rehausser notre sentiment national.
This autumn, the Premier of Ontario will
be host to the aimual conference of provin-
cial premiers. This comes at a particularly
important time in our history when challenges
facing us within Canada and problems of
world-wide significance will require a new
level of interprovincial co-operation and
understanding to strengthen our nation and
to maintain and enhance our sense of national
May Divine Providence guide you in these
tasks and in the discharge of your respon-
Hon. members, I wish to take the oppor-
tunity on this occasion to state that it has
been my pleasure and privilege to have per-
formed this duty over the past five years. To
my successor, one of Ontario's most renowned
and distinguished citizens, may I express all
good wishes for her forthcoming term of
God bless the Queen and Canada.
The Honourable the Lieutenant Governor
was then pleased to retire from the chamber.
Mr. Speaker: To prevent mistakes, I have
obtained a copy of His Honour's speech,
which I will now read.
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Oppiosi-
tion): Mr. Speaker, on a point of order, if
you will permit me, sir; before we go ahead
with the usual dispensation I would draw
your attention and perhaps to the attention of
the Premier that according to the copies of
the speech made available there were certain
omissions in His Honour's speech. Perhaps
the collation has been faulty and it may be,
in fact, that not all of the government's pro-
granune has been presented. .
[Editor's Note: Copy within brackets was not read but is contained in the formal Throne Speech.]
MARCH 5, 1974
Hon. W. G. Davis (Premier): Mr. Speaker^i
I still think we could dispense with the
reading of the Throne Speech. I think there
were several matters that perhaps were caught
when the pages were being turned. The full
text of the Throne Speech will be made avail-
able. I really don't think there is any purpose
in rereading it.
Mr. Speaker, I should hasten to add that
doesn't mean the Throne Speech isn't worthy
of repetition on many occasions.
Mr. Speaker: It is agreed, then, that the
reading of the speech be dispensed with?
Some hon. members: Agreed.
Reading dispensed with.
Hon. Mr. Welch moves first reading of bill
intituled. An Act to amend the University
Expropriation Powers Act.
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Hon. Mr. Davis moves that the speech of
the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor to
this House be taken into consideration on
Thursday next.
Motion agreed to.
Hon. Mr. Davis moves the adjournment of
the House.
Motion agreed to.
The House adjourned at 3.30 o'clock, p.m.
^-i^ ^ ly ' ■' -' ^ ■' ' APPENDIX
(117 members)
Fourth Session of the Twenty-Ninth Parliament
Speaker: Hon. Allan Edward Renter Clerk of the House: Roderick Lewis, Q.C.
Member Party Constituency
Allan, James N PC ...! : Haldimand-Norfolk
Apps, C. J. S :.;.:..;.; FC' ... Kingston and the Islands
Auld, Hqn. James A^ CvM- - V . ^ ^C Leeds
Bales, Dalton A PC York Mills
Beckett, Dick PC Brantford
Belanger, J. Albert PC Prescott and Russell
Bennett, Hon. Claude PC Ottawa South
Bernier, Hon. Leo PC Kenora
Birch, Hon. Margaret PC Scarborough East
Bounsall, Ted NDP Windsor West
Braithwaite, Leonard A L Etobicoke
Breithaupt, James R L Kitchener
Brunelle, Hon. Rene PC Cochrane North
Bullbrook, James E L Sarnia
Burr, Fred A NDP Sandwich-Riverside
Campbell, Margaret L St. George
Carruthers, Alex PC Durham
Carton, Gordon R PC Armourdale
Cassidy, Michael NDP Ottawa Centre
Clement, Hon. John T PC Niagara Falls
Davis, Hon. William G PC Peel North
Davison, Norm NDP Hamilton Centre
Deacon, Donald M L YorkCentre
Deans, Ian NDP Wentworth
Downer, Rev. A. W PC Dufferin-Simcoe
Drea, Frank PC Scarborough Centre
Dukszta, Dr. Jan NDP Parkdale
Dymond, Dr. Matthew B PC Ontario
Eaton, Robert G PC Middlesex South
Edighoffer, Hugh L Perth
Evans, D. Arthur PC Simcoe Centre
Ewen, Donald Wm PC Wentworth North
Ferrier, Rev. William NDP Cochrane South
Foulds, James F NDP Port Arthur
Gaunt, Murray L Huron-Bruce
Germa, Melville C NDP Sudbury
Gilbertson, Bernt PC Algoma
Gisbom, Reg NDP HamiltonEast
Givens, Philip G L York-Forest Hill
Good, Edward R L Waterloo North
Grossman, Hon. Allan PC St. Andrew-St. Patrick
Guindon, Hon. Fern PC Stormont
MARCH 5. 1974
Member Party Constituency
Haggerty, Ray L Welland South . ...^,
Hamilton, Maurice PC Renfrew North . f|,|
Handleman, Hon. Sidney B PC .., Carleton /., .;
Havrot, Edward M PC Timiskaining.,y ;.;f ,4
Henderson, Lome C PC Lambton • ,
Hodgson, R. Glen PC Victoria-Haliburton
Hodgson, William PC York North
Irvine, Hon. Donald R. PC Grenville-Dundas
Jessiman, James H PC ., -Fprt William ' f ,, /.
Johnston, Robert M PC St. Catharines '
Kennedy, R. Dougks PC Peel South
Kerr, Hon. George A PC Halton West
Lane, John PC Algoma-Manitoulin
Laughren, Floyd NDP Nickel Belt
Lawlor, Patrick D NDP Lakeshore
Lawrence, A. Bert R PC Carleton East *'*'^
Leluk, Nicholas G PC Humber '-' ^
Lewis, Stephen NDP Scarborou^ West '
MacBeth, John P PC York West
MacDonald, Donald C NDP York South
Maeck, Lome PC Parry Sound
Martel, Elie W NDP Sudbury East
Mcllveen, Charles E PC Oshawa
McKeough, Hon. W. Darey PC Chatham-Kent
McNeil, Ronald K PC Elgin
McNie, Hon. Jack PC Hamilton West
Meen, Hon. Arthur K. PC YorkEast
Miller, Hon. Frank S PC Muskoka
Morningstar, Ellis P PC Welland
Morrow, Donald H PC Ottawa West
Newman, Bernard L Windsor-Walkerville
Newman, Hon. William PC Ontario South
Nixon, George PC Dovercourt
Nixon, Robert F L Brant
Nuttall, Dr. W. J PC Frontenac-Addington
Parrott, Dr. Harry C PC Oxford
Paterson, Donald A L Essex South
Potter, M.D., Hon. Richard T PC Quinte
Reid, T. Patrick L-Lab Rainy River
Reilly, Leonard M PC Eglinton
Renwick, James A NDP Riverdale
Reuter, Hon. Allan E. PC Waterloo South
Rhodes, Hon. John R PC Sault Ste. Marie
Riddell, John L Huron
Rollins, Clarke T PC Hastings
Root, John PC Wellington-Dufferin
Rowe, Russell D PC Northumberland
Roy, Albert J L Ottawa East
Ruston, Richard F L Essex-Kent
Sargent, Edward L Grey-Bmce
Scrivener, Mrs. Margaret PC St. David
Shulman, Dr. Morton NDP High Park
Member Party Constituency
Singer, Vernon M L Downsview
Smith, Gordon E PC Simcoe East
Smith, John R PC Hamilton Mountain
Smith, Richard S L Nipissing
Snow, Hon. James W. PC Halton East
Spence, John P L Kent
Stewart, Hon. Wm. A PC Middlesex North
Stokes, Jack E NDP Thunder Bay
Taylor, James A PC Prince Edward-Lennox
Timbrell, Hon. Dennis R PC Don Mills
Turner, John M PC Peterborough
Villeneuve, Osie F PC Glengarry
Walker, Gordon W PC London North
Wardle, Thomas A PC Beaches-Woodbine
Welch, Hon. Robert PC Lincoln
Wells, Hon. Thomas L PC Scarborough North
White, Hon. John PC London South
Winkler, Hon. Eric A. PC Grey South
Wiseman, Douglas J PC Lanark
Worton, Harry L Wellington South
Yakabuski, Paul J, PC Renfrew South
Yaremko, John PC Bellwoods
Young, Fred NDP Yorkview
MARCH 5, 1974 11
Hon. William G. Davis Premier and President of the Council
Hon. Robert Welch Provincial Secretary for Justice and
Attorney General
Hon. Allan Grossman Provincial Secretary for Resources Development
Hon. William A. Stewart Minister of Agriculture and Food
Hon. James A. C. Auld Minister of Colleges and Universities
Hon. Rene Brunelle Minister of Community and Social Services
Hon. Thomas L. Wells Minister of Education
Hon. Fern Guindon ., Minister of Labour
Hon. John White Treasurer of Ontario, Minister of Economics
and Intergovernmental Affairs
Hon. George A. Kerr Solicitor General
Hon, Leo Bernier Minister of Natural Resources
Hon, Eric A. Winkler Chairman of the Management Board of Cabinet
Hon. James W. Snow Minister of Government Services
Hon. Richard T. Potter Minister of Correctional Services
Hon, John T, Clement Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations
Hon. Jack McNie Minister without Portfolio
Hon. Margaret Birch Provincial Secretary for Social Development
Hon, Claude Bennett Minister of Industry and Tourism
Hon, W. Darcy McKeough Minister of Energy
Hon. Arthur K. Meen Minister of Revenue
Hon. William Newman Minister of the Environment
Hon. Sidney B. Handleman Minister of Housing
Hon. Frank S. Miller Minister of Health
Hon. John R. Rhodes Minister of Transportation and Communications
Hon. Donald R. Irvine Minister without Portfolio
Hon. Dennis R. Timbrell Minister without Portfolio '
Mr. John R. Smith (Assistant to the Minister of Education)
Mr. Leonard M. Reilly ( Assistant to the Minister of Industry and Tourism )
Mr. Gordon W. Walker (Assistant to the Minister of Revenue)
Mr. Robert G. Eaton (Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture and Food)
Mr. Dick Beckett (Assistant to the Minister of Transportation and Communications)
Tuesday, March 5, 1974
Speech from the Throne, the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor 3
University Expropriation Powers Act, bill to amend, Mr. Welch, first reading 7
Motion to adjourn, Mr. Davis, agreed to 7
Appendix: Alphabetical list of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario 8
No. 2
Hegtslature of Ontario
Fourth Session of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature
Wednesday, March 6, 1974
Speaker: Honourable Allan Edward Reuter
Clerk: Roderick Lewis, QC
Price per session, $10.00. Address, Clerk of the House, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto
(Daily index of proceedings appears at back of this issue.)
The House met at 2 o'clock, p.m.
Mr. Speaker: Statements by the ministry.
Oral questions.
The hon. Leader of the Opposition.
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leadter of the Opposition):
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
In the absence of the Minister of Ed^uca-
tion (Mr. Wells), I wonder if the Premier
could report to the House the status on the
negotiations— the protracted negotiations— be-
tween the secondary school teachers and the
York county board?
Hon. W. G. Davis (Premier): Mr. Speaker,
the minister, I expect, will be here shortly
and could probably give to the House a more
detailed description, not as to the state of the
negotiations in any detail, but some of the
history of it and his own activities and that
of the ministry.
The parties are meeting— I believe they
reconvened at 10 o'clock this morning— at the
request of the minister, and I can only assume
that negotiations are going on at this precise
moment unless they are still having lunch;
and I expect the minister will be here very
Mr. R. F. Nixon: He will be here?
Hon. Mr. Davis: I expect the minister will
be here very shortly.
Mr. A. J. Roy (Ottawa East): It took the
Premier a long time to answer that one.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I was hoping the minis-
ter would be here. I would like to put another
question to the Premier arising out of a
section in the Speech from the Throne yes-
terday. Can he give the House the assurance
that the proposal in the speech calling for an
objective assessment of the environmental im-
Wednesday, March 6, 1974
pact of public works— and I presume private
development as well— will be used to, let's
say, either delay or change the government's
announced decisions on the Amprior dam and
also on the Hydro high tension corridor in
western Ontario, coming from Douglas Point
down into the Wingham area and then over
to Georgetown? Can the minister give the
House the undertaking that the concept en-
visaged in the speech, which I believe to be
an excellent one, will be used to have an
effect on these circumstances, which are about
to go forward unless a change in policy is
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I agree with
the Leader of the Opposition as to the excel-
lence of the concept.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Only if the government is
prepared to use it.
Hon. Mr. Davis: It is one we are pioneer-
ing to a certain extent with this kind of pro-
posed review agency, Mr. Speaker. It think it
is fair to state that if there had been such
an agency a period of time ago, some of
these projects obviously would have been
referred to it. I certainly can't undertake to
the member for Brant that projects already
under way would be referred to any en-
vironmental review agency.
I would point out to him— and I can't be
too specific here— that a portion of the trans-
mission line as it relates to the corridbr re-
ferred to has been a matter of study by Dr.
Actually, I think one could say, Mr.
Speaker, that the decision'—
Mr. S. Lewis (Scarborough West): No, not
that one.
Hon. Mr. Davis: —perhaps not that line,
but a part of the connection there with the
500 kv line— to appoint Dr. Solandt to review
the 500 kv corridor from Nanticoke to Picker-
ing is in essence a form of review procediue.
As I said to the press two or three days ago,
it is our hope that we will have Dr. Solandt's
report veiy shortly. What will flow from that
—well, electricity ultimately— in terms of sug-
gested location, I can't tell the House at this
moment; but I think really that is one indica-
tion of how this review agency could work.
The details of the legislation, and the
timing of it, Mr. Speaker, are matters of gov-
ernment policy. I would not want to say to
the member for Brant, as it relates to projects
already under way, that one can reverse the
situation and have them a subject of review.
There is no question in my mind that certain
future transmission corridors obviously would
be a matter that would be referred* to such a
review board.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary for
clarification': Since the high tension line from
Douglas Point to Bradley Junction and
Georgetown is not under construction, and
since it has not been reviewed by Dr.
Solandt, does the Premier then mean, since
it is not under construction, it will be re-
viewed? And since Dr. Solandt has been
associated, let's say, with the Georgetown end
of it, will the Premier or his minister be ask-
ing him to review the alignment that is under
discussion, particularly since the farmers have
brought forward the information that the
present alignment is supposedly using 80 per
cent class 1 and 2 land and that an alternative
alignment, even proposed by Hydro itself,
uses about half that much class 1 and 2 farm
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I think it's
the kind of thing that it would be perhaps
wise to refer to the proposed environmental
review board or whatever terminology is used.
As I say, there is one aspect of it, and that is
the connection with the 500 kv line some-
where in the area in Hal ton or Peel as it
crosses the escarpment. I think this part of it
has been a subject of some consideration, but
as for the balance of the transmission line
location or suggested location it might be
handled very properly by the review board.
This is really what we are endeavouring to
do. The only observation I make, Mr.
Speaker, in that the Solandt review covered
a good portion of the riding that I represent,
is that one of the things we must always re-
member is that, while there may be better
places for a transmission line, I am sure there
can always be improvements which will
satisfy people where the line was perhaps
intended to go initially. If it is moved, I am
somewhat reconciled to the problem that will
be created in the new alignment that is
suggested, wherever that may be. This is
one of the diflBculties that we face.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Hopefully there is an
alternative that will not bring that problem
Mr. Lewis: There are.
Hon. Mr. Davis: But I can't find any way
to have that particular 500 kv line not cross
the county of Peel somewhere.
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): It can't
be done.
Hon. Mr. Davis: And, unfortunately, I am
told it is too expensive to put imderground
across that great county too.
Mr. Lewis: Mr. Speaker, as a supple-
mentary, if I can, given the number of angry
and anxious meetings held by the farmers with
Ontario Hydro over the last several months
on the line from Douglas Point to George-
town, can the Premier give an undertaking,
rather than being vague, that the line v^dll
not be proceeded with nor will' Hydro con-
tinue to deal vmpredictably, as they have been
dealing with the farmers, on dollar amounts
and routes, until the government has made
an independent study— independent of Hydro
—or reviewed it all, so diat they can be
appeased in a way that is not now the case?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I can't at
this stage, without some review of it and
until we see the legislation and know how
it's going to work, give that firm a commit-
ment. I think it is obvious that it is the land
of situation which the environmental review
board or agency, whatever term is used, is
anticipated to cover. But to say to the hon.
member at this point that I can give a firm
commitment, I can't do that at this moment.
Mr. M. Cassidy (Ottawa Centre): Supple-
mentary, Mr. Speaker-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: By way of further supple-
mentary, Mr. Speaker-
Mr. Cassidy: If I can turn to Amprior—
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Who are you recognizing,
Mr. Speaker?
Mr. Speaker: I think the hon. Leader of the
Opposition. Then I will come back to the
hon. member for Ottawa Centre.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I would like to ask the
Premier, since the hearings of necessity under
the Expropriations Act are going on right
now, today, would he undertake to discuss the
matter with the Minister of Energy' (Mr.
McKeough) as a matter of some priority so
that if in fact an objective hearing is decided
upon, which is certainly urged by the farmers
concerned, that these hearings can be stood
down or stopped completely until an objec-
tive assessment is available?
MARCH 6, 1974
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, that is cer-
tainly an undertaking I can give. I vdll dis-
cuss it with the Minister of Energy very
Mr. Cassidy: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker,
if I can turn to Amprior. In view of the fact
that the environmental hearing board pro-
posed by the government will not be estab-
lished for some time, and in view of the fact
that about $10 million out of an $82-million
project has now been spent— maybe $7
million or $8 million-but $70 or $75 milhon
has yet to be spent, will the Premier agree
to an independent inquiry into that project
because of the valid points which have been
made to date about the erosion that may
occur behind the dam, about the economic
inadequacies of the project, and about the
loss and mistreatment of farmers whose land
has not yet been expropriated', but which will
be flooaed by work currently under con-
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I can't give
any such undertaking to have an inquiry
related to those matters. I can only say to
the hon. member that Ontario Hydro is aware
and the government is aware of potential
problems that may or may not arise, and
obviously they vdll take these into account.
But 1 must say to the hon. member, we do
not propose to have an inquiry in that sense
of the word as it relates to the Amprior
Mr. E. J. Bounsall (Windsor West): Supple-
mentary, Mr. Speaker-
Mr. Cassidy: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker-
Mr. Speaker: One more supplementary. The
hon. member for Timiskaming would like a
Mr. BounsaU: Windsor West.
Mr. Speaker: Windsor West, I am sorry.
Mr. Lewis: The hon. member for Timis-
kaming, God forbid.
Mr. Bounsall: With reference to the orig-
inal question about the line across south-
western Ontario, regarding that portion of
in between Wingham junction and Kitchener,
would the Premier speak to Hydro vidth a
view to seeing that they purchase only
enough land required for the power that can
be transmitted along that corridor, which is
two lines, rather than the three-line width
which they are attempting to purchase?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, my under-
standing is that a route hasn't been selected.
so I can't give an}' commitment on this at
all. Quite obviously one can't do it.
Mr. Bounsall: But the Premier knows what
width they're trying to purchase.
Hon. Mr. Davis: But we don't know the
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Leader of the Op-
Interjection by hon. member.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Mr, Speaker, now that
the Minister of Education is in his place, I
wonder if he would report to the House on
the status of the negotiations in York and in
the Windsor area.
Hon. T. L. Wells (Minister of Education):
Yes, Mr. Speaker, I would be very pleased to.
In regard to the York county dispute be-
tween the secondary teachers and that board,
talks began again this morning and are pres-
ently carrying on, with the help of a Ministry
of Labour mediator, at the Ministry of
Labour oflBces on University Ave.
In regard to the Windsor situation, this
was something that came up because of a
misunderstanding, a misinterpretation, a fail-
ing of the two parties to get together on
the wording of the final memorandum to send
the matters to voluntary arbitration.
Mr. Lewis: That's pretty land. The min-
ister is in a generous mood.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon, Mr. Wells: The facts of the matter
actually are that—
Mr. Lewis: The board is nuts. That's the
fact of the matter.
Hon. Mr. Wells: —an agreement was
signed, that I and one of the Ministry of
Labour negotiators wrote out on a piece of
hotel paper in pencil-
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. J. F. Foulds (Port Arthur): Would the
minister care to specify which location and
the hotel?
Hon. Mr. Wells: I won't mention the name
of the hotel for fear of giving any free
Mr. Lewis: Well, they don't have to—
Mr. J. E. Bullbrook (Samia): I'll bet they're
in the Royal York,
Hon. Mr. Wells: No, they aren't, as a matter
of fact. They're down in the town of my
friend's colleague from Windsor.
Mr. Lewis: In a non-union hotel, I might
Hon. Mr. Wells: The actual statement that
was signed by both the board and the
teachers said that because they had failed
to reach any agreement, they would submit
the matters still in dispute to arbitration
which would be final and binding on both
parties. I think there is no question that
that was the intent. That was my intent, that
was the teachers' intent and I had assumed
it was the board's intent. There seems to
have developed some misunderstanding after
that concerning whether an award of a board
of arbitration could be appealable or not.
Certainly, I have made it very clear to the
board that there is no question that an arbitra-
tion board set up in a dispute such as this,
which is essentially a labour management dis-
pute, is not appealable.
Mr. D. C. MacDonald (York South): Does
the minister think they are bargaining in
good faith?
Hon. Mr. Wells: I think, though, that the
matter will be straightened out today. Our
people have been meeting with both sides-
Mr, R. F. Nixon: That's the Windsor
Mr. Lewis: I think he's right.
Hon. Mr. Wells: Yes. Our people have
been meeting with both sides and I'm pretty
well assured that they will now sign an agree-
ment and will get on with the arbitration.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: What about York?
Hon. Mr. Wells: I'm just as hopeful about
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary: What
about the York business? Has the minister
taken part in the negotiations himself? Does
he intend to do so? What is the story about
these sort of secret meetings that have been
reported where the minister does come for-
ward with alternatives but says that he is not
participating himself in the negotiations?
Why doesn't he participate?
Hon. Mr. Wells: Well actually, Mr.
Speaker, the fact of the matter is— and I'm
sure my friend, if he's done any of this kind
of mediating, knows there are times when I
can participate and there are times when I
cannot— I did, in fact, participate in the nego-
tiations toward the end of January-
Mr. Lewis: He did indeed.
Hon. Mr. Wells: Toward the end of Janu-
ary when we were dealing with many of the
boards and at that time-
Mr. Lewis: Why didn't the minister appoint
the member for York Centre (Mr. Deacon)?
Hon. Mr. Wells: —we were attempting then
to avert—
Hon. A. Grossman (Provincial Secretary for
Resources Development): That would be total
Hon. Mr. Wells: We were attempting to
Mr. Lewis: They could settle a year from
Hon. Mr. Wells: We were, in fact, attempt-
ing to avert a walkout. Unfortunately, at the
11 ^th hour, this just didn't come about and
at that time, as I'm sure the hon. member is
very aware, I was very involved and I issued
a statement at the end to both parties calling
upon them to go to vollmtary arbitration,
which was rejected and which I also called
for because they failed—
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The minister called them
both irresponsible.
Hon. Mr. Wells: Yes, and I think they both
were at that time, because they failed to pre-
vent a walkout by going to voluntary arbitra-
tion. I don't put the blame on either side but
that didn't come about, and I felt it would
have been more responsible if the walkout
hadn't occurred—
Mr. I. Deans (Wentworth): That's one of the
Hon. Mr. Wells: —and that time arbitration
had come about. Once the strike took place
it became obvious that for all concerned a
negotiated settlement would be a much better
arrangement, and certainly there is no place
for me in the negotiations that were going on
to arrive at a negotiated settlement. The Min-
istry of Labour mediator, who of course, is
also part of the labour-management negotiat-
ing process of this government, has been in
MARCH 6, 1974
at all their meetings. As a matter of fact he
told me that he spent more time on this dis-
pute than he had on any major labour dis-
pute in this province.
Mr. Lewis: It shows.
Hon. Mr. Wells: He's still sitting at the
table with them and I stand ready to be of
help on the thing at any time that I can, but
at the moment, I think it is best served to let
both the parties, with the Ministry of Labour
mediator, carrying on negotiations.
Mr. Lewis: A supplementary, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West.
Mr. Lewis: Has the minister informed the
hoard of York county in no uncertain terms
that pupil-teacher ratio is a negotiable con-
dition, as he envisages it to he in Bill 275,
and should be in this dispute?
Hon. Mr. Wells: Mr. Speaker, I have had
discussions with the board there. They know
my personal opinions and I think it should
suffice that that is the extent that I should
mention at this time while negotiations are
going on.
Mr. D. M. Deacon (York Centre): A supple-
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York
Mr. Deacon: Since there is an indication
that the York county school trustees will move
to resign tomorrow if a settlement has not
been reached, is he prepared to set up a
trusteeship in York and get the teachers back
in the classrooms pending a new election of
Hon. Mr. Wells: I hate to answer these
hypothetical questions.
Mr. Deacon: I think he needs to now.
Hon. Mr. Wells: My friend knows too that
there certainly has been no indication from
the majority of trustees that they are inter-
ested in resigning at this point in time. Now,
if they're aM going to tender their resigna-
tions, certainly we'll take steps to see that a
new board or new trustees are elected or
Mr. MacDonald: Is the minister in favour
of mass resignations in this instance?
Mr. Deans: Why doesn't the minister re-
fuse to accept the resignations?
Hon. Mr. Wells: But I'd say we'd better
wait and see. I might also—
An hon. member: Do they have the right to
Hon. Mr. Wells: I might also indicate to
my friend that I think the School Act says
that a trustee can only resign with the con-
currence of a majority of his colleagues.
Interjections by hon. members.
An hon. member: What if they all resign?
Hon. Mr. Wells: There's also something in
the School's Administration Act that prevents
everybody from resigning and leaving the
board without a quorum.
Mr. Lewis: How to administer it?
Mr. Foulds: Bill 274A.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Windsor
West with a supplementary.
Mr. Bounsall: With reference to the situa-
tion in Windsor, in the last day or two, or
even prior to that, has the minister made it
very clear to the Windsor separate board
that pupil-teacher ratio and working condi-
tions are both proper subject matters for
Hon. Mr. Wells: No, Mr. Speaker, I have
not been asked that question. The only ques-
tion I have been asked' is—
Mr. Foulds: He just was.
Hon. Mr. Wells: The only question I have
been asked is whether the Arbitrations Act
applies to the arbitration in the Windsor
situation. We have offered a legal opinion to
that board that it does not and that the de-
cision of the board of arbitration is not
appealable on the matter of the decision.
There are still, of course, certain points of
law, human rights and so forth, and any
violations of those can be taken to the courts
in any situation.
Mr. Bounsall: Is the minister not aware
that those are the very two areas that the
Windsor separate board is wishing to appeal
on, should they go to arbitration?
Hon. Mr. Wells: No, that has never been
made known to me, Mr. Speaker. I under-
stood there were 12 items in dispute that
were appended to the recommendation or the
agreement that was signed to go to arbitra-
tion, and that both parties agreed they were
the matters to go to arbitration. I think they
are the ones that should go.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Leader of the
Mr. Roy: A supplementary.
Mr. Speaker: I think perhaps further dis-
cussion would only constitute a debate. The
hon. Leader of the Opposition?
The hon. member for Scarborough West.
Mr. Lewis: Can I ask the new Minister of
Housing, Mr. Speaker, what specifics he has
in mind to take the land supply factor out of
the cost of housing by 1976?
Hon. S. B. Handleman (Minister of Hous-
ing): Mr. Speaker, we have made some
general statements about our programme in
the future, and obviously specifics will be
announced in the House in due course.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary: Since
one of the specifics that has already been—
Mr. E. W. Martel (Sudbury East): The min-
ister learns fast.
Mr. Speaker: I think it is—
Mr. Lewis: And the Provincial Secretary
for Resources Development isn't even in the
House, Mr. Speaker. Can the minister give
us some guarantee that the increase in hous-
ing prices in Metropolitan Toronto alone—
which have jumped from $31,357 at the time
of the Throne Speech of two years ago to
$46,210 at the time of the Throne Speech
this week— will now cease its upward spiral
by the announcements he wall make, pre-
sumably, momentarily?
Mr. Roy: Let him put his career on the
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, I will
guarantee only one thing— that my ministry
will do everything possible to see that that
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Mr. Speaker, a supple-
mentary question: Since one specific figure
was mentioned in the speech and that is the
funds the government is prepared to commit
—the extra funds it is prepared to commit to
servicing land— is the Minister of Housing
satisfied that an extra $15 million— I believe
that was the amount-
Mr. Deacon: Municipalities haven't money
to service land.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: —is in fact going to im-
prove the stock of serviced land to the extent
that it is going to stabilize prices?
Mr. Lewis: Obviously not.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, if the
hon. member will read the speech again, he
will note that that was an amount of money
which would be spent by my colleague, the
Minister of the Environment (Mr. W.
Newman). When our estimates are tabled
he will see the amount of money that we
have in our housing programme.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary; surely—
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Ottawa
Mr. R. M. Johnston (St. Catharines): Why
don't those members pitch a tent?
Mr. Cassidy: Mr. Speaker, does the minis-
ter's pledge to stabilize the price of land by
1976 mean that, with the present trends of
land prices in cities like Toronto and Ottawa,
which vdll lead to the cost of a lot at about
$20,000, that will be the price at which he
intends to stabilize land prices?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Stabihze at $20,000.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, I can't
give the House-
Mr. Lewis: No, he can't. The whole Throne
Speech was bogus.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: No, I can't give the
House any specifics of a programme which has
not yet been announced.
Mr. Lewis: Right, There is no programme.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: When the pro-
gramme is announced, our goals will be an-
nounced at the same time.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Downs-
Mr. V. M. Singer (Downsview): Mr.
Speaker, by way of supplementary, can the
minister tell us if any of the supply of knd
for the building of the new homes referred
to in the Speech from the Throne is going to
come from land presently designated as park-
way belt? In other words, is the parkway
belt going to be removed entirely or in part
or interfered with at all?
Mr. Lewis He doesn't know yet.
Mr. Cassidy: He doesn't know.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, the
administration of the parkway belt, of course,
is not under my ministry.
MARCH 6, 1974
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: There are discussions
taking place at the present time.
Mr. Bounsall: The minister is trying to get
Hon. Mr. Handleman: An announcement
will be made in due course.
Mr. Johnston: They are going to call them
parkway homes.
Mr. Lewis: By way of supplementary: Why,
when the minister spoke to the Toronto Real
Estate Association on the auspicious occasion
of his first public pronouncement-
Mr. MacDonald: His maiden speech.
Mr. Lewis: —his maiden speech as a min-
ister, why did the minister say that the gov-
ernment would join with the private sector to
create more housing, using precisely the same
programme that his predecessor had impugned
—had said didn't work— just before he resign-
ed or just before he was moved, before he
ascended or whatever he did?
Mr. Foulds: Shuffled sideways.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, I didn't
think this is the occasion to repeat the speech,
but for the clarification of the hon. member
I did say that it is going to be a tripartite
Mr. Lewis: Tripartite?
Hon. Mr. Handleman: —between the Prov-
ince of Ontario, the municipalities and the
private sector, and when the programme is
announced the hon. member will have an
opportunity to criticize its specifics.
Mr. Speaker: One more supplementary.
Mr. E. R. Good (Waterloo North): Supple-
mentary: Since it was the hon. minister who
said in his speech that it was the lack of
serviced land which was causing the problem
in housing today in the Province of Ontario-
something which we have known here for
Mr. Roy: Didn't the minister say that?
Mr. Good: —what is he going to do about
Mr. Singer: That is a good question.
Mr. Cassidy: Stabilize at $25,000.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Just a mild correc-
tion. I did say that the lack of serviced land
was one of the major factors in the price in-
flation factor. And what—
Mr. R. F. Ruston (Essex-Kent): Better get
the shovel out.
Mr. Roy: The minister has been reading
Hon. Mr. Handleman: —we are going to
do about it, I have already stated, Mr. Speak-
er; we will announce a programme in due
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West.
Mr. Lewis: Here is a question for the Min-
ister of Housing he can answer. Is he going
to undertake—
Mr. Singer: Give him a file, he will answer
that in due course.
Mr. Lewis: Is he going to use more com-
mon sense than the blunderbuss approach of
his predecessor and allow for an—
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Lewis: —inquiry into the government's
expropriation of land in North Pickering and
its suspension of the inquiry procedure under
the Expropriations Act, which is surely un-
precedented? - . - ., -. , .
Mr. Breithaupt: The Minister of the En-
vironment will be interested too.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, I be-
lieve that is a two-part question.
In answer to the first part, I never did
begin to beat my wife; and the second part,
we are studying the question with the North
Pickering people at the present time. I've
already met with them and I believe that
they have agreed that the procedure we are
now following is almost necessary under the
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West.
Mr. Roy: Is the Premier proud of the min-
Mr. Speaker: That was question No. 7 on
housing. I think we've had enough.
Mr. Lewis: That was a separate question,
Mr. Speaker.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Look at what has been
Mr. Deacon: Will the minister advise us
Mr. Breithaupt: Like an end man in a
minstrel show.
Mr. Deacon: —whether or not he will pat-
tern his procedure with North Pickering after
the procedure used in the airport, where the
people have got some advances on land that
has been expropriated but where they are not
necessarily expropriated until there is a full
inquiry and there is a decision by the inquiry?
Hon. Mr. Davis: That is not right.
Mr. Deacon: It is, it is.
Hon. Mr. Handelman: Mr. Speaker, it is
my understanding of the Expropriation Act
that a hearing of necessity is only required,
or should only be held, when there is a pos-
sibility of the hearing being allowed. Under
the circumstances— there being no plan for
development, because we wish to involve the
people in the area in the developing of the
plan— a hearing of necessity would simply be
useless, because it vv'ouldn't be a plan against
which they could appeal.
Mr. Lewis: Oh, Mr. Speaker, as a supple-
An hen. member: He's right.
Mr. Lewis: —the statute requires a hearing
of necessity unless the minister removes it
in the so-called public interest and a hearing
of necessity is to see if the expropriation
conforms with the objects required. Now why
has the government taken away the right to
a formal hearing for all of those people
whose land it is expropriating?
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, I be-
lieve I answered that question in my previous
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Supplementary: Is it true
that the minister's previous answer indicated
that the people who now own the land agree
with him that a hearing is not required?
Surely that is nonsense?
Mr. Good: That is nonsense.
Mr. Lewis: That is nonsense.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, what I
said was that we have explained to them the
reasons why the hearings of necessity were
cancelled and they understand the reasons
why. I didn't say that they agreed necessarily
with them.
Mr. Lewis: Power! Raw power.
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, by way of sup-
Mr. Speaker: Order, order. There have
been eight or nine supplementaries, which
surely must be sujEBcient.
The hon. member for Scarborough West.
An hon. member: Be my guest.
Mr. Bullbrook: How many questions does
this fellow get?
Mr. Lewis: A question of the Minister of
Labour. Is the Minister of Labour aware
that Executive Enterprises Inc., based in New
York, is having a seminar on how to maintain
non-union status— a union-busting seminar or
an effort to prevent unions in Ontario— at the
Royal York Hotel in April of this year and
has he looked into their programme?
Mr. Bullbrook: George Meany is the guest
Hon. F. Guindon (Minister of Labour): No,
Mr. Speaker, this is the first time that this has
come to my attention.
Mr. Lewis: Well, by way of supplementary,
when the minister examines it, would he
look at the outline of the programme, includ-
ing topics like "making unions unnecessary"
and "preventing the formation of unions"—
and it's not George Meany who is the guest
speaker— but could the minister ask himself
about the—
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Lewis: —propriety of a seminar leader,
K. B. Dixon, director of personnel, Hamilton
Civic Hospitals, and president of the Hospital
Personnel Relations Bureau for Ontario; and
perhaps that makes it a little clearer to the
minister why there is so much discrimination
and difiiculty in the hospital worker sector
in this province.
MARCH 6, 1974
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Cuindon: I will be glad to look
at that.
Mr. Speaker: Does the hon. member for
Scarborough West have further questions?
Mr. Lewis: Not today, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: If not, I believe the hon.
member for Windsor-Walkerville has one.
Mr. B. Newman ( Windsor- Walkerville):
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I have a question of
the Minister of Labour.
In light of the ever-rising numbers of un-
employed in the automotive industry— at
General Motors and Ford, particularly— and
in light of the fact that there is a continual
request of the ministry for overtime, is the
minister considering either not issuing any
more overtime permits, or at least hingeing
the number of overtime permits being given
according to some percentage of the number
of unemployed in the industry?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Yes, Mr. Speaker. We
have of course, two types of overtime per-
mits. Some have to do with general permits
which will allow 100 hours of overtime for
employees for one year. We don't think that
this will have any effect at all. However, we
also have special permits— and I'm looking at
this at the present time to see if it does
affect employment in the area.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York
Mr. MacDonald: Mr. Speaker, a question
of the Minister of Agriculture and Food:
Since the premiers of the four western prov-
inces decided last week at their meeting that
they were going to set up a mechanism to
review prices for the two major farm inputs
of fertilizer and farm machinery in order to
protect their farmers, is the Province of
Ontario contemplating similar action here—
and if not, why not?
Hon. W. A. Stewart (Minister of Agricul-
ture and Food): Well, Mr. Speaker, there
is a conference on the fertilizer industry,
which is a national conference, that starts
here in Toronto on Monday morning next.
It will last for two days. But as far as a price
review of fertilizer and machinery parts is
concerned— no, we have not contemplated
Mr. MacDonald: Well, Mr. Speaker, I
return if I might by way of supplementary:
Obviously the western premiers were aware
of this national conference next week and
deemed this to be an appropriate action for
the protection of their farmers. Does the
minister not think there is an obligation on
the part of this government to protect Ontario
farmers, or is it going to let the governments
of western Canada do it incidentally to the
extent they can?
Hon. Mr. Stewart: Well, perhaps we'll see
what the results are, Mr. Speaker. Unfor-
tunately, the three western provinces that
have NDP governments have never suc-
ceeded in anything yet, and I'll be surprised
if they do so on this.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: The hon.—
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. J. A. Renwick (Riverdale): It's almost
a political partisan reply.
Mr. Speaker: Order. The hon. member for
Rainy River.
Mr. MacDonald: Supplementary: Is the
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Rainy
Mr. MacDonald: Well, I have a supple-
Mr. Speaker: Well, the hon. member for
York South asked a supplementary. I will
come back to him.
Mr. Lewis: But that was a political answer.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Rainy
River has a supplementary.
Mr. T. P. Reid (Rainy River): Mr. Speaker,
the minister being so sharp I hate to take him
on, but I wonder if the minister can give us
any indication of what his department is
doing about the high cost of things like
fertilizer and also twine, which I understand
is in short supply? And would the minister
not agree that the Province of Ontario should
have a prices review board in which these
prices can be reviewed by a committee of
this Legislature to justify the increases in
these commodities?
An hon. member: It is NDP policy— the
member has taken it up now.
Hon. Mr. Stewart: Mr. Speaker, as all
hon. members know, we are vitally concerned
in the cost of the inputs of agricultural food
Interjection by an hon. member.
Hon. Mr. Stewart: I believe that one of
the ways to resolve the matter, as my hon.
friend so rightly brings to our attention and
with which we are all concerned, is to gener-
ate increased sources of supply, and how that
is accomplished is the main objective that
I would like to see tackled. I believe we have
to recognize that for a great many years
in the matter of twine, we will say, which
is a commodity that very seldom is raised
on the floor of this House, is a matter that
simply is reflected on the low cost of pro-
duction over a great many years.
With the cheap steel prices of a few years
ago, Japan went into the production of wire
for baling purposes. They undercut all the
markets by the introduction of this cheap
baler wire. The result was that many of the
hemp or twine manufacturing operations just
couldn't compete and they dropped out of
the business.
Along with that, plastic twine came on the
market and with the shortage of energy that
we are all very much aware of today, the
byproducts of the oil industry are not avail-
able for the continued manufacture in volume
of plastic twine.
The problem is further complicated, Mr.
Speaker, by the fact that steel prices now
have escalated. There is a general apparent
steel shortage throughout the world. Japan
is no longer interested in prodlicing cheap
wire twine for baling purposes and that
product is off the market.
'Now where do we go? The hemp industry
is largely out of business, or at least not in a
position to produce as it has been in the
past, and with the apparent scarcity the price
has escalated to about three times what it
was a year ago. Now we are trying to get
that resolved.
Largely the same thing applies as far as
fertilizer is concerned and I would hope we
would be able to get somewhere with that.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York
South has a supplementary.
Mr. MacDonald: A non-partisan supple-
mentary, Mr. Speaker, to parallel the minis-
ter. Since a gentleman by the name of
Lougheed was an enthusiastic participant in
that decision involving the four western prov-
inces, isn't it possible that the minister might
catch up with him?
Mr. R. Haggerty (Welland South): Just for
the record, he's a separatist statesman.
Mr. MacDonald: Does the minister mean
he is going to do nothing?
Mr. Speaker: Is there any further answer
to that supplementary? If not, the hon. mem-
ber for Ottawa East was on his feet pre-
Mr. Roy: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have
a question of the Minister of Labour.
Undoubtedly the minister is familiar with
the evidence given before the royal commis-
sion on organized crime in the construction
industry in the Ottawa area. Evidence was
given that certain Montreal unions are trying
to move into the Ottawa-Hull sector, using
intimidation against not only union oflBcials
but certain Ottawa contractors. Has the min-
ister considered getting together with his
colleague in Quebec, the Hon. Mr. Cour-
noyer, and possibly working out this problem
by attempting to get him to put pressure on
unions to stop this intimidation against
workers on the Ontario side?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Yes, Mr. Speaker, I did
get in touch with the Minister of Labour and
Manpower of Quebec on several occasions
already, not only on this matter but on other
matters as well.
Mr. Roy: By way of supplementary, Mr.
Speaker, might I ask the minister to give
consideration as well to discussing with that
minister the fact that Ontario tradesmen are
not allowed to work in the Province of
Quebec, whereas the Quebec tradesmen are
allowed to work in this province? Would he
consider discussing that problem with them,
as it is a problem not only in Ottawa-Hull
but in the minister's area of Cornwall?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: That's right. The prob-
lem exists all along the Ottawa River, I
would say. I have spoken to the Minister of
Labour of Quebec.
il think it is the intention of the con-
struction industry commission of Quebec to
do away with the credit system. It is my
MARCH 6, 1974
understanding that presently there are hear-
ings being held in the Province of Quebec
and the Quebec Federation of Labour is, of
course, opposing it for perhaps other reasons.
iBut in any event, we do correspond and
it is my intention to meet with the minister
fairly soon to try to resolve this problem. It
is really a problem which has existed for
some time, but is perhaps more acute in
recent months.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Nickel
Mr. F. Laughren (Nickel Belt): Mr.
Speaker, a question, in the absence of the
Minister of Colleges and Universities (Mr.
Auld), of the Provincial Secretary for Social
Development: Is the provincial secretary
aware that a picket line has been set up pro-
testing the makeup of the Public Service
Arbitration Board, which was to arbitrate a
dispute between the Colleges' of Applied Arts
and Technology faculties and the Council of
Regents representing the Crown?
Hon. M. Birch (Provincial Secretary for
Social Development): Mr. Speaker, I am not
aware of that, but I understand that the
Treasurer has a report on that.
Mr. Laughren: Well then, Mr. Speaker; if
I could redirect the question to the Treasurer?
Mr. Lewis: Chairman of the Management
Mr. J. E. Stokes (Thunder Bay): He's pre-
pared to answer it.
Mr. Laughren: Chairman of the Manage-
ment Board?
An hon. member: That should be good.
Mr. Stokes: He is not the Treasurer, he is
the Chairman of the Management Board.
Mr. Laughren: Is the Chairman of the
Management Board aware of the picket hne
that has been set up and why it has been set
up? And further, would he make a recom-
mendation, or at least make a commitment,
that the Public Service Arbitration Board
will be reconstructed in such a way that
there will be an appointment from each side
in this dispute; and then that the chairman
be a mutually-agreeable selection, 'not one
appointed by the government so that it is
weighted two to one in favour of the Crown?
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): Mr. Speaker, we are
aware of the fact that such a picket line has
been established outside of the Royal York
Hotel where the meetings were arranged to
begin, I believe this morning. Prior to the
committee convening the picket line was es-
tablished and the employees' team that was to
discuss the matters currently in dispute de-
cided they would not, under these circum-
stances, continue.
Now we, as the government, are satisfied
with Judge Anderson. I might say that Judge
Anderson was appointed with agreement of
the CSAO and the government, and I am
confident that he can solve the present matter.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Supplementary, Mr.
Mr. Speaker: There are only a few minutes
remaining and there are numerous members
who want to ask a question. I think, if the
members will bear with me, I will restrict
the supplementaries at this time. The hon.
member for Grey-Bruce is next.
Mr. E. Sargent (Grey-Bruce): Thank you,
Mr. Speaker. A question of the Minister of
Energy: In view of the minister's impressive
display of knowledge in the debate with
Ralph Nader-
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Roy: I understand Nader wants to
recycle the minister.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Sargent: Would the minister investi-
gate, if he is concerned enough, why the
Atomic Energy Control Board in Ottawa re-
fuses to meet with nuclear scientists in the
USA on a TV debate to show the people the
danger of radiation and contamination by
nuclear power; and secondly, will he tell us
the wisdom of investing $38 million in a new
coal mine in Green county, Pennsylvania, and
consorting with US Steel?
The minister is talking about cheap power,
nuclear power; but a $15 billion programme
is $5 million in interest today. How is that
cheap power? So those three questions, I
would like the minister to answer.
An hon. member: He has 30 seconds.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. W. D. McKeough (Minister of En-
ergy): Mr. Speaker, the answer to the first
question, I would suggest, might better be
sought by the member from some of his
friends in Ottawa. I am certainly not about
to answer in this House for the emanations
of the Atomic Energy Control Board, which
is a federal government board.
The answer to the second question, as to
why we invested $38 million in a coal mine,
is because we wanted the coal.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Thun-
der Bay.
Mr. Sargent: Supplementary.
Hon. R. Welch (Provincial Secretary of
Justice and Attorney General): Mr. Speaker,
the subject matter of the hon. member's ques-
tion is still being investigated. I am really not
prepared to expand on that at this time.
Mr. Singer: How long does this investiga-
tion go on?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Until such time as it is
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Mr. Stokes: I have a question of the Minis-
ter of Natural Resources.
Mr. Roy: The Minister of Energy didn't
look so good with Nader.
Mr. Stokes: Will the minister undertake to
fin 1 out why a road that's under the re-
sponsibility of his ministry is not taken care
of on weekends, namely the road between
Gull Bay and Armstrong? Has he had no
complaints that the road is impassable on
many weekends because the contract that the
ministry has now doesn't provide for week-
end maintenance?
Hon. L. Bemier (Minister of Natural Re-
sources): Yes, Mr. Speaker, I would be glad
to do that.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Downs-
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, I have a question
of the Attorney General. Is the Attorney Gen-
eral now able to advise us on results of the
police investigation into the statements made
by Mr. Ab Shepherd, counsel for the royal
commission on building, the inquiry which
is being conducted by His Honour Judge
Waisberg, concerning gifts made to senior
civil servants of the Ontario Housing Corp.?
Have any charges been laid, or are there
going to be charges laid? Are the terms of
reference given to His Honour Judge Wais-
berg going to be expanded and is there go-
ing to be any further investigation ordered by
the government into the continuing affairs of
the Ontario Housing Corp.?
Mr. M. Shulman (High Park): A question
of the Minister of Health, Mr. Speaker. What
is the Minister of Health doing about the un-
rest in the staff at Oak Ridges, as set out in
a letter by the Civil Service Association of
Ontario last week?
Mr. Laughren: Just since his appointment,
Hon. F. S. Miller (Minister of Health): Mr.
Speaker, I have not as yet had an opportunity
to see that letter, but I would be pleased to
look into it.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York-
Forest Hill.
Mr. P. G. Givens (York-Forest Hill): Would
the Minister of Transportation and Com-
munications explain why there has been a
delay in the awarding of the guideway and
stations contracts for the Krauss-Maffei ex-
periment at the CNE, which were promised
for December and January?
Mr. Good: Because he's the minister of
the automobile.
Hon. J. R. Rhodes (Minister of Transporta-
tion and Communications): Mr. Speaker, I
would be glad to take it as notice and per-
haps answer later.
Mr. Bullbrook: That's a good idea.
Mr. Lewis: That s'hows aplomb.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Sand-
MARCH 6, 1974
Mr. F. A. Burr (Sand\vich-Riverside): Mr.
Speaker, a question of the Minister of Labour
regarding the Workmen's Compensation
Has any agreement yet been reached with
British Columbia and Quebec to enable On-
tario victims of silicosis, whose exposure was
in those provinces, to be compensated through
the Ontario Workmen's Compensation Board?
Mr. Stokes: Good question.
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Mr. Speaker, I cannot
say for sure. Did the hon. member say
British Columbia?
Mr. Burr: British Columbia and Quebec.
Hon. Mr. Guindon: And Quebec. Well, I
know that at one point there had been nego-
tiations with some of the provinces to try to
compensate victims of silicosis, based on the
number of years or months that they have
lived in one province or the other. As of
late, I don't think there has been any change,
but it is my understanding that the WCB
are still negotiating with some of the prov-
Mr. Speaker: The time for oral questions
has expired.
Mr. Roy: Could we move to extend it about
an hour, Mr. Speaker? We haven't got any-
thing else to do this afternoon.
Mr. Speaker: I might inform the hon.
members that the Clerk has received' a ques-
tion to the Minister of Natural Resources,
but the member who placed the question did
not indicate his name on the question. Per-
haps he would so advise the Clerk.
Presenting reports.
IHon. Mr. White presented the Public
Accounts, 1972-1973, volume two, "Financial
Statements of Crown Corporations, Boards
and Commissions," and volume three, "Details
of Expenditures."
Mr. Biillbrook: What does the Treasurer
think of the report of the Ontario Economic
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Snow presented the report of the
Public Service Superannuation Board for the
year ended March 31, 1973.
Mr. Lewis: They'll never publish another
report like that, now that they're in his
Hon. J. W. Snow (Minister of Government
Services): The member had better read those
before endorsing them.
Mr. Lewis: That would be critical.
Mr. Speaker: Motions.
Hon. Mr. Winkler moves that the standing
committees of the House for the present
session be appointed as follows:
II. Procedural affairs committee.
2. Administration of justice committee.
Committees 1 and 2, combined under the
chairmanship of the chairman of the adminis-
tration of justice committee, will function as
the private bills committee.
3. Social development committee.
4. Resources development committee.
5. Miscellaneous estimates committee.
6. Public accounts committee.
7. Regulations committee.
Which said committees shall severally be
empowered to examine and inquire into all
such matters and things as may be referred
to them by the House, provided that all
boards and commissions are hereby referred
to committees No. 1 to 4 in accordance with
the policy areas indicated by the titles of the
said committees.
Public accounts for the last fiscal year are
hereby referred to the public accounts com-
mittee and all regulations to the regulations
All standing committees shall report from
time to time their observations and opinions
on the matters referred to them, with the
power to send for persons, papers and
That there be no duplication of member-
ship among committees No. 1 to 4 inclusive,
or between committees No. 5 to 7 inclusive.
That substitutions be permitted on any
committee while considering estimates re-
ferred to it, provided that notice of the
substitution is given to the chairman of the
committee prior to commencement of the
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Mr. Speaker, I just want
to speak briefly on the motion. We're aware
that, on the recommendation of the Camp
commission, an additional whip has been
provided for each of the parties with the
understanding there is going to be a consider-
able increase, if we follow the recommenda-
tion of the Camp commission, in the work of
the committees, something that is, in my
view, desirable.
The point is that these whips are presently
available. Their services will, I hope, show
an improvement in the work of these com-
mittees during this session.
In specific reference to the work of the
committees, I would have this to say. To
begin with, the regulations committee has
been shown to be completely useless. The
terms of reference that have been laid down
by the majority on that committee have for-
bidden the members to examine into the use-
fulness of the regulations. Their application
is only as to whether the statutes to which
they refer have specific authority for the
promulgating of regulations.
I think you're aware, Mr. Speaker, that
that committee has been essentially function-
less. I stand to be corrected, but I believe
that it meets only sufficiently often so that
the chairman would get the additional in-
demnity associated with it. In my view, that
committee should have its terms of reference
improved, amended and changed so that, in
fact, it can review the law-making powers
that apparently go to the government with
the passage of certain statutes and that show
themselves in the formulation of regulations.
We're aware in many areas that the lack
of regulations prohibits and retards the estab-
lishment of the concepts and principles of
the laws passed by this Legislature. This ap-
parently is a matter of policy on the part
of the government, particularly in the estab-
lishment of such things as a new welfare
policy. The Minister of Community and
Social Services (Mr. Brunelle) is aware, I'm
sure, that the postponement of the establish-
ment of these regulations has, in fact, nulli-
fied the decisions taken by this House with
regard to certain programmes that he himself
has put before us. I would say to you, Mr.
Speaker, that we should not approve the
establishment of a regulations committee
unless its terms of reference are brought up
to date so that it can be useful.
The second thing I would like to refer to is
the fact that we in this Legislature are going
to be concerned not only with important
legislation pertaining to education, but also
with far-reaching and important legislation
pertaining to health services. In both of these
particularly important ministries, spending by
far the largest share of our provincial budget,
there are going to be new pieces of legisla-
tion brought forward, compendiums and
omnibuses of old legislation with many new
principles involved.
An hon. member: Omnibi!
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Omnibi? Pardon me! If
we are going to have our work in this Legis-
lature restricted by the fact that important
legislation, not the least of which is the pro-
posed legislation governing the negotiations
between teachers and school boards, is going
to be channelled into a bottleneck in a single
committee, which is apparently going to have
to deal with much more important legislation
than any other committee, then the associated
public hearings will be inadequate.
I personally feel, Mr. Speaker, that we
should establish a committee on education,
and that it is a serious matter indeed that
our rules have not provided for this over the
last few years. I have spoken about this be-
fore, but this year it is particularly necessary,
when the school administration statutes are
going to be put together, when the bills
pertaining to teacher-board negotiations will
undoubtedly have lengthy and important
public hearings.
Although a health disciplines Act is not
referred to in the Speech from the Throne
it is expected to be brought forward'. Surely
we would be wise indeed if we made an
amendment now to the particular motion that
the House leader has put before us, setting
up committees which could meet concurrently
to handle the tremendous load of important
legislation which will be put before us.
I would like, further, to suggest that utiliz-
ing Wednesdays for committee work can be
justified only if, in fact, we are prepared as a
Legislature to send a far higher percentage
of bills to standing committee so that the com-
munity at large, and experts in particular ,-
can bring forward their owti views to the
members of the Legislature who have special
committee responsibilities. We have been
equipped with additional facihties, party by
party, to accept these responsibilities.
We are going to have legislation which will
fall particularly heavily on one of these com-
mittees—the social development committee. I
would suggest to the House leader that, rather
than have an amendment now and a debate
on it, he might very well consider taking the
steps that I believe will have to be taken
some time during the session to establish an
additional committee to handle the volume
of work expected to be sent to them.
Mr. Deans: Mr. Speaker, I want to make
just one comment in one area. I think much
of what the Leader of the Opposition said
is true. It may well be we are moving to-
v^ards the position where we will be dealing
vdth much more of the legislation outside of
MARCH 6, 1974
the House than we had in the past. I have
arjTued each year that we should have free
substitution on committees, not only in the
areas of dealing with estimates but also in
dealing with legislation.
It must be obvious to the government that
the opposition, because of its numbers, can't
have a sufficient number of people in any one
c^mmittee at any given time. Therefore, if
there is a bill before a committee that has
the responsible member not on the com-
mittee, it is extremely difficult for him to be
there and to actively take part in the dis-
cussion. I have never understood' why the
government hasn't agreed to allow for free
substitution on any committees, providing that
substitution is made prior to the beginning
of the sitting on the day in which it is to be
I know last year when I raised it the
Premier indicated, as did the House leader
of the government, there was a possibility
that that would be done. It wasn't done. It
has caused us, and I am sure it has caused
the ofiicial opposition, considerable aggrava-
tion. It has even caused the government
aggravation. Why not extend that section
dealing with substitution to include substitu-
tion in the committees for any purpose, pro-
vided it is done prior to the beginning of the
sitting on the day during which the substitu-
tion is applicable? Then we won't have the
hassle, time after time, of worrying and
trying to get the appropriate person to the
committee to dteal wdth the fegislation.
It seems to me to make a lot of sense. I
don't understand what possible problems it
could bring about. I would ask the House
leader to accept that very simple change to
what he is proposing in order that we can
have a more responsive and a more satis-
factory working of the various committees
dealing with matters that are of importance
to the public.
Mr. BuUbrook: Normally, Mr. Speaker, this
is a routine matter, and it goes without too
much debate. But during the course of the
remarks by the hon. member for Wentworth,
my colleague from Waterloo North (Mr.
Good) said to me: "Do they want the stand-
ing committee system to work or do they not
want it to work?"
Mr. Deans: Who? Me? No, no.
Mr. Bullbrook: No, the government. I
speak of the government.
Mr. Deans: Oh, I'm sorry.
Mr. Bullbrook: I want to say to you, Mr.
Speaker, without reservation, they don't want
it to work.
I stood in this House some months ago
and pointed out that, in 1966, 44 per cent of
all legislation went to standing committees.
We had the public come before us and make
significant input. Think of the Landlord and
Tenant Act; think of the Expropriations Act,
the Corporations Act, the University of To-
ronto Act; where we had the public— lay
people and experts— come before us and assist
us in passing legislation. And the legislation
was all to the better because of it,
Mr. Singer: And Arthur Wishart encour-
aged it,
Mr. Bullbrook: And Arthur Wishart, who
was then Attorney General, encouraged that
type of public participation. Now, I want to
tell the House what happened under this
Premier, In the first year of the Davis regime,
nine per cent of all legislation went to stand-
ing committees. Let me tell you what hap-
pened last year,
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Shameful.
Mr. Roy: They should be ashamed.
Mr. Bullbrook: Three per cent of all bills
tabled in this House went to a standing com-
mittee. The fact of the matter is— and the
answer to the member for Wentworth is—
the government doesn't want the standing
committees to work. They don't want any
public input. What they want, under the new
superstructure of horizontal development put
forward by COGP, is the development of
some type of think tank. The now Attorney
General, as Provincial Secretary for Social
Development, certainly did not want, in con-
nection with any of his legislative respon-
sibilities, any public input.
Hon. Mr. Welch: That's irresponsible.
Mr. Bullbrook: That is correct. He doesn't
want it. He wants to sit vdth Wright and
these intellectuals upstairs and think in the
Hon. Mr. Welch: One hundred and seven-
teen of us that have been elected.
Mr. Bullbrook: Well listen, let me tell the
House about the hospital situation in Sarnia.
I wrote to him about it and I never even had
the courtesy of a reply from him, because
when it comes to something that is very
practical he doesn't know what is going on,
and I really worry that the justice portfolio
might become inert, as social development
did under him. We had wonderful Attorneys
General here. The minister knows that—
Mr. Singer: One has to go back a couple
of years to find them.
Mr. Bullbrook: —the executive assistant to
the Premier was the best we ever had and
he was the one who wanted this public—
Hon. Mr. Welch: The member is being
very personal.
Mr. Bullbrook: I am not being personal.
I've never been personal with the minister in
my life. I don't even know his name; I
haven't called him by name.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Hon. Mr. Welch: The member is far too
Mr. Bullbrook: I called him the Provincial
Secretary for Social Development. Is that
Hon. Mr. Welch: The member is being
Mr. Bullbrook: Certainly I am being smart.
I'm giving the minister the figures.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Bullbrook: I'm giving him the figures
that he knows about.
Hon. Mr. Welch: Make the point.
Mr. Bullbrook: Three per cent of all legis-
lation went to standing committees. He
doesn't want the public to be involved.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Right.
Mr. Bullbrook: He wants that superstruc-
ture system—
Hon. G. A. Kerr (Solicitor General): The
member can ask for it to go to standing
Mr. Bullbrook: —that took away, for ex-
ample, from the cabinet, a very intelligent
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Roy: That is embarrassing to the
Attorney General.
Mr. Bullbrook: —who was sterilized by
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Roy: He is right on, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Bullbrook: I don't know why we go
through this charade of establishing these
committees if the government is not going to
have the legislation referred to them. Heark-
en back, if you will, in a moment of seri-
ousness, if that's possible, to the planning
legislation that was debated in this House
after being brought in at the eleventh hour
—very significant legislation as far as develop-
ment in the Province of Ontario is concern-
ed. Did the minister have anything to do
with that? I don't think he did, no.
Mr. Roy: He wouldn't understand it.
Mr. Bullbrook: But if you recall, we had to
attempt to digest that legislation over a two-
day period without any issuance of any kind.
It was run through by a parliamentary as-
sistant. I remember my colleague from
Downsview sitting here and writing, in an
extemporaneous fashion, amendments to the
bill which were accepted by the parlia-
mentary assistant. Why not give us the op-
portunity of taking our time, going down be-
fore a standing committee? Let the lawyers
let the accountants who helped us in the
Corporation Act, assist us. Let the lay people
who assisted us in the Landlord and Tenant
Act assist us again.
An hon. member: Let the public assist us.
Mr. Bullbrook: Let the public have an op-
portunity, as they do in Ottawa at the pres-
ent time, to participate in the legislative
Mr. Lewis: It is fact, as I recall it, Mr.
Speaker, that the Planning and Development
Act did go to committee.
Mr. Singer: No it didn't.
Mr. Stokes: Yes, with the Treasurer there.
Mr. Singer: Not to standing committee. It
was here, the committee of the whole House.
Mr. Lewis: The committee of the whole
House was here.
Mr. Good: No— the amendments to the
Planning Act.
Mr. Lewis: No, certainly one of those
Planning Acts went to the committee.
Mr. Bullbrook: It might have been one of
the three per cent.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Look ahead fellows, look
Mr. Lewis: I think I'm right, Mr. Speaker.
I think I am correct.
MARCH 6, 1974
Mr. Roy: I am telling the member he is
Mr. Lewis: He is telling me I am? If the
hon. member for Ottawa East is telling
me I am correct, clearly I am. I think that in
a sense puts the problem in a nutshell. It
isn't a matter of the percentages, because it
is very rarely, if the opposition parties put
the pressure on, that the government resists a
bill going to committee. There are not that
many bills which it refuses to send to com-
mittee and I concede that. The problem is
that the government sends them to com-
mittee at the last minute when there is ab-
solutely no time to mobilize the kind of
public contribution which would make the
committee process valid.
My colleague from Windsor West (Mr.
Bounsall) reminded me of the Workmen's
Compensation Act amendments, which were
very crucial amendments I'ast year. They hap-
pened to come up for second reading on a
Friday. Only because we had the weekend
were we able to arrange for any representa-
tives from the unions or from the injured
workmen's consultants to appear before the
committee on the Monday and make repre-
There is a serious tendency developing in
the government— in fact, it's kind of a critical
failine— to bring in legislation sufficiently late
or sufficiently haphazardly so that the com-
mittee work is compressed into a matter of
days without any adequate public notifica-
tion at all. That's because the government
doesn't see the committee system as a valid
system. It sees it as a ritual appendage to
the Legislature. If the government saw it as
a valid system, this motion today would have
in it provision for the kind of support stajBF
for the committee system which would make
it work.
I want to express something else that isn't
often expressed. I saw Douglas Fisher under
the gallery, Mr. Speaker, and as I recall,
the Camp commission has been sitting now
for something more than a year; is that fair?
I think it's something more than a year; sig-
nificantly more than a year. It bothers me that
we come to yet another year and yet another
Throne Speech debate and we are still trap-
ped in the old system which all of us find
so blessed rigid and frustrating. Nothing has
changed in the operation of this agency and
its adjuncts; nothing.
The business of the House is still chaotic.
The committee system won't work any better
now than it did before. The legislation isn't
guaranteed in advance. All of the things that
we presumed would flow from the Camp
commission have not yet flowed. My colleague
from Thunder Bay (Mr. Stokes) tells me that
the commission is now dealing with the oper-
ation of the Legislature and that doubtless
the next report \vill have something to say
about the way in which this peculiar structure
functions. All right, but we have another
whole year on the old basis and that really
cripples the parliamentary system around this
The House leader brings in this setup of
committees again; it is absolutely no different
from the previous year. Everybody knows in
advance what an artificial, frustrated non-
sensical piece of structure it is and we'll go
through the same confrontation in the House,
the last minute ordeals, all the rest of it.
The simple truth about it is, apart from the
indifference and contempt that it tends to
show for some opposition members— and, I
may say, for backbench government members
who would like to participate— what's really
so frustrating about it, the truth that lies be-
hind it is that the government doesn't see the
Legislature of Ontario as an open forum to
which the public should have access.
It is completely indifferent as a govern-
ment to the emergence of public groups, com-
munity-centred groups, pressure groups, all
over Ontario. It forces them to mass at Maple
Leaf Gardens or on the lawns of Queen's
Park because there is no systematic funnel
provided by this House for the expression of
citizen discontent. None at all. Only at the
11th hour, under extreme pressure, will the
government ever allow a group of people to
gather to voice their views. But on really
contentious issues, whether it's land-use
planning, regional government— the regional
government bills didn't go to standing com-
mittees for examination; none of them— or the
Workmen's Compensation Act, for those
things there is never time because the gov-
ernment doesn't see the public dimension of
our role.
That's the problem with this Legislature.
It's such a kind of self-centred apparatus; so
much is focused inward and it so little appre-
ciates that there is a world outside. This little
resolution today simply reinforces all the old
patterns. This is a privileged' club. We open
our doors only selectively. We'll not allow
the public to come as of right. They will only
be here intermittently by invitation. We will
not give to the members of the Legislature
the kind of authority to examine legislation
which they should have. We don't believe in
public accessibility to the political process.
We see ourselves as the perpetuation of
divine right, occasionally going to the electo-
rate for approval but largely making decisions
independent of their pressure, or forcing them
to express their pressure in the most extreme
fashion through public demonstration rather
than the channels of normal debate.
It will catch up with the government. Its
abuse of the process doesn't matter. The
government has got over 70 seats; the opposi-
tion has 40, or 41. But the public will catch
up with the government because it can frus-
trate their interest in social issues only so
long before it collapses around its ears—
whether it is North Pickering or whether it
is Arnprior, or whether it is transmission
corridors, or whether it is Highway 402, or
whether it is the Algonquin Wildlands
They are all forced to work out there be-
cause the government closed this process up
to them which should be theirs, inchiding, let
me remind the minister, the incorporation of
the town of Durham. That is going to be his
personal downfall, because even the Tories
in Durham were not consulted in advance of
what was done in the regional municipality;
nor have they had any access to the Legis-
lature because he would not allow them to
go to standing committee, so they are forced
to do battle in the courts.
Does the minister think the use of the
public in that fashion— to force the public to
demonstrations and to the courts— is the
proper use of the parliamentary process? The
government believes in confrontation; it has
become ad'dicted to confrontation. We, on
the other hand, believe in moderation. We
believe that a more conciliatory approach
can be taken.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: What a facetious state-
ment that is.
Mr. Lewis: Well, it had a faint ring of
unction about it, Mr. Speaker, which I caught
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Talk about a credibility
Mr. Lewis: Well, and a little problem of
credibility. Nonetheless, that is my problem.
Mine at least is solvable; the government's is
beyond repair— and this resolution shows it
yet again.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker I have
listened, of course, with interest today. It is a
little early in the session for me to allow
the members across the way to raise any
hackles on the back of my neck, but I
would like to say to the leader of the Liberal
Party in regard to his remarks on the stand-
ing committee on regulations, that it is a
statutory requirement-
Mr. Roy: Who makes statutes?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Now just a moment,
will the member let me conclude?
Mr. Roy: Okay, go ahead.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: That particular situa-
tion will have to be changed that way. I
assure him that I will take the suggestions
that have been made today under considera-
tion and we will bring together at the time
of the commission on the Legislature's report,
those matters which we feel are necessary for
the proper functioning of this Legislature.
Mr. Speaker, I will say right now that
as far as this government is concerned I
think the remarks that were made by the
leader of the NDP are totally "facatious." I
don't think, Mr. Speaker, I don't think—
Mr. Lewis: Point of order, point of order;
point of personal privilege—
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I don't think, Mr.
Speaker, that any government has—
Mr. Lewis: That may be fallacious, or that
may be facetious, but it is not "facatious."
Hon. Mr. Winkler: —sent more of its min-
isters and its committees out across this prov-
ince to communicate with the people; and
therefore his argument falls away short.
Mr. Lewis: Well, go back to the electors
of Durham, but they won't give the minister
a vote; they won't give him a vote.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Nor do we allow our-
selves to get trapped into the sort of organ-
izational trap that the leader of the NDP
Interjection by an hon. member.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: And let me say a word
about the town of Durham. I am continually
and totally accessible to the people in Dur-
ham, which they know-
Mr. Lewis: The minister is not accessible;
they have rejected him.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: —each and every week
of the year. If the member wants to continue
with his kind of nonsense they will know
he is lying like other people I know as well.
Mr. Lewis: Resign.
MARCH 6, 1974
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, that is all
I have to say. But I offer my co-operation
on behalf of the government in the sugges-
tions that were made.
Mr. Lewis: There go the hackles.
Mr. Roy: The minister made the same re-
marks last year— last year he told us the
same thing about—
Mr. Lewis: The electors of Durham will
do him in.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Don't worry.
Mr. Lewis: I am not—
Mr. Speaker: I am not certain that I heard
the comments of the hon. House leader but—
Mr. Lewis: It is who they vote for that
worries me.
Mr. Speaker: But I think if there had been
something wrong the hon. member for Scar-
borough West would have risen on a point of
Those in favour of the motion will please
say "aye."
Those opposed will please say "nay."
In my opinion, the "ayes" have it.
Motion agreed to.
Hon. Mr. Winkler moves that a select
committee of 13 members be appointed to
prepare and report with all convenient
despatch a list of members to compose the
standing committees ordered by the House,
such committee to be composed as follows:
Mr. Carmthers. chairman; Messrs. Allan,
Deans. Beckett, Henderson, Hodgson (Vic-
toria-Haliburton), MacBeth, Maeck, Newman
(Windsor-Walkerville), Smith (Simcoe East),
Stokes, Worton and Yakabuski.
Motion agreed to.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, I will
move the adjournment of the House.
Mr. Singer: What about the business of
bills and stuff?
Mr. Speaker: We were dealing with mo-
tions. Introduction of bills.
Mr. Roy: If the government doesn't have
any bills ready, we do.
Mr. Speaker: Are there bills to introduce?
Mr. Singer: Yes, I have a bill, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Sud-
bury was on his feet with a bill.
Mr. Germa moves first reading of bill in-
tituled, An Act to amend the Denture Thera-
pists Act, 1972.
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Mr. M. C. Germa (Sudboiry): Mr. Speaker,
the amendment removes the dental hygienists
and the dental technicians from the Denture
Therapists Licensing Board and replaces
them with two more denture therapists, in-
creasing the number of denture therapists on
the board to four.
In section 2, the amendment removes a re-
quirement that the denture therapists work
under the supervision of a dental surgeon.
It would also allow the denture therapists to
deal directly with the public, but only where
the patient can produce a certificate of oral
health signed by a dental surgeon or a legally
qualified medical practitioner.
In section 3, the limitation period for com-
mencing a proceeding under clause (b) of
subsection 1 of section 16 of the Act is
changed from two years to one year.
And in section 4, the amendment provides
that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may
make regulations setting fees to be charged
by denture therapists.
Mr. Genna moves first reading of bill in-
tituled. An Act to amend the Dentistry Act.
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Mr. Germa: Mr. Speaker, this bill is com-
plementary to the Denture Theraoists Amend-
ment Act, 1974, which would allow denture
therapists to deal directly with the public.
Mr. Singer moves first reading of bill
intituled, the Medical Complaints Procedures
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, the purpose of
this bill is to provide a system in the Prov-
ince of Ontario whereby people who believe
that they have complaints about medical pro-
cedures affecting them are going to have
available to them, when this bill passes, a
board which can review them.
The boaid will consist of medical people,
legal people, members of the public. The
board will have the power to review and
suggest remedies and/or award damages.
There will be reasonable limitation periods
for these complaints to be brought forward.
There will be a panel of doctors maintained
who will be available to give independent
evidence when matters of this sort cpme up,
and who will be available to those people
who believe they have complaints to make.
These suggestions, Mr. Speaker, are not
arrived at lightly, but emanate from a series
of debates in the estimates of the Minister of
Health over several years. The ministry has
done nothing in this regard at all. The situ-
ation is difficult and presents great hazards
to many members of the pubhc who have no
way of coping with what they feel on occa-
sion are very serious personal problems. The
bill will remedy many of these difficulties.
Mr. Speaker: Orders of the day.
Hon. Mr. Winkler moves the adjournment
of the House.
Motion agreed to.
The House adjourned at 3:25 o'clock, p.m.
MARCH 6, 1974 35
Wednesday, March 6, 1974
Withdrawal of teachers' services, question of Mr. Davis: Mr. R. F. Nixon 15
Environmental impact of public works, questions of Mr. DavK: Mr. R. F. Nixon,
Mr. Lewis, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Bounsall 15
Withdrawal of teachers' services, questions of Mr. Wells: Mr. R. F. Nixon, Mr. Foulds,
Mr. Lewis, Mr. Deacon, Mr. Boimsall 17
Cost of land for housing, questions of Mr. Handleman: Mr. Lewis, Mr. R. F. Nixon,
Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Singer, Mr. Good 20
North Pickering development, questions of Mr. Handleman: Mr. Lewis, Mr. Deacon,
Mr. R. F. Nixon 21
Seminar on maintaining non-union status, questions of Mr. Guindon: Mr. Lewis 22
Automotive industry overtime permits, question of Mr. Guindon: Mr. B. Newman 23
Price review of farm supplies and equipment, questions of Mr. Stewart: Mr. MacDonald,
Mr. Reid 23
Inquiry on building industry, questions of Mr. Guindon: Mr. Roy 24
Arbitration board for CAAT dispute, questions of Mrs. Birch and Mr. Winkler:
Mr. Laughren 25
Nuclear energy programme, questions of Mr. McKeough: Mr. Sargent 25
Weekend road maintenance, questions of Mr. Bemier: Mr. Stokes 26
Inquiry on building industry, questions of Mr. Welch: Mr. Singer 26
Staff unrest at Oak Ridges, question of Mr. Miller: Mr. Shidman 26
GO-Urban system, question of Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Givens 26
Compensation of victims of silicosis, question of Mr. Guindon: Mr. Burr 27
Presenting report, Public Accoimts: Mr. White 27
Presenting report, Public Service Superannuation Board: Mr. Snow 27
Motion to appoint standing committees, Mr. Winkler, agreed to 27
Motion to appoint select committee re standing committees, Mr. Winkler, agreed to 33
Denture Therapists Act, bill to amend, Mr. Germa, first reading 33
Dentistry Act, bill to amend, Mr. Germa, first reading 33
Medical Complaints Procedures Act, bill intituled, Mr. Singer, first reading 33
Motion to adjourn, Mr. Winkler, agreed to 34
No. 3
Hegfelature of Ontario
Fourth Session of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature
Thursday, March 7, 1974
Speaker: Honourable Allan Edward Renter
Clerk: Roderick Lewis, QC
Price per session, $10.00. Address, Clerk of the House, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto
(Daily index of proceedings appears at back of this issue.)
The House met at 2 o'clock, p.m.
Mr. B. Newman ( Windsor- Walkerville ) :
Mr. Speaker, in the east gallery we have
guests from the fine city of Windsor and the
great riding of Windsor- Walkerville.
An hon. member: Good! Good!
Mr. B. Newman: They are the first school
to visit the fourth session of this Parliament.
They are 55 fine students from grades 7 and
8 of the Ada C. Richards School, who are
accompanied by their principal, Mr. Pyke;
two members of the staff, Mr. Noble and Mr.
Thompson; and two parents, Mrs. Baia and
Mrs. Shelson. I know, Mr. Speaker, the Legis-
lature extends them a cordial welcome.
Mr. E. W. Martel (Sudbury East): Mr.
Mr. J. H. Jessiman (Fort William): Mr.
Speaker, may I introduce to you, also in the
east gallery, the fourth such delegation that
has appeared here in this Legislature from
the great city of Thunder Bay, the grade 8
students, 75 in number, from the Westmount
Public School in the south ward of the city
of Thunder Bay.
Mr. Martel: Mr. Speaker, it gives me a
good deal of pleasure to welcome, from the
riding of Sudbury East, some 33 students
from Ecole St. Matthieu, a bilingual school
from that great riding— I reiterate, that great
riding— of Sudbury East.
Mr. J. E. Stokes (Thunder Bay): And its
great member.
Mr. Speaker: Statements by the ministry.
Hon. A. Grossman (Provincial Secretary for
Resources Development): Mr. Speaker, when
the government of Canada announced that a
pipeline would be necessary to move petro-
leum products to Quebec and the eastern
markets, it stated its intention to build a
Thursday, March 7, 1974
pipeline across southern Ontario from Sarnia
to Montreal.
Mr. S. Lewis (Scarborough West): Who
Hon. Mr. Grossman: Several ministers have
quite properly expressed legitimate concerns
over the possible-
Mr. M. Cassidy (Ottawa Gentre): They
gave in.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: —adverse effects that
such construction would have, particularly on
the high quality agricultural lands that would
be in the path of the pipeline. They have
been joined by a number of concerned groups
of citizens, and at least two federal cabinet
ministers. The consensus of these concerned
ministers, groups and indivduals was that
the pipeline should more properly be built
across a more northern route from Sault Ste.
Marie to the Ghalk River area and thence
through Quebec to Montreal.
Since the ultimate responsibility for the
construction of the line rests in Ottawa, we
have pressed the government of Ganada, the
National Energy Board and the Interprovin-
cial Pipeline Co. for information on these
two alternative routes. Within the last two
weeks, we have been able to obtain more
complete information on these possible routes,
which clarifies why the federal government
has decided on a southern route from Sarnia
to Montreal.
Mr. Gassidy: This government gave in.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: These reasons include
costs, potential reversibility of oil flow, and
timing in terms of the urgent need for de-
livery of oil to Montreal and eastern Canada.
On the last point, the most optimistic
estimate of the federal government indicates
that a northern route cannot be in operation
before two years, and therefore no crude oil
could flow through the line to Montreal
before the 1976-1977 heating season. On the
other hand, we have been led to believe by
the government of Canada that if the south-
ern route is undertaken, crude oil will be
flowing to the east by the 1975-1976 heating
I am tabling a fact sheet in connection
with this statement which sets forth con-
cisely the relative merits of both pipeline
alignments, an analysis of which tends to
justify the decision of the federal govern-
ment. I might add here that we would sup-
port the federal government in its ultimate
national goal of an all-Canadian pipeline.
This does not mean, however, that we
have abandoned the concerns which
prompted us to question the southern route
in the first place.
Mr. Cassidy: And we'll table the facts.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: We are concerned
with environmental impacts in general-
Mr. Martel: Stop the flow of oil.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: —and particularly with
the disruption of food-prodticing lands in
southern Ontario.
Mr. A. J. Roy (Ottawa East): I guess the
Wafilers are with the government now.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: We realize the
southern route will cause much greater in-
convenience and dislocation to citizens and
to personal property than the northern route.
Our greatest concern is the potential losses
of agricultural prodtiotion along the rights of
Mr. Roy: How many acres?
Hon. Mr. Grossman: We recognize that the
pipeline from Samia to Port Credit, with the
exception of some 10 miles, will be built on
existing rights of way. Regardless of whether
we are speaking of an existing pipeline right
of way or of a right of way to be used in
eastern Ontario, we do not accept the proposi-
tion that this can be accomplished without
disruption to adjacent property.
The casual observer may not be aware of
the inconvenience which such construction
brings to property owners in terms of fence
removal, drainage disruptions, soil compaction,
loss of food' production during the construc-
tion period, reduced production in succeeding
years and other factors. It is true that com-
pensation is provided, but it is difiicult to
compensate in dollars for disruptions, many
of which may not become apparent for
months and even years after the actual con-
struction period.
Ontario farmers are concerned about this.
We have had discussions with the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture relating to these
difficulties and I want to make it clear that
the Federation of Agriculture is quite objec-
tive about the need for this utility. However,
they are insistent that such matters as fair
compensation, and the protection of indi-
vidual rights be assured.
These requests are valid, and we intend to
intervene at the National Energy Board hear-
ings for assurance, among other things, that
competent inspectors be provided along the
pipeline route to ensure that the concerns of
property owners are met.
We have noted in recent decisions emanat-
ing from the National Energy Board on pipe-
line construction in western Canada that en-
vironmental concerns, including agriculture,
are to be given much greater attention in the
future than has been the case in the past. We
are encouraged by this new position of the
National Energy Board and have submitted
to the board for its consideration environ-
mental guidelines for pipeline construction
and maintenance.
Mr. Cassidy: The government had better
convince the farmers first that the southern
route is necessary.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: These guidelines,
which I am also tabling with this statement,
are those currently being followed by the
Ontario Energy Board for those pipelines
which are under its jurisdiction.
Energy is a vital need in these critical
times, second only to our continuing depend-
ence on food. Of all the material things which
man utilizes these two are by far flie most
important. We want the citizens of Ontario—
indeed of all Canada-to know that Ontario's
priorities vdll recognize these needs. We in-
tend to maximize the food production poten-
tial in Ontario and we intend to seek security
of energy supplies within a national context
while paying due regard to the environment.
We shall do everything in our power, there-
fore, to ensure that the construction of an
oil pipeline through southern Ontario not
conflict with our goals.
Mr. Roy: Did the minister prepare that or
was it his predecessor, the member for Carle-
ton East (Mr. Lawrence)?
Mr. Cassidy: He surely went to somebody
on that one.
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): Mr. Speaker, in' order
that members of the House will have a better
understanding of the events which led up to
MARCH 7, 1974
the current situation, I would like to reply at
some length to the question asked on March
6 by the member for Nickel Belt (Mr.
As the members of the House will recall,
the Crown Employees Collective Bargaining
Act, the Act which sets out the bargaining
procedures for Crown employees, came into
force on Dec. 29, 1972. The Act provides
that where the parties are unable to effect
an agreement the matters in dispute shall be
decided by arbitration, and also provides in
section 10(1) that:
A person shall be appointed by the
Lieutenant Governor in Council for a re-
newable term of two years to be the chair-
man of every board of arbitration estab-
lished under this Act.
The members may be interested in knowing
that under the Act which governs federal
public servants the chairman of the arbitra-
tion tribunal is appointed by the Governor in
Council to hold office during good behaviour
for such term, not exceeding seven years, as
may be determined by the Governor in
Mr. Cassidy: Civil servants have the right
to strike in Ottawa but they haven't got it
Hon. Mr. Winkler: His Honour Judge J. C.
Anderson of Belleville, Ontario, whose expe-
rience in labour relations arbitration matters
in both public and private jurisdiction covers
a period of more than 30 years and who is
generally regarded by unions and employers
alike as an extremely competent and impar-
tial adjudicator, was appointed as chairman
of the Public Service Arbitration Board for
the two-year period from Jan. 1, 1973, to
Dec. 31, 1974.
The members will recall that Judge Ander-
son had performed a similar service for the
public service of Ontario since his first ap-
pointment under the Public Service Act as
early as 1964. His most recent appointment
was discussed with and was acceptable to the
bargaining agents which represent Crown
It is acknowledged there is an honest dif-
ference of opinion as to the merits of ad hoc
arbitration as opposed to the system where
the chairman is appointed for a fixed term.
But it is the very firm view of this govern-
ment, and obviously the view of the federal
government as well, that a chairman ap-
pointed for a fixed term who has an oppor-
tunity to become familiar with the issues
that the parties bring before him is able to
issue more satisfactory awards than a series
of chairmen who may never be exposed to
the problems more than once.
Mr. Cassidy: There is no forced arbitra-
tion in Ottawa. It is chosen^
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Meetings for the pur-
pose of renewing the agreement in effect for
the academic staff of the colleges of applied
arts and technology began in May, 1973.
The Civil Service Association of Ontario and
the faculty members of the bargaining team
for the colleges were certainly aware that if
any impasse were reached the matters in
dispute would be referred to arbitration.
They also would have known that the chair-
man of the arbitration board would be Judge
The members of the government find it
extremely difficult to understand why a
small group of faculty members waited until
this late date to challenge the makeup of the
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposi-
tion): They don't like compulsory arbitration.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: —which, as I said
earlier, is established by an Act of this
Mr. R. F. Nixon: They shouldn't be sub-
jected to it either.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: It is the feeling of this
government that the Province of Ontario has
been extremely fortunate in acquiring the
services of a chairman with the experience
and stature of Judge Anderson, and it is higUy
regrettable that his capacity to act in a com-
pletely impartial manner should be ques-
tioned in this way.
Mr. Speaker, the government is completely
satisfied with the manner in which the Public
Service Arbitration Board is constituted.
There is no doubt in the minds of the mem-
bers of the government that the vast majority
of the members of the academic staff of the
community colleges are prepared to abide by
the laws of this province and will not con-
done the actions of those few who are pre-
pared to flaunt the law in an attempt to force
the government to give in to their demands.
Mr. F. Laughren (Nickel Belt): It is a bad
Mr. E. J. Bounsall (Windsor West): Is
picketing against the law?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: We trust that the Civil
Service Association of Ontario, the bargaining
representative of the employees involved, will
accept its responsibilities to proceed with the
arbitration hearings without delay.
Mr. I. Deans (Wentworth): This doesn't
Mr. Laughren: The minister has just
polarized it.
Mr. Deans: It's too weak.
Hon. W. G. Davis (Premier): Mr. Speaker,
in the Throne Speech there was some refer-
ence to northern Ontario and I was interested
in some of the observations about certain
visions. I don't often comment on cartoons
in papers but there was one in this morning's
Globe and Mail, and I hope there are some
representatives from that paper here today.
Mr. Lewis: There always are.
Mr. Martel: The Premier really worries
about the Globe, doesn't he?
Mr. Lewis: The rest of the press can rest
their pens.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Let the Premier tell us
about his pulp mill.
Hon. Mr. Davis: When they showed the
great activity that one was envisaging for
the north, they somehow neglected that part
of the Throne Speech referring to billboards
or there would have been fewer billboards
in the cartoon itself.
I think it is fair to state that the economic
development of the north will not be pre-
dicated on that sort of thing.
Mr. Martel: Not on that Throne Speech
Mr. J. F. Foulds (Port Arthur): It won't
be predicated on that Throne Speech.
Hon. Mr. Davis: However, in order to
give some practical reality to what was said
just two days ago, or within 48 hours, I wish
to inform the members that the board of
directors of Anglo-Canadian Pulp and Paper
Mills Ltd. has given approval to the first
phase of a plan to create two modern inte-
grated forest product complexes in north-
western Ontario, and has authorized extensive
feasibility studies for a second phase.
The first phase will involve increasing the
company's sawmilling capacity from 34 million
to 225 million board feet per annimi by con-
structing sawmills at Dryden and in the Red
Lake area. It will involve the installation of
additional modfem effluent control systems at
the Dryden kraft mill, and the modernization
and expansion of the Dryden kraft mill from
630 to 750 tons per day.
By late 1975 the new sawmilling capacity
will be phased in, as will the installation of a
new effluent treatment system. The expansion
of the Dryden mill is schedliled to come on
stream in mid- 1976.
The first phase of this new programme
will involve the expenditure of about $63
Last week the company anounced the con-
struction of a $2.5 million chloralkali plant at
Dryden, using new non-mercury teclmology;
this will meet the objectives of the Ministry
of the Environment.
A second phase, involving an investment
of $190 milhon, would mean the construction
of a second integrated forest prodlicts com-
plex in the Red Lake area. If the preliminary
studies are confirmed it would result in the
construction of a 900-ton-per-d!ay kraft pulp
mill operating exclusively on sawdaist, chips
and fines from the company's sawmills. In
addition, during this second phase, the com-
pany would expand its sawmilUng operations
again, this time from 225 million to 500
miUion board feet a year.
The company is also studying the feasibility
of including a fibreboard plant and a speciality
chemical plant.
As part of phase two, the company has
pledged a $500,000 performance bond to the
government of Ontario in connection with its
proposal to expand its existing timber limits
for this phase with the understanding that
construction must begin by December, 1976.
If all projects prove feasible and are pro-
ceeded with there would be a total invest-
ment of $253 million resulting in approxi-
mately 1,800 new jobs by 1978 in the pulp
mills, in the sawmills and in' the woodlands.
This would be double the number of people
the company now employs in northwestern
The government intends to ensure that
sufiicient serviced housing lots are made
available in the communities affected.
iThese projects are consistent with the
growth objectives outlined by the govern-
ment's Design for Development, northwestern
Ontario region report. As members will recall,
that report called for the creation of 4,000 to
5,000 new jobs in the pulp and paper indus-
try in northwestern Ontario over the next 20
MARCH 7, 1974
years. Today's announcement, coupled' with
the announcement I made a few months ago
with regard to the Great Lakes Paper Co.'s
expansion plans, puts the achievement of that
target well within reach.
Close co-operation between Anglo-Cana-
dian and the Ontario government will be
maintained to ensure that all necessary efforts
are made to protect the environment.
I am sure all members of this House join
me in welcoming this announcement, the re-
sults of which will bring a significant boost to
the economy of the province, especially to
the north.
Mr. Speaker: Oral questions; the hon.
Leader of the Opposition.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Further to the Premier's
statement, isn't it true that Anglo-Canadian,
which owns Dryden Paper, was responsible,
through pollution, for completely destroying
the game fishing in the Wabigoon River
system and the English River system to such
an extent that it can never be restored? Were
they not under government supervision as far
as environmental effects are concerned during
those days as well?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, unlike the
member for Brant this government lives in
the future, not in the past. This announce-
ment makes it very clear-
Interjections by hon, members.
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): The
Premier has five ministers who were,
Mr. Roy: The Premier has a short memory
when it comes to problems.
Hon. Mr. Davis: This announcement makes
it very clear that all future expansion plans
of Anglo-Canadian will meet the environ-
mental requirements of this government.
While the member for Brant may wish to
be derogatory about that particular com-
pany, we are very optimistic-
Mr. Breithaupt: Promise never to do it
Hon. Mr. Davis: —as to what it will achieve
for employment and the general economic
development of northwestern Ontario; and
we are encouraged by their activity.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary: In con-
nection with this tremendous investment of
dollars in this expansion, which is obviously
for the good of the north, can the Premier
indicate to the House what steps are being
taken to clean up the mess that was left there
by the industry in the past?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, this matter
has been debated. As I said in this particular
statement, the company has already an-
nounced, and it is part of their planned pro-
gramme for Dryden, that the mercury part
of whatever the process was some time ago
is to be completely removed. There wall be
just no mercury pollution in their operation.
Mr. Roy: What about the damage done in
the past? Answer the question.
Hon. G. A. Kerr (Solicitor General): Can't
stand progress.
Mr. Lewis: I wanted to ask a supple-
mentary question. It is Mr. Jones who is
involved in Anglo-Canadian. As I recall he
is one of the chief executive ofiicers. Is he
also a senior adviser, perhaps chairman of
the advisory committee to the Minister of
Natural Resources?
Hon. L. Bernier (Minister of Natural Re-
sources): No.
Mr. Lewis: He is not an adviser to the
Minister of Natural Resources?
Mr. T. P. Reid (Rainy River): He is on the
Hon. Mr. Bernier: He stepped down last
Mr. Lewis: He stepped dovm in Novem-
ber? That answers my question.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Lewis: Okay, that's what I wanted.
All right.
An hon. member: He got what he wanted.
Mr. Deans: Just before the arrangement
was concluded.
An hon. member: What is the member's
Mr. Lewis: I just wanted to know.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I have a question of the
Provincial Secretary for Resources Develop-
ment. In line with the very proper concern,
a new concern, for the protection of class
1 and 2 arable land, is he now prepared to
follow up on what was a partial commitment
given by the Premier yesterday in requiring
that the expropriation hearings with regard
to the hydro lines in the western part of
the province be stood down, pending an
objective assessment as to other locations for
the line which would use only half as much
class 1 and 2 land? Would the minister not
indicate as much concern for projects under
provincial jurisdiction as he very rightly shows
for projects in the province under federal
Hon. Mr. Grossman: Well, Mr. Speaker,
quite properly I think that question should
be directed to the Minister of Energy (Mr.
McKeough). I'm doing my best to stay within
the terms of reference of a policy secretary.
That is to co-ordinate matters which overlap
various ministries.
Mr. V. M. Singer (Downsview): Oh, that is
what the terms of reference are,
Mr. Cassidy: He will meet the fate of
the member for Carleton East.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: This specific matter
is one in which my colleague, the Minister of
Energy, I'm sure would be glad-
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Cassidy: He will wither away before
our eyes.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: Do the members want
information or don't they? If they want the
information, that's where it belongs.
Hon. R. Welch (Provincial Secretary for
Justice and Attorney General): Does the
member want an answer?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary, if I
may. The minister is fully experienced in
these matters, wouldn't he agree that the
statement he made with remark to the pro-
tection of class 1 and 2 land with regard
to the pipeline intrusion would in fact cover
the hydro line, the Arnprior dam, the new
town in Pickering and other provincial pro-
grammes which must surely be covered by
the same umbrella of policy and not subject
to the whim of the Minister of Energy?
Hon. Mr. Grossman: Mr. Speaker, I don't
know why the hon. Leader of the Opposition
makes such an issue of it.
Mr. Roy: It is important.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: If the hon. member
wants the information, and I'm directing him
to the minister who would have, in my view
and the government's view, that specific
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Is the provincial secretary
going to be just like Allan Lawrence and
have nothing to say about policy?
Hon. Mr. Grossman: —why not get to the
point as quickly as possible? I tell the mem-
ber that that is the responsibility of the Min-
ister of Energy, because the member has ask-
ed a specific question-
Mr. Roy: If he keeps it up he will be fired.
He will be fired just like the member for
Carleton East.
Mr. Breithaupt: Just a signpost.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: —which relates to his
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I'd like to redirect a ques-
tion to the Minister of Energy, with your
permission, sir.
Mr. Lewis: About time.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Could have saved three
minutes because he has been ready.
Mr. Roy: They will make a seat for the
member for St. Andrew-St. Patrick next to the
member for Carleton East.
Hon. W. D. McKeough (Minister of En-
ergy): Mr. Speaker, it seems to me that yes-
terday we were dealing with three different
hydro lines. Perhaps to put them in context
we've talked about the Pickering to Nanticoke
line, which I think—
An hon. member: At length.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: —as the Premier said
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That's the one that goes
through Peel.
Mr. Singer: It just happens to be the rid-
ing he represents.
An hon. member: And Halton, and Bramp-
Hon. Mr. McKeough: —could be considered
to be under some sort of an environmental im-
pact review process at the present moment
with Dr. Solandt, and we await that report.
MARCH 7, 1974
The second series of lines which was talk-
ed about yesterday was from the Bradley
junction, which is near Bruce, to George-
town. In that particular instance, selection of
the correct route— or the Tightest route, or the
least damaging route, depending upon your
point of view I suppose— is going through the
process. Hydro have undertaken a large-
scale programme, which I may say is un-
precedented in North America in terms of
trying to involve the public-
Mr. Singer: Naturally.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: —in that kind of de-
cision-making process.
Mr. Breithaupt: Another one of those.
Mr. Singer: Or in the world— the western
Hon. Mr. McKeough: It will be, I think,
some months before Hydro, through that pro-
cess, comes to some conclusions. After that
it will report its conclusions to the govern-
ment and the government at that point will
decide whether it is necessary to have some
further environmental hearing a la Dr.
Solandt or not. If there is obviously an en-
vironmental hearing board fully empowered
at that point, then that would presumably
be the route we would go rather than a
royal commission under Dr. Solandt.
What the member was talking about yes-
terday, and what I assume he is referring
to today, is a 50-mile stretch of line from
the Bradley junction to Seaforth, which line
was selected as early as 1969 and which it
is crucial to have in place, as I understand
it, for the opening of the first unit at Bruce,
which should take place— if it is on schedule,
and we have no reason to think that it won't
be-in July of 1975, barely 14 months from
Hydro went through what they then
thought was a form of public participation
and which for many, many years was thought
to have been adequate— although I think
events have proven otherwise. This has been
the route up to this point and they are now
down to the point where it is necessary to
expropriate some remaining properties.
There are three different routes that we
are talking about and there are others in
the province which are in various stages.
Obviously, the announcement in the Speech
from the Throne concerning environmental
impact and giving that authority to someone,
depending on the disposition of the green
paper, cannot be retroactive. The world can't
stop and turn the clock back, three and four
and five years in some instances.
Nevertheless, having said that, the good
farmers of that particular area in Bruce were
in to see the Minister of Agriculture and
Food (Mr. Stewart) and his ofiBcials— brought
in, I think, in part by the member for Huron-
Bruce (Mr. Gaunt)— and they met with them.
The Minister of Agriculture and Food arrang-
ed for those farmers to meet with the re-
sources policy field and they did, I think
three weeks ago today. Subsequently, a meet-
ing has been held by the resources policy
field with Ontario Hydro, with other gov-
ernment ministries and with concerned agen-
cies of the government.
The matter is under review, and hopefully
within the next two or three weeks some
definite position can be attained with regard
to the position of the farmers and the route
of that Hydro line. But we are not in a posi-
tion to say what the ultimate disposition of
the review will be at this moment.
Mr. Cassidy: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: Supplementary?
Mr. Cassidy: Since the other question re-
lated also to the Amprior project, which is
also affecting farm land and farmers, does the
minister consider that there was an ade-
quate environmental study and there was ade-
quate information provided to local residents;
or whether there was adequate public par-
ticipation in the choice of that particular pro-
ject and the way it was to be built? And if
not, what will he do about it?
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Yes, Mr. Speaker, it
was the subject of an exhaustive review. Ob-
viously the member from Ottawa doesn't think
so and we might debate that at some other
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Huron-
Mr. M. Gaunt (Huron-Bruce): Mr. Speak-
er, I have a supplementary to the minister.
In relation to the Huron-Bruce power Hne,
since this matter is now under review, would
the minister undertake to talk to Ontario
Hydro with respect to the rate of compen-
sation for the farmers in that hydro line
corridor, particularly in view of the fact that
Ontario Hydro has been offering rates which
are 50 to 75 per cent of current market value,
as opposed to the rates being offered for the
pipeline, which I understand are about 150
per cent of current market value?
Mr. Roy: A difference in government, I
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Well Mr. Speaker, I
don't know that it would be proper for me
to talk to Hydro about individual properties.
I think the member might well wish to speak
about specifics to the member for Simcoe
Centre (Mr. Evans), who is a member of the
Hydro board of directors. I can only say
this: In various situations which I have look-
ed at from time to time, Hydro have had the
benefit of outside appraisals. They have had
the benefit of outside appraisals, for example,
at Amprior, and in that instance, I think, in
one out of something like 12 properties the
outside appraisal was higher than the oflFer
which Hydro had made. I think in 11 cases
the Hydro off^er was higher than the outside
appraisal, in some cases substantially higher.
I recognize that if my property were being
taken, or if I were going to sell a piece of
property, I would have a very high view or a
very inflated view— inflated might be better
than high, I think— that view might be some-
thing higher than Hydro are prepared to
Hydro are in the position, of course, of
attempting to provide power at cost to the
people of Ontario. To do that, they have
to not only provide fair prices but prices
which are commensurate with market value.
And if farmers or land owners anywhere in
the province feel aggrieved and that they are
not receiving a sufiBcient price, then we have
in this province, thanks to the foresight of
this government, one of the finest pieces of ex-
propriation legislation that will be found
Mr. Breithaupt: Certainly in the eastern
Hon. Mr. McKeough: We have a Land
Compensation Board which will deal ade-
quately and fairly with those being expropri-
ated, and in the public interest as well; and
I put my faith there.
Mr. Cassidy: Mr. Speaker, a supplementary:
In view of the fact that the farmers and
others who have looked into the Arnprior
project are not satisfied about the exhaustive
review referred to by the minister, will the
minister undertake to table soon in the House
all of the relevant documents that under-
pinned the government's review, including the
engineering feasibility study prepared for the
dam, which is now being denied to people
who request it.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: I think the hon. mem-
ber could make some of the copies which he
has received from Hydro available to his
Mr. Cassidy: Mr. Speaker, a supplementary:
If I could have a direct answer to the ques-
tion, will the minister undertake to table in
this House documents referring to the Arn-
prior dam, which are now being denied to
those who requested them directly from
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Mr. Speaker, a num-
ber of documents have been tabled in the
House and certain documents have been given
to people who want them, and they are avail-
able for inspection. As far as I am concerned,
the hon. member has got all he is going to get.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. R. F. Ruston (Essex-Kent): He's over
on the island!
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Cassidy: On a point of privilege, Mr.
Mr. Speaker: Is the hon. member attempt-
ing to get more information?
Mr. Cassidy: No, Mr. Speaker, I am seek-
ing to raise a point of privilege, which I think
is quite important, particularly in view of
the fact that Ontario Hydro has this week
become a Crown corporation that is directly
accountable, one assumes, to this House.
Mr. Lewis: That's right. It is running
roughshod around Ontario.
Mr. M. Shulman (High Park): The minister
has no right to refuse that information.
Mr. Cassidy: The question of accountabil-
ity is at stake, it seems to me, when basic
Mr. Speaker: What is the point of privilege?
Mr. Cassidy: The privileges of this House,
Mr. Speaker, are affected when members of
this Legislature are denied information by the
ministry and by a Crown corporation respon-
sible to the House, which directly reports to-
Mr. Speaker: Order. There is no privilege
that has been abused by the minister; no
privilege whatsoever. The hon, member will
be seated. There is no point of privilege.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Mr. Speaker, on a point
of order, I submit to you, sir, that there is a
point of privilege or order for your con-
MARCH 7, 1974
sideration. Can a minister, just oflF the top of
his head, d^eny any further information to a
member of this House, particularly when it
pertains to a pubhc project?
Mr. Shulman: Only if it is the Minister of
Energy. There is another embarrassment.
They always do it,
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Surely, Mr. Speaker, this
is a matter that Should give you some
personal concern,
Mr. Speaker: I am sure the hon. Leader of
the Opposition is familiar with the provisions
pertaining to the question period in which
the minister may or may not answer. He need
not answer a question.
Mr. Lewis: On a point of order, Mr.
Speaker, the member for Ottawa Centre was
seeking information from Ontario Hydro,
which is now a Crown corporation respon-
sible to the House-
Mr. Ruston: The member voted for it,
Mr. Lewis: That's right! And in a vindic-
tive, splenetic outburst, typical of the minis-
ter, he personally denies access. Well, that
destroys Hydro's accountability, and that is a
point of privilege in the House, Mr, Speaker.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: It comes from out of his
hip pocket,
Mr. Shulman: Mr, Speaker, surely it is not
the right of a minister-
Mr. Ruston: Listen to who is talking! The
Hon. Mr. Kerr: The number one capitalist
over there,
Mr. Shulman: —of an arrogant minister, to
come in here and tell the members of this
House they cannot get information on matters
which are directly our responsibihty.
Mr. Speaker: Order. ' '
Mr. Lewis: When we take power well
nationalize Hydro.
Mr. Roy: Don't hold your breath!
Mr. Speaker: Order please, I'm not at all
certain of the precise words used by the hon,
Mr. Martel: Oh, come on! You heard what
he said.
Mr. Speaker: I'm not at all certain of the
precise words used by the hon, minister. I'll
undertake to review Hansard, and if, in fact.
there is any way in which I can see that the
question period has been abused I will cer-
tainly take further action. But as far as I am
concerned there has been no misuse of the
question period on the part of the minister.
He need not reply to any question and he
may reply in any manner ne sees fit.
The hon. Leadfer of the Opposition.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Throw him in the tower.
Mr. P. J. Yakabuski (Renfrew South):
Which one?
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Cassidy: The point of privilege, Mr.
Speaker, is not the question about the use or
misuse of the question period. It is the ques-
tion of the privileges of members of this
Mr. Shulman: Right!
Mr. Cassidy: —in receiving information
from ministers.
Mr. Speaker: Order please, I've ruled on
that. My ruling is not debatable. The hon,
member for Brant,
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I would like to ask the
Attorney General how he dbcides which
denturists are going to be raided and then
charged and brought before the courts; be-
cause presumably all of the practising den-
turists are breaking the ridiculous law that
was put through the Legislature just a few
months ago—
Mr. Shulman: It is done by lot,
Mr. R. F. Nixon: —even though the law
did not conform to the Attorney General's
stated principle.
An hon. member: Depending on the quahty
of their character.
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr, Speaker, knowing
how anxious the Leader of the Opposition is
to have this particular matter answered^
Mr. Shulman: We can't hear.
Hon. Mr. Welch: —I would indicate at this
time that he will recall that my predecessor
made the position quite clear, that if anyone
knew of anyone who was breaking the law
with respect to that statute, that if we had
that information we would give it to the
Crown Attorney having jurisdiction in that
Mr. Breithaupt: But which ones does the
government put the bite on?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Supplementary: Does the
Attorney General, therefore, charge only the
ones that the Minister of Health (Mr. Miller),
or his predecessor, have brought to his atten-
tion; or were there complaints from the
community; or, in fact, does the minister
know of some denturists practising as den-
turists who are not breaking the law?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, if I may
repeat, as far as I know now— but I will be
glad to get up-to-date information— I know of
no complaints that have been brought to us,
that is to the Attorney General or to the
agent of the Attorney General, the Crown
attorney in any of the jurisdictions in Ontario.
If the Leader of the Opposition has some in-
formation which he feels I should have in
this regard, I will gladly put it in the hands
of the proper court ofiRcials.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Since he has asked for
the information, I would suggest that the
information that he seeks lies in the mind of
the Minister of Health. The Attorney General
should surely advise the Minister of Health
that that law must be amended and put back
the way the Attorney General had it origi-
nally, and then there ^^'^ould be no more prob-
lem and the denturists would be able to
practise legally. Is that the information the
minister was asking for?
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Mr. Shulman: Can the minister explain
why the leaders of the denturists have not
been raided? In fact, people like Mr. Sweet
have publicly got up and said they're prac-
tising. He's continuing to practise, and yet
he isn't touched. But the government touches
these little people around the province. Is
it being done by lot?
Mr. Breithaupt: Perhaps we'll get him to
streak across the chamber.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: Who?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Does the member mean
the hon. member for High Park?
Mr. Shulman: No, the Attorney General.
Hon. Mr. Welch: That would be a real
treat if I did.
Mr. Lewis: It will be an apparition, I will
tell the Attorney General.
Hon. Mr. Welch: Yes, quite. That would
be the reforming AG.
Mr. Speaker, if I could reply to the hon.
member for High Park; I really can't add
anything further to the answer I've already
provided to the hon. Leader of the Opposi-
tion other than to restate the position which
my predecessor made quite clear in this
House, that if anyone has any information
with respect to a violation of that particular
statute, he should provide it to us.
Mr. Roy: They have a full page ad.
Mr. Cassidy: Look in the yellow pages.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Etobi-
Mr. L. A. Braithwaite (Etobicoke): As a
supplementary, Mr. Speaker, perhaps the
Attorney General could tell us what steps
he is taking to protect the rights of innocent
people who happen to be visiting denturists
when the high-jackbooted police come in?
The rights of these people are being
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Braithwaite: Shut up! I'm asking a
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Lewis: It is a novelty all right.
Mr. Braithwaite: That's nice. The rights of
these people are being severely restricted
when the police come in.
Mr. Speaker: Question.
Mr. Braithwaite: Could the Attorney Gen-
eral state what he's doing to protect these
An hon. member: Are they found-ins?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, if the hon.
member has any specific information in this
regard, the Attorney General would like to
have it.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Braithwaite: Mr. Speaker, as a supple-
mentary, a specific case in my particular
riding has been brought to the attention of
the Minister of Health in the past, and there
has been more than one case of this. The
Attorney General must know of these cases.
I don't have to give him further information.
Mr. Breithaupt: Read the papers.
MARCH 7. 1974
Mr. Roy: Mr. Speaker, may I ask a sup-
plementary pursuant to this question?
Mr. Speaker: Yes, you may.
Mr. Roy: Could the Attorney General tell
us about the legality of the full page ad on
the government's dental plan? In light of the
fact that the denturists themselves as a pro-
fession or as individuals cannot advertise
legally, does the Attorney General not feel
that he is breaching their ethics by using
public funds to advertise for them? Could he
tell us about the legality of these acts, which
is propaganda for the dentists at public
Hon. Mr. Welch: Well Mr. Speaker, if I
understand the question correctly, reference
is being made to an advertisement inserted
by the Ministry of Health. I would suggest
that the Ministry of Health is in itself not
violating any particular law in advertising
that particular programme.
Mr. Lewis: Yes; it is inappropriate, but it
is probably not illegal.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Leader of the
The hon. member for Scarborough West.
Mr. Lewis: Could I ask the Minister of
Energy a question, Mr. Speaker? Last Satur-
day he indicated: "From a cold, calculated,
hard-nosed point of view, the pipeline should
not be built until at least 1990"; and on
Thursday the Provincial Secretary for Re-
sources Development made the announce-
ment. Can he explain his view?
Hon. Mr. Grossman: I was not cold-
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Mr. Speaker, as so
often happens, one is sometimes misquoted—
Some hon. members: Oh, oh.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: -or one is sometimes
not quoted in full. I think the words that I
used were quoted correctly, but I also said
some other things. I said nothing about 1990.
What I said was that from a cold, calculat-
injf, completely business-like point of view-
Mr. Roy: Hard-nosed,
Mr. M. C. Germa (Sudbury): Hard-headed.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Hard-nosed. Did I
say that?
I said it might make sense to defer the
decision until such time as it was clear how
much oil was going to be available from
conventional sources in western Canada and
how much oil might be available from the
east coast, and then decide whether the line
would be built as a reversible line.
Having said that, I also said, and have said
on a number of occasions, that from the point
of view of security of supply of the Man-
times, from the point of view of the security
of supply of the Province of Quebec, and from
the point of view of the security of supply
of about 800,000 people in Ontario who live
east of the border line, it is imperative that
we get on with that pipeline and get it built
as quickly as possible.
Mr. Roy: Mr. Speaker, a supplementary
question: In the light of the minister's refer-
ence about 800,000 people living on the other
side of this line, what pressure has the min-
ister brought on the oil companies that are
presently supplying oil to the Ottawa area
from the west through this Kingston pipeline
and, because of the cheaper price from the
west, stand to make profits of something like
$1 million?
What pressure has he brought on these
companies so that they will give us the oil
in Ottawa at the same price as people get
it here in Toronto, phis the cost of trans-
portation? Has he brought any pressure on
the companies to give the benefit of this
cheap oil from the west to the consumers and
not to the companies?
Hon. Mr. McKeough: No, Mr. Speaker, we
have not, because since last fall both gasoline
and heating oil sold east of the Ottawa Val-
ley line has been, in effect, under a price
freeze imposed by the government of Can-
ada and administered by the Minister of
Energy, Mines and Resources. And if any oil
company is making an exorbitant profit on
sales east of the line, then I would suggest
that the hon. member should talk to his
federal friends and point that out, because in
effect the federal minister is controlling the
Mr. Roy: I have.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: And if he's allow-
ing them exorbitant profits, then the hon.
member should hang his head in shame.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Roy: Mr. Speaker, in the light of the
fact that this problem has been brought to the
minister's attention, will he undertake to
bring it to the federal minister's attention?
Will he put pressure on him? This minister is
a pretty hard-nosed guy. Go after him.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Lewis: Mr. Speaker, I know nothing
of federal politics—
An hon. member: It runs in the family.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Lewis: I would like to ask a question
of the Minister of Industry and Tourism.
When is the minister releasing all of the
feasibility studies and documents related to
the proposed Maple Mountain project in
northeastern Ontario?
Mr. Laughren: Good question.
Mr. Foulds: And why?
Hon. C. Bennett (Minister of Industry and
Tourism): Mr. Speaker, it is my intention to
release those reports as soon as I have re-
ported to cabinet on the full facts and the
meanings of the report. We have had input
from some of the people in the various minis-
tries whom we have asked to comment on
them. That should be, likely, within the next
10 days.
Mr. Lewis: Within the next 10 days?
A further question: When the minister sub-
mits those reports can he indicate to the
House the effect of the title claims which have
been registered by the Indian band against
all of the property within which Maple Moun-
tain fall's and the possible legal implications
of that from the point of view of the gov-
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, I am not
sure that can be included in the reports at
the time we bring them to the House for the
simple reason it will take some period of
time to look at the validity of the claims
placed before the government. I have asked
the Attorney General and the Minister of
Natural Resources to review the situation and
to report back to me and, in turn, to cabinet.
If it is possible we will include it; if not it
will be brought into the House at a later date.
Mr. Lewis: Right; thank you.
Mr. Lewis: A question, Mr. Speaker, of the
Minister of Labour. Now that we are into the
new year can he tell the House what finally
happened to the 600 employees of the Hall
Lamp Co.?
Hon. F. Guindon (Minister of Labour): Mr.
Speaker, in reply to the hon. member, I am
sure he is aware by now that we did every-
thing within our power to collect from the
Hall Lamp Co. every dollar in salaries or
wages owed to the employees. We have done
this; also any amount owing to them with
reference to vacation pay. Unfortunately as
far as termination pay is concerned we could
not get anything from the company.
Mr. Lewis: Not a penny?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: No.
Mr. Lewis: By way of supplementary, does
the minister understand that he was used
and manipulated by a private company, a
private subsidiary in Ontario, to give voice
in this Legislature about a temporary shut-
down which was, in fact, permanent from the
day it occurred? Therefore, he participated
with that company in the denial to 600 people
of the rights which he has guaranteed them
under legislation and, in the last several
weeks, has taken away from them? Can he
find some way of avoiding that ever happen-
ing again to a large number of people in the
Province of Ontario?
Mr. Deans: He was had.
Mr. Lewis: He was had by a company.
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Mr. Speaker, of course,
hindsight is much easier than foresight. None-
theless, we are looking at our legislation to
see what we can do in the case of bank-
ruptcy. This is a case of bankruptcy; as mem-
bers know it is.
Mr. Deans: But the minister was told.
Right from day one.
Hon. Mr. Guindon: We were told. We have
no control over the Bankruptcy Act.
Mr. Lewis: They didn't declare bankruptcy
for weeks.
Hon. Mr. Guindon: This comes under
federal legislation, as members know.
Mr. Lewis: For weeks they didn't declare
MARCH 7, 1974
1 have a questicai on that subject of the
Minister of Industry and Tourism. I take it
that, in fact, no loan was granted or is to be
granted through the Ontario Development
Corp. to reopen the Hall Lamp Co. for other
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, as I indi-
cated to the House some weeks ago, in the
last sitting, there were several firms interested
in trying to pick up the pieces of Hall Lamp.
Our ministry, through Ontario Development
Corp.— I should say both the ministry and
the Ontario Development Corp. met with
several firms to discuss the possibility of put-
ting the operation back together. None of
them could put up the capital funds required.
I might admit that there were two or
three companies which went in and finished
off some of the products for which they were
waiting for delivery to their plants and they
did use part of the labour force for a period
of time. But no one at this point has picked
up the pieces, because the capital investment
is too great and the firms we were talking
with did not have the resources to put them-
selves in that position.
Mr. Lewis: Fair enough. So it was an
entire disaster from day one.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, I am not
sure it was an entire disaster. We have bank-
ruptcies in this province and on many occa-
sions this government has tried through the
Ontario Development Corp.—
Mr. Lewis: It wasn't a bankruptcy.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: —to stabilize the firm to
retain and maintain the employment in that
particular operation or operations.
Mr. Lewis: The government sure didn't do
it this time.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: We tried in every area
to secure the position of the firni but it was
an impossibility, and it would not have been
money well invested by the government of
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Huron
with a supplementary.
Mr. J. Riddell (Huron): A supplementary
of the minister: Is he aware that a Canadian
firm, along with the former managerial staff
of Hall Lamp, submitted a bid which was a
very reasonable bid to the receiver, and that
the receiver has failed to act on this bid— and
is there anything that the minister can do to
speed up the process so that the plant can be
reactivated and put back into operation?
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, as I indi-
cated earlier, there were several firms that
were interested' in trying to pick up the pieces
of Hall Lamp. The one the member speaks of
did put in a proposal. It was my understand-
ing, in information given to us by the re-
ceiver, that the sums of money put forward
by the organization were not sufficient to
carry the position.
Now, I can review it again with the re-
ceiver and the people in Ontario Develop-
ment Corp.; but that was the last word that
I had had on the Hall Lamp and those that
were interested in trying to re-establish it.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West.
Mr. Lewis: A question of the Minister of
Natural Resources: Can he now tell the House
what he has offered for the acquisition of the
Lake Ontario Cement property after the ex-
propriation is completed?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, as I in-
formed the House at the last sitting this
matter was being handled by the Land Com-
pensation Board. It comes under the Attorney
General's department. I am informed that
an independent appraiser was engaged and
on his report the company was offered
$150,000 on Jan. 22. The company rejected
the offer, but the cheque was delivered to
the firm on Feb. 15 and has not been
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West has further questions?
Mr. Lewis: One very quick question of the
Premier, Mr. Speaker. The Premier just made
a series of appointments and reappointments
amounting to five in number to the Work-
men's Compensation Board— to the highest
portion of that board dealing with adminis-
tration and appeals— not a single one of
which appointments was a woman. Does that
reflect the new tenure of the Throne Speech?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I—
An hon. member: Tenure?
Mr. Lewis: Tenor, I am sorry.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I was going
to ask about tenure. We on this side of the
House will make sure the tenure is continued
as far as the affairs of this government are
Mr. D. C. MacDonald (York South):
Answer the question.
Hon. Mr. Davis: As far as the tenor of
the Throne Speech is concerned, I think
what was stated there is not only an obvious
fact, but many of the appointments that have
been made in recent months would sub-
stantiate it.
With respect to the appointments to the
Workmen's Compensation Board, there is not
a woman in that particular group. But I can
assure the hon. member— because I know he
is interested in women being appointed— that
there are two or three other appointees to be
made to the Workmen's Compensation Board,
and it is our hope to have a woman as one
of those.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Downs-
Mr. Singer: I have a question of the
Premier. In view of the Premier's statement
not too long ago that we could expect new
no-fault automobile insurance laws in On-
tario, and in view of the recent publicity
given to a proposal along these lines by the
insurance industry, is that the kind of new
law that the Premier had in mind? Or in view
of the reaction that that proposal has re-
ceived from portions of the insurance in-
dustry—and certainly from the legal profes-
sion and from many members of the public-
would the Premier be prepared to set up a
select committee to inquire into this whole
problem— including rates, no-fault principles,
the extensions of our law— so that Ontario
might perhaps have a better law than it
now has?
Mr. Lewis: Please say no.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I don't
intend to establish a select committee on that
subject, certainly at this moment. I don't
really recall saying that we are going to have
a new no-fault insurance programme. I do
recall speaking to a group of insurance peo-
ple some time ago— this will upset my friends
over here; hopefully not those across the
House; certainly not the member from— well,
never mind^that we did not intend as a gov-
ernment to get into the insurance business.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Who is that constituent?
Hon. Mr. Davis: But I made it very clear
that we expected the insurance industry to
act in a responsible way reflecting the legiti-
mate concerns of the public generally.
Mr. Cassidy: And who gave generously to
the Premier's party— yes?
Hon. Mr. Davis: I don't recall saying there
would be a new no-fault insurance scheme.
Mr. Singer: I've got that.
Hon. Mr. Davis: I don't think I said that.
Now, Mr. Speaker, there has been a report. A
report was sent to the minister responsible,
which has provoked some discussion. I think
The Advocates' Society is one group that has
registered some objection.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Haven't heard of
Hon. Mr. Davis: I think The Advocates'
Society— and I don't quarrel with The Ad-
vocates' Society— were represented primarily
by people in the legal profession-
Mr. Lewis: Boy, were they mad. The loss
of clients.
Hon. Mr. Davis: They were upset, weren't
An hon. member: Yes, so was the—
Hon. Mr. Davis: Yes, I think their concern,
though, was not—
Mr. Singer: They have Tory presidents as
Hon. Mr. Davis: I think in fairness it re-
lated to— and I don't want to get into a
lengthy discussion— the question of the appli-
cation of the law of tort.
Mr. Singer: That is an important facet of
the discussion.
Hon. Mr. Davis: That's right. And I think
that is somewhat relevant. I think it is also
important to point out-
Mr. Lewis: It should relate a little more
to the law of income.
Hon. Mr. Davis: I think it is also important
to point out, and I say this to our friends in
the socialist group-
Mr. Lewis: Aha!
Hon. Mr. Davis: Well, I know they are
trying to become more conservative but they
haven't convinced us yet.
MARCH 7, 1974
Mr. Lewis: No, no, no.
An hon. member: A wolf in sheep's clothing.
Mr. Lewis: On a point of personal privilege,
the Premier has called me many things be-
fore but never a socialist and I was pleased
to acknowledge it.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Well, I used that in the
very broad sense of the word. I have used
stronger terminology, I must confess. Now,
where was I before I was interrupted?
Mr. MacDonald: The Premier interrupted
Hon. Mr. Davis: I was saying I think part of
the discussion has also made one point very
obvious and I think it needs to be restated
in this House. Many people who have referred
to this report say that the whole approach
taken by the Province of Ontario with re-
spect to automobile insurance happens to be
one of the best schemes operating anywhere
in the world. Now these are friends of the
members opposite who have said this, not me.
Mr. Singer: Are we going to have a com-
mittee to study this?
Hon. Mr. Davis: I doubt it.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Mr. Shulman: A question of the Minister of
Health, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: I'm sorry, the hon. member
for Ottawa East has a supplementary, which
I will permit.
Mr. Roy: Among the proposals of the in-
surance company criticized by The Advo-
cates' Society I would like to bring to the
Premier's attention is apparently the right
of subrogation by OHIP from the insurance
company, which as the government knows
is something like $10 million a year. Does the
Premier agree with that proposal, which in
fact would be the taxpayers subsidizing the
insurance company?
Hon. Mr. Davis: To be very frank, I try
to take in a lot of information. I will con-
fess to the member that I just haven't assess-
ed it very carefully personally so I won't ofiFer
any point of view.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Mr. Shulman: To the Minister of Health,
Mr. Speaker: In view of the statements made
by certain chiropractors last week, and re-
ported in the Ottawa Citizen, that they are
treating under OHIP asthma and diabetes,
what steps has the minister taken? Does he
intend to pay claims of this nature? Does he
intend to do anything to protect the public?
Hon. F. S. Miller (Minister of Health): Mr.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Miller: If the members could
keep it up for two more minutes, question
period will be over.
Mr. MacDonald: The honeymoon's over
now, let's hear it.
Mr. Shulman: The minister hasn't made a
mistake yet.
Hon. Mr. Miller: Well, the question being
asked by the member for High Park is a very
good one.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Miller: That in itself is a change.
However, we are of course looking at the
Tole of the chiropractor and under the Health
Disciplines bill this whole question is going
to be discussed. I'm not prepared at this
time to say what in fact is the scope of prac-
tice of a chiropractor and what is not. I can
only say that in due— what is the word?; in
the fullness of time?—
An hon. member: He's going places.
Mr. Ruston: The Premier better turn
Mr. Lewis: How come the minister looked
at the Premier to find that out?
Mr. Deans: Going to have to sit him the
other way so that he can conduct.
Hon. Mr. Miller: —we will in fact be mak-
ing that determination.
Mr. Shulman: Supplementary, if I may,
Mr. Speaker: Does that mean that at the pres-
ent time chiropractors and others— perhaps
podiatrists— can treat asthma or cancer or dia-
betes or anything else if they wish and the
minister is going to make no limitations at
the present time but we're going to wait for
the fulkess of time to protect the public?
Mr. Jessiman: He didn't say that.
An. hon. member: Is the minister going to
pay them for that?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I did not say that. I
think the member will find that this was one
of the major issues in the study of the role
of the various components of the health de-
livery system undertaken a couple of years
ago— the question as to whether in fact the
practice of chiropractic permitted the treat-
ment of organic disorders or not. I am quite
aware of the position of the medical pro-
fession on this. I, as yet, have not tried to
reach an opinion on it. I am going to have
this information before me when this part
comes up and the study is going on now.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York-
Forest Hill.
Mr. P. G. Givens (York-Forest Hill): A
question of the Minister of Transportation
and Communications: Is it a fact that there
are negotiations taking place with his ministry
now to alter the contract with Krauss-MafFei
and, if so, what is the nature of these nego-
tiations, and what are the financial implica-
tions of these negotiations?
Hon. J. R. Rhodes (Minister of Transpor-
tation and Communications): Mr. Speaker, I
am not aware of any negotiations going on
at this time. I would trust that the hon.
members opposite will appreciate the fact
that I am going to take some time to under-
stand all of the intricacies of this particular
Mr. Singer: Probably until the session is
over, yes.
Mr. Martel: It is going to take some time.
Even the Premier doesn t understand it yet.
Mr. Speaker: The Minister of Transporta-
tion and Communications has the answer to
a question asked previously.
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: Yes, Mr. Speaker, the
member for York-Forest Hill, who apparently
is going to do this regularly, asked a question
Would the Minister of Transportation
and Communications explain why there has
been delay in the awarding of the guide-
way in the station contracts of the Krauss-
Maff^ei experiment in the CNE which were
promised for December and January?
First of all, Mr. Speaker, we do not accept
that there has been a delay. The construction
of the guideway at the CNE is being accom-
plished by the developer under several sepa-
rate subcontracts. The first operation, after
the design advanced to the point that column
locations were known, was to relocate the
existing utilities. ThLs relocation work was
done, pardy by subcontract and partly by the
utility companies involved. The tenders for
the utility relocation subcontract closed Dec.
12, 1973, and this work is now completed.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The man of the year said
they would be let in October.
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: The second operation
was the installation of the column founda-
tions. The tenders for the subcontract closed
on Nov. 7, 1973, and this work is approxi-
mately 50 per cent completed, with 221
caissons completed of 481 caissons required,
and will be completed about May 1.
The third operation is the construction
and erection of the columns and beams. The
subcontract for this work was advertised
today and the work will proceed, if weather
permits, this spring. The subcontract for the
column and beam components of the guide-
way has been called in sequence and within
an acceptable schedule for the work.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: Where is the member
for York-Forest Hill getting his information?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: He got it from the
Premier's speech.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Water-
loo North.
Mr. E. R. Good (Waterloo North): Yes,
thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Givens: The Premier is 3% months
late now.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Park had asked the previous question.
Mr. Lewis: No, the member for York-
Forest Hill.
Mr. Speaker: I stand corrected. The hon.
member for Wentworth.
Mr. Good: I have a question of the Min-
ister of Revenue.
Mr. Speaker: Order please. The hon. mem-
ber for Wentworth is next, I am sorry.
MARCH 7, 1974
Mr. Deans: Mr. Speaker, I have a question
of the Minister of Education. Is it the inten-
tion of the minister to revise the spending
ceilings in education this current year in
addition to the ones last year, and if so, will
he make the announcement soon in order
that there will not be any need to restart
negotiations after the announcement is made?
Hon. T. L. Wells (Minister of Education):
I don't know exactly what the hon. member
is driving at except that perhaps some boards
have been sending us in briefs indicating
that there have been changes in the economy
since the 1974 ceilings were announced in
August, 1973. We have been studying those
briefs very carefully and some time shortly
will make a comment on all those briefs from
the various boards.
Mr. Deans: Well, one supplemexitary ques^
tion: Does that mean that there is the pos-
sibility of a revision in the spending ceilings
for education in the Province of Ontario this
Hon. Mr. Wells: All I can tell the hon.
member is that we are studying the briefs
that the various boards have sent in indicat-
ing changes in the cost of living figures that
apply to their budgets.
Mr. Lewis: In other words, by way of
supplementary, the minister is going to revise
the ceilings upwards, allegedly to meet the
inflationary spiral, but in fact to try to take
the heat off present government policy?
Hon. Mr. Wells: I didn't say that at all. I
said we were studying the briefs that were
sent in. Now surely, as responsible persons
over here in a ministry, we should study what
boards, in good faith, send in to us.
Mr. Lewis: We await an aimouncement.
The minister should make the announcement
soon because negotiations are under way.
Hon. Mr. Wells: Those briefe have been
sent in, they are being studied and they will
all be answered. They haven't been answered
Mr. Deans: Okay. Please don't wait too
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for
Waterloo North.
Mr. Good: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. A
question of the Minister of Revenue. In view
of the fact that recent court decisions have
allowed that assessments can be made on
mobile homes under the general provisions of
the Assessment Act, which was' not previously
dione, does the minister consider that this is
the intent of the present legislation? If it is
not, would he take steps to amend the legis-
lation, or would he see that the Municipal
Act is amended so that municipalities cannot
put their $20 per month levy on the same
mobile homes which are being assessed under
the general provisions of the Assessment Act?
Hon. A. K. Meen (Minister of Revenue):
Mr. Speaker, my ministry will have to take a
look at that court case and determine whether
that interpretation is in fact the one which
the government intended to be placed on the
section. If it should turn out that it is not, I
think we would have to look very carefully
at suitable amendments. If those amendments
are required to be made under the Municipal
Act, they would be made, of course, in an-
other ministry, but if they were to be made
under the Assessment Act, then it would be
a question for my own ministry. I may have
more I can say on that in the not too distant
Mr. Good: Just one short supplementary:
Could the minister assure the members of
the House that people living in mobile homes
will not be subject to double taxation under
the two respective Acts? This is what people
want to know.
Hon. Mr. Meen: Mr. Speaker, certainly
it is not the intention of the government that
the owners and residents of mobile homes
would be double-taxed.
Mr. Speaker: Petitions.
Presenting reports.
Hon. Mr. Snow presented the report of
the Ministry of Government Services' for the
year ending March 31, 1973, and the report
of the Provincial Auditor for the year ending
March 31, 1973.
!Hon. Mr. Irvine presented the general de-
velopment agreement and the federal-provin-
cial subsidiary agreement for regional eco-
nomic development in the Cornwall area
which were signed between the federal and
Ontario governments at Cornwall on Feb. 26,
Mr. Speaker: Motions.
Introduction of bills.
Mr. R. F. Nixon moves first reading of bill
intituled, An Act to provide for the Practise
of Dental Prosthesis.
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Mr. Speaker, the bill
allows denturists to take impressions, con-
struct and fit complete upper, lower and
partial dentures, and deal directly with the
public. This is the same bill that was before
the Legislature in my name during the last
ment of Regional Economic Expansion, and a
subsidiary agreement under which the gov-
ernments of Canada and Ontario will con-
tribute approximately $14 million to develop-
ment projects in Cornwall. In the coming
months I hope we will sign additional agree-
ments covering other areas. The purpose of
this bill is to allow municipalities to join us
in both financing and undertaking a broad
range of regional economic development pro-
Mr. Speaker, we are anxious to have this
bill passed quickly so that we can enter into
an agreement v^dth the city of Cornwall. I
will be taking it through the legislative proc-
Hon. Mr. Stewart moves first reading of
bill intituled. An Act to amend the Milk Act.
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Hon. W. A. Stewart (Minister of Agricul-
ture and Food): Mr. Speaker, briefly the bill
simply follows up on changes that were made
in the Milk Act last year and transfers cer-
tain powers from the commission to the
director of the dairy branch.
Hon. Mr. Brunelle moves first reading of
bill intituled, the Developmental Services Act
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Hon. R. Brunelle (Minister of Community
and Social Services): Mr. Speaker, the pur-
pose of this bill is to transfer administrative
responsibility for facilities for mentally re-
tarded persons from the Ministry of Health
to the Ministry of Commimity and Social
Services. This bill is part of a broad policy to
implement the provision of a complete range
of social services in the community for
mentally retarded persons.
Hon. Mr. Irvine moves first reading of bill
intituled. An Act to amend the Municipal
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Hon. D. R. Irvine (Minister without Port-
folio): Mr. Speaker, on Feb. 26 the Treasurer
(Mr. White) had the privilege of signing a
general development agreement relating to
activities in Ontario of the federal Depart-
Hon. Mr. Guindon moves first reading of
bill intituled. An Act to amend the Ontario
Human Rights Code.
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Mr. Speaker, this bill
provides for three minor amendments to
clarify the interpretation of the code, and
one amendment which is of a housekeeping
Mr. Martel: I thought the minister was go-
ing to take over the investigation into the
Human Rights Commission.
Mr. Roy moves first reading of bill in-
tituled, An Act to amend the Mental Health
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Mr. Roy: Mr. Speaker, the purpose of this
bill is to safeguard the rights of^ individuals
deemed abnormal by police oflBcers, who are
taken to mental institutions against their will.
This bill would make an amendiment under
section 10 of the Mental Health Act to re-
quire that a person who has been detained
under that section of the Act be given a
medical examination and brought before a
justice of the peace within 24 hours to justify
his detention. As the Act is presently
written, Mr. Speaker, there are no safeguards
for individuals and this is a potentially
dangerous situation.
Mr. R. M. Johnston (St. Catharines): Mr.
Mr. Speaker: All right.
MARCH 7, 1974
Mr. R. M. Johnston moves first reading of
Bill Pr2.
Mr. Laughren: Too late.
Mr. Martel: The member just bombed.
He'll have to try again.
Mr. Speaker: I vdsh to inform the hon.
member that the time has not approached,
at this point, for the reading of private bills.
They haven't gone through the private bills
committee; the procedural affairs committee,
in fact.
Orders of the day.
Clerk of the House: The first order, con-
sideration of the speech of the Honourable
the Lieutenant Governor at the opening of
the session.
Mr. Beckett moves, seconded by Mr.
Havrot, that a humble address be presented
to the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor
as follows:
To the Honourable W. Ross Macdonald,
PC, CD, QC, LL.D, Lieutenant Governor
of Ontario;
May it please Your Honour:
We, Her Majesty's most dutiful and loyal'
subjects of the legislative assembly of the
Province of Ontario now assembled, beg
leave to thank Your Honour for the
gracious speech Your Honour has addressed
to us.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Brant-
Mr. R. B. Beckett (Brantford): Mr. Speaker,
it is an honour and a privilege for me to be
called upon to move this address to His
Honour the Lieutenant Governor. I am cer-
tain all members of this Legislature will join
me in thanking His Honour for his words of
confidence and inspiration which will surely
guide us well in our deliberations in the
days and nights ahead; deliberations which
will, indeed, have a decided effect on all
of us in Ontario in the future years.
I am sure all members of this Legislature
will join me in an expression of appreciation
to His Honour for the very excellent manner
in which he has represented Her Majesty
the Queen during his term of oflBce as Lieu-
tenant Governor of Ontario. We all regret
that his term of office is shortly to be com-
The Lieutenant Governor has not spared
himself in his constant activities throughout
this province. He has visited most parts of
this province and has left an indelible im-
pression of the dignity and graciousness that
he has given to his high oflBce.
He has taken a very special interest in the
young people of this province and he has
inspired them. He has an excellent sense of
humour and has established a rapport with
young and old that is the envy of all people
in political life.
I'm very pleased to have this opportunity
to place on the oflBcial record of this hon.
assembly my personal appreciation of the
Lieutenant Governor, since his home is in my
riding of Brantford.
As all hon. members are aware, W. Ross
Macdonald served the citizens of Brantford
for many years as the Member of Parliament
for Brantford. He has served as Speaker of
the House of Commons in Ottawa, as govern-
ment leader of the Senate, and as a Senator.
His many accomplishments in the public
service are too numerous to mention today;
however, we will all have the opportunity to
honour this great Canadian later this month
and I'm sure we are all looking forward to
this happy occasion.
I would be remiss if I did not mention
the forthcoming appointment of Mrs. Pauline
McGibbon as Her Majesty's representative in
Ontario. I am sure all members are looking
forward to Mrs. McGibbon's tenure of office
with great anticipation and that she will
bring to this high oflBce the graciousness and
distinction to which we have become accus-
Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to see you
back in the chair with your accustomed good
humour and apparent good health. I believe
all members share in the appreciation of the
diflBcult job you do so well. There are, of
course, occasions when some members in the
heat of debate will be unhappy with your
decisions. However, I am confident that when
the heat of battle cools all members will
agree you have served with distinction and
with fairness to all, and we are delighted to
see you there.
I wish also to congratulate the new mem-
bers of cabinet who have new responsibilities
in the challenging days that lie ahead. I am
sure they will once again demonstrate the
qualities of leadership which have made
Ontario the great province that it is today.
The former cabinet members deserve our
respect and appreciation for their years of
excellent service to the people of the prov-
ince. I am delighted that we will continue
to have the benefit of their experience and
counsel in this assembly.
Mr. Speaker, the Speech from the Throne
indicates to this assembly and to the citizens
of this province the concerns of the govern-
ment and its proposals to deal with these
concerns. I feel that the speech delivered last
Tuesday by His Honour was an excellent
Throne Speech because it clearly indicates
that this government recognizes its respon-
sibilities, is prepared to accept these respon-
sibilities and, most important, to act in a
responsible manner.
The Throne Speech faced up to today's
realities of inflation and the energy problem.
It rightly placed inflation as a country-wide
problem that can only be dealt with on a
country-wide basis. It made no pie in the
sky proposals on either inflation or energy
but it did promise the essential co-operation
with the government of Canada and the other
provinces so that these problems can be
minimized to the benefit of all.
The programmes announced to improve es-
sential services to remote areas of the prov-
ince deserve the support of all members of
this assembly. I think it is important to re-
member that the speech emphasized consul-
tation and co-operation with those wishing to
participate. The Polar Gas project is an excit-
ing project with great future significance to
our province. A James Bay area port could
bring benefits to that area and to all the
I am pleased to note the improved loan
programmes and financial assistance will con-
tinue to be available to tourist operators,
small businesses and service industries. The
key word here is improve because although
the loans and assistance have been available
the conditions, in my opinion, have been too
restrictive. Small businesses are the backbone
of Ontario's economy and they merit real
assistance. Small businesses provide a great
deal of varied employment for our citizens.
Having served on the select committee on
the utilization of educational facilities, I wel-
come the statement that the government pro-
poses to expand academic and cultural oppor-
tunities in the open sector of post-secondary
education. The extension (rf educational
broadcasts within the province is a further
step that will provide a needed service which
has been largely confined to the Metro To-
ronto area. New and innovative educational
materials for school and college students as
well as persons learning at home is good
news for those interested or concerned with
such needs. Let's get on with it.
I am sure that all members will welcome
the announcement of an income support pro-
gramme to aid Ontario's older citizens and
for the disabled. These two groups of our
population have been caught in the infla-
tionary spiral. The only probable disagree-
ment will be in how much support and how
soon will the support be available. I have, as
every other member of this House has, I am
sure, many people in my riding whom I
will recommend for such income support. The
proposal for a prescription drug plan for
senior citizens will also be good news. We all
must know of many senior citizens whose
lives will be made easier with such assist-
The new programmes for assistance to co-
operative daycare centres in low-income areas,
the making available of resources to expand
high priority services such as those for handi-
capped children, children from low-income
families and native children, are all commend-
able. But the proposal I like best is the re-
view of the regulations with the aim of re-
moving unnecessary impediments to the crea-
tion of new services.
iMr. Speaker, not being trained in law I do
not pretend to imdierstand all of the Ontario
Law Reform Commission's report on the ad-
ministration of the courts. However, I am
sure that there are more than enough in this
House who are trained in law, and) if they
can agree on a plarmed programme of imple-
mentation for judicial areas and for the rota-
tion of judges and trial centres throughout
these areas after consultation with those
affected, I will be content.
If, however, this should mean the appoint-
ment of an additional provincial judge in the
provincial court in Brantford, I will be
grateful. The city coimcil of Brantford and
the Brant Coimty Bar Association have re-
quested such an additional appointment to
facilitate the court procedtures in Brant
county. The present judge has had no other
recourse than to adijourn cases from February
to June because of his heavy docket.
I welcome the new procedures in the Min-
istry of Correctional Services, the proposal
for legislation on consumer prodtict warran-
ties and guarantees, and new redress pro-
cedures in the field of the Ministry of Con-
sumer and Commercial Relations.
I am sure that all members, in our un-
official role as ombudsmen, have been frus-
trated in the past in these matters of better
protection for consumers. Caveat Emptor— let
the buyer beware— is not a good slogan in
these days of high-pressure sales made to un-
MARCH 7, 1974
wary purchasers who too often are in the
low-income bracket.
Before some hon. members feel I am too
happy, I would like to indicate that I am not
happy with some of the implications of a
mandatory use of automobile seat belts. I am
not happy with a law that apparently would
be so difficult to enforce and so easy to evade.
I also have been told of several incidents
where survival of an automobile dtiver or
passenger has been possible because the seat
belt was not being used. People have been
trapped, I have been informed, by seat belts
in automobile accidents.
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposition):
Is the member going to vote for the bill?
Mr. Beckett: I am sure that this matter will
receive much attention before legislation is
passed, and at this time I will await further
evidence before casting my vote.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Very healthy attitude.
An hon. member: He's going to abstain.
Mr. Beckett: I particularly approve of the
special efforts that will be made to encour-
age local initiatives for community-based
mental-retardation services, including new
community residences. Assistance to a larger
number of physically and mentally disabled
persons in their own communities is impor-
tant. Such persons are nearly always happier
in familiar surroundings and not in some
massive far-away institution. The burden of
extensive and costly travel for visiting pur-
poses is also removed from the families of
such persons.
'The health planning task force report,
chaired by Dr. Eraser Mustard, and its pro-
posals for the further development of a com-
prehensive health plan will be studied with
eager anticipation. Dr. Mustard has an im-
pressive reputation and I hope his task force
report is as frank as he has been in person.
I welcome the new housing proposals. In
my own riding of Brantford, where the major
urban centre is the city of Brantford, there
is a major building boom in reisidential units
but the shortage of serviced land will shortly
curtail this programme.
Land costs are already too high and will
likely continue to rise as the shortage con-
tinues. In Brantford, withoilt the small On-
tario Housing Home Ownership Madfe Easy
programme this year, it would be nearly im-
possible for the low- or medium-income
earners to purchase a home. My personal con-
viction is that these land costs will not come
down or even level off until there is a
surplus of lots available. This can only be
achieved by the development of serviced land
in the surrounding township of Brantford.
Such development can be achieved if the
future of local government in Brant coimty
is shortly resolved and some further assistance
is granted to municipalities to provide sewer
Mr. M. Cassidy (Ottawa Centre): Brantford
might try some public ownership as well.
Mr. Beckett: The Ontario Housing Corp.
owns approximately 1,000 acres in a land
bank in the township of Brantford. The city
could physically service such lands soon if
municipal boundaries are established at local
government's request and. with ministerial
approval. Financial assistance by the prov-
ince will be necessary to e^yedite such
mammoth sewer construction. Lands are be^
ing held in our area by the private sector for
future development and the majority of the
land is still under agricultural production, but
if it were not I would request the imple-
mentation of government assistance to ensure
the continued agricultural prodiiction use of
these lands. I believe this to be a legitimate
and necessary government control.
I'm encouraged by the neighbourhood
improvement programmes, the provincial
home renewal programme, and hope that
these plans can be facilitated as soon as
This year the citizens of Brant county and
Brantford are celebrating the centainial of
the invention of the telephone by Dr. Alexan-
der Graham Bell in Brantford in 1874.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: There has been trouble
ever since.
Mr. Beckett: To those of you who thought
that Don Ameche in the Metro-Goldwyn-
Mayer production invented the telephone in
Boston, USA, I would refer you to the offi-
cial history text that will shoW^ that Dr. Bell
in his Own words and handwriting confirmed
that the telephone was indeed invented at
Brantford. These celebrations commenced on
Jan. 1, 1974, Mr. Speaker, and will continue
throughout the whole year. On July 7 the
Bell centennial parade with th^ theme,
"Thank you, Dr. Bell," will be held with
over 100 floats and many marching bands.
I take pleasure inviting the hon. members
of this House and their families to attend
and see what will probably be the largest
parade ever held in Canada.
Mr. C. E. Mcllyisen ( Oshawa) : Will the
member for Brantford put us up? , v, ,
Mr. Beckett: Perhaps the members of this
House could put aside political feelings for
one day and enter a float. The theme of
such a float could be our appreciation to
Dr. Bell for providing us with such a useful
means of easy communication between our-
selves here in Toronto and with the citizens
in our ridings.
I'm sure that some hon. members will
have wished, as I often have, that Dr. Bell
had stayed in bed instead of inventing a
telephone, but if he hadn't some other scien-
tist would have, and it probably would not
have been in Brantford, Ont., but in a for-
eign land and we would have had to learn
a foreign language.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Timis-
Mr. Cassidy: Now we know why you sent
around the Turns.
Mr. E. M. Havrot ( Timiskaming ) : Thank
you, Mr. Speaker. Wait till I get around to
that. I'll get around to him.
It is indeed a pleasure and a privilege for
me to second the motion of the hon. mem-
ber for Brantford for the adoption of the
Speech from the Throne.
I too would like to pay tribute to His
Honour the Lieutenant Governor for the
manner in which he has carried out the
duties and responsibilities of his office. He
has combined charm and good humour with
dignity and enthusiasm and vigour with
Before I get on with the details of my
speech, I would like to make a few com-
ments on my observations as a first-term
member of this Legislature during the past
three sessions. First of all, Mr. Speaker, I'm
very much impressed with your great dedi-
cation and ability in handling the daily com-
plex problems of this House. No individual
member, whether on the government side
or in opposition, spends as much time in the
Legislature listening to the countless hours
of debate as you, Mr. Speaker. For this rea-
son I firmly believe you must have the most
calloused pair of ears of any human being
in Ontario.
Mr. Speaker, my impressions of the oppo-
sition members in this Legislature leave me
wondering how such talent— listen to this—
talent, is wasted in countless hours of non-
sensical childish bickering. I am told that
many of the speeches made are replays from
previous years, like warmed-up cofl'ee, flat
and bitter, or like baloney, lots of filler but
very little meat.
I realize it is very diflBcult for opposition
members to find genuine criticism of good
government. However, I would assume that
they would at least spend some more time
looking for ways and means of further im-
proving our system of government, rather
than constantly bellyaching and grand-
Mr. E. W. Martel (Sudbury East): Maybe
the hon. member should follow the first rule
—and that is that he can't read a speech.
Mr. Havrot: I don't know which is worse,
my sore back or his voice.
Much has been said about televising the
debates from this Legislature for the people
of Ontario. Mr. Speaker, I would very much
welcome such a suggestion as it would once
and for all give the taxpayers of Ontario a
clearer picture as to how our democratic
process operates, rather than relying on
biased reports from the press gallery.
Interjection by an hon. member.
Mr. Havrot: I am coming to them now.
As one who has great concern for the
welfare of my fellow man, I am pleased to
provide temporary relief to the opposition
members with a roll of tablets for "stomach
orders and bellyaches" in the hope that it
may create some harmony in this House
for at least several days.
Mr. Cassidy: He is going to give it to
the rump as well, I hope.
Mr. Havrot: No, the members opposite
are the only fellows who will get it— don't
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The Premier (Mr. Davis)
is interested in what the member has to say.
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): So is
the whole cabinet.
Mr. Havrot: Thank you very much.
Mr. Speaker, I am extremely proud to
represent my people in the riding of Timis-
kaming, which I may add is a big and beau-
tiful area-
Interjection by an hon. member.
Mr. Havrot: —almost as big as your mouth.
Mr. Speaker: Order please.
Mr. Havrot: It is rated by the Ministry of
Natural Resources and the Ministry of Indus-
MARCH 7, 1974
try and Tourism as one of the most beautiful
ridings in the province. It stretches from
south of Latchford for over 100 miles to
north of Kirkland Lake. It is bounded by the
Quebec border to the east and reaches past
Elk Lake to the west. It is surrounded by
Cochrane South to the north. Nickel Belt to
the west, and Nipissing to the south; and
considering the political aflRliation of the
members from those ridings, I may be for-
given for stating that there are ample reasons
for regarding Timiskaming as one of the more
intelligent districts in the north.
Mr. Cassidy: One can't say that for the
Mr. Havrot: It is a riding which is largely
dependent upon mining, lumbering, farming,
tourism and light manufacturing.
Mr. V. M. Singer (Downsview): And Ed
Mr. Havrot: Mr. Speaker, my greatest area
of concern is the lack of employment oppor-
tunities for the hundreds of capable young
people graduating annually from our high
schools and community colleges who are
lured to the bright spots of Toronto and the
job opportunities of the "golden horseshoe."
The north has become an educational factory
for business and industry of southern Ontario.
Mr. Speaker, as a major step to stem the
flow of our youth from the north I would like
to strongly urge my government to take im-
mediate action to implement the Maple
Mountain project, which is located 30 miles
west of the town of .Haileybury.
Mr. W. Ferrier (Cochrane South):
"George," we wiU send you these Tums over.
Mr. Martel: The Solicitor General (Mr.
Kerr) just fell off his chair on that.
Mr. D. W. Ewen (Wentworth North): Put
your hand up, "Comer," we will let you go
to the bathroom.
Mr. Havrot: During the past two years this
project has received a tremendous amount of
publicity by all the media across the prov-
ince. I might also add that it has received
enthusiastic support from municipal councils
in northeastern Ontario from Sudbury to
Kapuskasing, representing almost a quarter
of a million people.
The cost of this proposed project has been
kicked around like a football, ranging any-
where from $40 million to $100 million. An-
other misconception has been that the project
will be funded entirely from the public
sector. This is not so and here are the facts:
Stage one: Total estimated expenditure—
$42 million. Forty-six percent of this amount
would be funded over a five-year peiiod by
the provincial and federal governments
yielding an SVa per cent return on investnient,
and the balance of 54 per cent from the
private sector.
Of more than 30 sites thoroughly investi-
gated throughout many areas of the province,
Maple Mountain was the only site that had
all the ingredients to develop a year-round
resort community providing a full range of
recreational activity to attract large numbers
of visitors for extended periods of stay.
Mr. Cassidy: I hear it is pretty cold for
skiing in the winter up there.
Mr. Havrot: Well, we live up there. How
does my friend figure that one?
Mr. Cassidy: It's about 25 deg. colder than
the Laurentians.
Mr. Havrot: It is 2 deg. colder, the
statistics prove, my friend.
The potential economic and social benefits
to the region are enormous. Through the con-
struction of stage one alone over 1,200
people would be employed. Once in opera-
tion, stage one would employ over 900
people. Most of those would commute from
the Tritown area.
It is estimated that this project would
attract up to 17.6 million visitor dollars an-
nually, compared with $7.3 million for the
entire riding in 1972, not to mention those
dollars which will be spent directly off-site
and throughout the region. The greatest per-
centage of all these dollars, through labour
costs and the purchase of services, goods and
supplies, will remain in the north.
Every effort will be made to encourage
local individual and corporate financial par-
ticipation in the project, and such would
ensure that even more dollars would remain
in the north. I might add, Mr. Speaker, that
many northerners have already expressed a
genuine interest to invest in this most excit-
ing project. I urge the government to con-
sider what this project will mean, not just to
my riding, but to the entire north country.
Tourism has to be developed in the north
as our mines and forests will not last for-
ever. It can and will provide new oppor-
tunities for private capital. It can provide
many hundreds of jobs for yoimg people who
want to live in the north. If we have a
major tourist attraction, international in its
scope, then we will see tourists spill out all
over the north, but we desperately need
some magnet to draw them into the area.
Mr, Cassidy: They will take the bus to
Cobalt and buy a cup of coffee, eh?
Mr. Havrot: That magnet, Mr. Speaker,
is the Maple Mountain project, which con-
tains immense potential for revitalizing the
north country. I didn't hear the member—
a little louder please.
Mr. Cassidy: They will take the bus to
Cobalt and buy a cup of coffee. That is the
spin-off from that proposition. All the rest
of the region will get nothing more.
Mr. Havrot: That's just about the size of
the member's mind— about the size of a cup
of coffee.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please.
Mr. Havrot: Another great area of concern
to me, Mr. Speaker, has been the decision on
the part of most ministries at Queen's Park
to locate the bulk of regional and district
oflBces in the larger, more expensive and
prosperous communities of the north— com-
pletely ignoring the smaller, less prosperous
communities which are struggling for sur-
vival. I strongly feel that if Ae north is to
grow, it must grow together and not in the
isolated population growth areas.
This problem of centralization and bureau-
cratic thinking extends to the Ontario North-
land Railway. Despite all kinds of eflForts at
the political level to make the ONR a vital
andi imaginative development growth, it is
regarded by most northerners as solely a
North Bay concern.
To elaborate on this point, North Bay does
not produce a dollar's worth of revenue for
the ONR, yet the main operations are con-
centrated in the Bay. The communities along
the system which help prodtice the revenues
are gradually being downgraded with staff,
workshop and equipment reductions — and
in some cases are being phased out com-
il would also like to suggest that we need
yoimger and more vigorous commissioners
and the appointment of a commissioner to
represent labour on the ONR—
Mr. Ferrier: They need a new chairman
Mr. Cassidy: They need a new chairman,
yes. Take the land speculators out of the
Mr. Havrot: The members opposite couldn't
hold a candle to him. They couldti't hold a
candle to the chairman. The only thing they
have got longer than he has is a tongue. I
congratulate my government on the improve-
ment to the norOntair service and the utiliza-
tion of a new municipal airstrip at Kirkland
Lake. This excellent facility now provides
a connecting link for people in the Kirkland
Lake, E*nglehart, Earlton, and Tritown with
Air Canada and Sudbury—
Mr. Cassidy: Is the member bucking for
the chairman's job?
Mr. Havrot: — on two direct return flights
daily from Toronto with an average flying
time of only two hours each way.
Mr. Speaker, the people of the north ap-
preciate the excellent commimity colfeges,
but I feel that the time has come for a com-
plete survey of community college facilities
in Ontario and that no more should be built
or enlarged until our present facilities are
operating at capacity. The college in Kirk-
land Lake is operating at about 50 per cent
capacity and the situation in Timmins isn't
much better. I see constant duplication and
outright competition with taxpayers' money
between the colleges in Ontario as they seek
students. It would make more sense to ofi^er
increased grants to southern Ontario students
to locate in the north rather than spend more
millions in expansion in the south.
I am well aware that this government and
the Minister of Health (Mr. Miller) are con-
cerned over the increasing costs of medical
services. I do suggest that we should replace
the present cumbersome billing procedures
with a simple credit card. After all, if you
can get four new tires and a grease job
simply by presenting a credit card, I see no
reason why medical attention should require
so much paper work.
ISince transportation has been one of the
major problems of the north, I very much
welcome the recent appointment of my good
friend and colleague, John Rhodbs of Sault
Ste. Marie, as Minister of Transportation
and Communications. This appointment—
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): Repeat that.
Mr. Havrot: Oh, would the minister like a
tSince transportation hasi been one of the
major problems of the north, I very much
welcome the recent appointment of my good
friend and colleague, John Rhodes of Sault
Ste. Marie, as Minister of Transportation and
Communications .
MARCH 7, 1974
Mr. B. Cilbertson (Algoma): Rhodes for
Mr. Havrot: This appointment brings the
number of cabinet ministers to three from
northeastern and northwestern Ontario and
clearly indicates that the government recog-
nizes the needs and priorities of the north.
I might also add that this is the first time
in the history of the province that this
important portfolio has been held by a
northern member.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: How about that?
Mr. Havrot: The government unveiled this
past year a series of important steps designed
to benefit the economy of northern Ontario.
A 10 per cent increase in general support
grants, announced in the budget for northern
municipalities, is in addition to grants made
to all other Ontario municipalities. The new
business incentive programme provides for
loans to new or expanding northern busi-
nesses of up to $1 million or 90 per cent of
capital costs and may be interest-free. Interim
reductions on freight rates averaging 18 per
cent are in efi^ect in northeastern Ontario.
They have helped to reduce costs of incom-
ing goods and permit outgoing prodticts to
compete more effectively in southern markets.
Mr. Speaker, I was delighted by the recog-
nition given to northern Ontario in the
Speech from the Throne. The opportunity
to establish local community councils in un-
organized townships in northern Ontario is
most welcome. Studies to establish a port
facility in the James Bay area to bring poten-
tial supplies of gas, oil and minerals from
sources in the eastern Arctic will no doubt
stimulate exploration and there is a good
possibility that this area could well become
a major producer of natural gas for Ontario.
I wholeheartedly support the proposal for
a prescription drug plan for senior citizens.
The present form of assistance through wel-
fare agencies is totally unacceptable.
The provincial home renewal programme
which provides grants to homeowners in
municipahties for preserving and upgrading
the quality of existing homes will be of great
benefit to the people of the north. Over the
years, many homeowners have experienced
difficulties in obtaining loans at reasonable
rates to improve their homes.
I look forward to the implementation of
these and other recommendations in the
fourth session of the 29th Parhament. Thank
you, Mr. Speaker.
'Mr. R. F. Nixon moves the adjournment
of the debate.
'Motion agreed to.
Hon. Mr. Winkler moves the adjournment
of the House.
Motion agreed to.
The House adjourned at 3:50 o'clock,
Thursday, March 7, 1974
Route of petroleum pipeline, statement by Mr. Grossman 39
Arbitration board for CAAT dispute, question of Mr. Winkler: Mr. Laughren 40
Anglo-Canadian Pulp and Paper expansion in northwestern Ontario, statement by
Mr. Davis 42
Anglo-Canadian Pulp and Paper expansion in northwestern Ontario, questions of
Mr. Davis: Mr. R. F. Nixon, Mr. Lewis 43
Environmental impact of public works, questions of Mr. Grossman and Mr. McKeough:
Mr. R. F. Nixon, Mr, Cassidy, Mr. Gaunt 43
Prosecution of denturists, questions of Mr. Welch: Mr. R. F. Nixon, Mr. Shulman,
Mr. Braithwaite, Mr. Roy 47
Route of petroleum pipeline, questions of Mr. McKeough: Mr. Lewis, Mr. Roy 49
Maple Mountain development, questions of Mr. Bennett: Mr. Lewis 50
Hall Lamp Co., questions of Mr. Guindon and Mr. Bennett: Mr. Lewis, Mr. Riddell .... 50
Acquisition of Lake Ontario Cement Co. property, question of Mr. Bemier: Mr. Lewis 51
Female appointments to WCB, question of Mr. Davis: Mr. Lewis 51
No-fault automobile insurance, questions of Mr. Davis: Mr. Singer, Mr. Roy 52
Role of chiropractors, questions of Mr. Miller: Mr. Shulman 53
GO-Urban system, questions of Mr. Rhodes: Mr. Givens 54
Spending ceilings in education, questions of Mr. Wells: Mr. Deans, Mr. Lewis 55
Assessments on mobile homes, questions of Mr. Meen: Mr. Good 55
Presenting reports, Ministry of Government Services and Provincial Auditor, Mr. Snow 55
Presenting report, federal-provincial agreement for regional economic development in
Cornwall area, Mr. Irvine 55
Practise of Dental Prosthesis Act, bill intituled, Mr. R. F. Nixon, first reading 56
Milk Act, bill to amend, Mr. Stewart, first reading 56
Developmental Services Act 1974, bill intituled, Mr. Brunelle, first reading 56
Municipal Act, biU to amend, Mr. Irvine, first reading 56
Ontario Human Rights Code, bill to amend, Mr. Guindon, first reading 56
Mental Health Act, bill to amend, Mr. Roy, first reading 56
Debate on the Speech from the Throne, Mr. Beckett, Mr. Havrot 57
Motion to adjourn debate, Mr. R. F. Nixon, agreed to 63
Motion to adjourn, Mr. Winkler, agreed to 63
No. 4
Hcgtslature of Ontario
Fourth Session of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature
Friday, March 8, 1974
Speaker: Honourable Allan Edward Renter
Clerk: Roderick Lewis, QC
Price per session, $10.00. Address, Clerk of the House, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto
(Daily index of proceedings appears at back of this issue.)
The House met at 10 o'clock, a.m.
Mr. Speaker: Statements by the ministry.
Oral questions. The Leader of the Opposi-
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposi-
tion): Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the
Minister of Labour if he contemplates mak-
ing further changes in the composition and
personnel of the workmen's Compensation
Board and the high administrative echelons
of the board?
Hon. F. Guindon (Minister of Labour):
Yes, Mr. Speaker. There are still two va-
cancies on the board. Two commissioners
still have to be appointed.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Thank you. Can the
minister assures us that Mr. Decker will be
maintained in his position as—
Mr. S. Lewis (Scarborough West): He was
Mr. R. F. Nixon: —vice-chairman and that
the stories and the rumours that are heard
among those concerned with the Workmen's
Compensation Board are in no way true, and
that, in fact, he will continue in his impor-
tant post?
Hon. Mr. Cuindon: Mr. Speaker, Mr.
Decker has been reappointed for a term of
two years. I believe, as a commissioner of the
body corporate and not as vice-chairman.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Not as vice-chairman?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Right.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary then:
Are we to assume that he will be removed
from that position?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: There are two vice-
chairmen. With the new structure of the
board, as members know, we have a vice-
chairman for manager, Mr. Speaker, and a
FRroAY, March 8, 1974
vice-chairman for the appeal structure; but
Mr. Decker is still a member of the board.
Mr. I. Deans (Wentworth): He is a hear-
ing officer.
Mr. Lewis: He is a commissioner of ap-
Hon. Mr. Guindon: No, no. He is a mem-
ber of the corporate body.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I'm sorry, Mr. Speaker,
I don't want to belabour this, but his posi-
tion has been vice-chairman now for a con-
siderable period of time and that is going to
be changed. Is that correct?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Yes, that's right, Mr.
Speaker, Mr. Decker was vice-chairman of
the board. Now he is a member of the cor-
porate body, the same as Mr. Hamilton.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Right. A supplementary:
Is it the minister's intention to deal directly
with the union of injured workmen— a group
that he is familiar with, as are we, from
various communications— which seems to be
becoming more and more the major organ-
ized spokesman for those people who feel
they have not been dealt with equitably and
with justice by the board?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: I think the board has
always had a fairly good rapport with the
injured workmen's group, Mr. Speaker. How-
ever, in the new structure you will find there
will be counsellors appointed as well, coun-
sellors who will not come under the board
but will be paid by the Ministry of Labour.
Mr. E. J. Bounsall (Windsor West): Sup-
plementary, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Wind-
sor West.
Mr. Bounsall: Thank you. Would the
minister consider appointing various persons
or the directors of the Injured Workmen's
Consultants as consultants to the board, as
one of these bodies outside the board which
the board is now able and willing to appoint?
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Right now, of course,
Mr. Speaker, the board is accepting applica-
tions from anyone interested in being ap-
pointed to the board. These applicants will
be screened, and of course we are looking
for experienced people who we feel really
will fill that job properly.
Coining back to the question of my hon.
friend from Windsor West, I cannot say at
this time whether we could do this or not.
I would think not.
Mr. Lewis: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker:
Why did the minister turn down the recent
request from the union of injured workmen
to meet with a large number of their mem-
bership, so that they could raise with the
Minister of Labour, the enormous range of
injustice they continue to feel about their
relationship with the Workmen's Compensa-
tion Board? Most of them, as the minister
knows, represent immigrant communities in
the west end of the city of Toronto, and he
categorically refuses to meet with them. Why
does he do that as minister? He refused to
meet their mass meeting. He said, "Send
some representatives to my oflRce." Why
won't he meet with the range of injured
workmen themselves?
Hon. Mr. Cuindon: Mr. Speaker, I have
met with this group on several occasions—
at least three that I recall in my offices here
at Queen's Park. The board and the chair-
man of the Workmen's Compensation Board
have met with them on several occasions as
well. These people naturally want to talk
about benefits. I am in no position to say
anything at this present time. I certainly have
to consult the employers' and employees'
organizations of this province and find out
the cost factor of any benefit that perhaps
could be added. So I am not in a position at
this time to—
Mr. Deans: Has the minister not done
Hon. Mr. Guindon: I am prepared, and I
said so—
Mr. Lewis: The minister is building an-
other host of rage out there.
Hon. Mr. Guindon: I have never turned
down any delegation in the last 2% years,
Mr. Speaker. I would be quite prepared to
meet with them, but there is no point in
attending a public assembly-
Mr. Lewis: Why not? He is a minister of
the Crown. There is tremendous frustration
amongst those workers. He should meet with
Hon. Mr. Guindon: I would be glad to meet
with them, and I will— I have offered to meet
with them.
Mr. Lewis: Sure, three or four selected
ones in his office.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Supplementary: Would
the minister agree that the very best kind
of a political realization in this is that if the
responsible minister, not the appointed chair-
man, meet with this group, the injured work-
men's union, and on their own ground and
under their own circumstances?
Mr. Lewis: Sure, sure.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Why not? Surely that is
why we have a Legislature and a responsible
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Mr. Speaker, I think it
is known, even among the injured workmen's
association, that it is not hard to meet the
Minister of Labour in this province. I think
I made this very clear.
Mr. Lewis: Well, he refused.
Hon. Mr. Guindon: Moreover, when our
bill, the Workmen's Compensation Act, went
to the committee stage last year, we made it
a point to invite these people to attend; and
in fact they did contribute something.
Mr. Lewis: The minister gave them 24
hours' notice. He invited them on Friday
for a Monday.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: What happened to the
Minister of the Environment (Mr. W. New-
man)? Oh, there he goes.
I would like to ask the Minister of Indus-
try and Tourism to repeat his rather con-
voluted explanation as to why he, through
his ministry, has made pavTuents of $1,-
250,000 to Dalton Camp Associates without
a contract or a written agreement. Does the
minister not feel that it is his personal re-
sponsibility to see that these moneys are
spent in a more orderly way, if at all? Does
he not further see the sensitivity in this
matter, since a number of advertising agen-
cies seem to be getting bigger and bigger
accounts with various government ministries
as we get closer to the election, and the
government embarks on these self-aggran-
dizement programmes at the public expense?
Hon. C. Bennett (Minister of Industry and
Tourism): Mr. Speaker, the remark made by
MARCH 8, 1974
the Leader of the Opposition is not actually
correct. First of all, the sum of $1.25 million
was not paid to the Camp agency. That was
our entire account for advertising in press,
radio and TV for the ministry for the year
that the auditor was reporting for. Camp
Associates, sir, works on a commitment to
the government through the Ministry of In-
dustry and Tourism. When the auditor
brought it to our attention that there should
be an agreement, the ministry people set to
work to draft an agreement. After many
months of discussion within the ministry and
with the auditor's people they were not sure
as to why exactly they were trying to pro-
pose or arrange an agreement, which is not
the customary way of dealing with advertis-
ing agencies anywhere in this province.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The customary way is to
do it on a friendly and political basis.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Well, I suppose if it is
on a friendly and political basis we'd likely
gain that line of knowledge from the Liberal
Party in Ottawa— and so, Mr. Speaker-
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): It has
worked for 30 years.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: I am reporting exactly
as the situation happens to be with advertis-
ing agencies in this province-
Mr. D. C. MacDonald (York South): Both
the Conservatives and Liberals do it the
same way; we recognize that.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: We know who are the
ripoff artists.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: —and let me remind
the NDP that it is on the same basis as the
NDP is treating its advertising agency in
Manitoba; the agency that looked after the
party in power in Manitoba during the last
provincial election in that province.
Mr. J. A. Renwick (Riverdale): We will
check that one, too.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. W. A. Stewart (Minister of Agricul-
ture and Food): Righteous indignation.
Mr. MacDonald: Let's get back to Ontario
Mr. Speaker: Order, order.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, we have
with our agents— and I can report that for
the Ministry of Industry and Tourism we have
three agencies that work on our behalf-
commitments which have a 30-djay cancella-
tion clause. In the commitment it very clearly
states exactly what we expect of that agent
for us as the client.
Mr. Renwick: Let's table that.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: We place the advertise-
ment in the areas that we believe it should
be placed for the greatest efficiency and pro-
motion for the Province of Ontario. TTieir
Mr. R. F. Nixon: And for the Conservative
Hon. Mr. Bennett: If it happens to advance
the cause of the government of the Province
of Ontario, all well and good. But first and
foremost we are advancing the position of
the Province of Ontario, which I believe in-
cludes the opposition members as well.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Does he mean the Con-
servative Party?
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. MacDonald: Can we share the de-
cisions on how the minister handles that?
Hon. Mr. Bennett: We have at the moment
the Camp agency, which looks after the
tourism account, and in our opinion it is
doing a very effective and efficient job. The
travel agency for Canada, through the Liberal
Party, adlnits that our advertising is among
the best on this continent.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: An absolute disgrace.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Witii that, sir, it is
obvious that this government has employed
the best agency possible to advance the cause
of tourism in this province.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Supplementary: Does the
minister then reject the criticism from the
Provincial Auditor? In fact, is he saying that
what he is doing is better than what the
Provincial Auditor is suggesting and saying
specifically should be done?
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): That's right.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, since the
time that we discussed the—
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The Chairman of the
Management Board says "right."
Mr. Lewis: Get that on the record.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Let me assure the
Leader of the Opposition, since the day that—
Mr. MacDonald: Great management over
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Yes, we have good
management and we have followed the advice
of the auditor at this point in time.
Mr. Lewis: Oh come on—
Mr. R. F. Nixon: It is already too much.
Mr. Lewis: The man the minister is deal-
ing with is also the chairman of the commis-
sion on the Legislature.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, it would
be well if the leader of the NDP would get
his facts straight for a change, for the simple
reason that Mr. Camp is not associated with
the firm.
Mr. V. M. Singer (Downsview): It is his
Hon. Mr. Bennett: I couldn't care less who
he is. The fact is that—
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Lewis: Just tell us the minister will
put it in hand.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: The statement was made
that Mr. Camp was leading the agency.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That agency has such a
tchy name— Dalton Camp Associates.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Well, it appears that the
Liberal Party was willing to accept some of
his recommendations on changes in the Legis-
lature, so I would think that his advice must
be good herei as well as in the advertising
Mr. Lewis: Sort this out then.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: May I say that the
leader of the Liberal Party asked if we were
willing to accept the auditor's advice. We are;
we have prepared an agreement.
Mr. Singer: Oh, the minister and the Chair-
man of the Management Board don't agree
on that.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: May I advise the Leader
of the Opposition that since that time we
have had further discussions with the auditor
general for the province and we are not sure
that there is anything to be gained by sign-
ing an agreement. I would advise the House
of this, that we have an agreement which has
been signed by the Camp agency. It has not
been signed by the ministry at this point be-
cause there seems to be some difference of
opinion with the auditor as to why we should
have the agreement when the commitment is
covering the item fully and adequately at this
Mr. MacDonald: Because the Chairman of
the Management Board was opposed to it.
Mr. Lewis: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker:
No. 1, will the minister table those commit-
ments in the House? No. 2, will he explain
what he means by the customary relationship?
And No. 3, can he tell us whether or not the
Management Board will accept the auditor's
recommendations since the Chairman of the
Management Board has already rejected them
this morning in the House?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: That's not true.
Mr. Singer: The Chairman of the Manage-
ment Board had better get up and set that
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Well, as far as the Man-
agement Board's position is concerned I'll
allow the Chairman of the Management Board
to report on that question for the member.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That's nice of the minister.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: As for the commitments,
sir, we are prepared to file them. They are
an order from our ministry to the agency as
to where we wish our advertising placed. We
have no reasons not to indicate very clearly
to this House and the people of Ontario
where we spend the money in their interests
to promote tourism.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: And the government's
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Downs-
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, by way of supple-
mentary, could the minister tell us how many
dollars he expects to spend with the Camp
agency, without the agreement, during the
months of March, April, May and June of
1974? Has he projected his thinking that far
ahead or is he just writing a blank cheque?
MARCH 8, 1974
How many dollars has he allocated and what
plans does he have?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Just whatever is good for
the Tory party.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Let me say, Mr. Speaker,
while the Leader of the Opposition seems to
think that it is all for the advancement of the
Tory party-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Isn't it?
Hon. Mr. Bennett: —it has provided ex-
cellent government for this province over the
last 30 years. Obviously we have placed the
ads in the right spots to convince people we
are doing a job on their behalf and in their
Mr. R. F. Nixon: It is time for the cam-
Mr. Lewis: It won't save the government
anyway, but that's not the point of the
Hon. Mr. Bennett: As to answering the
question, we do have spelled out very clearly
in our commitments to the agency exacdy the
number of dollars that will be spent and in
the places that they will be spent, whether
it relates to television, radio or newspaper
Mr. Singef! How about telling the House
about it?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Did the minister say he
would table it?
Hon. Mr. Bennett: If Liberal members had
been listening to the leader of the NDP—
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Did the minister say he
would table it?
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: I believe, Mr, Speaker,
if a few of the members of the Liberal Party
would sit and listen for a moment to the
questions that are asked by other parties in
this House, they might also be able to gain
some knowledge of the answers that are given.
I indicated to the leader of the NDP that
I was prepared to table in this House the
commitments that we have with our agency
in placing advertising on a national or inter-
national basis, and that would cover the
very question that the member from the
Liberal Party has asked.
Mr. Singer: When is the minister going to
table it?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: When is he going to
table it?
Hon. Mr. Bennett: In due course.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Lewis: Apart from self-enhancement
or whatever else, I don't think it's comic in
terms of the commission on the Legislature.
Does the minister not think he owes it to
Dalton Camp Associates as well as to the
Legislature to table those commitments on
Monday or Tuesday of next week to indi-
cate to us when in time those commitments
were undertaken and whether or not he is
going to follow the specific recommendation
of the auditor to have a negotiated agree-
ment or contract?
Hon. Mr. Beimett: Mr. Speaker, I think I
have already covered the position in the
contract. We have an agreement already
drafted and signed by the Camp agency, but
because there appears to be some difiFerence
of opinion as to what the need of the agree-
ment is at this time it has not been fully
signed by the ministry.
Mr, Lewis; Let us see it.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Well, if the ministry
doesn't need it, why have it?
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, by way of sup-
plementary, if the minister doesn't know the
need, if there is confusion, how can he pos-
sibly say that he has a plan for the ongoing
Mr. Lewis: Well, he can say many things.
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, I am not
sure that the relationship of the agreement
has anything to do with the placing of ad-
vertising, to be very honest with you.
Mr. Lewis: I wouldn't have thought so,
Hon. Mr. Bennett: I already indicated to
this House that in the opinion of the auditors
and those people within the ministry, the
commitment that we have with the agency
is basically the same thing, a direct commit-
ment as to what we are going to spend in
advertising and in what months and in what
areas of promotion we are going to use it.
Mr. Singer: Why doesn't the minister tell
the House about it?
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Leader of the
Opposition? The hon. member for Scarbor-
ough West.
Mr. Lewis: We will allow Camp Associates
to tender on our contract.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West with a question.
Hon. W. Newman: No, I haven't visited
that site. I have visited many garbage sites,
though, in the province.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Is he going to visit this
Mr. Lewis: I have a question, Mr. Speaker,
of the Minister of the Environment because
he has been so anxious to jump in these last
few days. May I ask him whether he has
rejected the request from Disposal Services
Ltd. for what would amount to a hearing
under section 35 of the Environmental Pro-
tection Act, which would allow the bylaw
to be waived so that Disposal Services could
continue to establish large landfill sites in
Vaughan township?
Hon. W. Newman (Minister of the En-
vironment): Mr. Speaker, there will be an
Environmental Hearing Board meeting next
week on these matters, on the 20-acre site
and the bylaw.
Mr. Lewis: On the 20-acre site and on
the big proposed site— the 900-acre site— as
Hon. W. Newman: No, just on this portion
of it. We are still waiting for engineering
reports on the total overall picture.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary: I won-
der if the minister could tell us the status of
that other great garbage commitment that his
Environmental Hearing Board has made and
that is in Hope township. Is he prepared to
say what the government policy is on going
forward with that or cancelling it? Hopefully
it will cancel it?
Hon. W. Newman: As you know, the en-
vironmental hearing board has made its re-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: They made a recommen-
Hon. W. Newman: They made a recom-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That the CPR be granted
the right.
Hon. W. Newman: Right. And we are now
doing the necessary testing in that area.
There are still more meetings to be held
with the CPR officials and the municipal oflB-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary: Has
the minister visited the site?
Hon. W. Newman: I will be visiting a lot
of them.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: He has been to a lot of
Tory rallies in the past.
Mr. Lewis: Supplementary to the minister,
Mr. Speaker: Would the minister consider
suspending the intended plans for the Hope
township site, for the Pickering township
site and for the Vaughan township site, both
in the transportation of public and private
garbage? And would he take a look at the
possibilities of alternatives for Metropolitan
Toronto, with assistance from the public
treasury, in the three- or four-year interim
period before major recycling and reclama-
tion can be undertaken, to locate that gar-
bage in an area of the province, transported
by rail if necessary, which would not cause
such total disruption in those surrounding
communities immediately adjacent to Metro?
He has that authority under the Environ-
mental Protection Act.
Hon. W. Newman: The total matter of
waste disposal, of course, I'm very much con-
cerned about and live with daily, but I'm
not prepared at this point in time to with-
draw all these applications, no. But we are
certainly looking.
As you know, we have the programme
Watts from Waste. We are also working on
the engineering for a reclamation plant. We
are looking for other means. Certainly in the
long-range view we want to do away with
the sites, but even with all those processes
there still will be some waste that will have
to be dealt with in the future.
Mr. E. R. Good (Waterloo North): A sup-
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Water-
loo North.
Mr. Good: Would the minister assure the
Legislature that he will give only enough
permits to handle the Metropolitan landfill
problem until such time as there is a speed-up
in the reclamation and recycling process
within Metro— which is five years late, in-
cidentally, Mr. Speaker— so that there won't
be permits given, which could carry on for
20 years more, for burying our garbage
MARCH 8, 1974
in the ground, which is what they are wanting
to do?
Hon. W. Newman: We are quite anxious
in this ministry to get away from long-term
landfill sites.
Mr. Good: When did it change its policy?
Overnight? Because that was not the previous
Hon. W. Newman: No, I didn't say it was—
Mr. R. F. Nixon: New minister, new policy,
that's all.
Mr. Good: That's great.
Hon. W. Newman: There are many sites—
and I realize what the member is trying to
say, that we want to look at the other pro-
grammes we have under way to try to find
other ways of dealing with this matter.
Mr. D. M. Deacon (York Centre): A sup-
Mr. Good: The minister didn't answer my
Mr. Deacon: In view of the fact that there
are at least a score of well-proven recycling
installations now in operation in Europe and
in North America, could the minister not
select one of these at least and get several of
them immediately under construction, because
it takes two years at the most to get proven
plans into construction and in operation if they
are proven processes? Would the minister
undertake to do that and keep the limit on
any landfill to three years, other than the
refuse left over after recycling?
Hon. W. Newman: I must be quite honest.
I am not that familiar with all the European
situations at this point in time. As I said, we
have engineering plans under way for reckma-
tion plants now and—
Mr. Deacon: This is terrible.
Hon. W. Newman: At this point in time
I am not prepared to say that we can lock into
a three-year situation until we have these
plans well along.
Mr. B. Newman ( Windsor- Walkerville):
Why doesn't the minister take my bill-
Mr. Renwick: Mr. Speaker, by way of a
supplementary question, has the hon. Minister
of Industry and Tourism reported to the
hon. Minister of the Environment about the
discussions which he has been having with a
firm from Italy on this question of garbage
disposal and the mechanical equipment which,
I understand, was quite acceptable to the
Ministry of Industry and Tourism?
Hon. W. Newman: As a matter of fact I
have been rather busy since I started this job.
I haven't really had a chance to talk to the
Ministry of Industry and Tourism, though I
plan to be meeting with them— I believe it's
on Monday of this coming week.
Mr. Lewis: The minister hasn't talked to
him yet?
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West.
Mr. Lewis: A question, Mr. Speaker— I have
been looking for the Minister of Consumer and
Commercial Relations. I can't find him, but
I see a facsimile over there so perhaps I
could direct the question.
Mr. Good: Frankie Laine's over there.
Mr. Lewis: What is the minister doing
about his continued appraisal of supermarkets
and retailers in his effort to watch the rise of
food prices? Has he referred any other dis-
crepancies or injustices that he thinks may
have occurred to the federal food prices com-
mission, and what has happened to that legis-
lation which was hinted at in the last ses-
sion, but not noted in this Throne Speech,
which might give the consumers some protec-
tion from increasing food prices other than in
the area of warranties and franchises, etc.?
Hon. J. T. Clement (Minister of Consumer
and Commercial Relations): Mr. Speaker,
firstly I would like to thank the leader of the
New Democratic Party for recognizing that I
was here. I have been here two or three days
and I am surprised he didn't see me.
Mr. Lewis: No, he hasn't been here; not
in his seat he hasn't.
Hon. Mr. Clement: I also welcome the
comments referring to my Christmas present
and I have a new shirt on" today, too. I hope
the fact that it's a little on the red side has
nothing to do vsdth my new motif.
In any event, sir, referring to the question
dealing with the food prices, yes, we are
continuing to monitor diem. We are also
drafting the Business Practices Act to which
I have made reference in the past. I hope to
be able to introduce that legislation in this
session of the House.
I have also had discussions with my
counterpart in Ottawa, the Hon. Mr. Gray,
insofar as food price increases are concerned.
As the hon. leadter knows, it is not only re-
stricted to this province; the problem seems
to exist, in fact, across the country and I
anticipate that legislation will emanate from
the federal people dealing with this particular
I am sure the hon. leader is aware that a
substantial number of prosecutions, I am ad-
vised, have already been initiated by the
federal people as a result of the Prices Review
Board's investigations into food prices, which
have been carried on over the past few
months. Insofar as our proposing or under-
taking some form of price control is con-
cerned, I see that just cannot be effected and
I would not, accordingly, make any such
undertaking to the members of this House.
Mr. Lewis: A supplementary: Can the min-
ister make public the monitoring of food
price increases that he has in his ministry to
give us a sense of where precisely it is
occurring and who is responsible for it?
Second, has he called the major supermarket
chains into his office to justify to klm or ex-
plain to him how they legitimize the return
on investment which they have made over the
last 18 months to two years, and to take a
look at their balance sheets?
Hon. Mr. Clement: Mr. Speaker, no, I
have not called the presidents of the super-
markets into my office to make that inquiry.
We have taken a careful look at those
publicly listed companies out of a matter of
curiosity on our part. It is interesting, Mr.
Speaker, in connection with one major super-
market that while at first blush it did have a
particularly lucrative year in 1973, it appears
that a substantial portion of earnings in that
particular year for that particular company
emanated from the sale of capital assets by
way of land, and it appears a capital gain of
some substance was realized.
We have no jurisdiction to invite them in.
I am sure that if we did, they would come in
and discuss it.
Insofar as the food monitoring is concerned,
I propose to make those figures available to
the public, again in the next week or two. I
should point out to the House, Mr. Speaker,
and to the hon. leader of the New Democratic
Party, they are not particularly persuasive one
way or the other in that the prices will
fluctuate ever so slightly from week to week.
There are no significant trends or leadership
provided by any one company in any one
particular period of time and the difference
in terms of dollars and cents in rather
Mr. Lewis: The minister is being manip-
ulated and ripped off and he is enjoying it.
He likes watching this system work.
Mr. MacDonald: A supplementary ques-
tion, Mr. Speaker: May I ask the minister
what co-ordination, if any, there is between
this work in his ministry and the work within
the Ministry of Agriculture and Food where
it monitors a food basket? Why is it that both
this ministry and the Ministry of Agriculture,
in reference to the food basket monitoring,
operate so secretly? Why isn't this informa-
tion out to the public so that it may be of
some value?
Hon. Mr. Clement: Mr. Speaker, as I have
indicated, I will make that available. There
is nothing secretive about it but I don't think
the hon. member for York South will really
be turned on if he notices that at supermarket
X our food' basket cost $19.26 and at its
competitor it was $19.31 for the week. I don't
think that will' do anything for him.
Mr. Lewis: Let the minister ask himself
what that means.
Hon. Mr. Clement: There's nothing secre-
tive about it. We have worked closely with
the Ministry of Agriculture, particularly the
food council which also does' the monitoring.
We are trying to ascertain at all times, in our
role, whetiier any legislation of this province
is being breached by any of the supermarkets.
The member and I can sit here and talk all
day about the spiralling costs and that sort of
thing, but I ask him exactly under what legis-
lation we would move?
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Clement: Unless we see that
existing legislation is being breached there
is nothing we can do at the provincial level.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Clement: We have had discus-
sions with the Food Prices Review Board
people on noticing practices that we don't
think are in the best interests of consumers;
and they have shared that concern and in
fact have initiated certain prosecutions under
the Combines Investigation Act.
Mr. Lewis: The prices are totally provin-
Mr. MacDonald: A supplementary, Mr.
Speaker: Is the minister familiar with re-
MARCH 8, 1974
search paper No. 14, prepared for the farm
income committee by William Janssen et al,
in which he, Janssen, documents that this
manipulation of prices by supermarkets is
part of their regular game? It is part of the
pattern of operation; and if they are fooling
the minister and he can't do anything about
it, doesn't that underline the need for legis-
lation that will catch these procedures?
Mr. Lewis: An excess profits tax; the right
to roll back prices.
Hon. Mr. Clement: I have not seen it.
Mr. Deans: I have one more supplemen-
Mr. MacDonald: The minister ought to
read that report; it is a very good document.
Hon. Mr. Stewart: He will be able to im-
plement that in Manitoba because he is now
the deputy.
Mr. MacDonald: He is indeed.
Hon. Mr. Stewart: But he hasn't done a
thing about it.
Mr. MacDonald: He has, you bet he has.
Hon. Mr. Stewart: He hasn't done a thing
about it; not a thing.
Mr. MacDonald: They know about their
food basket; there are weekly announcements
about the discrepancies between what far-
mers get and consumer prices.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Order, order.
Mr. Deans: Thank you. Mr. Speaker, is the
minister satisfied there is in fact no collusion
between the supermarkets in order to make
sure that the average food basket does main-
tain a level which they consider to be reason-
able but I consider to be exhorbitant?
Mr. Lewis: Sure there is collusion; there is
Hon. Mr. Clement: I can't speak to any
such discussion as it exists, in reality or as
alleged, between the supermarkets. I point
out to the hon. member that under the com-
bines Investigation Act if that type of prac-
tice persists there might well be prosecution
emanating from that level.
Mr. Lewis: Well then, the minister should
examine it.
Hon. Mr. Clement: So I'm not privy to
any discussions between the heads of super-
markets, no.
Mr. Deans: One final question.
Mr. Speaker: The hon member for Kit-
chener. There have been three supplemen-
taries. Was it a supplementary?
Mr. Breithaupt: No, it wasn't.
Mr. Speaker: I'm sorry. Then the hon.
member for Wentworth may ask a supple-
Mr. Deans: One final supplementary ques-
tion: Is the minister aware of the statement
by certain supermarkets that they do indeed
check their competitors' prices before estab-
lishing a price on their own shelves for
similar products?
Hon. Mr. Clement: Mr. Speaker, yes I'm
aware of that statement having been made.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West. Does he have a further ques-
Mr. Lewis: No, I don't think so.
Mr. Speaker: No. The hon. member for
Mr. Breithaupt: I have a question, Mr.
Speaker, of the Chairman of the Management
Board of Cabinet. As it would appear that in
1971-1972, Dr. Douglas Wright received
some $39,863 as chairman of the Committee
on University Affairs, can the Chairman look
into section 33 of the Public Service Act and
advise us if the additional payments of
$34,980 per diem for work on the Commis-
sion on Post-Secondary Education, and
$23,935 in expense moneys received as well
by Dr. Wright, do not perhaps come into
conflict with the requirement for a public
servant not to engage in any work or business
undertaking other than that for which he is
paid as a public servant?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, I will cer-
tainly have a look at the question the hon.
member raises. I'm satisfied at the moment
that it met criteria, but I'll have it examined
and reply.
Mr. Breithaupt: Perhaps the minister on
the same point could inquire as to benefits
likely to have been received for consulting
work done on the structural steel contract at
Ontario Place.
Mr. Lewis: A supplementary, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: All right.
Mr. Lewis: Who was the commissioner
who received 27 per cent of the per diems
and 47 per cent of the expense allowance
indicated in the auditor's report; the com-
missioner on the Post-Secondary Education
Commission? That was it, was it not?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I'm not aware of the
detail the hon. member is inquiring about
but I shall find out and reply to him.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Sud-
Mr. M. C. Germa (Sudbury): Mr. Speaker,
I have a question of the Minister of Trans-
portation and Communications. As it is not
apparent that any benefits have accrued to the
consumer as a result of the freight rate
reduction programme into northern Ontario,
can the minister cite any one specific con-
sumer item which has had a price reduction
on account of the freight rate reduction pro-
gramme by the Northern Transportation Com-
Hon. J. R. Rhodes (Minister of Trans-
portation and Communications): No, Mr.
Speaker, I can't cite any specific commodity,
but I can say that there will be a new
announcement very shortly. As you know,
there was an experiment in this area. It did
not perhaps come forward as we had hoped
it would. It has been reassessed in connection
with a group of citizens in the northeastern
part of the province, and a new programme
will be brought forth very shortly. But I
can't mention any specific commodity at this
Mr. Germa: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker:
Could the minister also give us the details of
the total revenue loss to the Ontario North-
land Transportation Commission on account of
the programme and tell us who is the great-
est benefactor of these lost revenues?
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: Mr. Speaker, I will at-
tempt to get that information for the hon.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Downs-
view is next.
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, I have a ques-
tion of the Minister of Natural Resources.
Could he explain to us the basis on which
payments in the amount of $59,578 were
made to a firm of consultants and writers on
public relations to manage the information
and public relations programmes for his-
torical parks in that year? This was done
without the prior approval of the deputy
minister of the department; and there were
apparently payments made to a firm called
Communications-6 Inc. Who were they,
who found them and on whose authority was
this expenditure made?
Hon. L. Bemier (Minister of Natural Re-
sources): Mr. Speaker, this information, as
the member is very much aware, just came
to my attention late yesterday afternoon. I
have asked the deputy for a full report, and
I will have that for the member just as
quickly as I can. I might say that this par-
ticular contract has come to an end, and we
have called tenders for a new public re-
lations officer for the Huronia area.
Mr. Singer: By way of supplementary,
could the minister shed a little light on who
Communications-6 Inc. is?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: No, I can't, Mr. Speak-
er, but I will get the information.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Mr. M. Shulman (High Park): A question
of the Minister of Health, Mr. Speaker: Can
the minister explain why his department has
lost its interest in preventive medicine? Spe-
cifically, if you will recall, some time ago
the department announced with great fan-
fare that OHIP was going to pay for well-
female examinations every six months. A big
press release was issued, and yet very quiet-
ly the department has issued a notice to
all physicians saying it no longer will pay
for this type of preventive medicine. Are
they no longer interested in the department
in the prevention of cancer?
Hon. F. S. Miller (Minister of Health):
Mr. Speaker, no matter what crib notes I
get, each day he asks another question that
is not on them.
Mr. Breithaupt: That is the plan.
MARCH 8, 1974
Mr. Lewis: It is carefully worked out. We
know the notes the minister gets; we get
copies of the notes and ask other questions.
Mr. R. F. Nixon; We have a cute Minister
of Health.
Hon. Mr. Miller: Cute in the literal term-
or just visually?
Mr. MacDonald: What is the minister's
answer to the question?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I would not say that the
ministry has lost its interest in either the
prevention of cancer or, of course, preventive
medicine. I would think that the conference
of health ministers of Canada and of the
provinces of Canada, held in Ottawa last
month, in fact pointed out how important
this measure is and how the focus of the
health care programme has been too much
upon treating illnesses once they arise and
not enough on the prevention.
I can only say that I am extremely keen
and very much aware that in this economy
we have today, where we can afford the
luxuries of life that in fact create poor
health, one of our real problems is getting
people even to care about keeping them-
selves in condition and taking some of the
measures that are necessary to safeguard
their own health.
Mr. Deans: What about those who have
the incentive?
Mr. Shulman: As a supplementary, Mr.
Speaker: In view of the minister's fine senti-
ments, will he resume the programme which
he abandoned so recently of paying for well-
female examinations every six months, which
the second former Minister of Health an-
nounced with such a great advance flurry and
which has been dropped?
Hon. Mr. Miller: Well, it seems to me
this was a subject of a lot of controversy in
the press a short while back. The controversy
was a medical controversy, not a political
one, and that was the question of the value
of some of the tests that are involved in that
particular examination-
Mr. Shulman: The Pap smears.
Hon. Mr. Miller: Yes, the Pap smear test
specifically. As I recall, there was a real war
between different factions of the medical
profession as to whether in fact the Pap
smear test-
Mr. Lewis: Oh, surely not?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I am recalling only what
the medical profession said.
Mr. Lewis: No, I don't think he is— not the
Pap test.
Mr. Shulman: A further supplementary, if
I may. Is the minister suggesting that there
is a difference of opinion in the medical pro-
fession as to the value of Pap smears? Is
that what he believes? Is that what he really
Hon. Mr. Miller: I have found many differ-
ences of opinion in the medical profession.
Mr. Shulman: The minister is in bad
An hon. member: So is the medical pro-
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York-
Forest Hill is next.
Mr. P. G. Givens (York-Forest Hill): I have
a question of the Minister of Transportation
and Communications: In view of the state-
ment, reported in this morning's newspaper,
of Mr. Richard Soberman, who advocates the
replacement of the Scarborough Expressway
by LRT instead of the Krauss-Maffei system
—because he said that this will work now,
and we want something that will work now
and not in the future— would the minister
reconsider the complete GO-Urban policy of
the ministry with a view to accentuating the
incoming of light rapid transit because it is
more efficient, it is of lesser cost, it is de-
monstrably better and it is almost imme-
diately available?
Mr. Deans: If he opts for something that
will work now and not in the future, he is
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: Mr. Speaker, I have not
read Mr. Soberman's total comments. I did
hear some reporting on it last night. It seems
to me that he didn't compare it with the
Krauss-Maffei; be simply said that it was
possible to put it in in place of the express-
way and he has stated that this is what he
thought should be done.
As to what is the best way of handling the
urban transit problem and the best type of
method to be used, that is a matter of opin-
ion. At this time I'm not about to say that we
will change the whole direction because of
Mr. Soberman's statement; not at all.
Mr. Lewis: A supplementary, Mr. Speaker;
Mr. Soberman's statement in effect says that
the Krauss-MafFei system, through the south-
east as the government had envisaged it,
should be abandoned as should the express-
way and that light rail transit, available with-
in two to three years, be implemented along
a specific right of way. Gradually the Krauss-
Maffei system is being dismembered point by
point. The minister has only the mid-Toronto
corridor left out of the original five lanes.
Surely, he would use Soberman's report as a
basis to indicate to the House and the public
that he will reduce the overall amount of
money committed to Krauss-Maffei and per-
haps consider its abandonment?
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: Mr. Speaker, I don't
think that the government's policy in this
matter is going to be dictated by a statement
made by Mr. Soberman—
Mr. Lewis: It is not just Soberman.
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: —which in efi"ect is a
report to the Metropolitan Toronto council
which hasn't even decided what it is going to
do with it. Perhaps we should wait and find
out what Metro's thinking is on it, initially,
before we start making statements based on
his thoughts.
Mr. Lewis: Metro clearly has purposely dis-
carded the report.
An hon. member: Right.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Windsor
Mr. Bounsall: A question of the Chairman
of the Management Board of Cabinet, Mr.
Speaker, with reference to the negotiations
and conversations that have taken place be-
tween the government and the Civil Service
Association of Ontario on behalf of the com-
munity college faculties: Who, in his opinion,
would best decide which items are negotiable
when the public service tribunal under Judge
Little or the arbitration tribunal under Judge
Anderson decide they don't have the power to
decide which items are negotiable? Should it
be through the courts or by reference back to
the Legislature of Ontario?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, at the
moment this board has been legally consti-
tuted; the matter at this moment in time is in
the hands of Judge Anderson and I would
leave it to his adjudication.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York
Mr. Bounsall: A supplementary, Mr.
Mr. Speaker: All right, a supplementary.
Mr. Bounsall: It isn't a question of leaving
items to Judge Anderson's decision or not. My
question was, what is the minister going to
do when Judge Anderson says he cannot de-
cide which items are negotiable? Where will
that decision be made in the event that that
decision from Judge Anderson is forthcoming?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Since that board has not
yet met, Mr. Speaker, it is a hypothetical
question which I do not wish to answer.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York
Mr. Deacon: A question of the Provincial
Secretary for Social Development, Mr. Speak-
er: With the 12-to-8 decision last night of
the York county board to hire new teachers,
will the goverimient intervene under the ap-
propriate section— it is section 12(1)(1) of the
Ministry of Education Act— if it has evidence
that a substantial percentage of the registered
voters of York wish it to establish a trustee-
ship and call for a new election of trustees?
Hon. M. Birch (Provincial Secretary for
Social Development): Mr. Speaker, the only
comment that I'd be prepared to make at the
moment is that the Minister of Education
(Mr. Wells) is currently holding conversa-
tions this morning with those people.
Mr. Deacon: A further supplementary: May
I ask the provincial secretary to consider this
legislation? I would also ask the provincial
secretary to pass on to the minister my ques-
tion whether, if the government concludes the
existing legislation does not permit interven-
tion in the form I'm suggesting, will the gov-
ernment introduce such legislation, because
if the voters v^^nt the board's actions to be
overruled we should be sure they have that
right to do so, because I fear this wJiole
matter is going to escalate far beyond the
regions of York?
MARCH 8, 1974
Mr. Speaker: Orderl Question!
Mr. Lewis: It will escalate to compulsory
Mr. Speaker: Any further response to the
Hon. Mrs. Birch: Mr. Speaker, I will be
very happy to pass along theise comments.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Park is next.
Mr. Shulman: I have a question of the
Attorney General, Mr. Speaker. Is the
Attorney General aware that this past week
in this city a certain Billy Ginsberg, a stock
promoter, had his house blown up and' his
partner, one Bemie Frankel, was beaten with
a baseball bat right in the middle of Bay St.
for refusing to pay certain moneys to the
Hon. R. Welch (Provincial Secretary for
Justice and Attorney General): No, Mr.
Mr. Shulman: Mr. Speaker, if the minister
is not aware, would he be willing to make
inquiries and take some action, because
obviously while the government has got rid
of the crime in the construction indtistry, it
still hasn't touched the basic probletn of or-
ganized crime in this city?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, I would be
very happy to look into the matter referred
to by the hon. member.
Mr. Lewis: Can the Attorney General
imagine a beating on Bay St.?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: In the middlb of Bay St.
Mr. Speaker: The oral question period has
now expired.
Presenting reports.
Hon. Mr. Stewart presented the annual re-
port of the Crop Insurance Commission of
Ontario, 1972-1973, and the annual report of
the Agricultural Research Institute of On-
Hon. Mr. Bemier: \fr. Speaker, I beg leave
to table the annual Ontario Mineral Review
for 1973. If I may, I will make a few com-
ments on this particular report with your per-
mission. You are aware this is a very early
publication of this summary of the mining
activity in the Province of Ontario. It is a
long-standing tradition within the old Depart-
ment of Mines and Northern Affairs and this
has been carried on into the new Ministry of
Natural Resources.
This particular report has gained accept-
ance as an authoritative reference work of
valtie to the indtistry and to the government
and to edticational institutions, but it is
always a pleasure to report on the achieve-
ments of the mining industry in this province.
It is even more of a pleasure than usual to
comment on the result of the past year, when
production of minerals soared to an all-time
record of $1,779 billion, nearly $245 million
better than the total for 1972. Translated into
terms of the entire provincial economy, this
means that mineral production each year
amounts to about 3.7 per cent of the gross
provincial product.
Mr. Deans: What did we get in taxes?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: This is surely a sector of
our economic life which should not go un-
noticed. These and other facts— some not
generally known— concerning this major in-
dustry are contained in this particular review.
The second part of the review deals with
some of the facets of the Ministry of Natural
Resources' operations in which I am sure the
public will be interested.
Mr. Deans: How much more did we get in
Mr. Speaker: Motions.
Hon. Mr. Winkler moves that Mr. Rowe,
the member for the electoral district of
Northumberland, and Mr. Hodgson, the mem-
ber for the electoral district of York North,
be appointed chairman and deputy chairman
respectively of the committees of the whole
House for the present session.
Motion agreed to.
Mr. Speaker: Introdliction of bills.
Orders of the day.
Clerk of the House: The first order, resum-
ing the adtjoumed debate on the motion for
an address in reply to the speech of the
Honourable the Lieutenant Governor at the
opening of the session.
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposi-
tion): Mr. Speaker, I want my first com-
ments to be directed to you, sir, and to say
how happy we all are to see you back in
that chair, looking your old self and full of
fire, and to assure you of our complete con-
fidence in your ability to govern our debates
with justice and fairness. We reserve the
right, of course, to amend that opinion as
events require. However, I recall to your
mind, sir, that it wasn't this side that chal-
lenged your ruling before Christmas.
Mr. R. F. Ruston (Essex-Kent): Where is
he now?
Mr. E. R. Good (Waterloo North): Look
what happened to him.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: You have had, more or
less, to suffer this sort of challenge and
harassment from all sides. Still, it is our
opinion you do it with grace and ability and
we are very glad, sir, to see you have made
a full recovery and are back with us in your
position of importance and authority.
I would like, sir, to state as well that all
of us are sorry to see the end of the term
of our present Lieutenant Governor. There
will be an occasion, surely, when this can be
expressed by other members as well and I
am very glad to see that the Premier (Mr.
Davis) has taken some initiative in this re-
gard. It is very fitting indeed.
I feel a special responsibility in this con-
nection since His Honour resides in my
area, although not directly in my constitu-
ency, and he has been associated in his
former political life at least with me and
my father. Ross Macdonald was first elected
to Parliament in 1935 and as you are aware
has had many high posts of pohtical respon-
sibility with the government of Canada and
in the Senate. His term as Lieutenant Gov-
ernor has really shown the strength and
breadth of the Governor as a man. I know
of no person in that position in our history
who is more loved and revered and hon-
oured in all parts of the province and right
here in this House.
I want to speak briefly about the situation
that concerns us pertaining to education.
The newspapers and radio reports inform us
that a large group of citizens from the York
area is going to come to Queen's Park today
and no doubt will be coming within the
next few minutes. I feel, sir, that the serious-
ness of the situation cannot be overestimated.
It appears that the government, particularly
the Minister of Education (Mr. Wells), has
run out of any viable initiative and although
we are told by the provincial secretary that
he is meeting with groups from that area at
the present time, the fact remains that the
government's policy is seen to be chaotic. It
has really led to a fiasco in which the schools
in that area have been closed for five weeks
in an effort to allow negotiations, hopefully
conducted in good faith, to come to agree-
ment or some acceptable fruition.
I have had an opportunity, along with the
hon. member for Port Arthur (Mr. Foulds)
to visit the area on the invitation of the
striking teachers, to express our views to
them and hear their own. I can't help feeling
that in the circumstances in York it is difii-
cult to put all the blame for the protracted
strike on one side or the other. I feel that
the trustees have an incorrect understanding
of their elected and elective responsibility.
They somehow feel that they are saving the
rest of the province from the encroachment
of teacher authority. I get a feeling they
have a fear that they must not give in to
the demands of the teachers and, as a result
of their intransigence and, in my opinion,
their lack of understanding of the situation,
the schools have remained closed for this
very long period of time.
In talking to the teachers they have eight
specific areas on which they are basing their
strike; some of them are more significant
than others. Very specifically, they are de-
manding a say in working conditions and
specifically in the pupil-teacher ratio. In my
opinion, this is the crux of the problem; the
trustees feel that allowing the teachers to
take part in that sort of negotiation would
hand over what they consider to be their
sole responsibility, that is the power to run
the schools.
The problem that I see is that the trustees
don't realize that the community, certainly
the members of this Legislature, the Min-
ister of Education himself, have stated cate-
gorically that the teachers, through their
professional organizations and individually
through their negotiating teams, do have a
responsibility to participate and negotiate the
conditions of work. The fact that the trus-
tees have been unwilling to accept that is
perhaps more than anything else the single
rock upon which the negotiations have foun-
dered so far.
I must be frank as well and say that in
our visits to the teachers in the area, and I
believe we had an opportunity to speak to
all 670 of them and hear questions and
comments from a good many of them, we
found that one thing that does not appear
in the negotiations was very much in their
mind. I refer, and it's rather unfortunate I
MARCH 8, 1974
have to refer to this, to their lack of con-
fidence in the ability of the director of edu-
cation himself. Certainly it is not my place
nor my desire to be critical of him but
simply to report to you, sir, that he does
not seem to have the confidence of the
teachers; yet this is a matter which appar-
ently has not come up for any considerable
public discussion.
The trustees on the other hand have, in my
view, failed to come to grips with the very
real problems the teachers nave indicated
clearly are the negotiating points, I refer
specifically, as I say, to the right the teachers
feel they must have, not only in York but else-
where in this province, to negotiate, the terms
of employment of course but also the condi-
tions of work. This seems to be the shoal
beyond which we must pass if a settlement
is going to be achieved.
I would call on the Minister of Education
to make it clear, if in fact he has not already
made it clear, that we are going to insist on
that being a term to be negotiated'; and that
the trustees must simply accept it, because it
is going to be and is already stated as the
policy of not only the government of Ontario
and the Ministry of Education but the Legis-
The situation that we presently have is
approaching chaos in York. The fact that the
trustees are now going to attempt, based on a
decision of a divided vote taken last night,
to fill the vacant positions by hiring omer
teachers is completely irresponsible and' un-
tenable. I don't believe there is any possibility
that this can come about, since in fact tlie
whole system has been brought to a close by
the inability of the trustees and the teachers
to reach a reasonable agreement.
The minister must, of course, take a per-
sonal responsibility for this since his in-
adequate policies in Bill 274, following for-
ward in Bill 275, have led^ to this chaotic
situation. The principle put forward by the
government, opposed by the two opposition
parties, was that in no circumstances would
the schools close. Well the schools are closed,
but the unfortunate aspect is that the minis-
ter has not used his authority, or at least his
good oflBces, to require that the two sides do
sit down together, not just through their
negotiating legal representation, and in the
presence of the minister continue to negotiate
until a settlement is reached. I beheve that
putting this oflF for such a protracted' period
in the hands of the negotiators for the Minis-
try of Labour is inadequate undbr these cir-
cumstances; the minister has shown a sub-
stantial failure in his ability in this regard.
The government's policy has been knocked
into a cocked hat. It was unacceptable to
begin with and even they have withdrawn
from it. Just a week ago the Premier himself
said that perhaps even the concept of com-
pulsory arbitration is subject to review, as
certainly it should be. It's going to be noth-
ing but a continuing diflBculty for them as
they attempt to impose it on a broader and
broader area of the people in this province.
The teachers of the community colleges
are finding it completely unacceptable and
it was ridiculous in the extreme to lump the
teachers in the community colleges in with
the new civil service negotiating procedures
statute that was passed by thisi House now
some months ago. To require, by law, that
these people must attend to their classroom
duties and their right to withdraw their ser-
vices be taken away is unconscionable and
inadmissible and is going to be nothing but
a problem for the government in the future.
I would predict from the way things are
going now that there will be an illegal strike
in the community colleges. Once again, while
we are all prepared to say that this is un-
fortunate, still if those classrooms close, it
will be because of, as much as anything, not
the inability of the government to bargain
with the teachers concerned but because of
the requirement of a tribunal imposing a
settlement which the teachers do not feel is
in their best interests.
The same can be said for the hospital
workers— that while we, on this side, are pre-
pared to support compulsory arbitration for
an essential service like hospitals, it is mean-
ingless, of course, and unfair in the extreme,
if it is going to be imposed at the same time
that spending ceilings directly associated with
the salaries of the working staff involved are
going to be impeded' ahead of all other con-
It is interesting to note that two govern-
ment ministries have inaugurated studies into
the inequities in the hospital workers' situa-
tion. The regrettable thing is that this' simply
postpones a rational and just settlement as it
would pertain to the problems' that the hos-
pital workers have experienced over so many
years. We have seen an illegal strike in the
hospital situation a year ago last summer.
There was no final conclusion there. It was
simply an embarrassment for everyone con-
cerned since we believe that the law should
be respected but, in a case such as this where
government regulation rather imposes itself
on any concept of fairness, it is a serious
matter indeed.
The Minister of Education has the respon-
sibility in his hand^ completely. It has been
suggested that if the school board cannot
function, a petition in the local area might
very well be used to ask the minister to inter-
vene with his undoubted powers and directly.
We, on this side, would hope that that is un-
There was an indication last week that the
members of the board of trustees were think-
ing of resigning in a body. That too, surely,
is a very extreme situation when the solution
lies within their hands. If the minister were
to indicate that his ceilings, which have been
disrupting the negotiations both there and
elsewhere, can be moderated to settle this
strike, then surely this is what must be done.
We do not believe that the teachers, as a
group, are so lacking in moderation that they
are not prepared to come to some settlement
somewhere between the two extreme salary
demands. After all, settlement has been
achieved in many other situations similar to
this. But I would say that the minister owes
it to the students in the area, as well as to
the parents who are going to be talking to
him, no doubt, outside the Legislature a bit
later, to intervene personally to see that the
two sides sit down in each other's preisence
and to keep at it until a settlement is reached,
because surely one is possible. We will not
admit that a situation could develop where a
settlement is not possible if the minister is
persuaded that his ceilings must be at least
moderated in this particular situation and
that he must take a personal position in that
Mr. Speaker, I wanted to say something
about that at the beginning of my remarks
because it is a matter of great urgency and
pertains to high policy that the government
has put forward over a number of years, a
policy associated with the removal of die
right to strike and the freedom of the indivi-
dual in this regard which, I believe, they
now see to be unacceptable. We have two
policy ministers here this morning. It is very
good of them to stay around and I would
hope that they are in a position, perhaps, to
indicate to their colleagues that, surely an
amendment to that policy is required.
Mr. J. F. Foulds (Port Arthur): Two
practising ministers.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: You know, certain things
have been happening of substantial impor-
tance in this regard and it seems to me that
the Premier himself— although he is not here
this morning, and I regret that and I'm sure
he does too— the Premier himself is carefully
searching his alternatives to find a political
stance which is more acceptable to the people
of the province and perhaps more acceptable
even to his supporters in this Legislature.
We have been extremely interested in re-
ports that have indicated that the private
public opinion polling and sampHng organ-
ization funded by the Conservative Party has
been making regular reports to the Premier
and the government on these matters week
by week. There was every indication that
during the problems with the teachers and
the school boards before Christmas that the
sampling organization— I believe it is based
in Detroit— had indicated to the Premier that
he and the Minister of Education had the
high ground and that the people said, "Sure,
put it to the teachers. They get too much
money, they don't work hard enough, and
they are getting too big for their boots."
Somehow or other they took that kind of
advice much too seriously and there has been
a backlash across this community which indi-
cates that the people are substantially and'
seriously displeased with the inadequacies in
government policy in that connection.
It is interesting when you hear the Premier
waffle on his positions. You can almost think
that the day before somebody would phone
him up— and we wouldn't suggest that it was
Dalton Camp Associates, or anybody like
that— and say, "Gosh, this week things don't
look quite as good. Bill. Maybe you had
better moderate that a little bit." It seems to
me that policy is largely being made by the
responses from the public opinion polling
organizations that privately report, but
another indication is that the Premier has
found himself personally in receipt of prob-
ably the poorest support across the province
that he has ever experienced.
It was interesting, I think, last fall to read
in the Toronto Star— it wasn't a private poll
and it wasn't a poll that actually inspired me
in all of its particulars but there was a
poll published then that indicated that only
28 per cent of the people of the province
were satisfied with the leadership and admin-
istrative abilities of the Premier, and I sup-
pose it was a response to what they thought
of the Premier as an individual. We have
heard, and it has been reliably reported, on
the CBC no less, tiiat a private poll is now
available to the Conservatives indicating
almost the identical levels of support, or lack
of it in this case, for the Premier and his
leadership in the province and in the party.
This has surely galvanized him into the kind
MARCH 8, 1974
of action which we have seen in the last
few weeks.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Oh yes, well I was talk-
ing about his other capacity, of course.
Mr. Foulds: That is not galvanized action. Mr. Breithaupt: His other hat.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I tell you when the
Premier and his policy ministers, who have
always got time to travel around the—
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): New
Mr. R. F. Nixon: —province with him
although they may not have time to come
into the Legislature and listen to the debate,
the Premier goes out weekend after weekend,
they hire a hall or get one donated, since
they usually indicate that they want to do it
as economically as possible, and there he is
every Saturday morning talking to the citizens
and listening to them. And believe me I will
be the last-
Mr. J. A. Renwick (Riverdale): That in-
cludes asking him questions.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I would be the last to
criticize him for doing that. I just wish his
responsibility carried over into the feeling
that he should attend the Legislature for
these debates, which he obviously considers
to be rather routine and nonproductive.
Mr. Foulds: The only thing that is gal-
vanized is the garbage cans.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I tell you that this is a
response and he is sitting down with his
coterie of political advisers and they are say-
ing, "Okay, we are going to have to go to
Barrie this Saturday. We've got to get to
Kingston the next Saturday, London the next,
and we are going to go up into the north,"
and so on. Good politics; you would almost
think that an election campaign was on, be-
cause I notice that the leader of the NDP is
pretty active around the province as well and,
by God, so is the leader of the Liberal Party.
Mr. J. P. MacBeth (York West): About time,
since those guys got the new cars.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: And I wouM say to you,
Mr. Speaker, in your other capacity, that your
own activities have been noted in bringing
to the attention of the citizens and the tax-
payers of this province the substantial in-
equities in the policies of the present govern-
ment, and that you, sir, yourself have done
this in your political capacity in a most ad-
mirable and ejffective way.
Mr. Renwick: He is the Speaker, nonparti-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That's right. So the one
response to the information that has come to
the Premier that he is failing in maintaining
this kind of support is to bring him into the
House. I tell you that that is much appreciated
since this debate, in my view and in his I
know, is one of substantial importance, where
in my view policies of the government can be
influenced, affected and changed, and where
he owes a duty to his high office to attend.
He is now surrounded by five cabinet min-
isters, so this is becoming a great occasion in-
deed; and I hope that I will Hve up to those
His second response was to realize that the
perception of his cabinet and himself across
the province was that somehow or other the
control that the people had come to expect
from his predecessors had been lost; the con-
trol of the leader over the party, the control
of the Premier over the government.
Hon. W. G. Davis (Premier): How about
the Leader of the Opposition's control over
his party?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Well, Mr. Speaker, I don't
seem to be bothered with problems of con-
trolling the party. We work together for the
good of us all; and it seems to me to be
working very effectively indeed.
Hon. Mr. Davis: The majority of his party
voted against him.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: So the Premier says:
"Phase two is to shake up—"
Mr. S. Lewis (Scarborough West): If he
wants to talk about problems of control, he
can talk to me.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: "—this gang of scala-
wags and to dismiss from the cabinet those
who are seen to be ineffectual and put in
their place those who perhaps can try again."
Mr. M. Gaunt (Huron-Bruce): And some-
body disagreed and somebody didn't.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That's it. Well, I don't
want to spend a lot of time talking about
the cabinet changes, other than to probably
express a personal view about one or two of
I was very sorry indeed to see the former
Minister of Transportation and Communica-
tions (Mr. Carton) let's say dismissed. He is
sitting now up in the back row there, happier
than he has been for a long time. And to tell
you the truth, Mr. Speaker, I look forward
to hearing him take part in the debate later
this session, because as a private member his
contributions to the general debates were
probably among the best that came from any
Mr. Lewis: Agreed, with one exception.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I can remember on one
occasion he used his very persuasive style
to persuade the former Premier to make ade-
quate compensation and adequate financing to
the residents who had lost their rights and
their privacy along the expanded 401.
He somehow lost his fire when he came
c'own to the front desk and appeared once
again to be subject to the dictation of his
boss. Now that he is back in the back row,
I think that we may be treated once again to
perhaps some more independent expressions of
his opinions.
I thought perhaps one of the most fatuous
editorial comment that was made about the
cabinet changes was in reference to the Min-
ister of Transportation and Communications.
It said he was fired because he had approved
too many expressways; that the Premier
dismissed him to show once and for all and
for everyone to see that there were going
to be no more expressways, and that it was
the Premier's wish.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Is the Leader of the Op-
position still in favour of Spadina?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I should not perhaps para-
phrase the Globe and Mail editorial quite so
freely, but that was the concept. I have a
feeling that the decision to go ahead with
Highway 402 was not dictated by anybody,
except maybe the Minister of Agriculture and
Food (Mr. Stewart), assisted by his now parlia-
mentary secretary and certain others— that the
decision to go ahead with— what is it?— 406
down in the St. Catharines area, was not a
decision made autocratically by the Minister
of Transportation and Communications, but
simplv a political decision made on ballots by
the Tories in the area.
It may well' be that the former Minister of
Transportation and Communications was not
prepared to accept the new political reahty
and that the time has come to start spending
some money in the north. I agree whole-
heartedly that the time to spend money in
the north is now and, as a matter of fact,
politically the government is doing the right
thing. The people in the north have suffered
for a long period of time from an inadequate
share of the transportation budget, and surely,
the changes in that regard are going to be of
great importance.
The second former cabinet minister I want
to deal with just briefly is the former Attorney
General (Mr. Bales), who was subject to a
great deal of criticism in the House for his
land holdings in the Pickering area. Certainly
we criticized him for saying that if there were
profits there he would give them to charity,
but I recall to you, sir, that the former
Attorney General himself stated publicly that
he was prepared to resign if his boss felt that
there was a conflict of interest of any sub-
stance or concern there. He was supported
at the time by the Premier. I felt that under
those circumstances that the former Attorney
General should have resigned, just as the
present Minister of Energy (Mr. McKeough)
resigned under similar circumstances.
It has been a tradition in our democratic
process that those resignations are usually
followed sometimes by a by-election or a
general election in which the people assess
the charges themselves and in the best of all
courts, the democratic court, the people give
a judgement. In the case oiF the Minister of
Energy, he has madfe his way back without
such a judgement, but probably the member
for York Mills should have resigned under
those circumstances, rather than wait and be
cut off in the ignominious way in which he
was retired from the cabinet just a few days
I know that the Premier expressed publicly
the problem that he faced under those cir-
cumstances. I'm sure he was remembering the
fact that the former Attorney General is a
man of integrity and a fine man.
Mr. L. M. Reilly (Eglinton): A fine man.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I'm sure he even re-
membered that in his political capacity the
former Attorney General was chairman of
the "Bill Davis for Leader" campaign in
Toronto and York. Now we find the former
Attorney General up in the back row con-
templating his future, probably in private
It's too bad, but I suppose the Premier felt,
if his support was down to 28 per cent and
the experts were telling him that his cabinet
was seen as a collection of people who were
prepared to live with conflict of interest, who
were prepared to dfefend contracts going to
companies who had given substantial political
donations; and that the cabinet was prepared
MARCH 8, 1974
to allow large contracts to be awarded with-
out any reasonable tendering procedures at
all, that somehow or other it had to be
changed and turned around.
I'm not so sure that he has done this. He
fired five. Let's say five are no longer in the
cabinet. The former Minister of Correctional
Services (Mr. Apps), the Lady Byng award
winner, had indicated quite clearly that he
was not prepared to run again, but the
Premier jumped at the chance to get him out
of there. You remember Syl always thought
he was going to be minister of youth. It was
too bad in many respects that he never had
a chance to show what he could db in pre-
paring programmes and having them accepted
by the young people in the province.
He was brought into the cabinet in the
Correctional Services ministry, which is kind
of a passing-out ministry. The present minis-
ter, the former Minister of Health (Mr.
Potter), says that he is going into that minis-
try for a rest. Surely that's a strange way to
approach this high responsibility, but I
noticed as I glanced over to the former Min-
ister of Health during question period that
he was relaxing and enjoying it, as his col-
leagues were attempting to explain why large
advertising budgets are still being paid out
without any contract and so on.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Just like in Ottawa.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The Premier says just like
in Ottawa. If he thinks he is someihow de-
stroying the argument by saying that, then he
is pretty naive, because if they are doing
the same thing in Ottawa, then they are
serious rip-off artists just like this govern-
Mr. Ruston: That is right.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I'll tell you this, Mr.
Speaker, when we open the newspapers and
see these tremendous ads about a fair share
for the taxpayers of Ontario, we realize that
the spending machine is starting a role begun
by Bob Macaulay who is retained at— what?
$70 an hour— by the government to advise on
energy policy. It is really the same old advice
that he gave back in 1962 when he said,
"Let's get into the advertising business."
What did they call it? You know, the hippo-
Mr. V. M. Singer (Downsview): Oh, yes.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: He said, "Let's have a
bis; advertising programme. Let's rent all the
billboards. Let's take the full page ads. Let's
have four colours on the television. Who is
to stop us?"
Wasn't Bob Macaulay the one who said
that? And now we see the advertising by
Ontario. That was it. Now it's a fair share
Ontario. It's almost like the new deal but
fair share goes pretty well.
Mr. Breithaupt: More like the old deal.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The thing is, Mr. Speak-
er, that we have seen this ever since Macau-
lay thought about it for the election of 1963
—it happened in 1967 and 1971, and now
we are building up to the 1975— where, in
the guise of informing the citizens and tax-
payers about government policy, they simply
spend the citizens' money in self-aggrandize-
ment and political propaganda. That's exactly
what is happening, and the fact that Dal ton
Camp Associates gets $1,250,000 without a
contract or any agreement—
Hon. Mr. Davis: They don't get it. They
don't get it.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: —simply confirms to me,
sir, as I am sure it does to you, that this
government in its policy is directed by the
public opinion polls that are fed to the
Premier week by week. We can see the
backing and filling that comes as he receives
them. He is concerned that his personal
support in the province, we are told, is down
to 28 per cent— I wish I could report some-
thing as dramatic on the other side— so he
shakes up the cabinet, dismisses his old
friends, brings in a bunch of new people
who are untried and who are going to be
failures in turn.
Hon. Mr. Davis: No. Great ministers.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Then we turn to the
Speech from the Throne, which is a third
sort of level of defence: "What can I do to
restore the confidence and the good feeling
in 'good old Bill' from Brampton?" I believe
that even on this level there is another seri-
ous failure. I listened with care to the read-
ing of the speech, I have since examined it
very carefully, and I have found that it is
substantially insignificant.
Let me be fair. I think the idea of a
prescription drug plan for pensioners is
great. I think it is a programme that is going
to be supported on all sides. The concept of
an environmental hearing board is one that
is important and we will give it the support
it deserves if in fact there is an objective
hearing on the large programmes that the
government brings forward which are inter-
fering with the environment so seriously. But
in general it does not come to grips with
the problems of inflation and the cost of
living, it does not come to grips with the
problems of provision of housing and land-
use planning; it is in this latter area that I
want to speak more directly for a few mo-
The Ontario Task Force on Housing re-
ported several months ago that there is a
near-crisis in housing in this province but, as
the Speech from the Throne has revealed, the
provincial government still has no policy to
control spiralling land and housing costs. The
average resale price of homes in Hamilton,
for example, was 21 per cent higher in the
last half of 1973 than a year earlier. House
lot prices in Ottawa jumped up 150 per cent
from 1965 to 1972. The average price of all
houses sold in Ontario rose by 26 per cent
between 1970 and 1973, with much more
spectacular increases in specific communi-
ties, such as Metropolitan Toronto.
The real problem, the most serious prob-
lem is here in the Metro area, where the cost
of shelter rose by 36 per cent last year
alone. Thirty-six per cent in one year, an
increase of $1,000 per month on the average
house. The housing cost increase was about
four times as much as the rise in the cost of
living and almost twice as much as food
price increases in 1973.
Everywhere in Ontario housing prices are
out of control and the ripples, almost tidal
waves, from the Toronto housing situation
are spreading throughout southern Ontario
as prospective home buyers and land specu-
lators search farther and farther afield.
In St. Catharines, for example, land prices
started to rise about 18 months ago because
of pressures in the Toronto real estate mar-
ket. In Barrie, another good example, almost
all housing purchases can be directly attri-
buted to the lack of housing and the high
prices in this very community.
The Ontario Economic Council reported
last year, "The primary cause is the scarcity
of developed land," something that the new
Minister of Housing (Mr. Handleman) has
indicated that he is prepared to accept and
act on if possible. The demand for land far
exceeds the supply, and the shortage has
been heightened by competition for available
sites between foreign and domestic capital.
The result is artificially high land costs which
are eventually passed on to home buyers.
German, Swiss, American, Japanese and
British investors have all been attracted to
Ontario's buoyant property market, but their
demand for real estate has resulted in in-
flated housing prices for Canadians. Last
year the Urban Development Institute re-
vealed that 13 foreign-controlled companies
owned half of the land available for housing
between Oshawa and Burlington. Let me
repeat that: Between Oshawa and Burlington,
half the land available for development— that
is, half of the land that has been assembled—
is owned by 13 foreign-controlled companies.
Foreign firms have also made substantial
purchases in other parts of the province.
Now, in this House there are members from
every area of Ontario and, Mr. Speaker, as
an individual member you are aware of the
intrusions of buyers from outside the com-
munity and from outside Canada who are
prepared to buy anything in the way of real
estate or property at any price.
In my own community, you go into the
small towns and you find that the old hotel,
maybe or maybe not licensed premises, often
in a state of disrepair, economically unviable
under present circumstances, has recently
been bought by someone representing inter-
ests from outside of Canada.
Farm tracts are being bought up in large
amounts. Foreign firms have also made sub-
stantial purchases in the urban centres. The
Swiss-owned firm of Fidinam (Ontario) Ltd.,
for instance, controls a large tract of land in
Norfolk county near the Nanticoke generating
project. It was bought some years ago with
the expectation that the Nanticoke generating
complex would increase the value of that
land. The Treasurer (Mr. White) has frozen
its utilization but eventually planning deci-
sions will have to be made which will either
set it aside for all time, which is very un-
likely, or open it up for development.
But these companies have not confined
their acquisitions to raw land. The select
committee on economic and cultural afi^airs
reported five months ago:
There is concern about substantial for-
eign investment in urban commercial de-
velopments, both new and existing. It is
claimed that through market linkages,
undue upward pressure on residential real
hyper-investment of this sort is putting
estate prices and shelter costs.
The amount of foreign-owned land in central
Ontario is staggering. The downtown Toronto
block bounded by Elm, St. Patrick, Simcoe
and Dundas streets is owned by a corporation
known as DWS Toronto Holdings Ltd.,
which is controlled by the Dreyfus group of
New York.
MARCH 8, 1974
A German company, LehndorfF Manage-
ment Ltd., owns property at 360 Bay St.
German interests also recently bought prop-
erty on Don Mills Rd. and Gateway Blvd. in
East York.
EILPRO Holdings Ltd., a Swiss company,
has substantial holdings in central Toronto,
including the block bounded by Yonge, Wel-
lington, Scott and Front streets; property
fronting on Chestnut, Armoury and Centre
streets; property on the southwest corner of
Bloor and Jarvis streets; property on the
south side of Walton St., between Bay and
Yonge streets. EILPRO bought land fronting
on Bay, Gerrard and Walton streets from
Japanese interests about two years ago.
Besides its substantial acreage in Norfolk
county, Fidinam (Ontario) Ltd., a Swiss firm,
owns or controls property at the northeast
comer of Bloor and Yonge streets— that's the
Workmen's Compensation Board head office—
at the northeast comer of University Ave. and
Wellington St., and on the west side of
Yonge St. north of Davenport Rd. Fidinam
also controls the Park Plaza Hotel at the
northwest comer of Bloor St. and Avenue
Rd.; land assemblies in the vicinity of the
northeast comer of Bloor St. and Avenue Rd.;
and most of the block bounded by Queen,
Victoria, Richmond and Yonge streets.
Trizec Corp., controlled by Star (Great
Britain) Holdings Ltd., ovras the Hyatt House
Hotel and the Yorkdale Shopping Centre.
MEPC Canadian Properties Ltd., another
British company, owns the northeast comer
of Marlborough and Yonge streets. Hammer-
son Properties of England owns the south-
west comer of University Ave. and Welling-
ton St.
Capital and Counties Real Estate of Eng-
land acquired property on Dundas St. east of
University Ave. when it gained control of
Great Northern Capital Corp.
Such extensive foreign participation in the
Ontario land market not only infringes on
our natural heritage, but also contributes to
higher shelter costs for the residents of this
province. This type of foreign investment
does not create jobs, or advance technology.
It benefits only the investors. The provincial
government must act promptly to restrict
future land purchases to residents of Canada
and Canadian-owned corporations or Cana-
dian-controlled corporations, or an even
greater influx of foreign money will further
inflate Ontario's land prices.
Mr. Speaker, I put this to the Premier and
the administration most seriously, that there
has always been the feeling here that we
have a wide-open economy. I can remember
the Premier saying, "Surely if we have the
right to buy properties such as condominiums
in Florida, why should we restrict the pur-
chase of properties here in Canada to foreign
investors?" I would simply say to you, sir,
that with our population and our economic
viability, that if we leave all of our properties
open to the investment of foreign capital,
then we are going to find that this property
is going to be almost entirely foreign-owned
and controlled and that the pressures brought
by investments of this type are unnaturaUy
inflating and dislocating the prices that we
ourselves must pay for our own housing and
commercial investments. This is tme not only
in the urban centres, but it is equally tme
in our recreational centres. The time has
surely come for us to say to people who are
not Canadian, "You are welcome here on a
lease basis only."
I think, on the other hand, as far as our
own residents are concerned, that they should
have the right to buy recreation properties in
the north where in fact they are compatible
with the ecological and enviroimiental plan
and programme for the areas to be devel-
We are concemed with the encroachment
in our agricultural areas. I have become quite
sensitive, particularly to the class 1 and 2
agricultural land arguments, and I am sure
that there is not a government minister who
doesn't think about this now whenever a pro-
gramme is going to encroach on further
property in the Province of Ontario. Unfor-
tunately, we cannot freeze expansion, although
some municipalities have attempted to do so
under the direction of the planners at the
provincial level.
I know of municipalities in my own con-
stituency that are proud of the fact that no
serviced lots have been opened up in two
years and no severances granted in the same
period of time. Perhaps this would be some-
thing to be proud of if in fact we had
achieved zero population growth. But far from
that fact, our population continues to grow,
although at a lower rate, and immigration has
been reduced, but we still find in manv com-
munities where government policy or lack of
policy has frozen development that young
people embarking on the responsibilities of
married and family life, have one alternative
only, and that is to crowd further into facil-
ities that are already available or to move
out of the community into the urban centres
and bring additional pressures of expansion
We must realize that development cannot
be frozen, even though individuals and poli-
ticians may from time to time call for that
as an alternative. We cannot put all of the
growth and development on the Canadian
Shield, that area where people seem to think
that houses are going to be set up on the
rock so that the farmers can continue to
grow food on the good land. I would hope
that the government would return to the con-
cepts of the Toronto-centred region and see
that the Canadian Shield is going to have a
good many incentives for further develop-
p^ent. But we must not for a moment think
that the communities already established in
th'^' province can be frozen at a no-growth
•status. We do have young people who want
to live in their own community. They want
to have a chance to work there.
I will have something more to say about
the intrusions of government programmes on
class one and two land in a few moments, but
I for one do not believe development can be
stopped altogether, and anyone who preaches
that is surely being unjust and unfair and
I should say that when we talk about the
pressures of foreign capital increasing the
prices of our own land and housing stock,
we must be aware that newly enriched
Middle Eastern countries are already rumoured
to be buying land in Ontario. When the
'Sheikhs of Araby" see that the billions of
dollars channelling into their treasuries can
only buy so many solid gold Cadillacs, they
are going to be looking for the kind of in-
vestments which in the long run will be
much more valuable than the bullion that
they are now demanding in payment for their
precious oil, and some of the most valuable
assets are, of course, the real estate right
here in Ontario and other parts of Canada.
We can see, Mr, Speaker, more and' more,
that buyers with foreign capital from Italy,
Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Great
Britain and the oil-producing nations, are
coming here with absolutely no restraints on
the prices to be paid. If anything is for sale
at any price it will be bought, its title trans-
ferred, and it will then become a real asset
as far as the speculators, and particularly the
investment council of these capital-intensive
countries, are concerned.
Relaxed Japanese regulations for investors
in foreign land have been in effect for only
a few years. As you are aware, Mr. Speaker,
the outflow of Japanese capital was carefully
controlled for many years at the time when
the industry and the development of the in-
dustrial plant in Japan had to be financed with
their own resources. But now this money is
rolling out of Japan and it is coming into the
investment in real estate in our own com-
munities. The recent devaluation of the Cana-
dian dollar in relation to European and
Japanese currencies is also attracting foreign
investment to Ontario's real estate market
which, because its value is rising so fast, is
a better investment even than gold.
Restrictions on foreign land ownership will
ease the upward pressure on land prices
somewhat, but tough measures' are also re-
quired to stop land speculation by Canadians.
Just yesterday the newly-elected' president of
the Ontario Real Estate Association estimated
that 30 per cent of all land transactions in
Ontario involved speculators. Land specula-
tion in the Toronto area has recently been
accelerating at an alarming rate. A representa-
tive of the Urban Development Institute esti-
mated this week that the total acreage of
assembled land aroimd Metropolitan Toronto
has increased by 50 per cent since last
August as a result of feverish speculative
I am sure the Premier and his advisers are
concerned about this. If you come from a
rural area you are aware that once the farm
holding of a traditional farm family has been
broken, in other words the farm is sold, you
can almost guarantee that it will be sold
three more times in the next two years, each
at a substantially inflated price.
The real estate agents, of course, are very
anxious to do this. Why should they not be?
They collect their commission on the whole
thing right from the word go, and this in
addition adds upward pressure to the cost of
the property.
The attitude of those people who either
have money to invest or can collect, scrape
together, a down payment is that in land
speculation they can't lose, there will always
be somebody along within a month of the
purchase offering them more than they paid.
We are told by builders, those developing
new communities in urban areas particularly,
that individuals, if they possibly can, no
longer buy a house for themselves and their
family, but they will try to buy five or six
homes in a community such as that. They will
make a down payment, then perhaps try to
postpone the closing, and the builder will
find that the houses have been resold at a
substantial profit within four to five months.
These are the things that must concern
us all and surely must concern the govern-
ment policy makers. The activity surely is not
confined to Toronto. The provincial govern-
MARCH 8, 1974
ment has failed to develop a rational plan for
the development and servicing of raw land.
Rumours and uncertainty are fueling specula-
tion throughout Ontario. The UDI representa-
tive stated that:
There isn't a community in southern
Ontario that doesn't have land speculation
going on around it. Until the province
makes an announcement about where the
next developments will go the speculation
will continue. In the past few weeks it
has gotten worse. There has never been
as much speculative money around as there
is now, and never as much uninformed
speculation. Every little town is being
bought up.
It is true. In the village of St. George, where
housing of very, very moderate circumstances
indeed was being traded between $10,000
and $15,000 no more than 18 months ago,
it has now sky-rocketed to the point where
one of these very moderate homes, indeed if
it comes on the market and they do so only
rarely, goes for $30,000 to $35,000.
We are not talking about price controls;
we are talking about the availability of ser-
viced land and a programme to build hous-
ing so that people in urban, and also in rural
communities, can have an opportunity for
housing that is rationally associated with the
amount of money available from their own
employment. The government must act im-
mediately to bring this intolerable situation
under control. The unbridled greed of land
speculators is pushing shelter costs out of
reach for all but the wealthiest of our citi-
zens. I don't think we can expect people
trading in land to say, "Oh, my, that price
is too high. I will not take it." That would
be an unnatural expectation in the extreme.
The people trade in land to make a profit,
and they are making tremendous profits right
now. As I drive into Toronto from my home
from the west, I come along much the same
route followed by the Premier, at least in
the last few miles. He must be as aware as
I am that the farmlands for 40 miles around
this city are largely abandoned. The barns
are falling down, the fences are in disrepair
and the fields are growing nothing but
This is because of the uncontrolled aspects
of land speculation and not because of the
farmers themselves who received a good
price, took the money in most cases and
either retired if they were elderly or took
the money and bought viable farmland else-
where. They were able to build new build-
ings, transfer their stock and continue as
active dairy, beef and cash crop farmers
elsewhere in the province. Some of this best
land lies there growing weeds.
It must bring tears to the eyes of the
Minister of Agriculture and Food, because
he doesn't like to see it go out of produc-
tion. As a farmer, I think he would like to
get in there with a big plough and turn it
back into production and make some money
on it. I can't understand why these lands
cannot somehow be brought back into viable
farming operations. Believe me when the
Minister of Agriculture and Food says that
he's concerned about and is prepared to
bring forward programmes requiring that, he
will get support from this side, because we
don't like the looks of it. We believe it is
wasteful and we do not believe that the
speculators should simply sit back on their
hunkers waiting until the price is right.
This is a matter that concerns all of us.
I hope that we are going to have something
more than policy pronouncements but real
action in that regard. The incentive to specu-
late in land must be removed by applying a
steep rate of tax to these windfall gains.
This tax should apply to profits from most
sales of raw land and houses which are not
occupied by the owner, but should not apply
to profits from the sale of a principal resi-
dence or to profits from the sale of an
owner-occupied family farm.
It is not enough to say that the tax base
we presently have will accommodate it. I
believe it can be used to require that land
be kept in production, and also at least to
control in the public interest to some extent
the unbridled situation that we are all so
much aware of. In other words, the tax
should be structured in such a way as to
apply to speculators only without penalizing
other landowners. A tax on speculative land
profits can slow the price rise, but in order
to reduce and stabilize housing costs in
Ontario the provincial government must en-
sure that there is always an oversupply of
serviced land available for residential de-
The Ontario Economic Council remarked
a year ago that by concentrating its efforts
on house building programmes instead of
land servicing the province was "treating the
symptoms and not the disease." The Ontario
Economic Council also noted that Ontario
lacks "a planned programme of ensuring an
adequate supply of serviced land in the
correct places."
As an immediate step, the provincial gov-
ernment should develop its own land holdings
where they fit in with the municipal official
plan. This would include, in the case of
Ontario Housing holdings, the 3,000 acres
assembled in Waterloo county where it fits
in with the official plans of Kitchener-
Waterloo and the new community known as
Cambridge, and also the 1,700 acres at
Malvern, where development is beginning. It
has now progressed, I believe, to stage 3, but
servicing should go forward on a priority
basis to make these lands further available.
The activities of the Ontario Housing Corp.
should be expanded to encompass a land
servicing programme with the objective of
restoring balance to our supply-short land
market. After the provincial government has
consulted with municipalities in order to
establish areas where residential development
is desirable and acceptable, Ontario Housing
should build the necessary trunk sei^vices for
water and sewage as a public utility. These
services should be sold to municipalities in
much the same way as Hydro sells electricity.
The province should guarantee loans for
capital expenditures as it does with Hydro,
and Ontario Housing Corp. should be re-
quired to repay its debts from the revenues
The cost to Ontario taxpayers of such a
land servicing programme would therefore be
minimal, but housing prices would be sub-
stantially reduced. A government-run land
servicing programme would also permit more
orderly growth throughout the province. Spe-
cifically it would allow the provincial govern-
ment to decentralize the growth pressures
which are contributing to urban sprawl in
southern Ontario by providing inexpensive
land in eastern and northern Ontario.
Of course, a co-ordinated programme to
decentralize growth must also include ap-
propriate stimulation for industrial develop-
ment and employment opportunities in the
north and the east. It goes without saying
and it has been said by government repre-
sentatives on many occasions. But we have
got to the point, surely, where government
pohcy must be something more than simply
the expression of pious hopes. There are
these lands held in public ownership in
various parts of the province, such as Brant-
ford, Waterloo, certainly here in Malvern, and
with projects beginning elsewhere. It is
surely time for the government to decide on
the development of services for those areas
and to proceed with making the serviced lots
available. If in the Ontario housing pro-
gramme it is deemed necessary that the so-
called Home Ownership Made Easy pro-
gramme would apply, the government could
in fact not only service the land but build
the houses. In most cases the serviced lots
should be made available to private enter-
prise and individuals who want to buy the
serviced lot and build their own homes.
Inexpensive housing forms including mobile
and factory-produced homes must be en-
couraged. In five years of experimentation
with system building of houses in the United
States costs have been reduced by 36 per cent
despite rising labour and building material
prices. When I refer to building material
prices we in this House should move to re-
duce the sales taxation on building materials
and, of course, the taxes levied at the
federal level as well; seven per cent here, 12
per cent in Ottawa. It would give a sub-
stantial stimulus to the building programme
and, I would trust, it would indicate a reduc-
tion in the costs of housing if these taxes
were moderated or removed or if, in fact, an
equivalent grant were made to the builders
or purchasers of new homes.
The main source of the saving is in re-
duced assembly time with regard to some of
the new forms of building, such as the
system building that have been used in
various areas of the United States. The stand-
ard production methods and close super-
vision of mass production enable system
builders to provide high quality housing at
low cost.
One of the most impressive system build-
ing programmes is in Akron, Ohio, where
$17,000 two-storey townhouses were renting
a few months ago for from $47 monthly for
a two-bedroom unit to $54 monthly for four
bedrooms. That is not a subsidized housing
programme. The unions associated with the
building programme have endorsed the pro-
gramme because parts are produced in union
plants and on-site assembly is done by union
In some areas where the programme has
been attempted those people who must do
the work have objected because they have
felt that it cut into their own livelihood, but
such is not the case under these circum-
The building codes of most Ontario cities
bar such housing not because of structural
specifications but because of house and lot
size restrictions. Municipalities demand over-
sized lots, wide streets and highest quality
services because of their heavy rehance on
property taxes as a souice of revenue.
Low-cost housing on small lots means lower
property tax returns. Kitchener has recently
relaxed its high standards on some lots and
MARCH 8, 1974
other municipalities should be encouraged to
do hkewise.
In our party we recognize the high accom-
modation costs as a serious problem and un-
like the Conservative government we have a
policy to solve that problem. The govern-
ment's refusal' to act in the past has pre-
cipitated' a crisis housing situation in this
province. Strong action, including restrictions
on foreign investment in land, steep taxes on
speculative land profits, a government-run
land servicing programme and steps to reduce
residential construction costs are urgently re-
quired in order to avoid further housing price
I would say to you, Mr. Speaker, that
housing price increases cannot be avoided, if
the plan put forward in the Speech from the
Throne is the only basis for government
action. The increase in the amount of money
that is available to service land is not suflB-
cient to make an impact in the communities
of this province and is substantially in-
adequate, in fact, to be even anything more
than more of the same. I would say to you,
Mr. Speaker, that the matter is a principal
and priority concern to all of us in this
House during this session.
I wanted to congratulate the new Minister
of Housing on his appointment. I had felt
frankly that, being a trade economist and a
tax expert, his usefulness, if he were to be
brought into the cabinet, might perhaps be
in the revenue area rather than as Minister
of Housing. He said himself that he can't
drive a nail straight, but I don't suppose that
is going to detract from his applying in the
best possible way the moneys made available
by the Treasury and, more particularly, from
applying the pohcies that are agreed upon
by this government. But the best minister
caimot do anything if, in fact, the money is
not available nor if the principles behind the
policy are not adequate to meet the needs.
As a matter of fact, we are concerned
about the cabinet changes that the Premier
announced just a few days ago. We wish the
best for the new ministers. We want to ques-
tion them as closely and as strictly as we can
as their policies are enunciated. But we look
at the new Minister of the Environment
(Mr. W. Newman). A man in his position is
going to have considerable problem in his
own constituency. The- land of Cedarwood' is
being assembled and many of the citizens in
that area feel that they have been dealt with
unfairly by the government in that hearings
on expropriations have been cancelled by
order in council or not permitted under the
provisions of the statute.
Pickering airport is being built there. The
new Minister of the Environment is in a
good position surely, if he has the courage of
the convictions he has stated so ably in the
past that we don't need an airport in that
location, to say to his colleagues in the
cabinet that a statement of policy from the
government should go forward to the govern-
ment of Canada saying, "We do not want the
airport there. It is the view of this province
that those plans should be cancelled. If we,
in fact, are going to be meeting the long-
range requirements of the community of
Ontario, then the airport should be moved
You say where? I would say on to the
Canadian Shield. It does not have to go in
any location where it is going to be that close
to this particular centre, because I don't be-
lieve we are going to need its facilities until
1985 or maybe 1990. I believe that the air-
port should be cancelled and so does the
Minister of the Environment. Why does not
the government, following the statements
made by its own minister in his former
private member's capacity, simply tell the
government of Canada that it does not meet
the needs of this province and see that it is
adjusted accordingly?
While there has been some land assembly
go forward, there appears to have been some-
thing less than a total commitment to the
Pickering site. The complaints about it are
valid and come from many sources. It is
true — and the Prime Minister said it in
Toronto just a few days ago — that if one
cancels Pickering it is going to put additional
pressures on Malton. That is one of the
things that must be taken realistically into
consid^eration. By so saying, I mean to meet
the needs of the air transportation require-
ments, but also politically, because the people
living around Malton get aw^ly sick of
hearing those planes and some of the low-
flying ones may even fly up as far as Bramp-
iHon. Mr. Davis: Ask the member for
Etobicoke (Mr, Braithwaite) what he thinks
about an expansion there.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: We are not talking about
an expansion there. We are saying that that
can serve the needs of the community until
1980 to 1985, perhaps to 1990.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Without an expansion?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Now is the time to can-
cel the new Pickering airport and see that
it is located further from Toronto, vdthout
using class 1 and 2 land.
Hon. Mr. Davis: The member's colleague
is laughing.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: There is no possible way
that the Premier can have it both ways, I
am simply pointing out to you, Mr. Speaker,
the problem that his own new Minister of
the Environment is going to have in meeting
the problems that he finds in his own con-
stituency. He has got Cedarwood, the Pick-
ering airport, enormous new garbage dumps,
the proposal for Highway 407, the new sew-
ers and service road that are going to come
up and angle in to service the north part
of the Metro area — all right in the home
farming fields of the Minister of the Environ-
He has problems, there is no doubt about
it. He is an honourable man and a man
with ability, but the Premier has given him
an assignment which is going to crack him
up. He will not be able to continue to
represent his own people white imposing the
environmental threats in his own community
under those circumstances. There is going
to have to be a change in policy and I would
suggest to you Mr. Speaker, that the Premier
should announce a change in policy in con-
nection with the airport.
Now, the Premier is prepared' to make
policy changes. He has made that clear. As
a matter or fact, I am wondering what he
is going to do with the situations that come
in upon him on the development of new
communities in the Province of Ontario.
I have talked about this already for a
moment, but I would like to say this that in
Norfolk county where we have imposed a
new regional government, the decision has
been made by the experts advising the Treas-
urer that a large new community with a
population of 250,000 is going to be required
in what is now callted the city of Nanticoke;
and yet the Treasurer has said that he is
going to demand the right to make the
decision on its location, but he hasn't made
the decision on its location.
Now, I just ask you to consider, Mr.
Speaker, the dislocation that brings to the
land market of the Norfolk and Haldimand
area, that the land is being optioned at ever
increasing and spiralling rates, the Treasurer
has frozen all the land, so that it is very
difficult, if not impossible, to get a severance
and a building permit. The most minor
building permit must be approved from the
Treasurer's office. That's the situation we are
It has been that way now for well over
a year and the time surely has come when
we have had a sufficient, it's not a cooling
off period because things have heated up,
but a sufficient period of time for the Treas-
urer and his planners, and he designates
himself as the chief planner for the province,
to make a decision on those areas; and there
have been resolutions from the local councils
calling for the decision to be made.
ilf the Treasurer decided in his wisdom
that it would be better that the decision be
made by the local people, then' let him so
announce and indicate to the local authori-
ties that their decision, after suflBcient con-
sultation with the experts available to them,
must be made within a certain period of
time. But we cannot continue to delay, we
cannot continue to hold large parcels of land
in the name of Ontario Housing, without
development, in communities where serviced
land is in short supply. It is obvious that the
government policy in this regard is com-
pletely inadequate.
Now, another new cabinet minister is the
former parliamentary assistant to the Trea-
surer, who is now the Minister of Revenue
(Mr, Meen). Probably this minister is more
of an authority on the intricacies of regional
government than any one now in the Legis-
lature. It seems to me that to direct his
abilities into the Ministry of Revenue is a
strange decision indeed; it seems surely that
with regional governments just now coming
into operation in various parts of the prov-
ince, it wouW have been a much more effec-
tive decision indeed if this member, if he
was going to be taken into the cabinet at
all, would have had some general supervisory
responsibility pertaining to these regions.
This is a matter that is difiBcult to explain.
He becomes Minister of Revenue, unless per-
haps that is a training ground for the
Treasurership of the province, which we are
told is going to be vacated by the present
Treasurer some time in the not too distant
future. The situation under those circum-
stances might be different except for this,
that during the last two years, since the
report of the Committee on Government
Productivity was accepted, the Treasurer has
been also the minister of municipal affairs,
but in the recent changes the member for—
Hon. F. Guindon (Minister of Labour):
Grenville-Dundas .
Mr. R. F. Nixon: For Grenville-Dundas
(Mr. Irvine), was designated Minister without
Portfolio with special responsibilities for
municipal affairs. In other words, we are
moving once again towards a ministry of
MARCH 8, 1974
municipal affairs and a very proper move that
is, without the Premier making the decision
that in fact the recommendations of the
Committee on Government Productivity were
wrong. They have been inappropriate in our
experience of two years' association with
policy ministers and the work they are sup-
posed to do. The policy minister experiment
has been a failure and this is apparent in
decisions made by the Premier pertaining to
the changes that have come about.
So it seems, Mr. Speaker, that the cabinet
changes were made only for political pur-
poses, to remove from the Premier pressure
applied by the cabinet itself, through the
conflicts of interest, and the awarding of
contracts without tender— the scandals asso-
ciated with the decisions made by cabinet
ministers. It seems that somehow or other
the Premier would try to show that he had
a new group of people who didn't do things
like that.
Unfortunately, it appears that he is sticking
with the concepts that have made it difficult
if not impossible for the cabinet to make
the kinds of decisions that are necessary. So
he simply goes on with the political exi-
gencies that we were treated to in the Speech
from the Throne. For example, his sudden
interest in northern affairs.
Along with his report from his polling
experts that he was down to 28 per cent in
the support of the people of Ontario, they
must have told him that he was dead in the
north and that while he has been steadily
losing support for many years there, it looks
now as if the support is down to rock bottom.
So you can't blame him for making an efi^ort
to attract once again interest of the taxpayers,
the thinking citizens of the north.
You know, when you travel up in the
north, the first question you are asked is,
"What do you think about a separate prov-
ince up here?" I think the idea is a bad one,
but it indicates clearly the alienation of the
people living in that part of the province
who think they have been forgotten by big
government at Queen's Park, that their de-
cisions are dictated from the offices and the
bureaucracy down here.
So what did he do? The Speech from the
Throne calls for a feasibility and engineering
study for a road link to James Bay through
Moosonee. The Brunelle highway.
An hon. member: To Moonbeam?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Since the minister is
applauding so strenuously, 1 have a feeling
that it really doesn't matter what the feas-
ibility study says. If the member for Coch-
rane North (Mr. Brunelle) stays in the
cabinet, they are going to get the road.
Hon. R. Brunelle (Minister of Community
and Social Services): That's right. The study
is not necessary because we know right now
it is justified.
Mr. G. Dixon ( Dovercourt ) : Tell them,
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I am sure the Premier
consulted with the Minister of Community
and Social Services and the Premier, in his
good judgement, thought at least they should
look into the feasibility of it.
Mr. Good: Just for the publicity aspects.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The nice thing about it
is that there are so few residents in Moosonee
that the politics of it don't necessarily in-
trude. The people up there undoubtedly want
a road and they want to be able to get out
in some way other than on the Polar Bear
Express, which is usually crowded with poli-
ticians going up there to see what they are
doing in Moosonee this week.
Mr. B. Newman ( Windsor- Walkerville):
With their free passes.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: With their free passes,
right. And the only alternative is to phone
up the member for Cochrane North and see
if they can get on the government plane or
to borrow somebody's snowshoes.
The road link in my view is a reasonable
sort of thing and I regret very much the
fact that in the future it means that prob-
ably we won't have to depend on the Polar
Bear Express as much as we have, because
some of my more enlightening experiences
in politics have been associated with travel
on that train as we went through north-
eastern Ontario to talk with municipal offi-
cials and other experts as to what the future
might hold for that great part of Ontario.
The second point is the decision has been
made to investigate the rebuilding and the
widening of Highway 17 between Sault Ste.
Marie and Sudbury. When the announce-
ment of the new minister of highways was
made, I felt that the government had said
among themselves, "Well, nobody down
here wants roads, so we might as well spend
the money in the north." I think that is a
great idea. The idea of improving road trans-
portation in northern Ontario is obviously
not going to solve all the northerners' prob-
lems, but I would suggest to you very spe-
cifically, Mr. Speaker, that it is going to
take more than the widening of Highway 17
and ensconcing the minister of highways in
Sault Ste. Marie to convince the northerners
of the good faith of this government. After
all the promises made at the time of elections
and the breaking of the promises at the
time of the distribution of the highways
budget, they are going to have to see the
concrete, not just the surveyors. They are
going to have to see the concrete before it
can be believed.
I would say to the government quite spe-
cifically that it might as well make the com-
mitment now, as I really think is necessary,
to make Highway 11 four lanes wide all the
way to North Bay; to make Highway 69 four
lanes wide to Sudbury and then on to the
Soo. Anything less than that is not going to
meet the needs of that expanding part of
the north. I am not quite prepared to say
that the ministry is going to have to make
it four lanes around the top of Lake Supe-
rior, although I suppose some day, that may
come. I hope it does not; I think it would
be substantially regrettable. I spent some
years living in Sault Ste. Marie and I could
never understand why, when one went over
to Michigan, there were good road travel
links to the southern part of that state but
if one decided to travel in Canada one
would have to get in line behind the trailers
and the trucks along Highway 17 and make
one's way in very dangerous driving situa-
tions down into the southern and eastern part
of the province.
The northerners, of course, while they
want good road links to the southern and
eastern part of the province are just as con-
cerned with good road and transportation
links between northern centres. That is surely
where the initiative of the new Minister of
Transportation and Communications (Mr.
Rhodes) must be brought to bear as well.
So we go on with the promises for the
north. Four more communities in northwest-
em Ontario will receive air services. Good.
I think norOntair has been a good experi-
ment. I haven't had the opportunity to fly
the line of the purple goose— is that it? I
think that is it — bat it seems to me that
the Twin Otters are excellent planes and
that the future of quick communications be-
tween the northern towns is going to rest
on their utilization.
On improvement of certain existing air-
ports I hope the minister is going to do
something with the one in Geraldton. I don't
know whether or not the ministers plane
gets down there regularly but obviously that
is one of the communities which should be
treated to expanded facilities. I think it
would have been better if the communities
which were going to be served under this
programme had been specifically named in
the Speech from the Throne.
Studies regarding the establishment of a
port facility in the James Bay area; that is
interesting. In the long run the building of
the ONR or, as it was then called, the
Timiskaming and Nothem Ontario Railroad
—is that the correct name?— was to give us
a salt water or a sea water outlet or seaport
for this province. Actually it was extremely
disappointing right from the start. The min-
ister is aware of the shallowness of James
Bay and the area of Hudson Bay most
readily accessible so I don't know whether
this feasibility study means building a wharf
six miles long or doing dredging to bring
the ocean boats right up into Moosonee or
what it is. The feasibility study has been
done before, admittedly when technology
was not quite so far advanced.
Hon. Mr. Brunelle: That was for Moosonee
itself. The intention is to go further north
into deeper water.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The idea of having a
seaport here is an interesting one and one
that we will follow with a great deal of
The other major statement was a power
line to Moosonee. Electricity comes within
200 miles of it now, I believe, the last time
we were up there. Is that not correct?
Hon. Mr. Brunelle: About 150 miles, along
the rapids.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That should not be a
serious problem, indeed, in the community
which we hope is going to grow and expand
as it serves a larger and larger area and will
have the benefits of a good power source.
On local autonomy, northern communities
will have the opportunity to establish local
community councils. In other words, some of
the friends of the government, who have
been chairmen of the improvement districts
without benefit of election through all these
years, may find themselves subject more
directly to the wishes of the people in the
communities they have been serving in their
own inimitable styles over these many years.
Mr. Good: Does that include Moosonee?
MARCH 8, 1974
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I don't know whether it
includes Moosoonee; I presume that it would.
It will include White River and many other
communities which we have talked about
from time to time.
The government has said "Yes, that's what
we are going to do for the north. We are
going to build some roads. We are going to
study the feasibility of certain other pro-
grammes. We are going to improve a couple
of airports. We are going to expand some
money to see that the airplanes wall get into
four more towns."
I don't think that will be suflBcient. Ap-
pointing a minister of highways from the
north might, in fact, improve the situation
quite a bit because I have a feeling we are
going to see the earthmovers on Highway 17.
I'm not so sure that is going to convince the
people in the north that they can look once
again with some confidence to the Conserva-
tives because I believe the Conservative
Party has lost any right to the confidence of
the northerners after all these years.
^fter all, they have not taken the steps,
other than by way of changing the name, to
indicate that the Northern Ontario Develop-
ment Corp. is going to have an independent
stance. We. as Liberals, believe that on the
board of the NODC should be all of the
elected members from the north. The former
Premier used to criticize me and say, "You
are setting up a northern parliament. You
are a separatist." Of course, I refect that.
I simply say that in the north, probably more
than in any other place, there is the feeling
that when a member is elected he has
something more to do than simply serve time
and aooloqfize, in the case of the Conserva-
tives, for the government's inactivity.
I would like to see the board of NODC
composed basically of the elected members
without regard to their political party. If the
government wanted, through its undoubted
rights by the Lieutenant Governor's order in
council appointment, to add to it certain
representatives of the community otherwise
I would have no objection. Only if it does
that can NODC be seen to have a stance and
status independent of the experts who are
usually seconded from Bay St. when they are
looking for a job and pressure comes on them,
perhaps unduly, in the ordinary course of
their careers.
I think, further, that the government should
make the definite commitment to move the
head office establishment of at least the
Ministry of Natural Resources out of Toronto
and up to the north. This, more than any
thing else, would be an indication of good
faith— that the ministry which deals almost
more than any other-I would say more than
any other-with northern affairs is going to
have its head office there. After all, I under-
stand the minister has at his disposal 48
planes, probably more than that now; all the
planes, in fact, which are not in use by
other people who have access to them. It
would enable the minister to come down for
whatever is necessary, to attend cabinet meet-
ings or whathaveyou here.
The establishment of the ministry must
be in the north. I think there should be
something more than an ad hoc paving pro-
gramme indicating what the basis of the
government's policy is in communication.
There should be a reference to Highway 11
to North Bay, and 69 to Sudbury, just
as there was to Highway 17 from Sudbury
to Sault Ste. Marie. The government could
put a reasonable timetable on it and say there
is going to be a commitment of a certain
percentage of the highway's budget so that
the people in the north know it means
Siirely it is not going to be the same as it
has been in eastern Ontario where one gets
the commitments and the promises, election
after election, about road building. At one
stage the Conservatives even appointed
George Gomme, an easterner, as minister of
highways and the people in the east thought,
'Now we will get our roads." But no, the
road's were not built. The surveyors went
out one more time; the flags were put up;
the people found, as they were driving in
the summer, that they had to be careful be-
cause there were so many surveyors around
there that the usefulness of the highways was
substantially reduced.
Now we find that the alternative of 17
down there is not going on that alignment
at all; it is going on a completely new align-
ment and' very properly so. The government
is going to build a httle bit more of it and
I have a feeling that when we get to elec-
tion year it could be that the Minister of
Labour and maybe the Minister of Housing
and the Premier himself will go down and
cut a ribbon opening yet a few more miles.
One might even be able to drive from Ottawa
right through to the Quebec border, but
that remains to be seen.
I just say, to my regret, that sort thing
seems to have worked in eastern Ontario
until now but it is not going to work again.
The government is going to get the surprise
of its life when it actually opens the road
and finds that the people in eastern Ontario
are voting, for the first time in a lone time,
against the Tories and for the Liberal alter-
The same is true in the north.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: And the same is true
in the north. It will not be enough even for
the new Minister of Transportation and Com-
munications to go up there and put the
flags in the ground and hire the surveyors
to go up and down Highway 17.
Mr. J. H. Jessiman (Fort William): Don't
hold your breath.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I notice that the mem-
ber for Fort William is joining in the debate.
There have been no specific promises about
new roads up there but, of course, most of
the people in his area I guess are content
that their member has been made chairman
of the Ontario Northland Railway. Maybe
they feel that that is sufiicient recognition.
But I'll tell him this, that being chairman
of the Ontario Northland Railway is not
going to save the political bacon of either
the chairman or the Conservative Party in
northwestern Ontario.
A very case in point came forward yester-
day. Sure we are delighted that a new mill
is going to be located, not in the hon. mem-
ber's riding, of course, which is largely an
urban riding, but up there in Kenora where
the Minister of Natural Resources (Mr.
Bemier) is more and more considering it
to be his private fiefdom. We can't help
but remember that the same company that is
expanding to the tune of what?— $250 million
— is the one which under government super-
vision was permitted to pollute the whole
Wabigoon river system and the English
river system in such a way that it wiM never
be cleaned up. There will never be the
opportunity for sport fishing there and to
eat the fish. The Indians living in the area
have had either to be moved off or be
given permanent food payments so that they
would not eat the fish. Almost every tourist
outfitter in the Wabigoon and English river
system has either moved out or gone broke
because sport fishing is no longer permitted.
Now thats the government record in north-
western Ontario! This is the situation.
The chairman of the ONR was in the news
just a few weeks ago. He had sold a parcel
of land to Ontario Housing and made a large
profit on the transference of that property.
I know the property well. I know that the
chairman of the ONR did business there.
As a matter of fact, I have rented a car on
one occasion from his very business premises.
But for the local-
Mr. Jessiman: On a point of privilege, Mr.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Let the member wait
until I have finished before he gets riled.
Mr. Lewis: I was going to say he didn't
want to sell it to the OHC.
Mr. Jessiman: I would just like to correct
the Leader of the Opposition in the state-
ment that he just made that I had sold the
property to the Ontario Housing, which is
a complete and utter lie, and he knows it to
be so. I sold the property to an individual
in the north riding.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. I think a
better choice of words could have been
Mr. Jessiman: And I'd like him to retract
that statement right now.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Lewis: It was just an error.
Mr. Speaker: Order please. I think the
hon. member should change that one word
in his protest.
Interjections by hon. members.
iMr. Good: He is talking to the member
for Fort William. He used an intermediary
between him and the OHC.
Mr. Speaker: I'm talking to the member
for Fort William. I think a better choice of
words could have been used. Would you do
so, please?
Mr. Jessiman: May I say it is an untruth
then, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Well, let's look at the
situation. The land that the hon. member
who is objecting so strenuously owned is
now in the hands of Ontario Housing Corp.
Is that correct?
Mr. Lewis: No, it is not. They backed
out on him.
Mr. Jessiman: On a point of privilege, Mr.
Speaker, possibly the Leader of the Opposi-
tion should get his facts straight, which he
seldom does.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: All right. Surely, Mr.
Speaker, the point is this: that the member
MARCH 8, 1974
for Port Arthur— I mean Fort William, the
member for Port Arthur is another person-
Mr. Lewis: He is not a land speculator.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: —and I was talking
about him earlier— the member, as chairman
of the Ontario Northland Railway, has a
responsibility surely to concern himself with
the development of northwestern Ontario.
He's got to concern himself even further
with the pollution record of the government
that he is supporting. Surely as a member
as well he's got to concern himself with
unconscionable land profits that he himself
in the land business in the area apparently
has been making. How can he continue to
expect to command the support of the tax-
payers and the thinking citizens in his own
I'm simply saying to you, Mr. Speaker,
that in northwestern Ontario, as in north-
eastern Ontario and the eastern part of the
province, no amount of government promises
of the typ2 that have been put to use in this
speech is going to save the political bacon
of the Conservative Party.
The people have lost confidence in the
party and in their representatives in those
areas. A few more miles of road might have
done it back in 1963, 1959 or in 1955; but
it won't do it any more. I am putting to the
government a specific alternative that it is
up to them to make a clear commitment as
to what they are going to do for transporta-
tion, road transportation and otherwise.
Let's have a commitment on Highway 69,
Highway 11 and Highway 17; let's have a
commitment as to which communities are
going to be served by the expanding services
of norOntair. Why, surely, are we not using
the facilities that are presently government-
owned to equalize the cost of living in the
Before the last election they equalized the
cost of beer. The time surely has come when,
as a matter of policy, the government says
that it is going to provide the same cost of
living for the necessities as are experienced
in other parts of the province, and that as
a matter of policy we must surely remove
that invisible wall that separates die north-
ern part of the province from the rest of
Ontario; that they must not feel alienated
and that government policy has been sub-
stantially inadequate in this regard, as it has
been in others.
Well-it is 20 after 12-Mr. Speaker, I
want to deal quite specifically with the mat-
ter of regional government as we are expe-
riencing it following the passage of certain
statutes a year ago and three years ago.
The concern with the cost of living is directly
related to the cost of government program-
mes, and you are aware, Mr. Speaker, living
near the location of a newly created regional
government programme, that it doesn't take
long for the spending machines to go into
I would just like to speak briefly about
what our experience in regional government
costs has been. In Ottawa-Carleton the cost
of running the cities, villages and townships
in 1968, the year before regional government
was imposed, was $59.5 million. In 1969,
with regional government just having been
started, costs increased by 36 per cent in one
year to $81.3 milllion.
When regional government was intro-
duced to Niagara in 1970, the increase in
municipal government spending was even
steeper. The expenditures grew by 45 per
cent, from $39 million to $56 million in the
very first year. Increases in the cost of the
regional portion of municipal government in
Niagara have continued since 1970. In the
four years of regional government in Niagara
the annual cost of operating the regional
municipality, exclusive of the local govern-
ments, has jumped 85.3 per cent, from $22
million to $41 million. In Ottawa-Carleton,
the regional municipality spending has risen
88 per cent in five years.
I thought it was important that I put those
figures before you, sir, because we find in
the case of Haldimand-Norfolk, where
regional government was imposed by Act of
this Legislature just a few months ago and
where the regional government will take its
first authority within a few weeks, that al-
ready there have been expensive decisions
For example, the regional council has
not been able to decide on a site for the
seat of government. Half of the government
will be located in Cayuga, formerly in Haldi-
mand county, and the other half in Simcoe,
that is the former county seat of the county
of Norfolk. It seems to me this is typical of
the problems of the imposition of the new
type of government. Certainly the govern-
ment has given the decision to the locally
elected regional council as to where the
capital will be, and they have made a deci-
sion that I suppose was forced upon them
by the views of the two separate communi-
ties, and that is to have two capitals.
Now the only people who are going to
benefit from this will be the people who are
collecting the bills for Bell Canada. It is
typical of what has happened in other
regional government programmes. The costs
escalate rapidly and out of all control.
The figures that I have put before mem-
bers, resulting from an inquiry into these
costs in the Ottawa area, and also in the
area of Niagara are just an indication of what
we can expect in the other regional govern-
ment situations. There is the high cost and,
even worse than that, the chairman is im-
posed from Queen's Park and the government
at the local level is insulated from the needs
of the public community by the large bu-
reaucracy that is established under these
It seems strange indeed that the govern-
ment has not been able to take advantage of
the experience— and it has been a bad ex-
perience—in the two regional governments
now established for a number of years, to
ensure that if we are going to have an in-
crease in the number of regional governments
that it is not going to result in the tremen-
dous increase in local costs that has been a
part of this particular experience.
Now, this has been characteristic of what
the government has done during the last four
years. Since John Robarts gave up the
Premiership and we had a surplus of $150
million, our deficits year by year have been—
well, this year it is substantially over $400
million; last year $36 million. The first year
that the member for Peel North was the
Premier it was $624 million, and actually the
year in which he came into oflfice, it was a
$136 million deficit. In other words, since
he took over the control of our government,
our deficit has increased by $1.6 billion,
compared with the last Robarts' year when
the surplus was $150 million. I think that
this is an indication which has been estab-
lished in many respects by policies in regional
government and in other areas of new
government initiatives, that it seems to have
been absolutely careless of the cost.
Now, we feel also that the policies asso-
ciated with regional government have been
unnecessarily centralizing and you need only
read the reports that were put out by the
Ontario Economic Council two weeks ago to
see that that's borne out by some inde-
pendent opinions. I want to quote very
briefly from report No. 5 by Lionel D. Feld-
man, from page 41, where he says:
Few meaningful functions are being left
to the local governments to perform uni-
laterally and therefore less remains in
substantive terms to be decided by local
councils. If this prognosis is valid, then
the future is dim for effective local gov-
ernment as fewer and fewer people will
be willing to stand for election to per-
form non-important tasks. If the transfer
of functions persists unabated, if decen-
tralization is taken to mean not a devolu-
tion of responsibility but the placement of
loffices of the province outsidte Toronto
with consultative powers only^or as one
wag has recently said: "Regional offices in
Ontario today are given only the power
to say no"— then the future of the re-
lorganized municipalities is bleak.
I notice that the Treasurer took exception
to the statement. He said that the statement;
from the Ontario Economic Council was;
untrue, and yet this is the way it is seen-
by the people living in the communities. I
want to quote from the report once more:
'What this study demonstrates is that
since the beginning of the 1960s, there
has been a consistent approach to the way
in which provincial authorities have viewed'
ilocal government. There appears to be a
Iconsiderable degree of scepticism on the
part of senior government people as to the
inherent capacity of the municipalities to
achieve goals and objectives.
Now, what he is saying there in his best
language is that the ministers' and the senior
government officials believe the people at the
municipal level are incompetent to establish
goals and then work toward achieving them.
This is a feeling that we have been aware
of for many years, somehow or other,
through the various ministers of municipal
affairs and lately the Treasurer— the idea that
all of the knowledge and the ability lies
here at Queen's Park; that the municipalities-
exist only as somehow a window-dressing-
operation for the expenditure of some public,
There is a basic difference in philosophy-
that I want to put forward and I suppose,
it is essentially that the elected people in
municipal councils and in school boards and
in hospital boards and otherwise have the
right to make mistakes. I suppose you can
say that the York board has made a mistake
in recent months and it is all right here to
criticize boards if they so do, but surely
we must realize that if local government is
going to have any significance in the future,
we must abandon the process where the gov-
ernment has to appoint, from the centre,
the chief of these local governments; that we
must see that the conditions are removed
from the grant progranmie instead of put^
} MARCH 8, 1974
ting on more and' more of these conditions;
that we must see that the people, in plan-
ning responsibilities, can establish their own
goals and' essentially have the powers to
fulfil them; that the time has come, surely,
when the Minister of Education will
not have day-to-day budgetary controls
over every school board in the province;
that the Minister of Health (Mr. Miller) does
not have day-to-day budgetary control over
every hospital board; that the minister who
designates himself as the chief planner does
not have the power to veto or, in most
cases, simply approve or delay every plan-
ning decision in the province.
(This is an indication that has come
strongly from the report by Mr. Feldbian.
He ends up with just a very short quote
indeed. It comes from the last sentence in
his report on page 44 and I quote: "The
future of effective local government in On-
tario rests on shaky foundations." I think
that he is right, I believe that the people
are concerned more and more with their local
rights in the provision of government services.
I am not prepared to say that the Treasurer,
or the Minister of Health, or the Minister
of Education has all the knowledge and I'm
not prepared either to say that local officials
can't make mistakes. I'm simply here to say
that thdy have the right to make those
mistakes in the structure of a reformed gov-
ernment that, in fact, would be a partner-
ship between the municipalities in the prov-
ince rather than the sham which we have
been treated to in recent years'.
I want to just end this section of my
remarks, Mr. Speaker, by quoting from a
letter signed by Mr. Jack Nolan of 1096-lOth
St. E., Owen Sound. I quote from his letter:
Dear Mr. Nixon:
I am writing to you on behalf of the
Boxter Ward Ratepayers Association,
Georgian Bay township.
We have just received our new assess-
ment notice under the regional munici-
pality of Muskoka. We are shocked beyond
words. It would appear that assessments
are up to fantastic figures and the taxes on
these new rates will be up, for some, 500
per cent. I, for example, was assessed at
$1,360. Now the assessment is $49,600.
I interrupt here to say that, of course, the
assessment per se does not set the tax rate,
but he goes on to say:
At 10 mills tax rate, which the officials
propose, my taxes go from $106 last year
to about $496 this year. For this we re-
ceive nothing that we did not have before,
which was nothing. The exception is that
last year two garbage buckets were put at
the end of our road for garbage to be
placed in.
That is the end of the quote from the letter
from Mr. Nolan.
I think, better than anything else, it in-
dicates what happens under regional govern-
ment. We can collect the statistics which
show that the percentages go up by fantastic
rates year by year, but when the taxpayers
themselves convey this sort of information,
and you place yourselves in their situation
where they are faced with a 500 per cent in-
crease, not associated in any way with im-
proved services, you realize that the regional
government experiment has been a failure
and that the costs associated with it are com-
pletely unconscionable and that the access
to democratic process has been, if not re-
moved, insulated to the extent that the
people concerned feel themselves inade-
quately served.
So I would say, Mr. Speaker, that the
government's fiscal policies and taxation
policies have been as instrumental perhaps
as much as anything else in increasing the
cost of living in this province and adding
pressure to the inflationary spiral. I re-
member the debate on the increase in the
sales tax that took place in the House last
spring, when it was brought to your atten-
tion, sir, and the attention of the Treasurer,
that an increase in the sales tax from five to
seven per cent, an increase of 40 per cent,
would exert inflationary pressures and I sub-
mit to you, sir, that it has.
But this is not the only matter that must
concern us.
I think we must accept, as members of
this House, a great deal more responsibility
for establishing an apparatus which will re-
view and thereby control, at least in part,
changes in prices in this province.
Speaking in the budget debate when I first
became the leader of the Liberal Party— I
think 1967 was the date of the speech— I
called for the establishment of a committee
of the Legislature which would have the
function of reviewing price increases in that
sector of the economy which had the ap-
parent powers, as a monopoly would have,
to impose prices to which there is no
At the time, my comments were sparked
by changes in automobile insurance costs
and it was indicated simply in the news-
papers that the automobile insurance prices
would go up by, I think that year, from
seven per cent to 15 per cent. I felt, as did
many others, that the increase was not
warranted but there was no machinery estab-
lished at the provincial level even to see if
there was a justification.
At the time, it was brought to public
attention that the laws of Ontario give the
government the right to roll back insurance
costs if it sees fit. There are sections to the
Insurance Act not proclaimed, having been
on the statute books for many years, which
would permit the government to do that if it
saw fit. In reiterating the proposal for a
committee of the Legislature which, in fact,
would act as a price review committee, I am
motivated in precisely the same way. I be-
lieve such a committee should deal with
those aspects of the economy and the cost of
living in this province over which the people
have no control at all nor any alternative.
For example, a week ago the Premier an-
nounced that he was approving an increase
in the payments to the medical practitioners
in Ontario under the OMA fee schedule
of about seven per cent — I believe it was
7.2 per cent — with a further increase next
year of something approximating four per
cent. I felt at the time that we as members
of the Legislature had been slighted; that
we had not an opportunity to look at the
justification and that the time had surely
come when the province, through its Legis-
lature, must establish a mechanism whereby
something more than the Premier's say-so
or the say-so of a government minister is
necessary for the prices to change. In the
case of so many services and products, the
government has no influence or chooses to
exert no influence whatsoever.
It is in this connection that I recommend
to you, Mr. Speaker, the establishment of a
prices review committee. In connection with
the doctors' situation we should require that
the joint committee of doctors and govern-
ment people come before the committee to
give the justification which apparently was
sufiBcient to convince the Premier.
lit is true the doctors have not had an
increase in their payments since May 1,
1971. They have, I suppose, shown an ad-
mirable restraint in at least not requesting
such increases but I think it is an indication
of how seriously out of line those payments
were three years ago. At least the doctors
took this sort of a fee schedule holiday dur-
ing that period of time when it is apparent
their incomes went up substantially because
of the greater utilization of their services by
the people in the province.
I would say that the establishment of
such a prices review committee would deal
not only with this sort of matter, and the
insurance requirements for automobiles that
we have already talked about, but other
matters with specific provincial respon-
The last thing I would like to do is to
equate it in any way with the food price
committee in Ottawa. I feel that committee
has made some serious errors in conjunction
with its attempts either to control these
prices or to bring public pressure to bear on
those increases.
I think, for example, specifically of
decisions taken by the Ontario Milk Market-
ing Board. I believe it would be in the
puislic interest of the farmers and the people
who are going to be consuming the products
controlled by the Ontario Milk Marketing
Board if in the future, when it makes the
decision that prices will change — and I
expect it will decree a $10-a-cwt price for
milk within the next short while — that that
board come before such a price review com-
mittee and give the justification.
il'm always glad to hear the comments
made by the Minister of Agriculture and
Food in Ontario and his collteague in Ottawa,
Mr. Whelan, when they indicate the tremen-
dous increases in costs that farmers have to
pay. How much better it would be, how-
ever, if the statistics associated with that
were put before an appropriate committee
in such a way that the justification, if it is
there — and in this case it is there — would
be known or knowable to all.
Obviously it is not sufBcient to deal with
it as we have been dealing with it in the
past simply by saying, as 3ie Speech from
the Throne says, that this is a federal respon-
sibility and we will do everything we can
to help.
Number one, our rate of expenditures has
got to be brought under control. Number
two, we can have a prices review committee
here which can substantially have an impact
on the community and which is going to
have a control function in the long run.
The last point I want to refer to, Mr.
Speaker, and I hope that I can complete this
before the adjournment at 1 o'clock, has to
do with the energy situation in this prov-
ince. I was interested indeed to attend' the
energy conference held in Ottawa convened
by the government of Canada and attended
by all the premiers from across Canada.
MARCH 8, 1974
We were in a special position there because
it is not often at a federal-provincial con-
ference that the Premier of Ontario has to
take the position of being a have-not prov-
ince. But that was very much the case in
Ottawa. Our Premier contributed little to
the discussion other than to speak across the
table to the Premier of Alberta, indicating
we would be very interested in the future
in buying their coal. This is quite: an inter-
esting matter indteed. I would' suspect that
in the next few years Alberta coal will be
brought down here by rail transportation and
Great Lakes transportation and have an im-
portant place indieed in our energy complex.
I was quite interested in' attending the
conference to find that the comments asso-
ciated with the financial distribution of the
revenues of the special taxes associated with
the export of oil did not come up for
further discussion and review. As you are
aware, Mr. Speaker, under the provisions
of the federal initiative the Province of
Alberta this year is going to receive almost
half its provincial budget from the oil
revenue tax sources. This means really that
a special kind of a taxation Valhalla has
been established by virtue of the fact that
the provinces' ownership of the natural re-
source was in no way questioned by any of
the provinces or by the government of
I was among those who really expected
the government of Canada to say, under
these particular circumstances, oil was a
strategic resource and one which they were
going to undertake the management of to the
exclusion, or at least the partial exclusion,
of the provincial governments. Such was not
the case, and the revenues from the special
oil export tax are now flowing to Alberta
and will account for about half that prov-
ince's budget this year. During the next
following years they wdll assume perhaps an
even' larger basis as long as the resource
holds out.
I was interested also to read reports of
Mr. Lougheed's budget statement made in
the Legislature there, yesterday I believe,
which indicates that those special revenues
are going to be used, of course, for the
development of the province, but also to
make it even more of a tax haven than it
has been — no sales tax, no death dbties
and the revenues being paid from a resource
that many people think of as a national
But if we are going to say that, we must
then look at the resource in out own prov-
ince, and that is specifically the uranium
resource. Very brief reference was made to
that in the Speech from the Throne.
An indication was made briefly there that
a review of the policy in that regard is
going to be undertaken. We were concerned
some months ago to hear that the ovmership
of the main uranium resource in this prov-
ince had undertaken a sale amounting to
$800 million of uranium and uranium oxidte
to Japan. Evidently this sale has not gone
through, it is subject to federal review.
But we in our own position are in a situa-
tion where the uranium resource may in
the long run far exceed the value of the oil
resources of Alberta. We have discussed
previously the excellerut record, although it is
a short record, of the nuclear power instal-
lation at Pickering, which is the largest and
safest nuclear electric plant in' the world,
according to the information providied to us.
I was interested to receive a publication
in the mail a few days ago which indicated
something even more interesting. I wasn't
able to fathom it entirely, but it was actually
a comparison of the costs of the production
of electricity at Nanticoke, which is a coal-
fired installation and a brand-new one —
therefore the most efiicient one we have, I
presume — and the nuclear installation at
Comparing the cost of production on the
basis of thousands of dollars per kilowatt-
hour, the figure is 6.21 for the production
of nuclear energy at Pickering. This com-
pares with a much larger figure at Nanticoke,
amounting to 7.55 — thousands of dollars
per kilowatt-'hour — if the Nanticoke facility
is to bum coal of a low sulphur content.
In fact, we are looking at a nuclear facility
that is in operation. It is not a pilot plant.
It is a full-scale facility that produces power
at the rate of 6.21 thousands of dollars per
kilowatt-hour — that is the way the com-
parison of the prices takes place — compared
with 7.55. Now, since those figures were
arrived at, the costs of the energy sources,
other than uranium — that is, oil and coal —
must have escalated tremendously.
The thing I found of greatest impact in
the figures is that even at 1970 prices the
cost of the production of electricity from
nuclear sources was far more economical
than the cost of production from coal and ofl
sources. Unfortunately we have made a sub-
stantial commitment to further coal utiliz-
ation. Nanticoke is costing us $755 mfllion
to build. Lennox, which is supposed to bum
only oil, is going to cost $373 million to build
—and is largely established now, although
I don't believe it's been fired up.
I'm quite interested in the decisions of
Ontario Hydro in making such extensive and
further commitments to fossil-fuel-fired
energy sources when the statistics indicate
that the nuclear source is not only com-
petitive but substantially cheaper if the
figures that I received are valid.
The point really is that while we are
concerned with the cost of oil and coal, the
establishment and utilization of our nuclear
resources must concern us very deeply in-
deed and in fact must be a matter of growing
importance to us all. I would like sometime
to hear from the minister responsible just
what government policy is going to be in
that regard.
Well, Mr. Speaker, I have covered a
number of points that it might well be pos-
sible to continue on another day but I have
found that you, sir, are usually very reason-
able indeed when we on the opposition
benches want to put forward our views and
our alternatives to government policy.
I and my colleagues have perused the
Speech from the Throne and we have found
that it was a substantial disappointment. I
have indicated clearly two areas where I
think that the new policy enunciations are
adequate, although we will examine the
legislation associated with them carefully.
I refer specifically to a prescription drug
programme for pensioners and to the estab-
lishment of an environmental hearing board.
There is a good deal more that should be
said about that, of course, but on the examin-
ation of the speech we feel that it has been
inadequate in a number of significant areas.
Mr. Nixon moves, seconded by Mr.
Breithaupt, that the following words be
added to the motion:
This House condemns the government:
1. For its chaotic education policy which
has led to the inability of teachers and
school boards to reach a reasonable agree-
ment and resulted in the dislocation of
our education system;
2. For its failure to establish a prices
review committee of the Legislature which,
together with a reduction in provincial
deficit spending, would exert control on
3. For its inadequate land-use policy
which continues to permit the unreasonable
loss of farm land to government and pri-
vate development and the unnatural infla-
tionary pressures of foreign land purchases
without safeguarding Canadian ownership
and interest;
4. For its failure to establish plarming
and land servicing programmes without
which serviced-lot costs have escalated
housing out of the financial reach of our
Mr. Lewis: Mr. Speaker, I would normally
adjourn the debate and I am, obviously, go-
ing to adjourn the debate until Monday.
Just before I do, since there are perhaps
five minutes left and it isn't inappropriate,
I would just like to say a brief word about
the demonstration that gathered in front of
the Legislature today and about the York
county dispute.
That dispute is getting very, very much
out of hand and that dispute is beginning to
show a real negligence on the part of govern-
ment to do something about it. I was one
of those people who admired the intervention
of the Minister of Education in the latter
few days of January of this year as he made
a herculean effort in some cases to resolve
many of the outstanding disputes, and did
so artfully and well on occasion, and I don't
begrudge commending him in a number of
specific instances.
I do not commend the condtict of the
Minister of Ed'ucation and the Premier in
the York county dispute. The York county
dispute has been allowed to continue, un-
justifiably and illegitimately in our view, for
several weeks without the Minister of Edu-
cation saying three things publicly that had
to be said:
1. That the dispute is as much between
the teachers and the administrator of the
board as it is between the teachers and' the
2. That the trustees should be required to
negotiate teacher-pupil ratios, and that that
should be understood as a legitimate item
for collective bargaining just as it is imder-
stood in Bill 275;
3. That the intractable position of the
board, the master-servant relationship which
it vests in itself, is intolerable to the Minis-
ter of Education and to the Premier, and
will not be allowed to continue, and there-
fore the Minister of Education in having laid
it out publicly — because there comes a point
where the kids have been out too long and
where clearly the situation has to be settled
—that he wants to settle it without compvJ-
sory arbitration, and I very, very much hope
that will be possible, then what the Minister
of Education now does, surely, is one of two
Either he submits — and my colleague
from Wentworth (Mr. Deans) was discussing
MARCH 8, 1974
this with me earlier and he has some con-
siderable expertise in the world of labour
rektions — to both parties' a government
proposal, and I have no doubt in my mind
that in considerable measure it would be
acceptable to the teachers. If it were then
rejected by the board, everybody in the
world would see the board for what it is.
Or alternatively, that the Ministry of Educa-
tion settles with the teachers, itself using the
withdrawal of the grants that it would
normally give to the board, and then rein-
state the trustees' position for the rest of
their term to be dealt with by the electors
of York county as they see fit.
But the time for the endless negotiations
using Mr. Mancini of the Ministry of Labour
has perhaps reached the point where the
Minister of Education and the Premier him-
self intervene, make a recommendation — or
indleed, suspend the board in order to nego-
tiate directly with the teachers. Anything to
avoid compulsory arbitration.
It serves some political purposes to have
the strike prolonged so that we are faced
with an extremity next week or the week
after. I understand that. It serves no edu-
cational purpose, because the response
around the Province of Ontario from the
teachers would not be one anyone wishes to
contemplate. I don't think the cabinet wishes
to contemplate it.
But to have the public gradually turning
on their teachers, to* have the dispute move
to a point of hostility and antagonism; that
the board in a gesture of outright blackmail
said — "We will hire teachers afresh on
March 15" — to allow that to happen, to
allow a board to behave in that way is
beyond the pale, is insufferable. And you
don't have an education system in a county
in such difficulty when everyone who has
any eyes to see witnesses the behaviour of
this board. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, there is
absolutely — as my colleague from Went-
worth says quietly — absolutely no mutual
respect; and obviously that's exactly what
Some of these boards, Mr. Speaker, be-
have in ways which are unimaginable. The
Windsor separate school board' searches for
a route to the courts when they have signed
a document accepting as binding voluntary
arbitration. I mean that kind or behaviour
on the part of a board is absolutely un-
believable. Somewhere the Minister of Edu-
cation has to say to the public: "Certain
things are acceptable, certain things are not
— and I am not going to play the pussy-
footing game forever as Minister of Educa-
tion in saying that they negotiate when I
know one party is negotiating in bad faith
from day one."
What we need is to have an offer made
in good faith from the ministry, or the
ministry deals with the teachers in good
faith who are clearly willing to db so. Or,
indeed, that the ministry point out to the
public where it has gone wrong; but let it
not disintegrate.
'I plead with minister not to let it dis-
integrate or, indeed, let us not have the kind
of confrontation again that we had back in
December. The collective bargaining process
can work. There is no doubt in my mind it
can work, if there is support for it. And
that's what is now lacking on the part of
govemment. They are going through the
motions wdthout the kind of support that
would resolve it.
I move the adjournment of the debate and
we will save the more pertinent remarks for
Mr. Lewis, moves the adjournment of the
Motion agreed to.
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): Mr. Speaker, on
Monday we will continue with the debate
and I think that I, without divulging any
confidences, that I can tell the member who
has taken his seat the minister and the
Premier are both involved in that particular
question at this particular time in seeking a
Hon. Mr. Winkler moves the adjournment
of the House.
Motion agreed to.
The House adjourned at 1 o'clock, p.m.
Friday, March 8, 1974
Workmen's Compensation Board, questions of Mr. Guindon: Mr. R. F. Nixon,
Mr. Bounsall, Mr. Lewis 67
Camp Associates Advertising Ltd., questions of Mr. Bennett: Mr. R. F. Nixon, Mr. Lewis,
Mr. Singer 68
Environmental hearing board, questions of Mr. W. Newman: Mr. Lewis, Mr. R. F. Nixon,
Mr. Good, Mr. Deacon, Mr. Renwick 72
Food prices, questions of Mr. Clement: Mr. Lewis, Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Deans 73
Public Service Act conflict, questions of Mr. Winkler: Mr. Breithaupt, Mr. Lewis 75
Effect of freight rate cut, questions of Mr. Rhodes: Mr. Germa 76
Communications-6 Inc., questions of Mr. Bemier: Mr. Singer 76
Preventive medicine, questions of Mr. Miller: Mr. Shulman 76
Intermediate capacity transit system, questions of Mr. Rhodes: Mr. Givens, Mr. Lewis 77
Negotiations on behalf of community colleges, questions of Mr. Winkler: Mr. Boimsall .. 78
Withdrawal of teachers' services, questions of Mrs. Birch: Mr. Deacon 78
Alleged Mafia activities, questions of Mr. Welch: Mr. Shulman 79
Presenting reports, crop insurance commission and agricultural research institute,
Mr. Stewart 79
Presenting report, mineral review, Mr. Bemier 79
Debate on the Speech from the Throne, Mr. R. F. Nixon, Mr. Lewis 79
Motion to adjourn debate, Mr. Lewis, agreed to 103
Motion to adjourn, Mr. Winkler, agreed to 103
No. 5
Hegiglature of Ontario
Fourth Session of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature
Monday, March 11, 1974
Speaker: Honourable Allan Edward Renter
Clerk: Roderick Lewis, QC
Price per session, $10.00. Address, Clerk of the House, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto
(Daily index of proceedings appears at back of this issue.)
The House met at 2 o'clock, p.m.
Hon. J. W. Snow ( Minister of Government
Services): Mr. Speaker, I would like to intro-
duce to the members a group of 25 students
from W. H. Morden Public School in Oakvllle
who are with us today in the west gallery.
Mr. W. Hodgson (York North): Mr.
Speaker, I would like to introduce to you,
and through you to the members of the
Legislature, a group of young ladies from
Seneca College, King campus, who are en-
rolled in the secretarial course.
Mr. V. M. Singer (Downsview): Mr.
Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege.
Mr. OL. Maeck (Parry Sound): Mr.
Mr. Speaker: The point of privilege first.
Mr. Singer: I wish to draw to your atten-
tion, sir, what I think is a blatant breach of
the privilege of the members of this House
by a senior civil servant.
Apparently there is to be tabled in the
House today, by the Attorney General (Mr.
Welch), a report of the Law Reform Com-
mission dealing with family law. Copies of
this report were made available on Friday by
a senior oflBcial of the Attorney General's
department to two Toronto newspapers, and
only to two Toronto newspapers, the Globe
and Mail and the Star. They were not
solicited by these papers; the reports were
handed to representatives of these papers.
Not only were all the rest of the news
media ignored— The Canadian Press, all
the radio and television stations and so
on— but much more serious, Mr. Speaker,
was the fact that this information was first
brought to the attention of tlie public by news
stories far in advance of the information being
available to the members of the House.
It would be my submission, sir, that there
has been a very serious breach of the priv-
MoNDAY, March 11, 1974
lieges of the House; that information of this
sort, commissioned by this House, directed to
the Law Reform Commission, has no right to
be handled in this way; and that for what-
ever reasons, the official of the Attorney
General's department acted in serious breach
of the privileges of this House, and I think he
should be disciplined by you, sir.
Mr. Speaker: Of course I am sure that the
facts submitted by the hon. member for
Downsview are correct. I have not had any
prior knowledge of the situation, nor do I
have any other information than that sub-
mitted by the hon. member for Downsview,
which I do, of course, accept as being correct
at this moment.
Before I undertake to make any further
comments, while it does appear as if there
has been a breach of privilege, I would ask
the indulgence of the hon. member, and the
House indeed, for time to look into this
matter and to get all of the information
available so that I might be in a position to
comment further upon it.
Mr. S. Lewis (Scarborough West): On the
point of privilege just for a moment, Mr.
Speaker, I am so relieved to have this par-
ticular report out and public that one would
almost excuse anything. But I must say,
apart from the apparent impropriety of giv-
ing it only to selected news media representa-
tives, it really is a bit much, Mr. Speaker,
that the report could not simultaneously be
tabled in the House so that those of us who
are called to comment on it, on any side of
the House, might have an opportunity to scan
through it as quickly as those from the media.
Mr. Maeck: I would like to introduce some
students from the great riding of Parry
Sound, 29 grade 8 students from the elemen-
tary school at Britt, who are in the east
Mr. Speaker: Statements by the ministry.
Hon. C. Bennett (Minister of Industry and
Tourism): Mr. Speaker, I have a statement
regarding Consolidated Computer Inc., which
is being released by the federal agency and
the company at this very hour. I wish at this
time to inform the hon. members of new
financing arrangements being entered into by
the Ontario Development Corp, and the fed-
eral government's General Adjustment Assist-
ance Board with respect to support for
Consolidated Computer Inc. This new joint
support programme will enable the company
to expand in both the North American and
overseas computer markets.
As members may be aware, Consolidated
Computer is the largest Canadian-owned
computer manufacturing company. Their pro-
ducts are already installed in 18 countries
throughout the world. The company has
developed two new products, the Key-Edit
50 and the Key-Edit 1000 systems, which
have not yet been introduced to the North
American market, although the Ontario gov-
ernment has recently purchased the 50 sys-
tem for the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications, and the federal government
for its Manpower division has purchased the
1000 system.
The General Adjustment Assistance Board
has indicated willingness to support a lease-
financing programme for the marketing of
the company's products here in North Amer-
ica. It is our understanding that they will
have a financing programme up to a maxi-
mum of $26 million. New federal and pro-
vincial support will be provided through a
plan that will make available up to $7 mil-
lion to the company in additional operating
funds during 1974. Of that amount, $3 mil-
lion has now been advanced, half by GAAB
and half by ODC. Over the long term, the
plan foresees increased participation in the
ownership of the company by private in-
I think it would be useful, Mr. Speaker,
for me to say a few words about the history
of Consolidated Computer Inc. It was formed
in 1968 and became a public company in
1969. In the fall of 1971 the company suf-
fered a liquidity crisis and went into receiver-
ship. However, with the support of ODC and
GAAB the company was reorganized and
was profitable in 1972.
During 1972 and 1973 the company car-
ried out a major redesign of its products and
restructured its plant and products into two
new systems. Development expense amount-
ed to several million dollars. Large orders
were secured from two firms in Europe and
Japan and South America. Two of the com-
pany's overseas customers, ICL in England
and Fujitsu in Japan, are the largest
non- American computer companies. Unfor-
tunately the development of the new system
took longer and cost more than anticipated
which resulted in losses in 1973.
In spite of these losses, the company's
current prospects, while carrying some risks,
are believed suflBcient to merit the support of
GAAB and ODC in attempting to penetrate
the North American market and expand into
overseas markets. The prime objective of our
assistance is to help develop a viable, self-
sustaining Canadian-owned and operated
company that is based on high technology.
There are certainly risks associated wdth any
venture into this area but we consider that
the company has a reasonable chance ol
achieving this objective.
This year the company expects » to export
$23 million worth of its new systems, pur-
chase $5 million in Canadian components
and increase employment above the current
rate of 550, of whom 400 are in Ottawa
associated with the company's engineering
and manufacturing operations. To date direct
loans or guaranteed advances from ODC
amounted to $4.3 million. Under the new
programme, ODC may advance another $3.5
We will, of course, monitor the operations
of Consolidated Computer very closely. There
are several conditions to the agreement for
the extension of the funds. We have already
taken steps to ensure that over the next few
months, the company's management will have
the best support available. To this end ODC
and GAAB have arranged for the appoint-
ment of Mr. W. V. (Bill) Moore, former
president of IBM Canada, as full-time interim
chairman of the board of Consolidated Com-
Hon. members will no doubt have taken
note that the Ontario Securities Commission,
in consultation with the company, tempor-
arily suspended trading of Consolidated Com-
puter stock last Friday. This action was taken
to enable the financial community to prop-
erly assess the impact of these new arrange-
ments on the company's financial status.
Mr. Speaker: Oral questions. The hon.
member for York Centre. ^> vi-:
Mr. D. M. Deacon (York Centre): Mr.
Speaker, in the absence of the Minister of
Education (Mr. Wells) I wish to ask the
Premier if, in view of the fact that the
chairman of the negotiating committee a
week ago suggested the possibility of the
MARCH 11, 1974
minister's setting up a trusteeship, and in
view of the fact that I now have 7,309
names in two days, names of registered
voters who wish such a trusteeship, will the
Mr. P. J. Yakabuski (Renfrew South): The
member went out soliciting on Saturday.
Mr. R. D. Kennedy (Peel South): Did the
member consult with his leader?
Mr. Deacon: In the event of a lack of
agreement being reached by continued negoti-
ations today, or the teachers not agreeing to
voluntary binding arbitration by 9 p.m. to-
night, will the government introduce legis-
lation it might feel is necessary to set up a
trusteeship, or at least follow the path the
government used on a previous occasion when
a board got into financial diflficulty and under
section 12(1) of the Ministry of Education
Act did set up legislation for trusteeship.
Will the Premier undertake to do that?
Hon. W. G. Davis (Premier): No, Mr.
Speaker, the Premier won't.
Mr. Deacon: In light of the fact that for
over five weeks students have not been edu-
cated in the high schools of York county, at
least not a full education, and the fact that
something has to be done and that voluntary
arbitration is preferable to compulsory arbitra-
tion, will the Premier indicate to us what he
w4ll do?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Is the member making a
speech or asking a question?
Mr. Lewis: He is asking for compulsory
Hon. Mr. Davis: The acting leader of the
opposition party, in his usual convoluted way,
is asking this government, in solving the
problem, to encroach upon local autonomy
about which he preaches with such vigour
from time to time.
Mr. Singer: It's the government's problem,
why shouldn't the Premier solve it?
Hon. Mr. Davis: The answer is that this
government is far more concerned, obviously,
about the welfare of those 14,000 students
than the members of the opposition. This has
been evident here for a long time. But I
would think the hon. membei^s response the
other night at the meeting of the board, where
many board members disagreed, and mem-
bers of the public as well, with the approach
that he was taking, should have been suffici-
ent indication.
The Minister of Education has worked on
this problem, as he has on the other 16, with
a great deal of success; the York one has not
been successful to date. It poses a very real
problem for this government and it is our
hope that we can come to grips with it.
But I would say with respect, to the acting
leader of that party, that it's time the hyxK)c-
risy was over; they should recognize that
having voted against Bill 274, as they did,
which bill was intended to bring some of
these things to an end, and today coming in
here as they are, is just completely contra-
Mr. Deacon: Would the Premier not agree—
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West wanted a supplementary.
Mr. Deacon: Supplementary?
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member Ijas had
one. We'll take turns on it. ,
Mr. Lewis: The hon. member can open it
again if he wishes.
Can I ask the Premier; could he table the
document which the Minister of Education
submitted as a basis for arbitration, or could
he tell us specifically of its content as it re-
lates to non-monetary items?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I can't recite
these matters specifically. There were several
items contained in the proposal from the min-
ister to the board and to the profession, which
I understand was acceptable, and I think as
a matter of fact was executed by the board;
but the various items in it I can't relate to
the hon. member. However I do believe I
can get him a copy of it.
Mr. Lewis: Thank you.
Mr. Deacon: Mr. Speaker, a supplementary.
Mr. W. Hodgson: Mr. Speaker, supple-
Mr. Speaker: Supplementary?
Mr. W. Hodgson: In view of the proposi-
tion put forward by the member for York
Centre, has it been drawn to the Premier's
attention at any time that the board of educa-
tion in the county of York has been acting
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, if that ques-
tion is directed to me, or through me to the
acting leader of the opposition party, it's quite
obvious that the acting leader of the opposi-
tion party is saying that York county board
is incapable, is acting irresponsibly and is not
acting in the interests of the elected people in
that part of the Province of Ontario; I am
not prepared to say that.
Mr. J. F. Foulds (Port Arthur): Supple-
Mr. Deacon: Supplementary.
Mr. Speaker: One supplementary.
Mr. Deacon: In view of the fact that the
Premier has talked about hypocrisy, would
not the Premier agree that five weeks of no
school in York and the minister's intervention
being so ineffective would indicate maybe
there is hypocrisy on his side?
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Davis: I would say this, and I
will quote to members opposite, chapter
and verse, the observations made by some of
their own members as to how a few weeks
out of school would be a good thing for
the kids. I say to the House that this
government is far more concerned than
members opposite about the educational
welfare of the children in York. And this
was demonstrated here last December. The
member should read what his leader said in
Mr. Deacon: The Premier didn't help
education quality then.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Come on. The member
knows better.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Order. In keeping with the
programme of alternating, it is the NDFs
turn. The hon. member for Port Arthur.
Mr. Foulds: Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Although the Premier cannot remember the
details of the documents submitted by the
minister and executed by the board, can
he recall if the contentious pupil-teacher
ratio was specifically mentioned in the
document, and the assurance to the teachers
that that ratio would not be above the
provincial average?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I have a
copy of the document here. The minister
is meeting on this situation at this precise
moment. I expect he will be here fairly
shortly. Quite frankly, because there are
discussions going on, I would like to talk
to the minister before I table this as a
public document; but I do have it here
and if the minister has no objection we will
undertake to do it.
Mr. Lewis: It is kind of crucial to the
Mr. Speaker: This must not develop into
a debate and there have been five supple-
mentaries. I will permit one more; the hon.
member for Windsor-Walkerville.
Mr. B. Newman (Windsor-Walkerville):
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In view of the
fact that the parents of the children attend-
ing these North York secondary schools have
made arrangements for their children to
attend Toronto secondary schools, what
action does the ministry plan on taking to
ensure that they are in attendance at the
North York schools?
Mr. Lewis: How is the member going
to vote when he brings it in?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, one would
think that the member for Windsor-Walker-
ville, who had something to contribute with
respect to the debates of last December,
wouldn't be too concerned that the children
have only been out the five weeks. I recall
very factually how this was a good educa-
tional experience, some of it flowing from
over in the other opposition party admittedly.
I would say to the hon. member for
Windsor-Walkerville that the attendance by
the York students within the Metropolitan
Toronto school system, in my opinion, does
not constitute a viable alternative to the
proper functioning of the educational system
in York itself; so we are not encouraging it.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York
Centre on a new question.
Mr. Deacon: A question of the Minister of
Industry and Tourism: In view of the fact
that we have just heard the announcement
about Consolidated Computer, is it pro-
posed to give some of the government
business now awarded to IBM to Consoli-
dated Computer to help this company?
Hon. Mr. Bennett: Mr. Speaker, in my
statement I have already covered that very
point. One of the machines, the new pro-
duction, the 50 model, has been purchased
by the government of Ontario for the
Ministry of Transportation and Communica-
tions. Complimentary remarks should be
paid to the federal government; it has pur-
chased the 1000 series for the Manpower
MARCH 11, 1974
centre in Ottawa as well. That, I think,
speaks well of both governments trying to
stimulate some activity with a Canadian
Mr. Speaker, The hon. member for York
Mr. Deacon: Mr. Speaker, a question of
the Chairman of the Management Board:
In view of item No. 66 in the auditor's re-
port indicating that Management Board
orders amounted to some $110 million, of
which $96 million was actually spent, why
was it not possible for this very substantial
amount of money— as I would consider it
and I think most people in the province
would consider it— to be approved by cabinet
and presented to the Legislature? Was there
a shortage of time or was it considered to
be an insignificant amount?
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): Mr, Speaker, all
these moneys, of course, are spent in the
public's best interest and it is not always—
An hon. member: Is that right?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I say yes to the mem-
ber. It is not always that the moneys which
appear in Management Board orders are
separate items; they are often transferred
v^dthin departments. Therefore if the mem-
ber wanted to be specific and had a point I
would answer it.
Mr. Deacon: A supplementary: In view of
the fact that most of the moneys, or a good
part of thei moneys, are spent before this
Legislature does consider them, because we
don't get into the estimates until after the
budget is handed down and we don't com-
plete their consideration until late in the year,
would it not be appropriate for these Manage-
ment Board orders to indeedi be placed before
the Legislature for consideration during the
year so that we actually do have an oppor-
tunity to comment upon them and whether,
in our view, they are in the public interest?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, there is a
Management Board of Cabinet Act, as I am
sure the hon. member knows, and he will
have the opportunity to discuss: them in due
course when the estimates are before the
Mr. Singer; Mr. Speaker, by way of supple-
mentary, surely the Chairman of the Manage-
ment Board must recognize the basic principle
of responsibility to the Legislature, and
through the Legislature to the people of On-
tario, for expenditures. Would the chairman
not agree that the expenditure of $100 million
by Management Board order is stretching the
credibility of the people of Ontario and is
really spending money without proper legisla-
tive review?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, that is not
the case. The Management Board of Cabinet
Act was passed by this Legislature, and we
conform to it very rigidly.
Mr. Speaker: Supplementary? The hon
member for Ottawa Centre.
Mr. Deacon: Mr. Speaker, a question of
the Attorney General: Will the Attorney
General tell us how long he has had the
Board orders when his estimates come up.
That, I think he will agree, will be about 15
months after the actual expenditure of the
money. What steps wall he take in future in
order to ensure the possibility of debate of
Management Board orders at or around the
time that the money is being spent?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, the entire
matter is open to discussion and surveillance
by the public accounts committee and, as far
as the calling of estimates is concerned, I
think the hon. member knows full well that
we spent more time last year than we have
ever spent before. As far as that session was
concerned, the members opposite had the
opportunity but it was used for other pur-
poses; I have no arguments there. When the
opportunity comes for the estimates to appear
l^efore the estimates committee, I will be
Mr. Cassidy: That's current estimates. We
are talking about a year ago.
Mr. Deacon: Mr. Speaker, a question of
the Attorney General: Will the Attorney
General tell us how long he has had the
Ontario Law Reform Commission reports on
family law and when we can expect to re-
ceive legislation based on it for consideration
by this House?
Hon. R. Welch (Provincial Secretary for
Justice and Attorney General): Well, Mr.
Speaker, I just happen to have some copies
of the report with me this afternoon, which I
am going to table; and following full public
discussion, our legislative proposal will be
placed before this House.
Mr. Singer: Why did the minister give it
to the papers on Friday?
Mr. Lewis: Supplementary: What was the
point of leaking the report in the fashion he
did prior to its being tabled in the House
and only to selective groups in the media?
Mr. Singer: Two papers.
Mr. Lewis: How did he come to that de-
Hon. Mr. Welch: Well, I think the word
"selective" is a very unfortunate word to use-
Mr. Foulds: It was a very unfortunate
Mr. I. Deans (Wentworth): Quite accurate,
Hon. Mr. Welch: It's a very good word,
but it doesn't happen to describe what
happened, so there's a nice distinction.
Mr. Singer: What did happen?
Hon. Mr. Welch: If I might just explain
the procedures: There are occasions when the
Ontario Law Reform Commission's reports
have in fact been released prior to them be-
ing tabled in the House. The Attorney
General, I understand from the legislation,
can decide how in fact he makes these re-
ports public or what rej>orts he does make
public. But let me explain, quite frankly,
what I did in cannection with this: These
three reports were there. The contents, as far
as I am concerned, have far- and wide-
ranging implications. There are those in the
media who, I think, are very responsible and
who suggested that if in fact it was to be
properly reported, there might be some
advantage if they had the opportunity to
study the report-
Mr. Singer: Oh, come on. Only two of the
media of the whole province are responsible?
Hon. Mr. Welch: —so that in fact they
could quite correctly expand on it in the
course of reporting. Therefore, those who re-
quested it, on the understanding that it would
not appear until such time as it was tabled—
Mr. Singer: Oh, that dirty old Glbbe!
Hon. Mr. Welch: —they in fact were given
copies of the report.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Lewis: The Globe will not observe
release dates.
Hon. Mr. Welch: All I say, all I say— well,
so I understand, so I read-
Mr. Lewis: The minister is a novice in
Hon. Mr. Welch: Yes, but the point that I
want to make-
Mr. Singer: The terrible Globe and Mail!
Hon. Mr. Welch: —is that with that par-
ticular understanding, copies of the reports,
which I will table later this afternoon, were
madb available-
Mr. Lewis: To whom?
Mr. Singer: To whom?
Hon. Mr. Welch: To anyone who requested
Mr. Lewis: Anyone who requested them?
Hon. Mr. Welch: That's right.
Mr. Singer: Didn't the minister's executive
assistant hand them to representatives of the
two papers?
Mr. Lewis: We requested them in the
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, whose
question am I answering at the moment?
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West.
Mr. P. G. Givens (York-Forest Hill): Does
the minister know the question?
Hon. Mr. Welch: The point I want to get
across is that that is exactly what happened;
and if there are any members of the House
who feel aflFronted by this, I apologize. I did
that-quite frankly, that's exactly what I did
on Friday.
Mr. Lewis: Somebody asked and the min-
ister gave them to them.
Hon. Mr. Welch: This was the under-
standing. Now, as a matter of principle, the
legislation does not preclude the release of
reports before they are tabled in the House;
so when you put it into that context, there
has been nothing done to violate any statute-
Mr. Singer: Shame on you.
Hon. Mr. Welch: -or any particular rule
or regulation. In fact, up to this time there
are two copies of reports which were released
and one of which is not yet tabled.
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, could the—
MARCH 11, 1974
Mr. Speaker: Is this a supplementary?
Mr. Singer: Yes, a supplementary: Could
the Attorney General explain why his execu-
tive assistant sought out representatives just
of the Star and of the Globe and gave them
copies and ignored everyone else? Are those
the only two news media that can be trusted
in this province?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, the question
is not properly worded because my executive
assistant sought out no one for copies of the
reports. The representations with respect to
having these reports were made to him by
representatives of the media so that they
could adequately report them.
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, by way of further
supplementary, could the Attorney General
tell us how long ago the executive assistant
was sought out, who sought him out, and
whether, when the decision was made to re-
lease copies of these documents to these
representatives, why the executive assistant
did not seek out representatives, say, of The
Canadian Press, of the Ottawa newspapers,
the Hamilton newspapers, the Windsor news-
papers, the radio stations, the television
Hon. A. Grossman ( Provincial Secretary for
Resources Development): Would that have
made it all right?
Mr. Singer: Or least of all, to seek out
members of the Legislature who had ex-
pressed more than a passing interest in these
Mr. Lewis: The government may even
have to hold a press conference.
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, certainly
on the basis of the experience, under these
circumstances, the hon. member can be
assured that different procedures will be fol-
lowed in the future and we will, in fact,
invite everyone to what is referred to as a
"lock up," when everyone will have access to
I am sorry if there has been any misunder-
standing, either among members of the House
or among members of the gallery. It was
certainly unintentional on my part and I was
acting in what I thought was the best inter-
ests of the pubhc in order to have this type
of reporting with respect to a very important
matter. And, quite frankly, I have no other
explanation to give. Really.
Interjection by an hon. member.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. It would seem
to me—
Mr. P. D. Lawlor (Lakeshore): I have a
supplementary remark, Mr, Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. I would like—'
Interjection by an hon. member.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. The Speaker
would like to make a remark at this point.
It would seem to me that the point of privi-
lege as raised by the hon, member for
Downs view, by virtue of a debate that has
taken place, has now been clarified and there
will be no further necessity on the part of
the Speaker to make any other comments.
Mr. Singer: You should chop off the
Attorney General's head.
Mr. Speaker: I will now permit further
Mrs. M. Campbell (St. George): A supple-
mentary, Mr. Speaker: In view of the fact
that the Attorney General, in replying to our
leader's remarks, mentioned public hearings,
would the Attorney General now tell this
House what procedure he is prepared to set
up for public hearings on this particularly
urgent matter?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, at the time
of tabling the report I will, in fact, share
with the House some initial statements with
respect to this. Certainly I want a very wide
discussion of this matter before we proceed,
and indeed would welcome any suggestions
from the hon. member to ensure that we, in
fact, are covering all possible groups or indi-
viduals who may want to make some com-
ments insofar as the follow-up on these
reports is concerned.
Mrs. CampbeU: A supplementary, Mr.
Speaker: On that I wonder what we mean
by wide publication and hearings. What
length of time does the Attorney General
consider would be adequate to come to some
conclusions in this matter?
Hon. Mr. Welch: I think it would be diffi-
cult to specify certain periods. I would want
to be satisfied, Mr, Speaker, that there was
sufficient time to allow all who were obvi-
ously interested in this matter to express
views with respect to it.
Mr. Speaker: Does the hon. member for
York Centre have further questions? The hon.
member for Scarborough West.
Mr. J. A. Ren wick (River dale): It will still
be in in time for the election.
Mr. Lewis: The Minister of Education
having appeared in the House— well, let me
ask a question of one of his colleagues while
he chats with the Premier. Could I ask a
question of the Minister of Natural Resources?
Why will his ministry not release the most
recent annual statistical report on the mineral
production of Ontario?
Hon. L. Bemier (Minister of Natural Re-
sources): Mr. Speaker, this question has never
been asked of me, and we will release the
Mr. Renwick: Good.
Mr. Lewis: Well, then he is countermand-
ing what we have specifically been told twice
by the mineral resources branch of his minis-
try—that the report is available, but was not
to be released publicly. It has been available
for some time and printed for some time, I
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, I think
this change came about three years ago when
Management Board in an austerity move to
cut down the amount of material that was
put in the annual report-
Mr. Renwick: We have noticed. It has
been cut dovm. To eliminate the minister's
picture perhaps.
Hon. Mr. Bernier: —chose to pull this in-
formation out, and to narrow dowTi and put
a little more eflSciency in the report. But this
information has always been made available
to the public on request.
Mr. Lewis: Fine. Well, will the minister
table this document in the House?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Yes.
Mr. Lewis: Thank you.
Mr. Lewis: I have a question of the Minis-
ter of Education. Could he advise us in any
way how the teachers are responding to his
ultimatum? If, for reasons of negotiation, he
wants to qualify that, can he table in the
House the document which he signed with
the chairman of the York county board as a
basis for arbitration?
Hon. T. L. Wells (Minister of Education):
Yes, Mr. Speaker, I would be happy to. If
the hon. member wishes to have it tabled
afterwards, I will table it at the appropriate
time. I can send him a copy if he would like
it. It's a public document. It was given to the
press yesterday afternoon, and we are now
waiting, although the teachers have said that
they will not accept it. I gave a 9 o'clock
deadline and I'm waiting for an answer.
Hon. Mr. Welch: The public has a right
to know.
Hon. Mr. Wells: Yes. The hon. member
sort of smiles when I mention it is a public
Mrs. Campbell: I laughed out aloud.
Hon. Mr. Wells: I have always held that
the public should be informed on these
things. That's precisely why this document
was made public.
Mrs. Campbell: Before the House, Mr.
Hon. Mr. Wells: Mr. Speaker, this really
is not—
Hon. Mr. Welch: On Sunday when we
were working on it.
Hon. Mr. Wells: —a document of this
House. This is a proposal by the Minister of
Education to two parties who are engaged in
a bargaining dispute. I think I would be
very happy to table it in the House, but for
the hon, member to suggest that it should
have been tabled in this House before it was
made public is preposterous.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West.
Mr. Lewis: Could I ask the Chairman of
the Management Board whether he is recom-
mending to the London Life consortium of
companies which hold the fringe benefit pack-
age for the civil servants of Ontario that that
consortium be broken up at the point of
next tender and that free and open tenders be
made available for all insurance companies
which choose?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, I don't
object to that suggestion. As a matter of fact,
I think that was the case the last time the
package was tendered. It just so happened
that the consortium was made up of the com-
panies that are. Those people had an oppor-
tunity to tender too. As a matter of fact, the
MARCH 11, 1974
method of tendering is discussed by the com-
mission and by the members of the CSAO; so
I have no hesitation in saying that I'll con-
sider that.
Mr. Lewis: Well, there is a diflFerence be-
tween considering it and accepting it. Will
the minister put that fringe benefit package
out to open tender where any one member of
the consortium may tender rather than the
consortium as a whole?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Yes, I will.
Mr. Lewis: Thank you. I'm having diflB-
culty asking questions, because when I turn-
ed around I thought the Minister of Com-
munity and Social Services (Mr. Brunelle) was
here. He is not.
Mr. J. E. Stokes (Thunder Bay): Yes, he is
here. He's coming in.
Mr. Lewis: Sorry. Could I ask the Minister
of Housing a question first? In the light of
his vigorous housing initiatives, why has the
revised budget estimate for this year for the
Ontario Housing Corp. been dropped by $20
million in the most recent publication of On-
tario finances?
Hon. S. B. Handleman (Minister of Hous-
ing): Mr. Speaker, I'll have to look into that
question and give the hon. member an answer
as quickly as possible.
Mr. Lewis: Thank you. I have one final
question of the Minister of Community and
Social Services. When v^dll he provide the
regulations under Bill 160— the provision of
day care— which would govern co-operative
and non-profit day care in the Province of
Hon. R. Brunelle (Minister of Community
and Social Services): Mr. Speaker, those regu-
lations should be in force this month. They've
all been approved. They will be gazetted, I
would hope, this month, so they should be
in force this month.
Mr. Lewis: And they will take eflFect when?
At the moment they are proclaimed?
Hon. Mr. Brunelle: Yes, I beheve so, Mr.
Speaker, on the date they are proclaimed.
Mr. Speaker: Does the hon. member for
Scarborough West have further questions?
Mr. Lewis; No.
Mr. Speaker: If not, the hon. Minister
of Energy has the answer to a question asked
Hon. W. D. McKeough (Minister of En-
ergy): Mr. Speaker, on Thursday last I was
asked certain questions by the member for
Ottawa Centre pertaining to the Arnprior
dam. He suggested that I was not making
certain information available. I'm pleased to
table today-
Mr. M. Shulman (High Park): Did the min-
ister change his mind?
Hon. Mr. McKeough: —letters which have
been written to the member for Ottawa Cen-
tre by the vice-chairman of the then Hydro-
Electric Power Commission, dated Jan. 31,
1974, Nov. 19, 1973 and Dec. 20, 1973; to-
gether with certain material which was sup-
plied to the member under date of Jan. 31;
a Itetter from the chairman of the then com-
mission to me, dated Aug. 23, 1973; certain
documents of the commission, a study of the
generation projects division dated May, 1972,
a report of the study on the impact on the
community dated March, 1972, and a report
entitled "Geotechnical Feasibility Studies"
dated January, 1972. All these reports have
been provided to the member.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: Now the hon. mem-
ber has to read them.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: They are tabled in
the House.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Minister of Natural
Resources also has the answer to a question.
Mr, Cassidy: A supplementary, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: A supplementary? All right.
Mr. Cassidy: I appreciate all the informa-
tion which I have had from Mr. Evans and
Mr. Gathercole and other people in the min-
istry concerning the Arnprior dam. The un-
fortunate thing was, and the reason I raised
the question in the Legislature, Mr. Speaker,
none of that information, in fact, provided a
satisfactory explanation for the initial decision
to construct the dam.
That is why I asked last week in the Legis-
lature if the minister would table the en-
gineering feasibility study which was another
document in that series which included com-
munity impact, environment and geotechnical
feasibility studies. Those three studies have
been made available but the minister last
week said he would not make the engineering
feasibility study available, nor would he make
available information prepared by the geol-
ogists who reported to Hydro on the project
at the start.
In view of the openness he is now display-
ing, would he undertake to table in the Legis-
lature the engineering feasibility study and
the geological material provided to Hydro in
order that we can have as complete a record
as possible?
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Mr, Speaker, I think
the information which has been provided is
more than suflRcient.
Mr. Cassidy: Mr. Speaker, a supplemen-
tary: Could the minister explain how the in-
formation provided can be deemed to be
satisfactory when the basic engineering feasi-
bility data have not yet been tabled?
Hon. Mr. McKeough: I doubt very much,
Mr. Speaker, if even I could explain that to
the member's satisfaction.
Mr. Cassidy: A supplementary: Would the
minister explain why the ministry is being so
defensive as to deny information after seek-
ing for a while to provide information about
this project? What is it that the government
is trying to cover up with this project?
Mr. E. J. Bounsall (Windsor West): The
feasibility study said "don't build it."
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Mr. Speaker, this
party and this government tries to cover up
nothing. We are not going to get down and
play cheap little games like the member has
been playing for the last several weeks.
Mr. Lewis: A supplementary, Mr. Speaker:
What is it about this engineering feasibility
study which has the minister so frightened?
Why can it not be made a public document
so we can see the basis on which the decision
was arrived at? Why does the minister have
to hide this particular study? Why is it so
Mr. E. M. Havrot (Timiskaming): The
member is so concerned about it.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Mr. Speaker, we
have provided all kinds of information to
the member. He doesn't want it. He doesn't
believe it.
Mr. Lewis: He has read it.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: He continually
quotes it out of context and plays some sort
of little game which we are not about to
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Stokes: If the minister has nothing to
hide why hide it?
Mr. D. C. MacDonald (York South): A
supplementary to the minister: Did the feasi-
bility study recommend against building the
Hon. Mr. McKeough: No.
Mr. MacDonald: It didn't? Will he table
it so we can come to our conclusions on that
Mr. Cassidy: A supplementary, Mr. Speak-
er: The minister states that I have been quot-
ing material out of context. I think that is a
serious charge to make in the Legislature.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Davis: The member's colleague-
Mr. Renvnck: They do it all the time
over there.
Hon. Mr. Davis: He is laughing.
Mr. Havrot: Give us another funny one.
Mr. Cassidy: Would the minister kindly
cite where or how he feels I have been
quoting material out of context? Would he
explain why Hydro is refusing to provide
information because it says we might not be
able to understand it? Does he consider that
is a justifiable reason for refusing informa-
tion to this Legislature?
Mr. Havrot: The expert on everything.
Hon. Mr. McKeough: Perhaps the member
could explain if Hydro was referring to him
or to others; or just him in particular?
Mr. Cassidy: I don't know.
Mr. Lewis: On a point of privilege, Mr.
Speaker, I would like you to take into con-
sideration the refusal of the Minister of
Energy to provide the document legitimizing
a project of $78 million — all of which is
public money — by a Crown corporation,
allegedly accountable to this House? I say,
Mr. Speaker, that the minister cannot
refuse to table that kind of study. It must
be tabled in this House. It is part of his
ministerial responsibility. If he thiunbs his
nose at us on this, he thumbs his nose at
MARCH 11, 1974
everything. It should be made a public
document so that the questions can be asked.
Who does he think he is, other than Darcy
Hon. Mr. McKeough: I hardly think that
is a question, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Lewis: It was a point of privilege to
the Speaker.
Mr. Cassidy: On the point of privilege, Mr.
Mr. Havrot: Oh, sit down.
Mr. Cassidy: I would just add that for all
the information provided-
Interjection by an hon. member.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please.
Mr. Cassidy: There is no information by
Hydro to justify this dam-
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: This is a misuse of the ques-
tion period.
Mr. Cassidy: —apart from the political
desirability of electing the member for Ren-
frew South.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. This is a mis-
use of the question period. I will undertake
to investigate the point of privilege raised by
the hon. member for Scarborough West. I
will look into the matter. I shall be pleased
to look into the matter but this is developing
into a debate.
Mr. Lewis: Thank you.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: The hon. member is
Mr. Lawlor: The Minister of Energy is a
provocative kind of fellow.
Mr. Speaker: Does the hon. member for
Scarborough West have new questions?
Mr. Lewis: No, I didn't ask a question.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West is quite correct.
The hon. Minister of Natural Resources
has the answer to a question previously
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, in reply to
a question asked of me by the hon. member
for Thunder Bay concerning the Gull Bay-
Armstrong road which was apparently not
ploughed one weekend; I might point out to
him that we contract the maintenance of that
particular road with the Ministry of Trans-
portation and Communications who in turn
sublet it to a local contractor. On the par-
ticular weekend that he refers to, the oper-
ator was off duty on the Satiuday, but follow-
ing my investigation he was back up there
on Sunday and the road was ploughed on
Monday. I might say we have diready made
arrangements for next year's operation, where
we will shorten the contract length on that
particular road and the operators will be on
a seven-day basis.
Mr. Speaker: A supplementary?
Mr. Stokes: Is the minister aware that in
awarding the sub-contracts it is usually done
on a 40-hour-week basis and they get their
time in on a Monday-to-Friday basis, which
means that there is no maintenance on Satur-
day and Sunday when a lot of the trajQBc is
in and out of remote communities such as
Armstrong? When he is negotiating his new
contract will he see that all times during the
week will' be covered for road maintenance?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, I just men-
tioned in the latter part of my reply to the
member that the contracts for next year would
be on a seven-day basis, so they will be oper-
ating right around the clock.
Mr. Stokes: Thank you.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for York-
Forest Hill.
Mr. Givens: To the Minister of Consumer
and Commercial Relations: How does he in-
tend to process this voluminous tome, draft
of the Ontario Building Codfe; when does he
intend to dt> it, and what's more to the point,
when does he intend to table any legislation
on this very vital subject?
Hon. J. T. Clement (Minister of Consumer
and Commercial Relations): Mr. Speaker, I
intend this session to file the legislation under
which the code— which is really regulations
under the legislation— will apply. I filed those
regulations back, I believe, in December, Mr.
Speaker, to give an opportunity to those many
communities and municipalities and indi-
viduals who exhibited an interest in the con-
tents from a technical sense and' I undertake
to file the legislation and introdlice a bill this
session in this House.
Mr. Givens: Supplementary: Does the min-
ister not intend to have some kind of public
forum, a standing committee or another com-
mittee, to consider the mass of dietail and
the technical details in this draft?
Hon. Mr. Clements: That is a possibility,
Mr. Speaker. May I point out that legislation
was not tendered in December at the time
that I tabled' the regulations which the hon.
member has in his hand, because at that time
there were intense negotiations being con-
ducted in Ottawa with the federal govern-
ment on the part of two or three associations
insofar as a warranty or a house guarantee
was concerned, and if the federal government
was going to proceed by implementing legis-
lation providing for warranties and guarantees
on residential housing, then that would have
altered our position on the ultimate legisla-
tion which I have referred to today.
Mrs. Campbell: Supplementary, Mr.
Speaker: In view of the fact there are appar-
ently going to be amendments, as' I under-
stand it from consulting with the ministry,
how will those be brought forward to ensure
that they are in fact incorporated? I'm talk-
ing now about such things as asbestos liners
for chimneys and about the code for the
handicapped. Will that be brought forward
as a separate and supplementary item, or how
will we be assured it is there when the time
Hon. Mr. Clement: Mr. Speaker, I think
the proper procedure with legislation of this
nature would be to introdtice the bill and
give those interested parties, including many
members of this House who have indicated
an interest in certain technical aspects of the
bill, including the hon. member for St.
George, the communities, the building in-
spectors, the various technical and profes-
sional associations, an opportunity to study it
in the light of the legislation. Then I would
think that the place where it should be de-
bated would probably be a standing com-
mittee of the House, in order that we can
have the advantage of listening to these par-
ticular interest groups, and at that time the
parts of the legislation or the regulations deal-
ing with ramps and this sort of thing would
well form the subject matter of that dis-
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Park. ^
Mr. Shulman: Mr. Speaker, a question of
the Minister of Health: In view of the very
large increases that he has given to the
physicians and to everybody who works for
his ministry since 1966, why does his ministry
flatly refuse to give any raise to the physio-
therapists and has held their pay at the same
level for the last nine years?
Hon. F. S. Miller (Minister of Health):
Mr. Speaker, the hon. member for High Park
appears to be applying his interest in pre-
ventive medicine and has switched "an apple
a day" for "a question a day," which seems
to be having even a greater eflFect upon my
Mr. MacDonald: The minister had better
answer the question.
Mr. Lewis: Does the minister have a care-
fully prepared preamble for every question?
Mr. MacDonald: And for every answer
Hon. Mr. Miller: It's nice to be able to
count on something from the opposition— and
the one thing I can count on is a question a
Mr. Cassidy: The minister would atrophy
Hon. Mr. Miller: Well, not too long ago
a study was made— I believe by a consulting
firm— of the fees paid to physiotherapists. At
that point in time it was agreed that the $3.50
rate— which I believe is now the rate paid to
them for a service rendered in their oiEces—
was in fact giving them an ample return on
their time and investment on the basis upon
which those services were currently given. In
other words, they are not unique to one
patient in the main. They usually are treating
a number of patients simultaneously. Now,
that is not to say that it went on to cover
home treatments: but it did cover those
granted in the oflBces.
Mr. Givens: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Shulman: Supplementary.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Park should be entitled to the first supplemen-
Mr. Shulman: Thank you. How can the
minister possibly justify his statement in view
of the fact that his own department has
raised the physiotherapy rates in hospitals
during that time? The Workmen's Compensa-
tion Board has raised the physiotherapy rates,
and yet the minister has remained adamant
that $3.50, which was an adequate fee in
1966, is still an adequate fee today.
MARCH 11, 1974
Hon. Mr. Miller: I simply said that it was
not us who arrived at that conclusion, but
a team of people hired to study it.
Mr. Shulman: It was the minister's team.
Mr. E. R. Good (Waterloo North): Sup-
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Water-
loo North.
Mr. Good: Is there truth in the statement
that has been made on numerous occasions
} that the Ministry of Health would like to see
the private practice of physiotherapy elim-
i. inated, and have all this work done in his-
pitals? And is this why the ministry has
refused to raise their rates for the past nine
Hon. Mr. Miller: No, I don't think so, Mr.
Mr. Shulman: Supplementary: Is it fair
that because of the ministry's refusal to raise
the rates, physiotherapists are no longer able
to make home visits?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I'm not going to say that
I'm aware of that, because I'm not positively
aware of it. But I would be glad to look at
this. And in fact I'm sure very shortly well
be looking at many of the monetary ramifica-
tions within the ministry.
Mr. Lewis: Monetary ramifications!
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Perth.
Hon. Mr. Miller: I learned that from the
leader of the NDP.
Mr. EdighofiFer: Supplementary: Will the
minister find out and reply?
Hon. Mr. Clement: I wiU be glad to.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for
Thunder Bay.
Mr. Stokes: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I
have a question of the Premier. Has the
Premier been approached concerning the dis-
satisfaction over people residing in north-
western Ontario — particularly the Ontario
Municipal Electric Association— because of the
failure on behalf of the government to appoint
somebody to the new Hydro board? And will
he pay heed to their request to see that some-
body from northwestern Ontario is repre-
sented on that board?
Mr. MacDonald: The 13th appointment.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I think there
were some observations made on this. Of
course, there is a gentleman there who I
would certainly not say is from the north-
west. There is a representative recommended
by the OMEA from Sault Ste. Marie, if
memory serves me correctly. But it was
brought to my attention that the people in
the northwest don't really regard Sault Ste.
Marie as being the north. That has been
brought to my attention.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Wel-
lington South is next.
Mr. H. EdighofiFer ( Perth ) : I have a ques-
tion of the Minister of Consumer and Com-
mercial Relations.
Mr. Lewis: That kind of verbal flow-
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. EdighofiFer: Does the Motor Vehicle
Dealers Act allow the registrar to issue a
directive prohibiting a dealer to place on his
premises a vehicle on consignment?
Hon. Mr. Clement: I am sorry— a vehicle
on consignment?
Mr. EdighofiFer: Yes.
Hon. Mr. Clement: No, I am not aware
whether he is permitted to attach a condition
referring to that matter or not. I'm just not
aware of it.
Mr. H. Worton (Wellington South): Mr.
Speaker, I have a question of the Minister
of Correctional Services. In the Speech from
the Throne there was a statement made that
inmates of the correctional centres were
going to be employed in industries located
in the institution in which they are resident.
In light of the fact that they will be paid
wages, what steps has the minister taken to
ensure that these people will be given the
opportunity to vote in provincial elections
or federal elections as taxpayers?
Hon. R. T. Potter (Minister of Correctional
Services): Mr. Speaker, at the present time
negotiations have been going on with one
or two abattoirs in the province, as the hon.
member is probably aware, asking for pro-
posals for them— in the case of one institu-
tion in particular in Guelph— to operate the
abattoir in Guelph as a private abattoir
would be operated, employing residents of
the institution and paying them the salaries
they would be expected to pay in the
private sector. They in turn would pay $20
a week, I think it is, room and board and
the rest of the pay would be available to
them to send home to keep their families.
It is still at the negotiating stage. We are
hoping it will be successful because if it is
we will be one of the first countries in the
world to implement a scheme such as this.
As you know, there have been programmes
attempted in which token money was used,
but this is the first time that this type of
an enterprise has been considered.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Went-
Mr. Deans: Mr. Speaker, I have a question
of the Minister of Housing. Is the minister
aware of a practice which is developing
whereby HOME programme houses built not
more than six months ago have been offered
for sale on the free market at a price almost
100 per cent higher than the price at the
time of the original sale?
Hon. Mr. Handleman: No, Mr. Speaker,
I am not aware of the practice and if the
hon. member would send me some details
I would be pleased to look into it. It was
my understanding that steps had been taken
to remove the speculation from resale of
Home Ownership units.
Mr. Deans: Will the minister make him-
self aware of the fact that certain realtors
are approaching Ontario Housing Corp. with
an eye to getting permission to sell these
homes, sold originally for less than $20,000,
for a list price of some $41,000 on the free
market today, and that it requires some
kind of chicanery behind the scenes in
order to get the down payment?
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker. I
would be glad to make myself aware of this,
but if the hon. member has any details I
would be pleased to hear from him.
Mr. Speaker:
Waterloo North.
The hon. member for
Mr. Good: Mr. Speaker, a question of the
Minister of Natural Resources regarding his
announcement of a provincial park on
Papineau Lake which was made in January,
I believe:
Does the minister have environmental
studies of that area, in view of the facts that
90 per cent of this lake is already built up
and that there is a water resources com-
mission report of 1971 stating that the
fecal streptococcus count now exceeds what
it should in that particular lake?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, I have to
answer yes to those questions. I would point
out to the hon. member that the demand for
recreational opportunity is growing at a rate
of 10 per cent per year, particularly in
southern Ontario, and my own ministry is
having diSiculty meeting this objective. We
carry out some very close and sound and, I
think, effective planning in locating just
where these new parks should be.
At the present time we are dealing with
the Papineau Lake situation and we are work-
ing on a master plan for the area. There will
be public meetings held in that particular
area where the public can be involved. We
have met with the council and we are wait-
ing comments from the local planning area,
but in all this certainly we take into con-
sideration the environmental aspects and the
Ministry of the Environment does comment
and we have their comments, which I will
Mr. Good: A final supplementary, Mr.
Speaker: Could the minister make public his
study of the environmental impact the park
will have on this lake, in view of this adverse
study that was done on the water quality in
1971? Has the condition changed in that
time? This is what I am concerned about.
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, we have
prepared a very in-depth report and an out-
line on the planning of this particular park to
date. I would be glad to make this iirforma-
tion avaifeble to the member.
Mr. Speaker: The Chairman of the Man-
agement Board has an answer dealing with a
previous question.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, thank you
verv much. I want to make a correction to an
MARCH 11, 1974
answer that I gave on Friday to the hon.
member for Windsor West on the ques-
tion as to whether certain items in dispute
between the Council of Regents and the com-
munity colleges are bargainable. It is at this
moment in the hands of Judge Little. I in-
advertently said in the hands of Judge Ander-
son, and I would ask that the record be
changed accordingly.
Mr. Speaker: The time has now expired for
oral questions.
Presenting reports.
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, it is with a
great deal of pleasure that I present to the
House today three reports of the Ontario Law
Reform Commission dealing with family law
—the Report on Family Property Law, the
Report on Children and the Report on Family
Courts. The receipt of these three reports,
taken together with the earlier reports in the
family law series, means that we are now in
possession of sufficient Law Reform Com-
mission material in this complex area of law
to begin to consider appropriate legislative
The Report on Family Property Law is a
very significant document. It analyses the
situation that has occurred in the law of On-
tario and other common law jurisdictions in
which the traditional legal concepts relating
to the division of property between spouses
meed to be reconsidered in the light of the
major social and economic changes of the
20th century. This report suggests that the
legislative task before us not only requires
changes in details of that law but also con-
.videration of changes in some fundamental
and well-entrenched legal principles.
I am very happy that Mr. Allan Leal, the
chairman of the Ontario Law Reform Com-
mission is in the House today, and indeed will
be available to explain to thoSe interested
anything in connection with these reports.
Throughout the report, two things persist,
Mr. Speaker. First, that the law should recog-
nize the individiual rights of husbands and
wives during a marriage, even though they
are united by the marriage contract. Secondly,
if a marriage breaks down, the law should
ensure the equality of the spouses in the dis-
tribution of marital property, unless the
spouses agree to their own format of distribu-
The commission proposed a wide range of
specific reforms dealing with testate and
intestate succession, support obligations* and
agency relations, marriage contracts, separa-
tion agreements, joint bank accounts and a
host of other matters where the common law
developed and applied by our courts does not
appear to have kept pace in all respects with
the social reahty increasingly perceived by
many of our people.
Statute law that retains a common law
base did not escape criticism and proposals
for reform either. The commission discussed
in this connection the Married Women's
Property Act, the Deserted Wives and Chil-
dren's Maintenance Act, the Devolution of
Estates Act, the Dependants' Relief Act, the
Dower Act, the Matrimonial Causes Act and
many others.
Perhaps, Mr. Speaker, the most significant
recommendation in this report, in addition
to the recommendations for updating the his-
torical approach of the common law, are the
proposals for co-ownership of the matri-
monial home and for equalization of prop-
erty upon divorce or marriage breakdown.
What is recommended is that each spouse
would be entitled to occupy the home and
to use its furnishings, regardless of the ques-
tion of legal title; and in certain circum-
stances such as divorce, the equity of the
family home would be shared between the
Another recommendation of the commis-
sion is the establishment of a new property
system for married persons in Ontario. Ac-
cording to the commission's recommenda-
tion, the value of all property acquired by
either partner after the date of the marriage
would be shared evenly between the spouses
upon death, divorce or marriage breakdown.
Although there are some aspects of the
Report on Family Property Law that are
independent, I would stress that a great
many of the proposed reforms appear inter-
related and thus probably cannot be treated
in isolation. The effects of the recommended
changes will be profound and there's no
greater responsibility at this point than that
borne by everyone who would be affected
by these changes, and this means most adult
persons in Ontario, who should be encour-
aged, as indeed the member for St. George
indicated in her question, to come to grips
with the implications and the consequences
of this report, to discuss them and to respond
to them.
Officials of my ministry will of course be
giving the report intensive study. But at the
same time as we are considering what steps
are required to introduce the major concep-
tual and practical changes that are entailed
in this report, I believe that I have a clear
obligation to encourage a thorough public
discussion of these matters,
A recent Gallup poll disclosed that 63 per
cent of people in Canada favoured, as an
abstract proposition, some sort of property
sharing in divorce. We now have a concrete
proposal, and I would like to have the views
of the people of Ontario on it.
The second report of the Ontario Law
Reform Commission tabled today is its report
on the law of children. This is another area
still largely governed by the common law
and one that is also in need of meaningful
change. One basic reform proposed by the
commission is that the common law discrim-
ination against illegitimate children should
be purged from all aspects of the law in this
province. The word "illegitimate" itself
should no longer be used.
Almost a quarter of the report is devoted
to detailing the way in which children bom
outside of marriage are, and have been for
centuries, the victims of insidious and unfair
rules whereby property and inheritance inter-
ests were consistently allowed to override the
simple requirements of ordinary humanity
towards children.
I must say that the case made by the com-
mission for reform in this area is compelling
and we will dedicate considerable effort to
finding the appropriate legislative solutions.
In addition, Mr. Speaker, the report gives
detailed attention to the law of adoption,
the law dealing with children in need of
care and protection, and the law of guardian-
ship and custody of children. Here, the com-
mission emphasizes that the only question
that should be before the courts is what is
in the best interests of the child. Regrettably,
some areas of the statute and common law
do not make it clear that what is in the best
interests of a child is what the law should
do. The commission recommends that in these
areas changes should be made.
The third report of the Law Reform Com-
mission tabled today is the report on the
family courts. And there can be no doubt
that Ontario now has the finest family court
system in Canada, if not in the Common-
Mr. Lawlor: In the universe! Come on,
Bob, don't be diminutive.
Hon. Mr. Welch: It is equally true, how-
ever, that there is much that can be done to
strengthen this court that deals with so vital
an aspect of our society as the family. All
courts are important, but the family court
is unique in the valuable contribution that
it makes to the community in dealing with
family relations.
The basic reform proposal in this report
is that there should be a single court in
which all family law matters are dealt with.
At present, family law jurisdiction is exer-
cised in the Supreme Coiu-t, the county court
and the surrogate court, as well as in the
family division of the provincial court. The
reasons for this are partly historical and
traditional and partly constitutional.
The proposal of the Law Reform Commis-
sion for a single family court with integrated
jurisdiction will, along with the other recom-
mendations of the commission, receive very
careful study and consideration by ofiicials
of my ministry and, I hope, by members of
the profession and, indeed, the public as
Mr. Lawlor: Get the legislation ready.
Hon. Mr. Welch: And so, Mr. Speaker,
all in all, the Ontario Law Reform Com-
mission has given the government and the
people of Ontario a substantial amount of
sophisticated and professional analysis in
these three reports. I believe that from
these reports and the public discussions
they will no doubt engender we will be
able to move toward a new and better
system of family law that will, we hope, be
recognized as the finest in the world. In-
deed, no government could have a higher
goal than this.
Interjection by an hon. member.
Mr. Lawlor: Do they do that compulsively?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, I have
been given a report by the Minister of
Education which has associated with it a
proposal to bring to a conclusion the dispute
between the York County Board of Education
and District 11 of the OSSTF.
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, pursuant
to the provisions of section 5 of the Ex-
propriations Act, being the Revised Statutes
of Ontario 1970, chapter 154, I lay before
the assembly a copy of the order of the
Lieutenant Governor in Council dated Jan.
9, 1974, made under subsection (3) of the
said section.
Mr. Cassidy: Is that in relation to Picker-
ing or somewhere else?
Mr. Lewis: Is that Cedarwood?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Cedarwood.
Mr. Lewis: That's been scrubbed, hasn't
MARCH 11, 1974
Hon. Mr. Welch: It has to be tabled before
the House.
Hon. D. R. Irvine (Minister without Port-
folio): Mr. Speaker, I would like to table
a copy of the report of the joint study group
on the investment policies of the Ontario
Municipal Employees' Retirement System.
Copies of the report are being distributed
to members of the House and representatives
of organizations and groups participating in
OMERS. On behalf of the Treasurer (Mr.
White), I would like to thank the members
of the study group for their work and in-
vite public comments which will assist him
and the OMERS board in reviewing it.
Mr. Speaker: Motions.
Introduction of bills.
The hon. member for York-Forest Hill.
Mr. Givens moves first reading of bill in-
tituled, An Act to provide for the Protection
of House Buyers.
Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.
Mr. B. Newman: Long needed. Long
needed. About time.
An hon. member: Good bill.
Mr. Givens: Mr. Speaker, this is not a
very dramatic title for a bill which I think
is long overdue. I think the law of caveat
emptor should be relegated to the scrap-
heap because it's outlived its usefulness.
This bill will provide for house buyers
the protection which they have when they
buy the simplest electrical device or the
simplest appliance today. It sets up a
commission and requires that houses should
be built in accordance with minimum
standards of the Ontario Building Code,
and the minister today said he was waiting
for the federal minister to bring in such
a bill. This is my conception of what the
bill should be.
It will require that a house be inspected
at least four times during the course of
construction. It will protect buyers from
hidden defects, latent defects, for a period
of five years, and from patent defects,
obvious defects, for a period of one year.
It will require the vendor to list all the
defects on the agreement of purchase and
sale of a house. It will provide for griev-
ances to be heard by the commission and
the commissioner which this bill purports to
set up and it will provide for an insurance
fund into which all builders must con-
tribute in the event that a builder may not
be able to compensate the house owner,
such as in the case of bankruptcy. I com-
mend this bill to the members of the House.
Mr. Deacon: Mr. Speaker, before the
orders of the day, I want to present a
petition to the government of Ontario signed
in the past-
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. I thought the
hon. member had a bill to introduce. I
should perhaps determine for certain that
there are no further bills to be introduced.
Are there any other bills to be introduced?
If not, the hon. member.
Mr. Deacon: Yes, Mr. Speaker, I present
this petition, signed in the past two days only
by 7,309 voters of York county who are re-
questing that the Government of Ontario set
up a trusteeship in York county to get the
schools into full operation. I hope the minis-
ter will indicate how many more voters' sig-
natures he will need to satisfy him that this
is the action the people want to resolve the
impasse. This petition is not, in any sense,
to be considered a condemnation of the
trustees of York but rather as the best solu-
tion now available to get the schools into
operation forthwith.
Mr. Speaker: Orders of the day.
Clerk of the House: The first order, re-
suming the adjourned debate on the amend-
ment to the motion for an address in reply
to the speech of the Honourable the Lieu-
tenant Governor at the opening of the
Mr. S. Lewis (Scarborough West): Mr.
Speaker, I shall try to be entirely to the point
this afternoon.
I begin, sir, along with everyone else in the
House, in expressing personal pleasure at
your presence, your continued presence in
the chair. Not that one— well, one did doubt
it for a moment or two, perhaps, at one
point— but you are back, you are there; and
you have displayed equanimity, joviality and
impartiality on almost every instance that I
can recall— save one, and that is when you
disagreed with me. In all such circumstances,
sir, we are glad to see you back and wish
you long tenure— at least until the life of
this parliament is over.
I want to deal very briefly, Mr. Speaker,
with the York county dispute, simply because
it is appropriate that it be done right now
when things are moving toward a clear crisis.
I suppose some would characterize the pres-
ent situation as a crisis. But we are moving
to evident breakdown and a solution which
may be entirely unpalatable.
I have looked at the document which the
minister has tabled. Would that he had made
some kind of legitimate recommendation to
both parties some considerable time ago. It
would have carried more weight than it does
at the 11th hour and it would have carried
more weight than it does when it comes in
the form of an ultimatum.
I can understand why the teachers respond
as they do. They have been bargaining with
a group that has bargained in bad faith from
the outset; and then suddenly the minister
has chosen to take sides. That is what really
has happened now in the York county dis-
pute; the minister has taken sides. He has
taken sides with the board against the tea-
There is a very neat clause in section 11 in
the tentative proposal put to them both that
will obviously inspire enormous apprehension
in the minds of the teachers. Section 11 says:
The board of arbitration shall remain
seized of and may deal with all matters in
dispute under paragraph one between the
parties until a final and binding agreement
is in effect between the parties.
Well, the use of the word "may" leaves it
open to the board of arbitration to do what
boards of arbitration frequently do, which is
to refuse to accept certain non-monetary
items and certain working conditions as nego-
tiable, contractual clauses. And the whole
point of the teachers in York county— what
they have rested their case on from the out-
set—is not a matter of salaries but is a matter
of working conditions; primarily pupil-
teacher ratio and class size. And what this
document says to the teachers is very simply,
"we will not guarantee that an arbitration
board will rule on class size or pupil-teacher
ratio." It may if it wishes to. It may abandon
it if it wishes to. The document, therefore,
has a fatal Achilles' heel in the minds of the
teachers. And I can understand why they will
now feel betrayed by the Minister of Educa-
tion (Mr. Wells); just as they have felt be-
trayed by the board.
Now this caucus, Mr. Speaker, is not to
play the parliamentary niceties game of
looking on the board with charity and talk-
ing about whether or not they have been
responsible. That York county board is so
irresponsible it deserves to be turfed out; or
all of the members who have been intransi-
gent deserve to be turfed out in a way that
they wouldn't even save their deposit in a
federal or so-called provincial election cam-
I have never seen a board argue in such
bad faith from day one. That board, when it
entered negotiations, didn't want to recog-
nize the York county OSSTF as a bargaining
agent. Now, I mean how do you start nego-
tiations on that basis and expect to induce
any kind of free and open and supportive
collective bargaining atmosphere? And frank-
ly, when the member from York Centre says
that he wants the board taken into trustee-
ship, but that that shouldn't reflect on the
capacities of the board— well, that is mental
Mr. D. M. Deacon (York Centre): The
voters will do that.
Mr. Lewis: Well, I hope the voters do do
that. As a matter of fact, I think the voters
feel very strongly.
Mr. Deacon: They are going to decide,
providing there is an election.
Mr. Lewis: No, the member doesn't have
to provide an election.
Mr. Deacon: It is not up to the leader of
the NDP to sit in judgement.
Mr. Lewis: For people who believe so
strongly in local autonomy, the Liberals play
fast and loose with it.
The fact of the matter is, Mr. Speaker, that
there is no reason in the world why the
Minister of Education could not arrange to
do the bargaining by way of legislation if he
needs it in the case of the teachers.
Mr. Deacon: He doesn't need it.
Mr. Lewis: Allow the board to continue.
The voters will deal with the board, if they
so choose at the election. That is up to the
voters, I agree.
I am not so interested in the formal appli-
cation of trusteeship. That is a precedent
that worries me almost as much as compulsory
arbitration worries the rest of us.
Mr. Deacon: They have used it before.
Mr. Lewis: Eut in fact that is what it looks
as though we are headed for. In this case,
the Minister of Education didn't even with-
MARCH 11, 1974
draw the grants. At least in the Windsor
board last year they withdrew the grants,
which was a considerable incentive to settle-
What you see here is a carefully calculated
rhythm towards the guillotine falling tomor-
row or the next day. That's what's the strategy
now is. That's what emerges, because the
board bargained in bad faith, and the minister
knows it. The minister has confided as much
in confidence to those who have talked with
him privately.
I think— let me put it this way— that the
Minister of Education is as fed to the teeth
with the behaviour of the York county board
as is any member who has had anything to
do with them or any member of the public
w' o has been able to witness it.
What you've got is bad faith bargaining
from the outset, intractability on working con-
ditions; refusal of the minister to make a
recommendation until the 11th hour, and then
with a very severe deadline threat hanging
over it; refusal of the minister to appropriate
the negotiating process from the board, settlfe
on an agreement and then reinstate the board.
The teachers say, and the teachers are right,
how do you arbitrate human relationships?
How are we ever going to resolve the anath-
ema which has developed between the board
an^ the teachers if they are forced to com-
pulsory arbitration? How is that going to
handle it? How are those teachers going to be
forced back to work? How are you going to
resolve the antagonism between the teachers
and the director of education in York cbunty
under such circumstances?
It may serve the government to invite con-
f'ontation on this instance in order to pave
ithe road for Bill 275, but this is a very care-
fully manipulated process, Mr. Speaker. No
one, should engage in the naivety and self-
delusion that I often engage in, thinking
that maybe the Tories really don't want to
force the issue. Well, I think now they do.
I think the Premier (Mr. Davis) in his in-
cessant repetition today about the five weeks
indicates that they had their time parameter.
Then they could go to the province and say,
"You see the axe had to fall in York county
an-1 that's why it has to fall in Bill 275."
What does that mean for collective bar-
gaining for the teachers in Ontario? What
that means is very simple. Everything will
ffo to compulsory arbitration hereafter, and
the relationships, the human relationships,
the teaching relationships, the personal rela-
tions between teachers and board in one board
after another across tliis province will' be im-
I appeal to the minister. I know he is
meeting now with the Premier. He is meet-
ing with the member for York North ( Mr. W.
Hodgson). He will doubtless be meeting with
others during the day. I appeal to him and
to the cabinet to draw back from the preci-
pice, to take those negotiations over and settle
with the teachers and by their example to
demonstrate to the York county board that
collective bargaining can work, if it is fol-
lowed in good faith and then left to the
electors of York county to deal with those
trustees in the next campaign.
That's the way to do it. But not to bring
in compulsory arbitration, not to resort to
those extremes, because the damage that is
done to the system isn't immediately appar-
ent, but it is evident to everyone.
It's done to kids; it's done to teachers.
Who knows which of the teachers will return
or why? I haven't even discussed with my
colleagues from Lakeshore and Riverdale the
legal niceties, the mind-bogghng legal niceties
of how those who resigned will be reinstated,
whether it will be retroactive, whether the
resignations will again be delayed by legisla-
tion. The complexities are almost beyond
handhng. It needn't come to this; it simply
n=;edn't come to this.
Mr. Speaker, I want to deal with the
Throne Speech, but not at length in terms
of every one of its clauses. I want to deal
with it in the context of one paragraph arid
one paragraph alone, which seems to me to
be central to the Throne Speech and seems
to all my NDP colleagues to be central to
the Throne Speech— so central that I don't
have it in front of me. If somebody has a
copy of the Tlirone Speech I wouldn't mind
It's the clause which deals with inflation,
the one clause which deals with inflation. It
While my government will employ all
practical means at its disposal to alleviate
the causes and efi^ects of inflation, never-
theless it bears repeating that the problem
can only be dealt with in a national context
with all governments co-operating.
That one paragraph is the greatest single de-
ficiency in a Throne Speech distinguished
for its mediocrity. That one paragraph is a
kind of commentary on the government of
William Davis over the last diree years. As
I think I shall try to show, and as others of
my colleagues shall try to show as this Throne
Debate continues, the William Davis years,
in terms of that single issue which most pre-
occupies public attention, were years of spec-
ulation, inflation, and profiteering; that the
public burned while the William Davis
cabinet fiddled; that never has a cabinet so
large done so little on an issue so great— and
indeed that may be true in other areas but
extremely pronounced in this one— that no
other province in this country has so betrayed
the trust of its citizens in deahng with basic
matters of the cost of living, matters which
affect the daily lives of the people of Ontario;
and that ultimately, Mr. Speaker, it is our
conviction in this caucus that that's what will
bring the government down.
It's not going to be the transgression, so it's
called, and it's not going to be the gross
indiscretions, and it's not going to be the
so-called scandals and it's not even going to
be the inadequacy or incompetence of in^vi-
dual ministers, whomever they may be; but it
is the refusal of the government to deal with
those matters which are absolutely central to
the way in which people live their lives. And
the evidence mounts, the documentation
accumulates and it is now clear that those
are the grounds on which the electoral out-
come in this province will be settled 18
months hence.
The Tories have taken to mind the old
Churchillian maxim that they have resolved
to be irresolute. Thev start with inertia in
the area of cost of living and they end with
paralysis. That's the history of governmental
mobility in this field; and it is most imfortu-
nate that that's the case because on everyone's
lips is the question of the cost of living.
Now Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the
Opposition (Mr. R. F. Nixon) raised matters
pertaining to housing. I want to do the same
but in a slightly different context. I want to
tell you about the William Davis years, Mr.
Speaker, because I want to put most of my
remarks in the specific dimensions, the spe-
cific boundaries of the period during which
the present Premier has been the incumbent
chief minister. And I want to steal something
from my colleague from Ottawa Centre, if
he'll forgive me— I presume if I thieve from
him it's less offensive than when other parties
do— and give you a chronicle in the housing
field of what has happened in a number of
areas of Ontario, but starting first with To-
Well, in March of 1971, which seems to
be a reasonable date to begin with since the
Premier was then Premier, the average To-
ronto house sale price was $29,627. One year
later it was $31,357. When the Comay task
force was set up it had already jumped to
$34,137; that was in November of 1972.
When the Throne Speech came down last
year it had jumped to $34,718. When the
present Attorney General (Mr. Welch) was
appointed Minister of Housing, it had leaped
to $44,022 on the average; and when the
current Minister of Housing (Mr. Handleman)
inherited the portfolio, it had jumped to
Within the life of the premiership of Wil-
liam Davis— I guess just three years now—
the housing increase in the city of Toronto
has been 56 per cent. Now that may be an
achievement which some premiers would
cherish; others would shudder were they to
realize it.
Let me tell you something else about
what's happening in the Metro Toronto area,
Mr. Speaker, as the research department of
this caucus had analysed the figures. A most
extraordinary acceleration of the inflationary
trends in every area has occurred in the
central portion of the Premier's stewardship.
He became Premier in March; he stopped
Spadina somewhere along the way; he set
himself for an election in October, 1971— it
was October, 1971?
Mr. D. C. MacDonald (York South): Right.
Mr. Lewis: I have blocked it all out.
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): How could the
member forget?
Mr. Lewis: I certainly do, and the sooner
I forget the better. Then he won a fairly
considerable mandate, looking at the way in
which the Tory hordes engulf this legislative
Mr. MacDonald: They slop over to this
Mr. Lewis: Slopping over is not as digni-
fied a phrase, although perhaps a more de-
scriptive one.
Mr. Speaker, one would assume that by
the years 1972 and 1973 in particular, the
policies introduced and undertaken by the
Premier of Ontario would begin to be felt.
Well, they certainly have; they certainly
In January, 1973, 65.3 per cent of the
houses in Metropolitan Toronto sold for less
than $35,000; almost two-thirds of all house
sales were for less than $35,000. By Decem-
ber, 1973— mark this, at the end of the same
year— only 27 per cent of all housing trans-
actions in Metropolitan Toronto involved
amounts less than $35,000. In fact, only 14.7
MARCH 11, 1974
per cent of houses sold sold for less than
If one takes the median family income in
this area which is now roughly $12,000 a
year, and if one assumes what most reason-
able housing economists assume, that one
shouldn't spend more than 25 per cent of
gross income for carrying costs, it means,
Mr. Speaker, that 73 per cent of those who
might purchase homes are now excluded
from purchasing them.
The great bulk of people who earn $12,000
a year and under, that is somewhere around
70 per cent now of total income figures— I
will give them more specifically later on—
are excluded from the housing market. In a
period of two short years the Premier has
achieved what few men are able to achieve—
the exclusion of two-thirds of the people of
the Province of Ontario from ever being able
to own or carry a house in this province.
Mr. J. E. Stokes (Thunder Bay): Shame!
Mr. Lewis: That's quite something. Let me
give you another figure which is perhaps
equally interesting. In January, 1973, only
seven per cent of the sales in Metropolitan
Toronto involved homes of over $50,000. In
December, 1973, 28.5 per cent of the sales
in Metro involved houses over $50,000, and
the houses selling in the over $50,000 cate-
gory constitute by far the largest percentage
of house transactions taking place in the
Province of Ontario. Now, will the Premier
tell me how the people , of this province can
afford homes upwards of $50,000?
Someone in the NDP research department
did something which I thought was really
quite fascinating. We went to TEELA.
Members all know something about TEELA.
I don't know what the letters stand for
but it is a private outfit with close connec-
tions with the Revenue ministry— an outfit
the minister will soon be getting rid of I
understand— which notates every real estate
transaction, computerizes them and has them
available on small cards. We went through
the pattern of acceleration in house costs
for a representative number of residences
in the Metro Toronto area; residences that
were all initially considered to be low in-
come and lower-middle income ownership
potential. Let me tell the House what we
In the borough of York, in the 280 block
of Caledonia Rd.— my colleague from York
South knows it well— we both knocked on
doors up and down Caledonia Rd. In 1965, a
house sold for $12,600; in February, 1973,
$28,800; estimated value in February, 1974,
$38,300. No. 525 Dune St., just northwest of
High Park, in the west end of the city—
1965, $21,800; May, 1973, $42,400; February,
1974, $50,500. No. 5 Clinton St. in Toronto
—you may know, Mr. Speaker, that that
lies between Bathurst and Dufferin, the
old stamping grounds for some of us who
inhabit these legislative benches—
Hon. Mr. Winkler: The hon. member
springs from there too, eh?
Mr. Lewis: —in 1963, just 10 years ago,
the price on the home— sorry, this was a num-
ber on Clinton St.; I have the actual num-
bers, but I am not sure how the home-
owners would feel if photographs were be-
ing taken. I will have to think about that.
At any rate, it's a very low odd number
on Clinton St.-1963, $11,700; March, 1973
$28,250; estimated value in February, 1974,
On Markham St., Toronto, one block west
of Bathurst. Markham St.— some of us grew
up on Markham St.; the Duddy Kravitzes
of this world grew up on Markham St.
Mr. P. G. Givens (York-Forest Hill): Your
memory is good, Mordechai.
Mr. Lewis: Mr. Speaker, that's not me.
That's the member for York- Forest Hill.
What makes Philip run?
In 1964, the price of this home on the
400 block of Markham St. was $15,900;
May, 1973, $43,100; in February, 1974, it
could change hands for an estimated $51,400.
Mr. Givens: Nothing on Markham St. can
be worth that.
Mr. Lewis: Can be worth that? Well, as
a matter of fact, I wandered down Markham
St. to Ed's Markham St. "Village" just a
couple of weekends ago, and it struck me
that obviously the whole character is chang-
ing. Now you can get a house for—
Mr. Givens: That's north Markham St.
Mr. Lewis: That's north Markham St.
No. 10 Metcalfe St.— now mark this; this
is in Don Vale, in that area which we
assumed would be preserved for low- and
middle-income earners. In 1965 the house
sold for $7,500— again, it is a very low
number on Metcalfe-in 1966 for $9,203; in
November, 1972, for $31,500; in March,
1973, for $61,000-these are actual sales-
and estimated value in February, 1974, was
Mr. P. D. Lawlor (Lakeshore): What a
Mr. Lewis: Low-income, middle-income
Mr. M. Gaunt (Huron-Bruce): I tell you,
that's even more than for chicken.
Mr. Lewis: Well, even the member for
Huron-Bruce would have to sell two or three
turkeys for that kind of down payment, Mr.
No. 32 Strathcona Ave. in the riding
of my colleague from Riverdale; he can tell
you it's part of a riding that should be
low- and middle-income housing— in 1964
the house— again a number very low on
Strathcona, on the even side of the street-
sold for $11,000; May, 1972, $26,900; March,
1973, just a small jump, relatively speaking,
$29,900. It is now estimated for sale at
In East York, so that no borough is
exempt, in the 400 block in East York—
1964, $25,500; May, 1972, $42,000; May,
1973, $50,000-these are sales-February,
1974, estimated value, $60,000.
Then we come to Scarborough, the pro-
vincial riding of Scarborough Centre, the
federal riding of Scarborough West, and a
home on Brenda Cres., in the area of the
100 block— again it's a reasonable lower-
middle-income area. In 1963 the house sold
for $14,500; 1967, $18,000; March, 1973,
$36,300; February, 1974, $47,100.
Willowdale, North York, between Bayview
and Yonge, north of Sheppard, one of the
lower middle-income groups in that part of
xMetro: in 1965 the house was valued at
$15,700; in 1966 it sold for $18,500 and in
1967 for $21,900. Then we move into the
William Davis period again-April, 1973,
$40,000; February, 1974, $50,000.
I see the chagrin on the face of the Min-
ister of Energy so I will talk about the Darcy
McKeough era. I don't want him to feel
Hon. W. D. McKeough (Minister of En-
ergy): I was Minister of Housing before that.
Mr. Lewis: No. 145 Niagara St.-remem-
ber that property, because I want to bear
reference to it at the end-in 1966 it sold for
$9,500; January, 1973, $21,000; May, 1973,
$25,600; February, 1974, $30,500.
And one last house, on Laurier Ave., a
low number on Laurier, north of Wellesley
and east of Parliament, again in what would
seem to be the eventual preserve of lower
middle class housing— lower middle income
housinfT is a much more appropriate way of
puttin;^ it-1964, $9,700; 1967, $15,400; in
the Davis-McKeough regime in May, 1973,
$63,500 and estimated in February, 1974 at
Mr. Speaker, the acceleration, the unbe-
lievable increase in the cost of housing and
the cost of land, has occurred right at the
heart of this Premier's incumbency, right at
the heart of this government, of the govern-
ment now in power, over the last two years.
That's when all hell has broken loose. That's
when everything is out of sight.
I think I must have read the accounting of
a dozen of them. In all of these homes only
one, Mr. Speaker, can any longer be con-
sidered available for low-income housing.
And that's 145 Niagara St. at $30,500. Be-
fore anybody rushes out to purchase it, let
me tell you that it lies downwind of To-
ronto Refineries and Smelters Ltd. And that's
why it's still $30,000. But everything else is
I think this random cross-section sampling
means very simply and very accurately that
all of the housing in the 1960's that we as-
sumed would be available for low-income
families and for middle-income families is now
completely out of range, courtesy this govern-
ment in the last three years.
Let me tell you something more about what
I choose to call the William Davis years or
the era of this cabinet, this incumbency. In
the city of Hamilton, the increase in the cost
of housing from 1967 to 1972 was 17.4 per
cent. In the last two years, Mr. Speaker, it has
jumped by another 22.5 per cent. In the city
of Ottawa from 1969 to 1972 the increase was
18.4 per cent. In the last two years it has
jumped another 23.5 per cent. In the city of
Kitchener from 1969 to 1972 the increase
was only 2.5 per cent. In the last two years,
reaUy in 18 months, it has jumped by 28 per
cent. In the city of Windsor the increase from
1969 to 1972 was 7.7 per cent. In the last
two years it has jumped by 27.2 per cent. In
London from 1969 to 1972 it was only about
20 per cent. In the last 18 months to two years
it has jumped to 29 per cent.
The housing market has collapsed or sky-
rocketed, however one wishes to view it, in
the Province of Ontario, firmly within this
regime, firmly within the period where we
have played games with housing, where the
Tories have appointed one minister after an-
other who've seen it more as a sinecure than
as a stewardship. This has happened in every
single community that we scrupulously look-
ed at, Mr. Speaker.
In Peterborough the price of a new home
has jumped from $26,000 to $32,000, a 23
MARCH 11, 1974
per cent increase. In Stratford from $22,600
in the spring of 1973 to $28,000 in Septem-
In July, 1973, the price of a new three-
bedroom bungalow in Thunder Bay was $32,-
500, $10,000 more than similar accommoda-
tion in Winnipeg. A vacant lot with a 50-foot
frontage in Thunder Bay sells for $12,000.
Headway Corp. is the prime developer. In-
cidentally, Headway Corp. for the first nine
months of 1973, over a similar period in
1972, had an increase in profit of 126 per
For the Niagara region housing is going up
in identical fashion and the same in Guelph
and the same in Brantford.
In Kitchener- Waterloo, listen to what has
happened to lot prices. In 1963 a 50-foot
serviced lot cost $3,500. In 1968 the same lot
sold for $5,750. In 1973 the same lot sold
for $11,000.
You know, Mr. Speaker, one can only stand
for so much of that kind of thing. Everything
has gone out of control in the last 18 months
and there's not a single policy initiative,
there's not a single tittle of evidence that the
government intends to do anything about it.
It is not just the housing costs, the land costs;
everything now is beyond the range of low-
and middle-income earners. The vacancy rates
for apartment dwellers are reaching levels
which suggest that one just won't be able to
find an apartment to live in in this province in
18 months from now when the government's
tenure is up for public accountabiMty again.
The apartment vacancy rates for major cen-
tres in Ontario are, as we have been able to
find them— the most recent figures for Decem-
ber 1973 to January 1974-2.2 per cent in
Hamilton; 3.6 per cent in Kitchener; 1.9 per
cent in Ottawa; 1.4 per cent in Toronto; 1.9
per cent in Windsor and 9/lOths of one per
cent in Thunder Bay, the lowest apartment
vacancy rate in Canada.
Let me say, Mr. Speaker, that any vacancy
rate below four per cent means tremendous
pressure on the upward spiralling of rents and
cannot really be tolerated. The costs of in-
dividual apartments are something that some
of mv colleagues will deal with in later
Let me tell you, Mr. Speaker, of what
some of these development companies are
making while aU of this is occurring.
Bramalea Consolidated: For the year ended
November, 1973, over November, 1972, Con-
solidated's profits went up 66.2 per cent.
Cadillac Development: For the year ended
Sept. 30, 1973, over 1972, Cadillac's profits
went up 57.5 per cent.
Caledon Mountain Estates— do you remem-
ber that little company that was so active on
the Niagara Escarpment-
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposi-
tion): Some of our best friends.
Mr. Lewis: —to whom we paid such ex-
travagant amounts of money to purchase a
few hundred acres of escarpment land?
Caledon Mountain Estates is not doing badly
by it all. For the year ending Feb. 28, 1973
over the previous year, its profits were up
89.7 per cent. Campeau Corp., for the nine
months ending Sept. 30, 1973 over 1972 its
profits were up 44 per cent. Headway Corp.,
for the year ending Aug. 31, 1973 over 1972,
profits were up 39.8 per cent. Markborough
Properties, for the year ended Oct. 31, 1973
over 1972, had an increase of 515 per cent
in profits.
So here you have the picture. You have in
the Province of Ontario, in the city of Toronto
alone, housing prices escalating during this
Premier's stewardship by 56 per cent; prices
right across the board escalating 20, 30, 40
per cent in towns and cities all over Ontario
in the last 18 months; the same true of the
cost of land, indeed more exorbitant in prices;
the apartment vacancy rate declining; the
profits of the major land development com-
panies and those who do the building, in-
creasing at an unconscionable level— and I've
not dealt with the rate of return on Invest-
ment, but that is equally out of line. So
finally we have, Mr. Speaker, a new Minister
of Housing— a new Minister of Housing whose
first speech says, and I quote him into the
My ministry believes the situation can be
greatly improved by increasing the supply
of serviced land and changing the income
mix for new housing. The capacity to
make these changes is within our reach if
we receive the co-operation of local govern-
ment and developers. One aspect I'm
quickly perceiving is that our goals within
the ministry and the goals within the
private sector, and this certainly includes
the real estate profession, are to a great
degree the same.
Well there it is as firm from the Minister of
Housing as it has ever been stated, I will say
that for the member for Carleton. The mem-
ber for Carleton doesn't even dissemble about
his loyalty. The member for Carleton says the
unlovely alliance, the special relationship, the
favoured rapprochement, between the gov-
eminent and the building industry shall con-
tinue—and what's more, "I'll stimulate it." He
even says: "For we all have a responsibility,
both professionally and morally, to do all we
can to assist in the housing needs of the
people, the families living in this province."
Well, you find me a developer, Mr. Speaker,
who has a moral obligation to provide hous-
ing. You show me this creature. You bring
Bramalea Consolidated or Cadillac Develop-
ment or Markborough Properties or Headway
Corporation before the bar of the House, or
before a committee of the Legislature and
ask them about their moral responsibilities for
provision of housing.
What kind of nonsense is this? They are in
this game for profits. Every penny of profit
they can extract, whether by virtue of public
accessibility or by virtue of the private hous-
ing market.
And you know, that's the nature of the
free enterprise system, they are presumably
entitled to it. But not unconscionable profits.
Not profits that exceed a return on investment
that everyone would regard as unreasonable.
Not profits that make it impossible for us to
sell homes to low-income and middle-income
families across the Province of Ontario. The
reahty is that the Minister of Housing made
his peace vdth the private development in-
dustry the moment he assumed his portfolio.
Mr. M. Cassidy (Ottawa Centre): He sold
Mr. Lewis: He leaped into their arms as
soon as he had taken the official oath. I may
say, the Minister of Housing leaping into the
arms of Bramalea Consohdated is a picture
to conjecture with. Presumably this afternoon
he's streaking his way to Markborough— and
anyone else who will have him.
The reality is that not a one of the mem-
bers over there on the Tory side is prepared
to do in the housing field what is required
to be done. And if I may say to my friend,
the member for Brant, I don't think the
Liberal Party is ready either to do the only
thing, the only thing that can conceivably
rescue the present housing situation.
In this situation, Mr. Speaker, there is a
sine qua non. There is a basic policy position
which must be accepted before anything else
can happen. And that policy position involves
massive public acquisition of urban land for
housing development.
To chronicle, as I have chronicled the
injustice, is not nearly enough. To chronicle,
as the Leader of the Opposition did the
foreign ownership of certain properties in
downtown Toronto, is not nearly enough. As
a matter of fact, to leave out the Four
Seasons-Sheraton owned by IT&T is an over-
sight that is quite beyond belief. That stands
at the head of our list. And I won't tell you
which hst.
Mr. R. F. Ruston (Essex-Kent): That is
where the NDP held its convention.
Mr. Lewis: Never again, I will tell tHe
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): Is that
Mr. Lewis: But that is not enough. To talk
of taxes— which I'll do in a moment— is not
enough. What is required is that the govern-
ment of the Province of Ontario goes out
and buys a suflBcient percentage of the land
adjacent to the 20 major urban centres in
Ontario to bring the housing market within
the bounds of availability. It buys the land,
then it leases it on a long-term basis and on
that land you build homes— whether one
builds them through the Ontario Housing
Corp., or whether one builds them through
the private sector.
And don't play the pathetic games that are
played by the Comay report, which reinforced
all the prejudices about the private sector
which are now so fashionable. The report
which said we should acquire something like
10 per cent of the 300,000 acres over a 20-
year period.
Acquire something like 50 per cent of the
300,000 acres. Get 80 per cent or 90 per cent
of it back from the federal government. Make
that kind of social investment for the people
of Ontario. Then, finally, provide homes for
low-income and middle-income earners.
Otherwise there is not a solution; otherwise
everything el^ is so much claptrap, because
nothing will change.
That alone, taking that land, presumably
from major developers and speculators, won't
do it either. Incidentally, Mr. Speaker, we
would take it for the original purchase price,
plus holding costs and not a penny more.
Even if the government takes that land from
the original speculators or developers, that
isn't enough. The land which is held by the
remainder, the other 150,000 acres of which
Comay talked, has to be under so much tax
pressure that there will be an immediate in-
centive to provide it for the public sector
or for the provision of housing.
That doesn't mean some vague, graduated
income tax. That means capital gains at 75
per cent of value minimum so that there is a
tremendous inducement to part with that
MARCH 11, 1974
land. When the pubhc sector owns half of it
and puts a 75 per cent capital gains on the
other half, finally we will begin to get hous-
ing built in the Province of Ontario at a cost
which famihes can' afford.
Mr. Speaker, there is no use playing games
with it any longer. I want to make another
point. In the last 18 months of the Premier-
ship of this province, of the tenure of this
government, of this cabinet, housing has be-
come an investment in this province; an in-
vestment in the most pernicious description
of the word. Housing has become an altern-
ative to the stock market for a great many
people, and the unconscionable profits on
housing as an investment should be removed.
They should be removed in much the same
way as we set up an Ontario Securities Com-
mission to avoid insider trading on the stock
market. We set up some kind of housing and
land transactions commission to avoid the
kind of insider trading and the kind of fast
profit which is made on the buying and: sell-
ing of homes— they call it white painting of
homes, I think— in some of the downtovm
areas of urban centres. They buy at $20,000
and refurbish and sell it for $40,000 or
$50,000 within the next month or two.
iMr. Speaker, in the process of looking at
individual houses and the amazing shift in
values with each transaction over the last few
year, we, within the caucus research dtepart-
ment, came across a number of cases in
certain communities which were so incredible
that I'm afraid to use them. We are going
back to check on them to see whether it is
possible. There are cases of profits of 100,
150 and 200 per cent turned' over on houses
bought and sold within the same month.
There are things happening in Ontario, with
the use of housing as an investment, that
simply can't be permitted.
One can't play that way with what is a
social need and a social right. Maybe one
can do it where people are volimtarily taking
a risk, but one doesn't do it when dealing
with a social right, a social obligation, that
the government is obliged to provide.
We will present those figureis to the House,
Mr. Speaker, but I must say that I was so
thrown when they were given to me, particu-
larly in one or two communities in Ontario,
that we have asked them to be checked yet
again, although I suspect they are entirely
We are also going to have to look at the
reduction of growth in southern urban cen-
tres because of what is happening to com-
munities from Barrie to Peterborough— Barrie,
Orillia, Peterborough. There is more infor-
mation on them but one needn't put every-
thing on the record simultaneously. What's
happening is that the people who live in
those communities — and some members live
in them; they know the little communities
that lie just east of Metropolitan Toronto;
they know what is happening in their own
bailiwicks— the people who live in those little
communities are being forced out of their
own homes because of the pressure of Metro-
politan Toronto. That, too, is not tolerable.
As a matter of fact— I guess this is in the
riding of my colleague from York South— the
Cobourg Star, on Feb. 27, carried an article
on the front page and a most extraordinary
map or chart inside. The headline in the
paper reads: "Most of Lakeshore Land
Owned by Non-Residents". These are not
non-residents in a multinational sense. These
are non-residents of Cobourg, Port Hope and
the area, but residents of Toronto, residents
of Oshawa and residents of other major
southwestern Ontario centres, systematically
going into the hinterland and buying up all
the most desirable land for speculative pur-
poses, for the worst kinds of greed and
acquisitiveness, to turn a fast profit at the
expense of the people who have inhabited
those parts of the province for generations.
The pressure that Toronto is exerting right
now all the way out to Stratford in the west
and all the way out to Peterborough in the
east is something that has to be brought
under control, even if it means pretty fierce
controls on matters of location of industry
and economic growth.
The more I see what is happening to
housing the more I am persuaded that Uiose
of us who feel that the airport is madness
have been right all along and that North
Pickering is the atrocity we've all thought it
to be, because what we are doing is simply
enhancing the land values and the speculative
gains in a way which cannot be defended.
Finally, Mr. Speaker, in basic housing
policy there must clearly be mortgages pro-
vided provincially through the Province of
Ontario Savings Offices, with an effective rate
of six per cent which would be arranged
through the tax credit, the easiest and most
equitable way of arranging for that kind of
interest rate for houses.
If we did all those things, Mr. Speaker;
if we reduced the pressures of growth in
Metro; if we brought in mortgages from the
Ontario Savings Offices; if we reduced inter-
est rates to six per cent by using tax credits;
if we put a capital gains tax at 75 per cent
on all speculative land acquisition; if we
set up some kind of commission in Ontario
which would look into housing as an invest-
ment to avoid the insider trading and the
unconscionable profits; if we purchased in
the public domain 50 per cent of the land
of which the Comay report talked adjacent
to the 20 urban centres— then we would have
a housing policy worthy of the name in this
Short of that, everything is unacceptable!
Short of that, the Minister of Housing has
dressed himself in ashes and sackcloth and
prostrated himself before the development
industry. Short of that, Mr. Speaker, the
pattern of the William Davis era will simply
accelerate, and an ever greater percentage
of people in this province will be denied the
right to shelter by the way in which this
government refuses to come to terms with a
system which is so discriminatory and pre-
judicial to the mass of the people in this
Mr. Speaker, what is true of housing is
true equally of food, and that's what makes
the Throne Speech again such an inadequate
If you think that I am going into detail
on the cost of living, Mr. Speaker, you ain't
heard nothing yet, because the NDP is stak-
ing much of its ground, as we always have,
on the question of a fairer deal for the people
of this province in dealing with inflation.
We have a pretty strong declaration of faith
where that is concerned, because we happen
to beheve that it can be brought under con-
trol and are going to take measures to do so.
Let me tell you about the William Davis
years in the food industry, Mr. Speaker. In
the same three-year period since the present
incumbent took his seat— and the Premier is
simply symbolic of the Conservative govern-
ment, I don't know how else to characterize
him— let me take the choice commodities for
you; well, not choice but representative com-
modities in the food section. Let me tell you
what has happened to prices from the middle
of 1971— to be exact August, 1971; several
months after William Davis became Premier
—right through to March of 1974. I'll give it
to you for the Metropolitan Toronto area and
point out to you, sir, that the discrepancies
with other regions of the province, particu-
larly east and north, are very great, but
regional disparities are something some of
mv colleagues will deal with more specifi-
For Metropolitan Toronto in August, 1971,
a quart of milk cost 32 cents; in March, 1974,
it cost 36 cents for an increase of 12.5
per cent. A pound of butter was 57 cents in
1971 and 79 cents in 1974, 3.6 per cent
increase. A dozen grade A large eggs cost 41
cents in 1971 and 90 cents in 1974, an in-
crease of 119.5 per cent, a pound of bacon
70 cents in 1971, $1.15 in 1974, an increase
of 63.4 per cent.
A pound of sirloin steak cost $1.36 in 1971,
$1.78 in 1974-30.9 per cent. A 24 oz. loaf of
bread; 32 cents in 1971, 41 cents in March
of 1974— a 28 per cent increase. A can of
vegetable soup, 14 oz. can; 18 cents in 1971,
23 cents in 1974— a 27.8 per cent increase. A
can of corn, 14 oz; 22 cents in 1971, 28 cents
in 1974—27.4 per cent increase. Five pounds
of potatoes; 35 cents in 1971, 85 cents in
1974— an increase of 142.9 per cent.
Mr. Speaker, I think that milk, butter,
eggs, bacon, steak, bread, vegetable soup, as
a representative item of canned goods, com,
as a representative item of carmed goods,
potatoes as a staple which is pretty widely
in use, represent a not bad example of the
kinds of things on which families are depen-
dent. I want to point out to you, Mr. Speaker,
that that means on the average those com-
modities have increased, in the William
Davis era, some 55 per cent in cost in 2%
years— 55 per cent.
As a matter of fact there is something quite
interesting in that, an increase of 56 per cent
in housing and 55 per cent in food. And you
know, just while the figures are in my mind,
housing and food constitute on the average
56 per cent of the total family budgetary
expenditure. So you can see what has been
achieved by this government in the last 2%
to three years. It is in its own way the
strongest possible indictment of this govern-
ment that can be found. In the world of in-
flation they are the delinquents.
Just so I wouldn't seem to be unduly
unfair, because I am using selected figures,
the Premier and his cabinet use a diflperent
measure of tabulation. They use what is
called the Ontario Food Council market bas-
ket, and the market basket contains a great
many more items than those I have desig-
nated and many of them have not increased
at the same rate. But let me just simply tell
you, Mr. Speaker, that the market basket was
valued in February of 1971 at $56.33, and
in February of 1974 it was up to $77.81,
which is an increase of over 38 per cent in
the government's own carefully-monitored
Ontario Food Council market basket. And
again that is an increase of roughly 13 per
cent a year, which outstrips the cost of living
in other areas and which obviously most
families simply can't handle.
I want to say a word about sugar prices
too, because I think it is time we talked in
MARCH 11, 1974
no-nonsense terms to the government about
some of these things. Prior to the smnmer of
1973, sugar in Ontario was costing eight to
10 cents a pound. In September to October,
1973, it went up to 15.4 cents a pound. On
Jan. 1, 1974, it was up to 21.6 cents a
pound. At Feb. 19, 1974, it was up to 30.8
cents a pound.
I would like the government of Ontario to
inquire into the behaviour of the sugar in-
dustry in this kind of acceleration of prices.
We are the last people in the world to deny
the workers in the industry a legitimate wage,
and if I thought that the increase in prices
had anything to do with an increase in' wages
then we would applaud it, but in fact the
increase in prices looks suspiciously like
control by a cartel. It harks back to the point
being made by my colleague from Wentworth
the other day in question period about the
possible cartel activities of the supermarket
chains, and it's time that the Province of
Ontario launched the kind of inquiry that
would bring the facts to public view.
We would also like the same kind of in-
vestigation of the bread indtistry and what is
happening within the bakeries; and we would
also like to provide to the farmers, through
the Ontario Milk Marketing Board, the in-
crease per quart which they are going to re-
quire this summer— presumably about three
cents on a quart of milk— but we would like
very much to have the profits of the major
dairies examined by a committee of this
Legislature. But more of that in a moment.
Having set out some of those items, Mr.
Speaker, let me tell you a little bit about
what has happened to real wages and real
purchasing power. Something has happened
in the most recent part of the tenure of the
Premier and his colleagues that we couldn't
find another parallel for since the Second
World War. Now, probably there is a parallel
since the Second World War and I presume
you will be able to trot it out, but we couldn't
find it.
What has happened is that when you cor-
rect the average wages and salaries for the
effects of inflation, the average wages and sal-
aries in the last six months of 1973 have ac-
tually been declining. Now that is absolutely
unprecedented. Absohitely without precedent,
certainly I guess in the last several years— I
had better be more cautious; I get carried
away when I hear ministers of the Crovm
comparing things with the Commonwealth
and the world, so I am given to hyperbole
myself— within the last several years, it is
clearly without precedent, and I am not sure
you can find one, that the actual wages and
salaries, corrected for inflation, are in a state
of serious decline.
Let me tell you the figures, because they
are really interesting when you compare them
to the costs of food and the costs of housing.
In January of 1973 the average wage and
salary was $161.42; if that figure can stick in
the head of Treasury Board's mind, $161.42.
Now, in July of 1973, when you correct the
average weekly wage for inflation, the value
is $157.11. In August, $156.35; in September,
$150.10; in October, $158.76; in November,
$157.96; in December, $152.24-a drop in
actual buying power per weekly wage of
something like $9.18 over the valtie of the
wage in January of 1973 and its effective
value according to the price indexes in
December of 1973.
That's absolutely fantastic! A drop in one
year of the equivalent of between $400 and
$500 of real purchasing power as measured at
the end of the year compared to the be-
girming, and there is no reason to believe that
pattern has changed; and it's the first time!
Again, when we worked out the price index,
the average wages and salaries, the correction
for inflation and the change in real buying
power, we had to chesck it out several times,
because in all of the analyses of such figures
it's really hard to find any other example.
We couldn't; and what that means is that
at precisely the moment when all hell's break-
ing loose in the inflationary spiral, the real
value of wages and salaries is declining in
absolute dollar terms and that's why there is
such public furore about it. Obviously the
public doesn't understand it in that way. They
don't look at price indexes. But it's worth the
Legislature understanding it in that way.
Now at the same time that's happening to
wages, let me tell members about profits.
Profits in 1971 represented 9.6 per cent of
the gross provincial product. In the third
quarter of 1973 they represented' 12.4 per
Let me tell members about interest rates.
They represented 4.1 per cent of the gross
provincial product in the third quarter of
1973, the highest that has ever been noted in
the history of commercial interest rates. In
terms of salaries and wages, as a percentage
of gross provincial product, they declined
from 55 per cent to 53.5 per cent in the same
The Chairman of Management Board will
know that those are statistically significant
computations, because they again demonstrate
that it is the real wages and salaries which
are clobbered as the pricesi and the profits
and the interest rates continue upwards.
It's all happening here in the Province of
Ontario, without the slightest initiative from
the government of Ontario. Well, it has been
off me hook long enough; it's time we joined
battle. Perhaps it can be put in another con-
Mr. Stokes: They don't even underetand.
Mr. I. Deans (Wentworth): They don't
even have the decency to come and try to
find out.
Mr. Lewis: The task force on social security
of the Canadian Council of Social Develop-
Mr. Stokes: One cabinet minister has the
courtesy to sit and listen.
Mr. Deans: One and a half.
Mr. Lewis: I don't begrudge that. The Pre-
mier and the Minister of Education, I suspect,
are out in York county and I don't begrudge
them that. I would have thought all the
others would be here, but apparently not.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I issued the invita-
Mr. Lewis: The Canadian Council on Social
Development, in computing a new poverty
line for this country and this province, sug-
gested a median income of half the average
annual income. That would be a poverty line.
It seems to me to be a little unfriendly to
those who are impoverished but that's what
they've taken.
If one does take, not for the country but
for the Province of Ontario, half the amount
of the average family income on the last fig-
ures available, which were in 1971, the pov-
erty line for— I guess it would be the average
family— husband, wife and two kids, is $5,742.
If one applies that poverty line to the Prov-
ince of Ontario, 19.9 per cent— 20 per cent—
of the people in this province are even now
living below the poverty line set in 1971.
There isn't the slightest suggestion that it's
changed. Between 60 per cent and 70 per
cent of the families in this province he below
the average median income in Ontario which
at that time was $11,483. I ask the members
how, in God's name, they're supposed to cope
with the incredible upsurge in prices during
this Premier's era.
During that era, which will be known with
a certain infamy in days to come, the friends
of the government— and I mean that in an en-
tirely generous and descriptive way— the
ideological friends of the government, the cor-
porations which share the government's view
of the way this system should work, have not
been quite so oppressed. Their values are not
declining in real dollar terms and let it be put
on the record, I guess for the first time, ex-
phcitly; I once did part of it many months
ago at a press conference.
For the nine months ending Sept. 30, 1973,
Burns Foods profits were up 22 per cent. For
the six months ending Oct. 30, 1973, over
the same period in the previous year, Beck-
er's was up 57 per cent. For the 39 weeks
ending Dec. 29, 1973, Canada Packers was up
40 per cent. For the year ending Dec. 30,
1973, Canada Safeway was up 41 per cent.
For the year ending May 30, 1973, over the
same period the year before, Canadian Can-
ners was up 69 per cent. Dominion Dairies,
for the nine months ending Sept. 29, 1973,
over 1972, was up 46 per cent. Dominion
Stores, for the 39 weeks ending Dec. 15, 1973,
over 1972, was up 13 per cent.
Let me tell members what the analysts say
about Dominion Stores. They see a much bet-
ter prospect for food stocks for a number of
reasons: less intense competition, improved
productivity and inflation. Rising costs of
goods can be passed on to the consumer, in
addition. Where the price of a case of goods
rises by a fraction of a cent for each unit, the
unit price is often increased by a full cent.
These are the formal analysts looking at the
market potential for one of the supermarket
chains; reaflBrming again, not the kind of non-
sense that comes from the Minister of Con-
sumer and Commercial Relations, who has
opted out entirely in his public responsibility
to do something about prices and inflation,
but indicating support for the kind of position
taken by members of the NDP caucus and put
again by the member for Wentworth last
week that something has to be done about
the way in which the supermarket com-
panies are manipulating prices and goug-
ing the consumer in this province. And this
government can't sit interminably by and
leave it to Beryl Plumptre, because that's a
dance of absurdity— and everyone in this
House knows it.
General Foods up 11.5 per cent for the
year ending March 31, 1973. General Bak-
eries, for the six months ending Oct. 6, 1973,
is up 232 per cent. M. Loeb Co. Ltd., for the
40 weeks ending Nov. 30, 1973, over the
same period the year before, is up 70 per cent.
Maple Leaf Mills— I'm beginning to under-
stand why we have to increase the cost of a
loaf of bread— for the nine months ending
Sept. 30, 1973, up 147 per cent. Nestle Co.
of Canada, for the full year, up 93 per cent.
Oshawa Group IGA, up 11.8 per cent— and
MARCH 11, 1974
on net profit volume that's one hell of an
increase. Schneider's Ltd., for the 40 weeks
ending Aug. 4, 1973, over the similar period
the year before, up 67 per cent. Silver-
wood Industries Ltd., for the 36 weeks end-
ing Sept. 9, 1973, up 88.9 per cent.
Steinberg's Ltd., up 11.7 per cent. And
you know, the major factor in the increase
for Steinberg's— which, incidentally, went up
14 per cent on sales, 11 per cent on income
after taxes; all of these figures are after taxes
—the largest contributor to the income was
the food store operations primarily in the
Ottawa Valley.
It is a tremendously lucrative business now
and the turnover has them laughing all the
way to the deposit box, while the Province
of Ontario wrings its hands and holds bogus
food conferences in September of 1973.
George Weston Co., that made so much
clamour about the need for the increase in
the cost of bread, for the year ended Dec. 31,
1973, profits up 86.4 per cent.
Mr. Deans: Disgusting.
Mr. Lewis: Now, I'll tell you, this govern-
ment is letting the corporations in Ontario get
away with murder going around gouging
profits and with their increases in prices. It's
time the government put its foot down. Stop
playing patsy for them all; stop playing patsy
for them all. This government can only allow
the consumer to be taken advantage of for so
long before it's joined issue with— and con-
sider this the joining of issue. We've talked
to this government in a hundred different
ways about what it might do, but now we're
going to make specific proposals and press
the government every step of the way. Some
of the proposals will echo what we've said.
Some of them will be, in some sense, new.
Let me just remind you that in Delhi, I
guess it was, the Premier said, quote:
The federal government must make a
greater efi^ort to control inflation, the most
pressing problem facing the country today.
Mr. Speaker, something has to be said very
specifically about this. We believe, as a pro-
vincial party in Ontario, that the responsibil-
ity for the control, of containment, of prices
and profits is a provincial responsibility first
and foremost— and, in constitutional terms,
that's absolutely clear. In constitutional terms,
property and civil rights gives to the provin-
cial government the right to do something
about prices.
The federal government can argue, in an
emergency period, under the peace, order and
good government clause, constitutionally, but
otherwise what the federal government does
it chooses to do because it accepts a certain
moral responsibility for pricing pohcy in
national terms. And who would deny them
that? But if the federal government is de-
linquent, if the federal government abdicates
basic responsibility, then it is clearly both the
prerogative and the obligation of the province
to enter the pricing and profit picture. As a
matter of fact, the pricing picture in provin-
cial rights terms was demonstrated in the
Home Oil, I guess it was, decision in 1940.
It is very clear in the legal context and
constitutional context that the Province of
Ontario would have no diflBculty whatsoever
were it willing to move in on this field.
What is happening, as I will show you, Mr.
Speaker, in a moment, is that in the Provinces
of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British
Columbia where you have NDP governments
there are now serious initiatives in the fields
of pricing policy. They are obviously not
prepared to abandon to the federal govern-
ment the whole range of prerogative over
prices and profits. That is of some conse-
quence, because very soon those provinces
are going to be able to demonstrate what we
have wished for the world we could demon-
strate in Ontario, that this government has
the muscle and the capacity to do it. And
when it refuses to do it here, it is not that
it is collaborating in some national policy.
There is no national policy, except for the
subsidy on bread and milk and wheat. Except
for some occasional and capricious pro-
grammes around oil prices and the security
of energy supply, there is no national policy.
This government knows it. And it further
knows that constitutionally it has the right to
move in. If the people of Ontario are looking
for someone to blame for the cost of living
and for inflation, thai they can look right
here, because it is easfly discernible when
you look at the policies, or the absence of
policies, of this government.
Back in Charlottetown in August, 1973,
the Premier said he'd call in the supermarket
heads for a discussion of pricing policy. I
remind the House that nothing has hap-
pened. He said at that time, and I quote
him: "Some of the food chains were quite
irresponsible." If a Premier of a province
thinks that food chains are irresponsible,
where the devil is he? What happened
between Aug. 10, 1973, and March, 1974?
At the Ontario food conference on Sept.
18, 1973, do you remember the promises of
the Minister of Consumer and Commercial
Relations? Let me list them for you, Mr.
Speaker. He promised, number 1, a business
practices Act to prohibit unfair and de-
ceptive practices. Not a word heard of it!
It isn't in the House yet. After seven
months, where is it? Number 2, he promised,
that the courts be given power to rule on
what was an unconscionable profit. Where
is it? Where is the legislation that would
give the courts that right?
Number 3, he would explore cease and
desist orders in case of unconscionable price
increases. Where is the legislation? Where
is even the public discussion. Number 4, he
would arm the government with authority
to act against food hoarding, speculating,
profiteering and fraud. Where is that material?
Number 5, he would monitor regional price
disparities. I have yet to see a single regional
iprice disparity document tabled in this
As a matter of fact it was the Minister
of Consumer and Commercial Relations who
said, if the public has the facts and acts on
them, the powerful forces of the marketplace
can be brought to bear on any inequities or
anomalies that arise. There is the old free
enterprise fetish. Like the member for
Carleton in the housing market, so is the
member for Niagara Falls in the food sector.
We will leave it to the market to do the
job. Well, they are certainly doing a job—
55 per cent in 30 months of the Davis era. No
group of corporations have profited so
lavishly from the abdication of government
as those in the food and development in-
dustry here in the Province of Ontario.
Let me suggest to you a series of policies,
Mr. Speaker. Number 1, get the facts. And
the facts require a rigorous monitoring and
exposure of all of the prices in selected
communities across the Province of Ontario.
In the Province of Manitoba they have a
price monitoring system for northern
Manitoba. They select a whole range of
communities for assessment. They take into
consideration such factors as modes of trans-
portation, the number of retail outlets,
sources of supplies and co-operation of local
community councils. They compare them to
the prices prevailing in Winnipeg at the
time. Those are now published documents.
Gradually it's becoming apparent to the
people of Manitoba where the disparities
exist, and the pressures are so great because
the embarrassment is so acute as some of
these northern communities reveal what they
are paying for basic goods, that they are
correcting themselves internally even in ad-
vance of the likely legislation.
But more important than that, Mr. Speaker,
in the getting of the facts we need a month-
ly report of price spreads from the farm gate
to the checkout counter, and let that be
a matter of straight public policy and public
accessibility. Can you imagine if the con-
sumer of Ontario saw what was received at
the farm gate in any one of the whole range
of commodities and what was paid at the
checkout counter? There would be a public
outcry that this government could not resist
and the middle man and the supermarkets,
who have taken off the extravagant profits,
wouldn't last very long, I'll tell you.
Two, we need a prices review tribunal
in this province— a prices and profits review
tribunal really— so tough and so unrelenting
that it could roll back any price that was il-
legitimate, would have the power to com-
mand witnesses and balance sheets, and have
the power to make public the various com-
ponents that go into the prices charged by
various sectors of the economy. Mr. Speaker,
I say, as we have said before, roll back one
price in Ontario; just one price, once. Just
do it once. Try it, you'll like it; it won't hurt
you. Roll back one price and the effect will
be so instantaneous and dramatic right across
the province in all the other sectors the
people of Ontario will suddenly believe that
maybe inflation can be controlled, that may-
be it is possible to come to grips with the
cost of living. But the government's refusal
ever to move in, even on one unconscionable
price, is a sort of commentary on its social
philosophy, its refusal to intrude on the
private sector.
Three, Mr. Speaker, we need an excess
profits tax badly in this province, in the
whole food industry and in related industries.
We need an excess profits tax that arrives
by learned consensus— representatives of the
industry, representatives of goverrmient— oh
what is a fair rate of return on investment
after taxes and then beyond that rate of re-
turn the profits are taxed at very high levels.
Then we would begin to have another dis-
incentive for accumulating such profits.
Four, Mr. Speaker, we need immediate cor-
rective action for a guaranteed annual in-
come, especially for senior citizens, and it
has to work at the level of $225 a month
minimum, plus all of the ancillary benefits,
the cost of living factor, the tax credits and
so on.
Finally, Mr. Speaker, we need to solve our
supply problems and that's going to mean an
agricultural policy which talks about support
for the family farm, something that was no-
where mentioned in the budget, as well as a
MARCH 11, 1974
retreat from the present governmental obses-
sion with turning as many farms into con-
crete as they possibly can.
I met Gordon Hill, the president of the
Ontario Federation of Agricultural, at a pro-
vincial council meeting this last weekend
when he was speaking on the Amprior dam
to the NDP members of council to an emer-
gency resolution which we'd passed. I talked
with him quietly about the government's
decision on the Sarnia-to-Montreal pipeline.
I was assured by Mr. Hill, and I don't think
I misquote him, that despite what the govern-
ment said about the OFA being interested
primarily in compensation, what the Onario
Federation of Agriculture is arguing for—
and with enormous justice, in many ways-
is that the whole route should be through the
north and should be within Canada— that
the entire route should be within the Cana-
dian north— and that the disruption to farm-
land will in fact be very severe and that
they are not to be fobbed off with simple
references to compensation. That's an un-
deserving slap at the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture and a very gratuitous crack that
was contained in the announcement made
by the Provincial Secretary for Resources
Mr. Speaker, there is one other way of
measuring the William Davis years in terms
of inflation which is immediately apparent.
There are many, many other items we can
look at, but just let me look for a moment
at the rate of inflation, which is extremely
difficult to calculate in one sense but I
think useful in another.
In February of 1971, right at the point of
the ascendancy, the percentage increase in
the consumer price index from the same
period a year earlier was 1.7 per cent. In
December of 1973, the increase was 9.2 per
cent. Now, what I'm saying, Mr. Speaker,
is that the rate of inflation over the life of
this government has accelerated in a three-
year period by 550 per cent. That's the rate
of accelerating inflation. At least, if you
have to have an inflationary rate, keep it
down to something that's manageable. But
that it should be five and a half times what
it was at the beginning of the Premier's
tenure to this point, is something that is
really beyond the pale.
And whether it is in this Throne debate
or on other occasions, Mr. Speaker, we will
be dealing with fuel oil, with gasoline, with
the cost of cars, with automobile insurance
premiums, with drugs, with every aspect
of the economy and documenting and setting
out the kind of cost-of-living increases that
we feel are so unconscionable for the
people of Ontario and must somehow be
turned around.
I know, Mr. Speaker, that when one is
in opposition one is constantly fighting for
a kind of credibility, for a capacity to in-
fluence the government.
Mr. Givens: The member's audience is
Mr. Lewis: Well, I don't care about that.
If I worried about audiences I would have
left politics 10 years ago. New Democrats
have spoken to mass audiences of three for a
long time and it's never been a problem
to us.
But gradually the word gets through, Mr.
Speaker. It gets through through the initia-
tives of three western provinces. It gets
through through the initiative of having the
balance of power in Ottawa. What we are
doing is we are serving notice on this govern-
ment that we are going to be unrelenting in
our insistence that it do something about all
of these areas of inflation. And that we're
setting the grounds and we're telling it in
advance that the cost of living and the efi^ects
on individuals and families in Ontario is
what we think the next 18 months are about.
And that we are going to be talking a.bout it
in no uncertain terms and that if it was pos-
sible either to influence or to change gov-
ernment in this province it is in the field of
controlling inflation that we would wish the
change to be felt.
Now, Mr. Speaker, I want to deal with one
other matter to tie it together which I'd like
to have put in the Hansard of this House.
I guess I've done it from time to time on
other occasions but I think it should be done
in this forum. We New Democrats feel that
one of the problems that the government
obviously senses and constantly carps on is its
inability to make it easier for individuals and
families out there because you don't have any
more tax resources, and that although you'd
like to diminish the impacts of inflation you
can't because you don't have the tax revenues.
You can't give any more money to old age
pensioners other than a $50 bonus at
Christmas time. You can't buy up sections of
the Niagara Escarpment. You can't purchase
land for public housing developments. You
can't expand medical care insurance to in-
clude dental care. You can't do any of these
things beause you are so strapped financially.
And you go to Ottawa. And you meet with
John Turner. And he says the cupboard is
bare. And the Treasurer comes back to
Queen's Park and waiJingly beats his chest
with that repetitive refrain that "We don't
have any additional sources of revenue and
the federal government won't give it to us."
Well, another area that the NDP feels very
strongly about and wants to engage the gov-
ernment on and which ties in directly to the
inflationary batde is the question of redistri-
buting taxation in Ontario and moving it from
indivduals and famlies to the corporate sector,
specifically, Mr. Speaker, the resource sector.
And let me put the material on the record of
the House, and I know that in this policy we
will find no support, either from the Tories
or from the Liberals, and that's all and well
to the good, because we'd like the people of
the province to know where we're going to
find the additional moneys to finance NDP
programmes and to redistribute wealth.
For the year 1973 over the year 1972, the
increase in net profits for base metals was 397
per cent; the increase for industrial mines was
569 per cent; the increase for paper and forest
products was 344 per cent.
taxes, was $425.4 million. The total taxes paid
provincially were $22.2 million. That's an
effective tax rate of 5.2 per cent.
Mr. Speaker, that means the mining com-
panies ot Ontario are paying a provincial tax
rate of something less than the eff^ective rate
of people earning less than $7,000 a year.
And when you add in all the municipal and
federal moneys, it still works out to something
like 10.8 per cent as an effective tax rate,
which is still in the vicinity of a rate less
than for people earning $10,500 a year.
We submitted those figures to the Toronto
Star— and before there are questions or scep-
ticism, or eyebrows raised by the Provincial
Secretary for Resources Development, whom
I pilloried mercilessly in his absence—
Hon. A. Grossman (Provincial Secretary for
Resources Development): Does the member
want to apologize in my presence?
Mr. Lewis: —but have nothing but affec-
tion for in his presence-
Mr. J. F. Foulds (Port Arthur): Incredible! ^'- ^^"*^= Especially for his eyebrows.
Mr. Lewis: Let me tell you the increases
for the individual mining companies in the
Province of Ontario— and I must say, when I
think of what has been extraced from the
resource-based communities of northern On-
tario and how pathetically little has been
returned to them by way of basic community
supports, it amounts to something verging on
the criminal in public finance and in public
Let me tell you about these mining com-
panies right now. International Nickel, for the
fiscal year 1973 over 1972, had an increase
in profit of 106.6 per cent; Falconbridge
Nickel, for the same year, had an increase of
766 per cent; Campbell Red Lake Mines, for
the year ended Sept. 30 over 1972, 84.9 per
cent; Pamour Porcupine Mines Ltd., for the
year ended Dec. 31, 1973, over the previous
year, 271 per cent; Mattagami Lake Mines,
for the same period, 169 per cent; Noranda
Mines, for the nine months ended Sept. 30,
65.7 per cent; Rio Algom Mines, for the year
ended June 30, 1973, 175 per cent; Denison
Mines, for the year ended in Dec, 1973, 24
per cent; Kerr Addison Mines, for the same
period, 66 per cent; Dome Mines, for Sept.
30, 1973, over the previous year, 99 per cent.
Mr. Speaker, the fact of the matter is that
we have the potential wealth in this province
to do everything we would wish if we would
only tax it. In the last year for which figures
are available, the 1970-1971 year, the net
profit for the mining industry in Ontario, after
Mr. Lewis: Especially for his eyebrows-
let me read to you, Mr. Speaker, what the
Toronto Star reported in Saturday's "Insight"
section about those figures:
The Ontario Mining Association assem-
bled a battery of nine accountants asso-
ciated with the province's major mining
companies to deal with the NDP figures
at the request of the Star.
The result: They were sure Lewis was
wrong, but they couldn't prove it.
"We simply have never assembled such
figures," said one accountant.
Hon. Mr. Grossman: Just a natural instinct.
Mr. Lewis: He added: "We are planning to
do so, but right now we just don't have them."
They were sure Lewis was wrong, but they
couldn't prove it.
Well, first of all it is not Lewis; it is those
who work for the caucus in the research
group. Let that acknowledgement be made
because without them we would be in a sorry
state. But in fact those figures are impec-
cably drawn from the documents and ma-
terials which the government has at hand.
That is why I asked the Minister for Na-
tural Resources (Mr. Bemier) today to table
the next edition of the annual statistical re-
port of mineral production of Ontario; it has
the tax tables in it. This is unfortunately
only for 1970. They have got 1971 sitting in
a desk over there. Three weeks ago we asked
MARCH 11, 1974
for the printed copy. They said "No, you
can't have it. The cabinet has decided not to
release it but you can ask to photostat cer-
tain pages." We sent over a specific request
for a photostat of the page dealing with tax
statistics. This morning they called back to
say, "You can't have it. It won't be released."
I am very pleased the Minister of Na-
tural Resources has now decided to release
the document but we know why they wanted
to sit on that docimient until one has to pur-
loin it or force it out. The government has got
to be embarrassed by an effective tax rate of
5.2 per cent for the mining industry. It has
to be embarrassed because people in this
province earning less than $7,000 a year pay
more by way of taxes than International
Nickel, Falconbridge, Rio Algom, Mattagami,
Denison Mines, Dome Mines, Porcupine and
all of them put together.
We are not going to rest our case on those
grounds. For what it's worth, we don't think
that the effective rate of taxation for the
resource sector should be based on net profits
and we don't think so because we are ex-
tremely uncharitable politicians when looking
at the mining sector. They have so much
that they write off before they get to the
profits after taxes that to deal with net profits
is no to deal with an accurate representa-
tion of what they are realty worth.
They have cut their depletion allowances,
their depreciation allowances, their special tax
concessions, their special early writeoffs. They
have fiddled and diddled with the books.
They have done everything under the sun to
present the gloomiest picture possible and
then they present us with a net profit of $425
No, we accept the formula which says one
should base the resource tax on a percentage
of total" production— not productivity but total
production— and one gets away with the com-
plexities of the smelting and refining opera-
tions lumped in with certain other aspects of
the resource industry and one gets away
with the tremendous range in the fashion in
which statistics are computed for profits.
If one looks at that— I have the latest off
the press in front of me— let me tell members
what Ontario has been receiving as a per-
centage of total production from the natural
resource sectors, specifically the mining sec-
tor, in the last several years. In 1970, the total
production was $1.59 billion. The total' taxes
paid were $27.6 million, total provincial rev-
enues. That includes mines profits tax, acre-
age tax, leases, permits, fees, licences, royal-
ties, everything, $27.6 million. The provincial
tax expressed as a percentage of total pro-
duction was 1.7 per cent.
For 1971, total production was $1.55 bil-
lion; the total mining revenue paid provinci-
ally by way of provincial taxes was $16 mil-
lion. The effective rate was one per cent of
total production. In 1972, total production was
$1.5 billion; the amount of money paid with
everything included in provincial revenues
was $18.9 million; the effective rate of taxa-
tion was 1.2 per cent. In 1973, the grand
total, estimated, of mineral production is 1.8
billion, the total tax revenues, estimated, is
$22 million; again, 1.2 per cent as a total
reflection of production.
'Mr. Speaker, these figures are really appall-
ing. If you would lump in the corporation
income tax, federal tax, property tax, do you
know what you do? You actually tend to
double it. They pay two per cent instead of
one per cent but in provincial terms they are
paying around one per cent of total pro-
duction on the average. The NDP says that
the natural resource sector should pay— mark
this— 15 per cent of total production by way
of direct provincial taxes and anotheT 10 cents
on each ton of ore in reserves, the total of
which would approximate $300 million in
additional annual revenue for the Province of
Ontario. Now, the government of Ontario, as
presently constituted, will never do it. In fact,
in last year's budget-
Mr. Deans: But we will.
Mr. Lewis: —it said that it wanted to alter
the tax arrangements for the mining industry
in a way that would leave them approximately
the same.
Mr. MacDonald: The minister said he's go-
ing to give them more incentives to get out
and explore. They have quit exploring.
Mr. Lewis: As a matter of fact, that's true;
there would be additional incentives. We're
saying we're going to turn that one per cent
into 15 per cent. In other words, we're going
to do here what the provinces of British
Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are
And I point out to you, Mr. Speaker, and
through you to the Secretary for Resources
Development, that there are no mineral in-
dustries leaving BC; that there are no jobs
leaving BC; that the exploration hasn't been
constrained; that everything continues apace
except that the public is finally getting the
share to which it's entitled.
Now, for a generation or more the Province
of Ontario has been ripped-off by the mining
industry. This government has conspired in a
denial to the public of its rightful entitlement
in a way that is really— well, it's indescrib-
able. I don't know how it came to that con-
clusion. Again, it's clearly a sharing of social
When the chips are down and the govern-
ment is pushed to the wall, it raises the sales
tax. That's what it does. Or it raises income
tax. Or it allows property tax to be raised so
many mills. The Tory government will do
Mr. Deans: Or collect more premiums.
Mr. Lewis: Or collect more premiums—
exactly. It will raise every regressive tax and
every tax that falls indisputably on individuals
and families; but it will never allow itself to
go to the one source of revenue which is there
and waiting and legitimate-
Mr. Deans: And it's ours.
Mr. Lewis: —and would do something
about redistributing wealth in Ontario. But
most of all, I was going to add— as my
colleague from Wentworth said beside me—
most of all, it's ours. It's yours and mine and
it belongs to the people of Ontario. And the
government has no right, it has no blessed
right in the world to squander on the profits
of these blessed multi-national corporations,
what is rightfully the peopfe of Ontario's.
And I may say, the government does it in
a way that it will never recover, because
they're non- renewable resources. If we start
collecting $300 million a year now, it will
never compensate for the billions of dollars
in lost tax revenue Which we've simply never
collected. It will never compensate for the
destruction in the Sudbury basin; for the col-
lapse of communities like Geraldton, when a
one-resource industry closies down; for the
denial to the north of everything that they're
entitled to. It will never compensate.
But we can begin to introduce an element
of justice and equity into the tax system. We
can begin to retrieve for the people of the
province that which is rightfully theirs, and
we will finally alter that arrangement which
this government has in its single-minded
fashion and in its special genius for seeing
injustice and making of it a social principle.
So, in the area of inflation, in the area of
housing, in the area of taxation we would re-
move the inequities in Ontario. We know we
can do something about it. We understand
the problems and we're advancing solutions
that are viable.
'The pleasure of it is that for the next 18
months those solutions are going to be on
parade for public view from three western
provinces— talked about, discussed, argued
and watched.
We're very confident about the impression
that that's going to leave; and we're very
confident about the way in which the mem-
bers over there are going to have to move to
meet the demands of this kind of opposition,
or they'll be in dreadful trouble with the
electorate. Because when all is said and done,
this government's friendly little land trans-
actions, or its squabbles with the teachers, or
what it does to the hospital workers, aren't
what is at root in Ontario— severe and
objectionable as they may be. What is at
root in Ontario is the question of the cost of
living and how people survive from day to
Mr. Speaker, one of the phenomena which
is most fascinating as one wanders around a
little more as I've done, and colleagues have
done, at mini-caucuses and in trips and tours
and visits everywhere. What is really fasci-
nating is the way in which these cost of
living, these inflationary issues have taken
hold. One hears about them on radio hot-
lines, one has them raised in public meet-
ings, one is subjected to them in interviews
everywhere in Ontario. The cost of living
issues mean something. And the difiBculty of
the government, the problems the govern-
ment has, the serious chinks in the armour
are reinforced by the emergence of the pubUc
group, of the community groups all over the
province who raise protest and social dissent
against abhorrent policies.
I simply want to say that it's the juxtaposi-
tion, it's the combination of all these things,
Mr. Speaker, which is making for govern-
ment an impossible situation. It's not just the
impropriety of a land transaction. It's not just
the impropriety of a social policy like re-
gional government. It's not just the impro-
priety of cost of living and its increases. It's
also the fact that out there from Douglas
Point to Seaforth you've got a whole com-
munity of farmers aroused because no one
will consult them in advance on taking their
land for inadequate payment when Ontario
Hydro acts like some arbitrary, foolhardy,
self-centred corporation.
You've got a group of people in the town
of Durham who don't understand why they
can't be consulted in advance when a major
political decision is made to take away their
name— and with it, they feel, a good deal of
their history and culture — and give it to
another regional area.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Take away their name?
The member is wrong, just plain wrong.
MARCH 11, 1974
Mr. Lewis: They just don't understand
why it's not possible to be consulted in ad-
vance, to be brought down and have it dis-
cussed at Queen's Park, They don't under-
stand this pursuit of determined alienation of
public groups.
There is a group in North Pickering that
doesn't understand why it has to be the sole
group in Ontario for whom the Expropriation
Procedures Act is now effective in a way that
; "in the public interest" removes from them
the right to a hearing. There is a group up
around Maple Mountain, whether they are
right or whether they are wrong, who simply
I don't understand why they have no access
I to all the public information for which we
have already spent $155,000 and are well on
our way to spending $300,000— why it is that
government by leakage is what obtains in
the Maple Mountain area. And let me say to
j, the credit of the member for Timiskaming
that there are-
Mr. E. M. Havrot (Timiskaming): Thank
Mr. Lewis: Well, I know of few leaks as
effective as the member for Timiskaming—
and why should it be? Why should it be that
he as a member, or somebody who picks up
rumour or gossip or speculation, should com-
ment on what is purported to be a major
economic project for the northeast part of
the province? Again, a kind of determinedly
insensitive and arbitrary exclusion of the
public to the process of planning, to the proc-
ess of development, to the process of partici-
Unto this day we have not had a full pub-
lic statement about a project that's been in
process from two to three years, and which
my colleague from Ottawa Centre has raised
time and again, the Arnprior dam. Today, the
Ministry of Energy announced he won't table
the engineering feasibility study. Well, one
need only ask "why?" What is there about
that study that raises such doubts that it
would be of such embarrassment for the
government to table it?
And the coalition against garbage operating
in Vaughan township and Hope township and
Pickering township— all of these groups-
appearing before an environmental hearing
board that was interested only in the tech-
nical and scientific data, not in the social
considerations of major public policy of tbb
What they are doing over there, wantonly,
relentlessly, inexorably, is alienating Ontario,
group by group, community by community,
issue by issue and it's all beginning to
merge. This pathetic little performance in the
Throne Speech, the "business as usual" tenor
of the Throne Speech, is not what will bring
it all together for the government because
it's gone too far. It has to have some imagi-
nation in order to rescue it.
Mr. Lewis moves, seconded by Mr. Deans:
That this govenment be further con-
demned for its failure to institute satisfac-
tory actions in the following policy areas:
Inflation in the cost of living:
1. Failure to investigate increases in
profits to ensure no excess profit-taking:
2. Failure to establish a price and profit
review tribunal with power to investigate
every aspect of price increases and take
whatever action is necessary to ensure no
unreasonable increases, or to have selected
increases rolled back;
3. Failure to establish a consumer pro-
tection code extending not only to market-
place transactions and commodities but to
the provision of services;
4. Failure to institute a province-wide
warranty for home building standards;
5. Failure to institute a public auto-
mobile insurance programme.
Northern development:
1. Failure to establish economic growth
in northern Ontario based on the resource
potential as a catalyst for secondary devel-
2. Failure to establish northern economic
development in employment based on long-
term secondary growth as a number-one
3. Failure to recognize the massive eco-
nomic disparity between northern and
southern Ontario and the adverse effects of
the two-price system in this province, and
failure to take appropriate measures to
bring about equality.
Land use and urban growth? '^f • 'i"'
1. Failure to move immediately to ac-
quire for the public sector sufficient land to
meet the projected housing needs over the
next 20 years;
2. Failure to begin a house-building pro-
gramme aimed at producing at least
250,000 homes, both private and public,
within 18 months;
3. Failure to develop a land-use policy
and overall development plan to meet
recreation requirements in all areas of the
province with immediate emphasis on the
"golden horseshoe" area;
4. Failure to establish rent review and
control measures.
Employer-employee relations:
1. Failure to amend the Ontario Labour
Relations Act to meet the legitimate re-
quests of the Ontario Federation of Labour
as conveyed to all members of the Legisla-
2. By allowing conditions of work and
wages for the hospital workers! of Ontario
to deteriorate to a substandard level;
3. By creating a confrontation with
"teachers in this province and' then faihng
to respond to the consequences of this
i4. By inflicting compulsory arbitration on
Crown employees;
5. Failure to legislate against strike-
breaking and the use of firms and indivi-
duals to disrupt orderly, legal strikes.
Income maintenance:
1. By failing to institute an income
maintenance programme to meet the legiti-
mate needs of the elderly;
2. By faihng to establish adequate in-
come levels for the disabled and other dis-
advantaged people of Ontario.
1. Failure to provide a suflBcient range
of institutional facilities to ensure adequate
health care at lowest cost;
2. By failing to institute a dental and
drug care programme;
3. By failing to take initiatives which
would upgrade the value of preventive
And further, that the government shows
gross negligence in its refusal to tax the
resources industry of Ontario at a level
which would allow individuals and families
in this province to experience major relief
from the inequitable and oppressive system
of taxation presently in eflPect.
Mr. Wardle moves the adjournment of the
Motion agreed to.
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposi-
tion): Point of order, Mr. Speaker. Surely
we are just doing one bill, are we not?
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): I thought it was by
Mr. Speaker: I have not been informed to
the contrary, other than by way of a notice
listing the speakers, and both bills have been
listed on the private members' hour for this
day. I might say that the custom in the past
has been on occasion to deal with two identi-
cal or similar bills at the same time. It is my
understanding that agreement had been
reached in this respect, in which case we will
deal with the two bilk. The hon. member for
Sudbury might move his bill and then the
hon. member for Brant (Mr. R. F. Nixon)
would move his bill and we would proceed
with the speeches.
Mr. Germa moves second reading of Bill 2,.
An Act to amend the Denture Therapists Act.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Leader of the Op-
position perhaps would move his bill too.
Mr. R. F. Nixon moves second reading of
Bill 5, All' Act to provide for the Practice of
Dental Prosthesis.
Mr. Speaker: We will now proceed with
the debate. The hon. member for Sudbury.
Mr. M. C. Germa (Sudbury): Mr. Speaker,
the subject under discussion today is an old
chestnut which has been kicking around for
several years. I know many of the mem-
bers of the Legislature have taken an inter-
est in it and have followed the convoluted
course that this problem has taken since the
introduction of Bill 203, which was with-
drawn and replaced by the infamous Bill
246. The objective of this present bill, An
Act to amend the Denture Therapists Act,
1972, is to correct what I feel to be features
of Bill 246 which are repressive, not only
to the general public but are also repressive
to the people in this province who have done
a service to the public in supplying dentures
at a cost that the majority of people can
(There are only four features in the amend^-
ment, Mr. Speaker. Section 1 of the bill
would make an amendment that would re-
move from the denture therapists licensing
board the dental hygienist and the dental
technician who are part of the board as it
is presently constituted.
The second section of the amendment
removes the requirement that the denture
therapist work under the supervision of a
dental surgeon. It allows the denture ther-
apist to deal directly with the public but
MARCH 11, 1974
only where the patient can produce a certi-
ficate of oral health signed by a dental
surgeon or a legally qualified medical prac-
Section 3 would amend the limitation
period for commencing a proceeding under
clause b of subsection 1 of section 16 of the
Act. This is changed from two years to one.
In section 4 the amendment provides that
the Lieutenant Governor in Council may
make regulations setting fees to be charged
by denture therapists.
It is my belief, Mr. Speaker, that if these
amendments were adopted as outlined in this
bill it would go a long way to solving the
impasse which has plagued and embarrassed
this government for the past several years.
I think we are not asking the government
to embark on any adventure that hasi not
been tried. We are not creating precedent
here. We already know that there are den-
turists operating in five of our provinces
already, in fact, in Alberta since 1961 and
in British Columbia since 1962. Even despite
all the charges by the opposition forces that
these denturists are not qualified and they
are going to do harm to the public, we still
have not got on record any charges or any
malpractice suits which the insurance com-
panies have paid.
I believe that the record tells the story
itself. If these people have operated since
1961 in Alberta and 1962 in British Colum-
bia, then there is no legitimate reason that
I can see why we should not have the same
services in the Province of Ontario. Quebec
also allows denture therapists to operate.
Nova Scotia presently has legislation on the
books, and Manitoba. In the case of Mani-
toba and British Columbia, a certificate of
oral health issued by a dentist or a physician
is necessary. Ne\vfoundland and Saskatche-
wan are also planning to establish denturists
as a legal, independent profession. Prince
Edward Island and New Brunswick have no
legislation concerning denturists. Only On-
tario of all the 10 provinces is the one that
has made it illegal. I think the reason this
government reacted was because of the ter-
rific lobby which was put up by the Ontario
Dental Association in its efforts to protect
what I suspect is a vested interest in the
supply of dentures to the public.
Mr. Speaker, there was a very interesting
booklet distributed quite recently, written
by a dentist by the name of Revere, and it's
entitled "Dentistry and its Victims." In this
book I think this dentist has hit on the
reason there is so much opposition! by the
dental profession to allowing these para-
medical people to get into the field I will
quote one paragraph from this booklet:
The public has been conditioned to
accept a high fee for denture services and
a relatively low fee for fillings and peri-
dontal work but the reverse would make
more sense. Though the cost of materials
in a denture is but a few dollars, fees for
inew dentures have always been high.
Today's quality laboratory fee for full
dentures may range from $50 to $90. This
lis paid by the dentist. An average neigh-
bourhood dentist's fee for full dentures,
'upper and lower, might be between $300
and $500. Since the average practitioner
^does mot spend much time with his patient,
la close commutation could only prove that
dentures are a more lucrative field for the
typical dentist. It is ironic that the end
iproduct of neglect and poor dentistry
should be profitable.
The construction of full dentures has
always been a lucrative field and one
might well wonder why this should be. An
old-time dentist whom I respect once told
me that it was his belief that high fees
were originally established for denture ser-
vice because the denture represented the
last opportunity the dentist had to make
money from the patient and the most had
to be made of it.
If this is so, and it may well be so, it
gives an uncomfortable insight into the
operation of economic motivation in the
healing arts. It is time and more than time
that the professions took a fresh look at
their aims and ideals.
I think we have to reduce the whole argu-
ment, Mr. Speaker, to something very crass.
It is the self-interest of the dental profession
which I think is blocking the people of
Ontario from gaining this service.
There is further evidence of this attitude,
Mr. Speaker, in a booklet published by the
Ontario Dental Association, September, 1972,
entitled "A Public Concern." In appendix K
the dental profession posed questions and
answered its own questions, and as I went
through these questions I came to the con-
clusion that in its efforts to make its case it
had actually subverted its case more than it
had made it.
Question 1 was: "How can the dentist
justify fees of $400, $500 and $600 for
plates?" This is the dental association asking
itself a question and here is how it answered
its own question.
Answer: There are very few dentures made
for $300, $400 and $500. However, with
the sophisticated methods available to den-
tists today it is possible to construct
dentures using techniques that would
justifiably entail fees of this magnitude and
even more.
Under the free enterprise system if the
dentist feels his talents are worth that
much and a patient looking for this level
of expertise agrees to pay that fee, that is
strictly their arrangement. The patient ap-
preciating excellence is glad to pay for it.
Mr. Speaker, this is precisely what is wrong
with the delivery of health services. We have
tried to overcome that by introducing a
medical and hospital plan but the dentists
are still operating on the free enterprise
philosophy that those who can afford health
care will get excellent care. Those of us who
are somewhat limited in our financial strength
will just have to do without. This is precisely
what is going on in the Province of Ontario
today. There are hundreds-
Mr. Speaker: There are 30 seconds re-
maining in the hon. member's time allotment.
Mr. J. E. Stokes (Thunder Bay): No, he has
got 20 minutes.
Mr. Speaker: No. It was my understanding
there would be 10 minutes each. Otherwise
there would only be two other speakers.
Mr. Stokes: Mr. Speaker, on a point of
order, we are entitled to 20 minutes. It is
our time slot and the lead-off speaker is
traditionally given 20 minutes.
Mr. Speaker: But there are two bills.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: On a point of order, I
would aeree with the hon. member who just
spoke. This is the NDFs private members*
hour; they have introduced their bill and they
get 20 minutes and everybody else gets 10.
That's why I was surprised that you were
asking me to introduce my bill under the
same circumstances.
Mr. Speaker: Of course the notice given to
me includes two bills, that of the hon. mem-
ber for Sudbury and that of the hon.
Leader of the Opposition. If we were to give
20 minutes to each of those hon. members,
it would leave 20 minutes for only two other
speakers and the usual 20 minutes for the
lead-off speaker and 10 minutes for each
other. I was not informed of any other
Since there are two bills I fail to see how
I can give each person 20 minutes and deal
with both bills under the same hour. Perhaps
the whips could enlighten me as to what the
arrangements might have been?
Mr. R. D. Kennedy (Peel South): Mr.
Speaker, I think there is precedent when bills
are combined. Usually the two who combine
their bills each have 15 minutes, which takes
up the 30 minutes, and then we go on in the
10-minute routine. I may be wrong on this
but there are lots of precedents for com-
bined bills.
Mr. Speaker: Well, I am in a generous
mood and will do whatever the hon. members
wish to do. But the time has expired for the
first speaker, if it is to be 10 minutes each.
Mr. Germa: I am not aware of what your
ruling is, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: I can't very well make a
ruling without all the information. Was there
any agreement to the effect that there would
be 10 minutes each?
Mr. Stokes: No.
Mr. Speaker: Was there any agreement to
the effect that both bills would be heard
Mr. Kennedy: Yes, between the three
Mr. Speaker: We certainly have never
allowed 20 minutes when there were two
bills during the same private members' hour.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Well, I would suggest,
Mr. Speaker, that if the present speaker
were to continue until 5:20 o'clock anyone
else who wanted to take part in this debate
could speak for 10 minutes. Would that be
agreeable? That would certainly suit me.
Mr. Speaker: And would it be the wish
of the hon. member that Bill 5 also be con-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: It is quite all right. It
is already before the House, Mr. Speaker.
Let's get on with the debate.
Mr. Speaker: Does everyone agree to that
arrangement? The hon. member for Sudbury.
Mr. Germa: Mr. Speaker, the second bill
which is going to be under discussion. Bill 5
I believe it is, would in effect accomplish
the same thing that the amendments which
I have proposed for the Denture Therapists
Act. I think all the arguments I am making
in favour of the four amendments I am put-
ting are also included in Bill 5. The argu-
ments are valid as far as both situations are
MARCH 11, 1974
We are talking directly about money, Mr.
Speaker. There are a lot of people in the
province who are deprived of this health
service because of the attitude that the den-
tists have had in the past. As I read their
answer, they rely en the free enterprise
system. If someone wants to pay $1,000 they
will accommodate him, and if he wants to
pay $500 they will also accommodate him.
I was talking to one of my denturist
friends from the city of Sudbury today. He
informed me that he knows of a recent case
where the dentist did charge in excess of
$1,000 in the city of Sudbury for a full set
of dentures. This is unconscionable profit.
I think eventually our health delivery
systems have to be brought under some cen-
tral control. The bill will provide for this in
that the Lieutenant Governor in Council
would make regulations setting fees charged
by the denture therapists. It is not very often
that any of our professionals will agree to
allow the government to set their fees. I
can just imagine— welL we already know
what the medical profession has said about
these. They are in the habit of determining
within their own little ivory tower what the
health bill for the province is going to be.
Then they divide the pie up without nego-
tiations with anyone.
I think it is a symbol of the good faith
that the denturists have that they are will-
ing to submit their fee schedule to be regu-
lated by order in council. We already know
that the present fee structure of the Den-
turist Society is between $150 and $200.
That is their maximum range. In the case
of senior citizens and welfare recipients the
price is $125 for both an upper and a lower
It is ironic to me that this government
has presently seen fit to hail into court seven
people and charge them with illegal practice
in making dentures, while at the same time
the welfare departments, which are also an
agency of the Province of Ontario are utiliz-
ing the services of these illegal clinics. In
the case of the city of Sudbury, 90 per cent
of all those welfare recipients who have to
have dentures are referred by the welfare
agency to one of these illegal clinics. This
points up how ridiculous the denture thera-
pist bill which is presently on the statutes
is, that one agency of government will hail
them into court and the other agency will
see fit to use them. Now, the denture thera-
pists have also agreed that in order to meet
those complaints from the dental profession,
and also in order to assure the general pub-
lic that they are genuinely concerned with
the health of their patients, they have sub-
mitted that they would go along with the
provision that a certificate of oral health
should be provided before the denture
therapist should be able to fit a complete
In fact, in some of the clinics this is
already happening. In speaking to some of
these people, I was told they do ask each
and every patient to go and get a certificate
of oral health from a dentist or from a
medical practitioner. There has been publi-
city circulated by these organizations, be-
tween themselves. Some doctors are not
prone to signing this certificate of oral
health, nor are some dentists prone to doing
it. But even despite the efforts of these pro-
fessional organizations to prevent patients
from getting certificates of oral health, many
of these certificates are now being filed with
the denturists, and I think it is in the pub-
lic's best interests that this is done.
It is recognized, Mr. Speaker, that these
people are mechanics. They do not have the
extensive educational backgroimd that the
dentists have. There is a place for dentists
in our society, but I suspect and I submit
to you that there is also a place in society
for the dental mechanic.
Now, I will conclude, Mr. Speaker, by
reading an excerpt from Time magazine,
Dec, 7, 1973. It is an essay on the rights
of patients; and I quote:
Medicine may be the last forum in which
the voice of the consumer makes itself
heard; but eventually it must and will be
heard, since the ultimate consumer is the
patient and it is on the patient that the
profession practices.
Now, Mr. Speaker, there is ample evidence
that the public of Ontario has accepted the
denturists. There are committees across this
province— spontaneously-formed committees—
which are fighting for the repeal of Bill 246.
These amendments which I have proposed
would in fact make it unnecessary to repeal
Bill 246. It would only put Bill 246 in an
order which is livable, both for the pubilc
of Ontario and for the denturists.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: One very important thing
has happened since we discussed this bill in
the Legislature last, and that is that we have
a new Minister of Health (Mr. Miller). He is
having a little difiiculty paying attention to
this debate because colleagues on all sides
are so delighted in having him actually here,
captive for a moment or two so they can find
out about their nursing homes, that he is
having a bit of a problem in listening to the
strong argument put to him.
I believe that this is a more important
debate than is sometimes heard in the private
members' hours, because I believe that the
government should and no doubt will, under
the leadership of the new minister, change its
You may recall, Mr. Speaker, that we have
found ourselves in circumstances similar to
this before when arguments on all sides, in-
cluding government benches, urged the in-
clusion of the chiropractors in the services of
OHIP. The then Minister of Health, the
present member for Ontario (Mr. Dymond),
adamantly refused and said as cogently as
any minister could possibly say, that the
chiropractors were not to be included. But
then, in the course of time, he gave up that
heavy responsibility and assumed a new one
—what is he now, chairman of the Science
Centre or something?— and the responsibility
for the governance and administration of our
health policy passed on to someone else. It
wasn't long— for reasons really not well known
on this side, since the same strong arguments
were put forward— until OHIP was amended
to include the chiropractors.
I feel something similar could be estab-
lished at the present time, because the bill
that I am putting forward simply has within
it the basic principle that was put before the
House on June 26, 1972, by the then policy
minister, the present Attorney General (Mr.
Welch). It was No. 203, and it certainly
established denturists as a practising group
within the community, with the power to
deal directly with the public. This is pre-
cisely what Bill 5, which is before the House
now, would do.
We feel that amending Bill 246 would in
fact just reverse its principle. And you may
remember, Mr. Speaker, when the original
bill, which restricted the practice of the den-
turists, was introduced by the former Minis-
ter of Health (Mr. Potter), he asked for an
amendment which in fact reversed the
principle; and you, sir, ruled that it could
not be continued with since its principle had
been reversed in that way.
So I would say to you, Mr. Speaker, that
we don't want to make our arguments in
any way other than those which could be
acceptable to a reasonable minister, and I
believe we've got one. Because surely he
cannot continue with the chaos that has been
willed to him by his predecessor in the area
of this particular issue.
We are not prepared to see the Attorney
General enforcing a law which is diametri-
cally opposed in principle to the bill which
he personally introduced into the House
when he was policy minister in those days;
for him to be required, through some agency
probably higher than himself, to go to the
denturists in the province— and there are 107
of them practising— select six to begin with,
and an additional five or six, to be raided
and to have their patients mistreated. In one
case, a set of dentures was taken right off the
table beside a lady who was being treated;
the teeth were bundled into a package and
taken away to the police station as evidence
of malpractice.
Surely this is the kind of intimidation
which is unconscionable and unacceptable,
and the Attorney General himself must just
cringe when he sees that he is using these
practices for the enforcement of a law that
is diametrically opposed in principle to one
which he put before the House on June 26,
I don't intend to trace out all of the
circumstances, but I'm sure you're aware,
Mr. Speaker, that the Ontario Comicil of
Health reported on June 25, 1972, that the
denturists should be allowed to practise only
under supervision. When the bill, which was
opposed to that particular recommendation,
was introduced the next day, the then policy
minister, the present Attorney General, said
the government is always free to accept or
reject whatever advice it wants. In other
words, it rejected the advice of the Ontario
Council of Health and brought in legislation
which was generally parallel to legislation
already in effect at that time in four prov-
inces of Canada.
The point has already been made that
denturists do practise under government
supervision, but independently in the com-
munity, in most provinces of Canada; and
this is the only province where they are
directly and specifically prohibited from so
Mr. Spe^aker, you may further recall that
the Barry Lowes committee on the standards
for licensing the denturists brought in a
report that called for an extensive progranmie
of training, following the licensing of den-
turists — I think they called them denture
technologists or something like that — but
that was reversed as well when the former
Minister of Health decided, for reasons im-
known to us but alluded to by the previous
speaker, that in fact the denturists should not
be permitted to practice independently.
The former Minister of Health did go for-
ward with a fairly substantial programme of
professional training or technological training
MARCH 11, 1974
for those who did want to designate them-
selves denture therapists. I understand that
some 85 to 90 took the training in the original
course but that only a handful are prac-
tising in this regard because they find that
their income is not parallel with what they
might have expected' to gain or earn if, in
fact, they had continued as denturists.
My colleague, the member for Waterloo
North (Mr. Good), put an interesting excerpt
from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, dated
March 9, 1974, in my hand a moment ago.
It's an advertisement as follows:
Mr. Derek Groves, LDT, wishes to an-
Iniounce his commencement in the practice
of denture therapy, by appointment, 884-
8386, 122 Weber St North, Waterloo.
It's an indication, Mr. Speaker, that there is
a further complication, that the licensed den-
ture therapists who have taken the course
that has been put forward by the ministry—
that this particular individual is apparently
going to practise directly vdth the com-
munity and without the supervision of a
dentist. It may be otherwise, but certainly
when he advertises his practice of denture
therapy by appointment there is ever)^ in-
dication that a licensed denture therapist
has broken the ranks and is prepared to
practise vdthout the supervision of dentists.
'Let me make it clear, Mr. Speaker, that
we are not here being critical of the dentists.
It is their job to keep all of us out of the
hands of the denturists or the denture
therapists, but not by using regulation and
statute, but surely by practising preventive
dentistry which, in the long run we hope,
is going to render obsolete the building and
fitting of dentures for those of us who at
least take the kind of advice from the dentists
that we should.
I'm simply saying to you, Mr. Speaker,
that the new minister can, in fact, exercise
his authority to make the recommendations
to his colleagues to reverse what has just
been a comedy of errors from the first time
that his predecessor decided that the dentur-
ists should not be able to practise inde-
pendently. It flies in the face of the practice
elsewhere in this country and it is diamet-
rically opposed to the principles put before
the House as government policy on June 26,
Frankly, I'm tired of being told by experts
in the field, certainly dentists and others,
that my bill and the bills that are also
before us today would put the public in the
hands of those people who would harm
them. I d^ not believe that this is so. I do
believe that we are moving in this province
and elsewhere toward the recognition and
the substantial development of paramedical
and paradental services, similar to the op-
tometrists and the chiropractors, which are
going to come under direct and rigid gov-
ernment training and supervision. There's no
suggestion, certainly in my bill or the other
one, that anybody off the street would come
in and plunk down $10 for some sort of a
licence that would enable him to fit dentures
and hang out a shinglte and start deahng with
the public. Of course, that cannot be true
and is not part of the principle of this bill.
The concept is similar to the one put for-
ward on behalf of the government by the
present Attorney General in his bill niun-
bered 203 in 1972. We believe that this is
what the government must come to. I would
simply say to you, Mr. Speaker, that we
urge the Minister of Health in his new posi-
tion of authority, where he must take sole
responsibility for the welfare of the people
—and there is certainly no doubt about that—
also to take the responsibility to advise his
colleagues on the basis of common sense
what the community requires, and what, in
fact, the community demands.
We're not pressing for this bill to be passed
at this time. We would hope that it would
be, but we would expect the Minister of
Health in his wisdom to see the advantages
directly to the community of Ontario and
to the taxpayers in the principles of the bills
before us this afternoon. We would hope
that before this session endls we wdll see a
change in government policy, which is over-
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Oxford.
Mr. H. C. Parrott (Oxford): Mr. Speaker,
the discussion on these two bills that the
members for Brant and Sudbury have pre-
sented cannot be significantly different, in my
view, from the debate that was held some
years ago. It is true that certain things have
transpired in that time but very little has
changed. The basic arguments that were true
then are true today.
Whenever I take part in a debate of this
nature, it seems that I am instantly accused
of having a vested interest or a strong bias.
Well, probably today is no exception.
Mr. F. Drea (Scarborough Centre): Pull
some incisors! .... ,.. ,,
Mr. Parrot: I cannot deny, nor do I wish to
deny that I am a dentist. And if that puts
me into a position of as one having a vested
interest, or even a conflict of interests, then
so be it. But let me assure the members of
this House that I do not have a monopoly
on conflict of interests on this particular sub-
ject. In my view, the Liberal caucus and the
leader of that party sees this issue as pri-
marily a poHtical problem.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Does the member mean
to say it is good for the people therefore we
might support it? What are we here for?
Mr. Parrot: I'm afraid the Liberals have
not looked at all of the aspects, some of
which are far more important. I suspect this
bill was prompted for purely political gain.
Mr. M. Gaunt (Huron-Bruce): Oh no, we
would not do it for political gain.
Mr. Parrott: And there can be no doubt
that the vested interest of the leader of the
official opposition is far greater than my own.
And for quite different reasons.
Mr. Gaunt: The member sounds like a
dentist. Is he?
Mr. Parrott: But what is far more impor-
Mr. Gaunt: I think he does have a vested
Mr. Parrott: Indeed I have; I admit that
readily. But I submit that so does the mem-
ber. But what is far more important—
An hon. member: Too bad he is a politician.
Mr. Parrott: What the members opposite
have failed to see is the true issue. It is
health, not votes, that those members should
be concerned about in these deliberations.
Certainly the political implications should be
considered, but I have yet to see or hear the
Liberal Party suggest any reforms or im-
provements so vitally needed in the de-
livery of dental services. Instead, they seek
as usual the expedient rather than the re-
sponsible approach.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Somebody wrote that for
him. One of those creeps that sits under the
gallery has written that for the member.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Parrott: I would—
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Parrott: It must be hurting. I must be
on the nerve again.
Mr. R. F. Ruston (Essex-Kent): Is the
member for Oxford going to run federally
next time?
Mr. Gaunt: I know he didn't get into the
cabinet; but he knows he will never make it
telling the truth.
Mr. Parrott: The members opposite deal
with only six per cent of the dental services
of this province and they fail to consider the
other 94 per cent. The making of dentures is
obviously important.
Mr. Ruston: He seems awfully worried.
Mr. Parrott: But in typical short-sighted
fashion, these bills fail to propose the great
needs of this province. I refer to those things
that will deliver dental services to all of our
Mr. Gaunt: I don't like the Minister of
Health. The member for Oxford should fire
Mr. Parrott: Oh, I'm disappointed, too—
Mr. J. E. Bullbro(^ (Samia): The minister
is disappointed, too. The member for Oxford
should have read his speech before he came
Mr. Parrott: Very good.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I can remember when
the member for Oxford made a speech in
favour of this.
Mr. Parrott: I am disappointed, too, that
the hon. member has not seen fit to propose
much-needed changes relative to the vast
majority of dental auxiliaries. We* talked
about it very briefly. Rather, he has chosen
to focus on a very small portion, something
in the range of two per cent of all those
people, other than dentists — and I repeat,
other than dentists — but simply two per
cent of those who are involved in the deliv-
ery of dental services in auxiliary roles.
In fact, the whole debate on this contro-
versial subject seems to have forgotten some
6,000 dental assistants, some 500-plus dental
hygienists, and some 1,300 dental technicians
and their employees. The opposition has for-
gotten that large segment. In other words,
there is a total of nearly 8,000 dtental auxi-
liaries who have been forgotten far too long.
Surely, all of these properly trained, ade-
quately trained, and thoroughly trained
people should be given far greater consid-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Do they want to practise
independently, too?
Mr. Parrott: We'll deal with that in a
minute. And may I repeat that those who
MARCH 11, 1974
feel I have a vested interest in this subject
might be right.
Mr. E. Sargent (Grey-Bruce): Who does
the member buy his teeth from?
Mr. Parrott: But again, I say to those mem-
bers opposite who would deal with such a
small segment of the problem, it is small in
comparison. Why don't they get with it?
Why don't we plan for the 8,000 auxiliaries-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The government bill
deals with it. That's all it deals with.
Mr. Parrott: —and provide services to save
teeth, and not be involved with those prob-
lems involved with those of replacing teeth?
Let's plan how we can assist those people
who cannot aflFord dentistry.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That's another dental
Mr. Parrott: Let's plan to utilize the large
number of people in the dental auxiliaries
who have been well trained-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Denticare?
An hon. member: That's anotiier type of
cavity— ,. , ,
Mr. Parrott: —and increase the productivity
of the thousands of dental oflBces by the use
of these auxiliaries. Certainly I'm prepared
to use the dental therapists or the denturists,
whichever you wish to call them, but let's
plan to use them in a team approach and
to utilize all the auxiliary personnel in an
effective manner.
Unless my NDP friends in the immediate
vicinity here think that they are in a satis-
factory position on this subject, let me refresh
their memory on a couple of items. May I
say that I'm appalled at their lack of aggres-
sive attitude to the rights of the many people
and workers who have been employed in
this field of endeavour.
Mr. J. A. Taylor (Prince Edward- Lennox):
The unsung heroes.
iMr. Parrott: Right. So often the members
of that party have spoken about tokenism;
well, I ask you, what kind of tokenism is
Mr. Drea: They are tokenists.
I Mr. Parrott: —when there is only one
male hygienist in a register of nearly 600,
or few if any of the 6,000 auxiliaries have
a male receptionist or assistant? You know,
it works both ways.
Mr. F. Laughren (Nickel Belt): Is that our
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Parrott: But I ask them, why have
they not championed- the cause of the dental
hygienist who, as they know-
Mr. Laughren: My friend is full of red
'Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Parrott: At least the dental hygienist
is by far the most trained person-
Mr. Stokes: Pretty weak. This is a pretty
weak defence of government policy.
Mr. Parrott: I am amazed' they haven't
championed the cause of the dental hygien-
ist, who has taken her formal training and
has been a great asset in the delivery of
dental services.
Mr. R. Gisbom (Hamilton East): I remem-
ber when the hon. member supported us on
this. Can't he reflect back?
Mr. Parrott: I've always been in the same
position, and my friend knows it. I've been
in the same position; his party vacillated.
Mr. Drea: The member for Oxford should
work in the same place as he does.
Mr. Parrott: You know, those of us who
are a little more involved with this process
realize that a hygienist is perhaps the one
person who is overtrained and under-utilized
and yet painfully not available to those who
are in the direct business of delivering dental
services to the people of Ontario.
Mr. BuUbrook: Dentists are never pain-
fully not available; they are painfully avail-
Mr. Parrott: I said the hygienist, if my
friend from Sarnia would listen.
It seems to me that the dental laboratory
technicians are another large segment, and
the NDP too have ignored their plight.
There are 1,300 of them, and their livelihood
is at stake. The dentists wiU go on with or
without denture practice. But I'm telling you
that the dental laboratory field is in very
grave condition. In fact, I doubt if very
many of the so-called experts who have
spoken on this recognize the difference be-
tween a dental technician and a denture
therapist. I feel sorry for those 1,300 people
who have no one to speak for them, and
I protest on their behalf. Their livelihood
is at stake and the members opposite hav^
failed to recognize this.
What we are witnessing here in these kind
of bills is a fragmentation of dentistry, and
I suggest that what we need is not frag-
mentation but indeed a team approach. If
we are going to go on with the proposal as
suggested here, that the denture therapist
work by himself, why not let the dental
hygienist and the next auxiliary work by
Mr. Speaker: Sixty seconds remaining.
Mr. Parrott: But that will fragment all
of the profession, and I'm saying that wiU
be the greatest disservice we could possibly
do. If we are going to have one, we should
permit the others; and if not, then we should
have all of them in a team approach.
In closing, let me hazard a guess as to
why so many of these people are ignored.
It is because there are so many dollars avail-
able to a few denturists w'ho have so much
to gain by this bill and at the same time,
by a few politicians who are far more in-
terested in votes than they are in teeth.
I want change as much as anyone else in
this field, and I want dental services available
to all the people. But I want those services
available from a team approach and I want
them available now, and the concepts in
these two bills certainly won't do that job.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Park-
Mr. J. Dukszta (Parkdale): Mr. Speaker,
I am continuously fascinated by the ability
of the medical profession and, at the moment,
the dental profession to mystify and to myth-
ologize what is often a quite simple matter.
I agree vwth the member for Oxford that
we need a team effort, but what he proposes
is a team effort under almost complete
domination of one profession. We are speak-
ing now in respect of the dental field. A
dentist has an overwhelming lead over
almost everyone else. This is not what is
called a team effort under any condition.
This ability to mystify extends itself from
a very simple matter. One of the old argu-
ments used in an attempt to prevent a den-
turist making dentures was that a denturist
is unable to deal with major oral pathology
in the mouth. The first diagnostician of any
major pathology, or any pathology at all,
in the mouth is always the patient. He says
there is something bothering him and he is
going to see a guy to deal with the pain in
his mouth. There is no real major problem
of defining what the problem is. You feel the
pain and you go and see someone about it.
Both the medical and the dental profes-
sions have always produced this element of
mystery in an attempt to make sure that only
the profession can deal with it. The whole
field of both medicine and dentistry is mov-
ing now toward participation of the patient,
participation of the community, in spreading
the involvement in the practice itself to the
paraprofessionals, yet the government,,
prompted very strongly by the dental pro-
fession, has moved in a retrograde action to-
stem that new tide. Almost all of our tech-
nology, all of our theoreticians, state over
and over again that we must in fact have
other people besides the actual professional
delivering the service. And it is not enough
to deliver the service as an extension, as an
arm of a dentist or a physician; you have to-
train the other people to deliver the service
in a more autonomous fashion so that he or
she gets the job satisfaction and can do the
job better.
Nobody denies that you need training for
almost anything pertaining to the ailments
of the human body. We need training just as
much for a denture therapist as we need it
for a physician. The point I'm trying to make
is that to make dentures for a teeth-free
mouth is a fairly simple matter. It does not
necessarily involve six years of training or
extensive training as a denture therapist, nor
does it involve an expensive procedure, as
the dentists have claimed it does. It is a
fairly simple matter.
Though the denture therapists or denturists
need some training they are quite willing to
do it, but they have to be able to practise
autonomously afterwards. It is a simple mat-
ter and it would well behove the new
Minister of Health if he perceived this— that
we need not more professionalization of the
field but that we need less professionalization.
We need a more open health delivery system
in which the various members of the team
function in an integrated fashion but function
more autonomously of each other. This whole
concept of a team effort is that the people
co-operate as a team, not as if they were
in a military platoon in which there is only
one leader and everyone else obeys orders in-
I know that even to debate this private
members' bill seems like an academic and
intellectual exercise, but both myself and the
member for Sudbury stand up to say that our
MARCH 11, 1974
approach toward the denturist is only part of
our approach to the whole health field, and
we state that we must move toward a more
intense community involvement, more intense
usage of paraprofessionals and more intense
participation of the patient himself.
I speak in support of this bill as a part
of an overall support to the long overdue
change in the health field. And though it's
truly a small group we are speaking of it is
very significant in terms of the whole ap-
proach which the government has shown up
to now in ignoring what are the major prob-
lems in the health care delivery system. May
I say again that it behoves the minister well
to listen to some of the remarks that people
have made so far because the whole matter
has been blown out of all proportion. It
would be a most graceful thing if he with-
drew it or (^hanged it or introduced a new
bill which would allow the group to practise,
after suitable training, what it wants to do
which is to make cheap dentures for the
people who need them.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Wind-
Mr. B. Newman (Windsor-Walkerville):
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise in support of
Bill 5, An Act to provide for the Practice of
Dental Prosthesis, as submitted by my leader,
and to support Bill 2, An Act to amend the
Denture Therapists Act.
Either one of the two bills, I think, would
resolve the issue of the dentists and den-
turists. There is hardly one of us in the
House who hasn't over the past two years—
especially approximately a year or two ago-
received not one but hundreds of letters from
both sides of the issue, both from the in-
dividuals requiring the services of denturists
as well as those who required the services of
However, in my own particular riding, for
every one letter that I received in support of
the approach taken by the dentist I received
approximately four from people who had had
to use the services of denturists, and found
them to be most efficient; found them to be
satisfactory; likewise, found them to be
within their financial means.
Mr. Speaker, the legislation originally
started on June 26, 1972, when the then
Provincial Secretary for Social Development
( Mr. Welch ) introduced the original bill
permitting denturists to deal directly with
the public. This is just as it should have
been and we assumed that the government
was going to follow on with its original
plan. However, on Dec. 5, I recall I noted
at the time, when the Minister of Health
(Mr. Potter) submitted amendments to Bill
203 his amendments were in direct opposi-
tion to the intent of the bill and I brought
it to your attention. Others spoke on that
also, Mr. Speaker, and as a result that bill
was withdrawn and the government intro-
duced Bill 246 on July 6.
On Dec. 5, the Minister of Health made
the proverbial flip-flop and from being in
support of denturists working by themselves
and dealing directly with the pubHc, he in-
troduced legislation that would require them
to work under the supervision of a dentist.
From July 6, 1973, until January, 1974,
the denturists continued to practise without
any crackdown on the part of the Attorney
General's office. However, after the biU had
been in force for 13 months the government
decided it was going to raid selectively
certain denturists' clinics in an attempt to
crack doMTi on the denturists operating in
open defiance of the law. Why selectively,
Mr. Speaker? Surely, if the ministry thought
that the denturists were openly defying the
law and were not performing the services
of which they were capable, the ministry
should have gone after every single one of
the denturists operating throughout the Prov-
ince of Ontario.
Mr. Speaker, the former minister's tactics
on this issue can really be said to be nothing
but deplorable. I am sure that now the new
minister— and the former minister as well as
the government— knows that Bill 246 is a
piece of bad legislation the new minister is
having second thoughts and is trying his
darnedest right now to turn back the clock
to June 26, 1972, when the original bill,
which permitted denturists to deal directly
with the pubhc was introduced.
Mr. Speaker, ads in the papers even today
still carry the name of the hon. Mr. Potter
as being the Minister of Health. I know the
new minister will see to it that those ads
are no longer carried and that the govern-
ment will withdraw its original legislation or
accept the legislation that has been intro-
duced by my leader and make it a piece
of government legislation.
Mr. Speaker, the concern of the public
was so great that they presented hundreds
of petitions to various members throughout
the length and breadth of the province. I will
read only a few comments, a few lines out
of some of the letters.
The price I was quoted was $500. It
is far beyond the reach of the lower-income
bracket and the senior citizens. Having a
set of dentures made by a denturist, I
was extremely happy with the end result.
[A second] Our province is one of the
most developed of all provinces. Should
it be necessary for a denturist to face a
jail term? In the rest of Canada, this prac-
tice has been made legal.
[A third comment talking about a den-
turisi] I feel he is quite capable of his
work. He has been doing the same thing
for dentists as he is doing now. Why can't
he do it for himself?
[A fourth comment] Why is it necessary
for a denturist in Ontario to face up to a
possible two years in jail term when in
other provinces, both in the east and the
west of us, this practice has been made
legal? I think it is about time the legisla-
tion realized the needs of the province in
this matter.
Mr. Speaker, I could come albng and read
from probably 200 different letters that I
have received. However, I would like to
close and allow the member from the gov-
ernment side to make his comments. I sug-
gest to you, Mr. Stpeaker, as well as to the
members on the government benches to put
common sense behind their thinking on Bill
246, realize that they have made a mistake,
admit they have made a mistake, accept the
bill introduced by my leader, resolve the
problems once and for all and allow the
denturists to work as they have requested.
No one for one minute would say that
the denturist should not be fully qualified.
We agree with their qualifications except
that we think that they have been doing a
good job in the past, The)^ are responsible
people. They are not fly-by-night operators
and they should be allowed to continue as
they have prior to the passing of Bill 246.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough Centre.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: What did we do to
deserve this?
Mr. Drea: The member wanted it and
now we're going to have to take it. Mr.
Speaker, if I could just start off on a pleasant,
conciliatory note, the government and partic-
ularly the members in this row of the gov-
ernment have always prided themselves upon
abundant common sense. That is why we
want no part of either one of these two bills
which were conceived in moments of frus-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I'd sooner hear the mem-
ber for Wellington-Duff erin (Mr. Root) than
the member for Scarborough Centre if he
wants a common sense man.
Mr. Drea: Oh, I am a common sense man,
but after listening to what the Leader of the
Opposition churned out in the middle of the
afternoon, it's enough to make anybody frus-
trated. I can understand the frustration that
was there when he found two bills combined
into one and had to limit his remarks to a
few moments. I have only got four minutes
andi I want to make some points about com-
mon sense.
IFirst, how can you equate the training
that a dentist or a dental surgeon goes
through with the training that there is for a
denturist or a denture therapist? If you want
to tell me, Mr. Speaker, that all the train-
ing one needs to work on the inside of one's
mouth is so far not even a single course,
then, Mr. Speaker, I suggest to you we are
into the element that common sense is being
Secondly, Mr. Speaker, there has to be
an element of control in the situation, and
indeed the denturists themselves admit that
there is a very essential need* for control.
They propose that a certificate of oral health
be obtained from either a dentist, a dental
surgeon or a medical practitioner prior to
themselves operating and providing dentures
inside the mouth. This is a very frank ad-
mission, and I respect the denturists for this,
but it is a very candid admission that they
have not been specifically trained to cope
with the very many oral diseases.
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): They are
not pretending to be.
Mr. Drea: I didn't suggest they were. I
said they are admitting they are not quali-
fied. My friend, the Leader of the Opposi-
tion, if he had any common sense, that is
why he should go along with the government
position because our concern is about the
protection of the individual.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The member supported
the government position when it was just the
opposite. He supported the original bill
too. He doesn't know what he is going to
support. He will support whatever they tell
him from the front bench.
Mr. Drea: I didn't support the original
bill. If there was any common sense over
there, they would support our position be-
cause our position is quite basic.
MARCH 11, 1974
Mr. R. F. Nixon: The member still sup-
ports anything the front bench tell him.
iMr. Drea: We want control and there is
going to be control on people who by the
necessity of their occupation have to deal
with the inside of the human mouth. I was
on that committee that heard all of the
representations. There's one that comes back
to me over and over again— and it wasn't me
who asked a particular person — how does
one determine if there is anything wrong on
the inside of the mouth? That person, a
denturist, said, "I put my flashlight in and
I take a look." Mr. Speaker, at that point
common sense told me—
Mr. Gisbom: Does the member think he
would put his foot in?
Mr. Drea: —that these people should
operate under the supervision of a qualified
dentist or dental surgeon. I agree some of
the denturists are qualified. I agree a num-
ber of them have taken a particular course
and will pass the examinations that have
been set up by this Legislature. But, Mr.
Speaker, when there is no formal edtication
programme yet for a denturist—
An Hon. member: Whose fault?
Mr. Drea: It certainly isn't my fault. If
there's been such demand for it over the
years, where is it?
Mr. Rreithaupt: The member is putting
his mouth where his money is!
Mr. Drea: Mr. Speaker, there is no formal
education course yet for denturists. There
is a very brief upgrading course. There are
courses that will take a lab technician or
someone who has had a considerable amount
of experience with the fabrication of den-
tures and will put him into a position where
he can work under the supervision of a
dentist who has been very carefully and
very expensively trained to do his job for
society. I think that is the essence of the
government legislation. That is not to say
that at some future time, with a proper con-
trol mechanism, a proper education mechan-
ism and a number of things that my col-
league from Oxford has talked about, the
opportunity for the denture therapist or the
denturist or the other people in dentistry
to operate independently may not be here.
Mr. Speaker, I have about 15 seconds left
and I want to make the final crushing point
of the day.
Mr. Rreithaupt: Thanks for the warning!
Mr. Drea: Mr. Speaker, about an hour and
10 minutes ago this party was told there
should be a single rollback on a price and
how much better we would feel. It was this
party and it was the former health minister,
who did achieve a price rollback.
Mr. Rreithaupt: On what?
Mr. Drea: The reas'on I bring it up is it is
in this field. It was through the eff^orts of
the minister and this government and this
party that there is now a guaranteed price
of $180 for dentures done by a dentist en-
rolled under the plan that the minister
originated. Mr. Speaker, I must concede to
the leader of the NDP that the entire party
not only does feel better, we have felt better
for one long time.
Hon. Mr. Timbrell moves the adjourn-
ment of the" House.
Motion agreed to.
The House adjourned at 6 o'clock, p.m.
Monday, March 11, 1974
Consolidated Computer Inc., statement by Mr. Bennett 107
Withdrawal of teachers' services, questions of Mr. Davis: Mr. Deacon, Mr. Lewis,
Mr. W. Hodgson, Mr. Foulds, Mr. B. Newman 108
Consolidated Computer Inc., question of Mr. Bennett: Mr. Deacon 110
Management Board orders, questions of Mr. Winkler: Mr. Deacon, Mr. Singer,
Mr. Cassidy Ill
Law Reform Commission reports on family law, questions of Mr. Welch:
Mr. Deacon, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Singer, Mrs. Campbell Ill
Report on mineral production, questions of Mr. Bemier: Mr. Lewis 114
Withdrawal of teachers' services, question of Mr. Wells: Mr. Lewis 114
Tenders for civil service insurance package, questions of Mr. Winkler: Mr. Lewis 114
OHC budget, question of Mr. Handleman: Mr. Lewis 115
Day Nurseries Act regidations, questions of Mr. Brunelle: Mr. Lewis 115
Environmental impact of public works, questions of Mr. McKeough: Mr. Cassidy,
Mr. Lewis, Mr. MacDonald 115
Weekend road maintenance, questions of Mr. Bemier: Mr. Stokes 117
Ontario Building Code, questions of Mr. Clement: Mr. Givens, Mrs. Campbell 117
Physiotherapists' fees, questions of Mr. Miller: Mr. Shulman, Mr. Good 118
Vehicles on consignment, questions of Mr. Clement: Mr, EdighoflFer 119
Hydro board appointments, question of Mr. Davis: Mr. Stokes 119
Correctional centre training, question of Mr. Potter: Mr. Worton 119
Resale of HOME programme houses, questions of Mr. Handleman: Mr. Deans 120
Provincial park at Papineau Lake, questions of Mr. Bemier: Mr. Good 120
Negotiations on behalf of community colleges, question of Mr. Winkler: Mr. Bounsall 120
Presenting reports, Ontario Law Reform Commission re family property law, children,
and family courts, Mr. Welch 121
Presenting report, re York county board of education and the OSSTF, Mr. Winkler .... 122
Presenting copy, order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, Mr. Welch 122
Tabling, report re investment policies of the municipal employees' retirement system,
Mr. Irvine 123
Protection of House Buyers Act, bill intituled, Mr. Givens, first reading 123
Resumption of the debate on the Speech from the Throne, Mr. Lewis 123
MARCH 11, 1974 155
Motion to adjourn debate, Mr. Wardle, agreed to 142
Private members' hour 142
Denture Therapists Act; Practice of Dental Prosthesis Act, on second reading,
Mr. Germa, Mr. R. F. Nixon, Mr. Parrott, Mr. Dukszta, Mr. B. Newman, Mr. Drea 142
Motion to adjourn, Mr. Timbrell, agreed to 153
No. 6
Ht^i^Mnxt of Ontario
Fourth Session of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature
Tuesday, March 12, 1974
Speaker: Honourable Allan Edward Reuter
Clerk: Roderick Lewis, QC
Price per session, $10.00. Address, Clerk of the House, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto
(Daily index of proceedings appears at back of this issue.)
The House met today at 2 o'clock, p.m.
Mr. M. C. Germa (Sudbury): May I take
this opportunity of introducing to the House
150 students from Wembley Senior Public
School in the city of Sudbury, accompanied
by 10 adults. The party is under the direction
of Mr. Wayne Bailey.
This large group of students and parents
have journeyed from the city of Sudbury to
be with us this afternoon.
Mr. Speaker: Statements by the ministry?
Hon. R. Welch (Provincial Secretary for
Justice and Attorney General ) : I would like
to clarify for the hon. members of this House
some comments that were made yesterday
during the question period. Following a short
briefing with members of my staff, I was
under the impression that all representatives
of the media who received advance copies of
the three reports of the Law Reform Com-
mission tabled yesterday had first approached
us to request those reports.
In subsequent discussions I have now
learned that this was not the case with one
media representative. I wish to correct at this
time any wrong impression that my comments
of yesterday may have left with members of
the House.
Mr. V. M. Singer (Downsview): The min-
ister created several.
Mr. Speaker: Oral questions. The hon.
Leader of the Opposition.
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposi-
tion): In the absence of the Premier (Mr.
Davis) and the Minister of Education (Mr.
Wells), I wiU ask a question of the Minister
of Housing, to inquire whether he has taken
any decision himself, or consulted with his
colleagues, about the obvious need for some
Tuesday, March 12, 1974
imposition of province-wide standards for
rooming house safety. Does he believe this
can be left entirely to the municipalities con-
cerned or isi there, in fact, some thought that
a provincial intrusion in this matter might be
warranted under the circumstances that saw
the death of, I believe seven people in
Toronto last week?
Hon. S. B. Handleman (Minister of Hous-
ing): Mr. Speaker, this matter has not been
discussed in the ministry during my tenure. I
certainly would be pleased to raise it with the
staff, to ascertain first of all what our powers
are and how the matter is handled. I would
be glad to receive suggestions from the hon.
Leader of the Opposition as to how he thinks
this matter might be handled. I am prepared
to accept reasonable suggestions from any
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Supplementary: Would
the minister not agree that, while this would
not form a part of a provincial building code
directly, it could very well take the form of
something that could be a provincial safety
code which could establish the minimum re-
quirements for the municipalities to live up
to, and if necessary provide an inspection
service, at least on demand, for citizens who
might be concerned that it appears the matter
is not being adequately looked after at the
municipal level?
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, my
limited understanding of the problem is that
there are very few competent housing inspec-
tors available to the municipalities, and per-
haps the province can assist in that respect.
I would like to discuss it with my colleague
the Minister of Consumer and Commercial
Relations (Mr. Clement) in regard to the
establishment of a building code, because it
is quite possible that a strengthened building
code might be part of the solution.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: I would like to ask the
Chairman of the Management Board if he
recalls approving the decision that resulted in
a full year's pay being granted to the person
formerly in charge of Ontario House in
London, England; which action has been
recently criticized by the Provincial Auditor,
Was that payment a severance payment the
Provincial Auditor said was made in contra-
vention of provincial regulations, was it in
fact made simply to create a vacancy so that
Mr. Ward Cornell could be appointed Agent
General— Ward Cornell, who was the chair-
man of the campaign committee for the
Treasurer (Mr. White),
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): I doubt very much
if that assumption is correct, but I'll have to
investigate the records to determine at what
time the decision was made,
Mr. Singer: By way of supplementary,
could the Chairman of Management Board
tell us why Mr, Rowan-Legg, who was
packed and on his way back to London,
England, was hauled off the plane and told
he was being replaced; and whether that
sudden decision had anything to do with
the inordinate expenditures mentioned by the
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I really don't think
that's correct at all, but I'm not sure,
Mr. Singer: It is correct,
Mr. M. Cassidy (Ottawa Centre): The
government pays patronage every day of
the week; sure it does,
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I'm not sure of that.
If that detail is correct I'll have to have a
look at it; but I refuse to accept it,
Mr. J. A. Renwick (Riverdale): He was
replaced by Ward Cornell,
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Will the minister under-
take to report to the House the circumstances
which led Management Board to approve
this specific payment? Would he also report
to the House on the position taken by the
auditor, that it was beyond the scope of the
regulations to permit severance payments of
that size, so that in fact we can have some
guidelines to go by, since the government
seems to be severing a good many of its
high-priced employees and replacing them
with some of its closer friends?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I'll accept the question
as notice,
Mr. J. E. Bullbrook (Samia): The minister
doesn't dare sever the member for Lambton
(Mr. Henderson),
Mr. Cassidy: What about the patronage
appointment of the member for Carleton East
(Mr. Lawrence) which just came about?
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Scar-
borough West.
Mr. S. Lewis (Scarborough West): A ques-
tion, Mr, Speaker, of the Chairman of Man-
agement Board: Can the Chairman of the
Management Board explain why, when he was
informed on Feb. 4 by Mr. Rose, the counsel
and registrar of the Ontario Labour Manage-
ment Arbitration Commission dealing in the
present governmental negotiations with the
Civil Service Association of Ontario, that
Howard Brov^oa would not be able to be a
mediator in the current items under dispute,
that to this day, March 12, there has been
no response, either from government or from
the arbitration commission, to the request
for the appointment of another mediator?
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr, Speaker, I am not
aware of that subject matter. It probably
should be directed to the Minister of Labour
(Mr. Guindon), but I'll take the question.
Mrs. M. Campbell (St. George): If he were
ever here,
Mr. A. J. Roy (Ottawa East): The minister
of who?
Mr. Lewis: I presume the negotiations with
the Civil Service Association have something
to do with the Chairman of Management
Board and that another five to six weeks have
elapsed in a progressively deteriorating rela-
tionship around a number of important items;
I'd like to know why the minister is allowing
that to continue,
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I have made this state-
ment before in the House, Mr. Speaker. We
are prepared to go to the bargaining table
at any time. The items which are under dis-
pute are not the fault of the people who are
acting on behalf of the Civil Service Com-
Mr. Lewis: How is it that five weeks elapse
without even a reply to a letter requesting
further mediation? Can the minister explain
Hon. Mr. Winkler: No. I am not aware of
that letter.
Mr. Lewis: Fine.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I'll check the records
in that regard.
MARCH 12, 1974
Mr. I. Deans (Wentworth): How does he
Hon. Mr. Winkler: I will repeat that we
have made our offers on quite a number of
occasions and we are prepared to return to
the table on any day that the other side is
prepared to do so.
Hon. Mr. Davis: Unlike the member we
don't operate that way.
Mr. Roy: No? Oh no!
Mr. Speaker: Has the hon. member for
Scarborough West no further questions?
All right, the hon, member for Downsview,
Mr. Lewis: A question, Mr. Speaker, of
the Minister of Natural Resources: Is the
government yet in a position to make a con-
crete offer for Lemoine Point to be used as
a provincial park? Has that point arrived?
Hon. L. Bemier (Minister of Natural Re-
sources): No, Mr. Speaker, we are not in that
position yet.
Mr. Lewis: By way of supplementary, do
I take it that after the appraisal is com-
pleted—I believe the appraisal is, in fact,
completed— it is the minister's intention to
collaborate with the conservation authority
in the acquisition of the land?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, I have
not heard from the conservation authorities
or even my own ministry with regard to the
appraisals; when that information is received,
I'll take the appropriate steps.
Mr. Lewis: May I ask the Premier if he
wishes to report on any aspect of the state
of affairs in York county and the negotiations
that may or may not be taking place? I don't
Hon. W. G. Davis (Premier): No, Mr.
Speaker, there is nothing new to report. I
anticipate the minister may have something
to suggest to the House a little later on this
Mr. R. F. Nixon: A supplementary: Is
the Premier indicating that the Minister
of Education will make a statement or
simply introduce legislation, or a combination
of the two?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr, Speaker, the minister
will be here fairly soon, and I'm sure if
the member for Brant wishes to ask a ques-
tion he would be quite prepared to answer
Mr. Roy: It can't be very good or the
Premier would be making it himself.
Mr. Singer: Mr, Speaker, I have a ques-
tion of the Attorney General, Could the
Attorney General tell me if he is persisting
in the view held by his predecessor that the
system for administration of the courts should
be a part of his department rather than
an independent group, bearing in mind the
very strong objections to this approach made
by the treasurer of the Law Society of
Upper Canada and the very strong feelings
expressed by several members of the judiciary.
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, the hon.
member will recall that at the time of the
tabling of the report dealing with that
subject matter, a fairly lengthy statement
was made by my predecessor, which repre-
sents government policy at this moment.
Mr. Singer: Mr. Speaker, by way of
supplementary, is that government policy
under review or does it remain as irrevocable
as the laws of the Medes and the Persians?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, as part of
that statement, the hon. member will recall
there was to be a fair emphasis with respect
to consultation with all those affected. Indeed,
the Speech from the Throne made some
reference to that. Following a review with
those who are in fact interested in that
subject, and we hope that interest would
be quite widespread, we would then make
some further announcement insofar as im-
plementation is concerned.
Mr. Singer: Oh, so what the minister's
predecessor said is not necessarily effective.
Hon. Mr. Welch: No, I don't think that's
a fair assumption, I think the statement of
my predecessor has to be taken in its
totality and the question of consultation is
part of that,
Mr. Singer: Oh yes, subject to consulta-
Mr. Roy: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker,
Mr. Speaker: Supplementary.
Mr. Roy: If I might, I would ask the
minister when we can expect to see legisla-
Hon implementing this policy that he talked
about with his predecessor. Can we expect
it this session?
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, if the hon.
member will recall, there was reference made
to that in the Speech from the Throne, par-
ticularly the regionalization insofar as the
court system is concerned. Legislation will
be coming forward. But I want to underline
what the Speech from the Throne said and
what I have said in response to the hon.
member for Downsview's question, that there
has to be some opportunity for people
vitally interested in this subject in fact to
make their views known as well.
Mr. Singer: Like the treasurer of the Law
Hon. Mr. Welch: So the actual timing of
this, of course, will depend to some extent
on the degree and the scale or scope of that
type of discussion.
Mr. Singer: Yes, doesn't that mean a
change in policy?
Mr. J. E. Stokes (Thunder Bay): Supple-
mentary: Has the new Attorney General had
an opportunity to read a letter he got from
eminent members of the legal profession in
Thunder Bay asking him to review the
previous stand taken by his predecessor and
to assure the public generally that there
will be no obvious or less-than-obvious con-
flict of interest between the various factions
within the Attorney General's ministry?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: And all their conflicts
of interest in office.
Hon. Mr. Welch: Mr. Speaker, certainly
the correspondence to which the hon. mem-
ber makes reference is part of the review.
I can assure the hon. member that this will
be taken into account.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Port
Arthur is next.
Mr. J. F. Foulds (Port Arthur): A question,
Mr. Speaker, of the Minister of Energy: Did
the provincial cabinet take into account,
when it decided to accede to the federal
government's decision to go ahead with the
Sarnia-Montreal oil pipeline, the fact that the
Sault Ste. Marie-Montreal link ultimately
would cost less because it would be an
integral part of the all-Canadian route?
Hon. W. D. McKeough (Minister of
Energy): With respect, I am not quite sure
what the member is driving at. Presumably
if one is talking about miles of pipeline, addi-
tional pipeline is going to cost more, not less.
I think what one has to consider is that the
pipelines presently through the United States,
either to St. Ignace and down or around the
south shore of Lake Michigan, have to be
filled to pay for them. I think it's a real
possibility that if you build more pipelines,
then someone is going to have to pay for the
unfilled pipelines. So I am not sure that the
assumption on which the member's question
is made is entirely correct. It may well prove
to be, but I am not sure that at this moment
that's clear.
Mr. Foulds: In view of the minister's
answer, in view of the fact that in Ontario
we will ultimately have two pipelines, one
coming through southern Ontario and one go-
ing through the north, does not the govern-
ment's assumption of the unfilled pipeline
cost factor, in fact indicate that the doubling
that it is now going through would lead to
those results?
Hon. Mr. McKeough: The hon. member is
making an assumption— and I hope he's com-
pletely right— that there will in fact be oil
to fill both pipelines. That is not entirely
clear at this moment.
Mr. Foulds: A supplementary then, Mr.
Speaker: Would not the northern route have
lent itself to the possibility of the use of oil
from the arctic islands and the Hudson Bay
lowlands, and thus save costs there if those
finds prove to be commercial?
Hon. Mr. McKeough: But not to the use
of oil which may be found on the east coast,
which at this moment I think is a better
probability than the discoveries which the
hon. member has mentioned. I hope we're
both right.
Mr. Foulds: Yes, but surely—
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Rainy
Mr. Foulds: Supplementary?
Mr. Bullbrook: I don't think the member
is going to get that pipeline up there.
Mr. Foulds: That's because the member for
Samia's federal guys and those provincial
guys chickened out!
MARCH 12, 1974
Mr. T. P. Reid (Rainy River): Mr. Speaker,
I have a question of thei Minister of Trans-
portation and Communications in regard to
the Throne Speech announcing norOntair in
northwestern Ontario. Is the minister in a
position to tell us today those four communr
ities that will be served by this system and
when the minister expects this system will
come into being?
Hon. J. R. Rhodes (Minister of Transporta-
tion and Communications): Mr. Speaker, the
four communities that were referredi to are
the communities of Fort Frances, Drydten,
Tliunder Bay and Red Lake. Those are the
four conmiunities. I can't give the member a
definite time when this particular service vdll
start. It is being looked at very seriously in
the ministr}" at the present time.
Mr, Reid: Spring? Summer? Fall?
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: I can't give the member
a definite time. I would hate to do that be-
cause I know he'll come back at me very
Mr. Reid: This year?
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: If I may steal a phrase
from my colleague, the Minister of Health
(Mr. Miller), "in the fullness of time."
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Sud-
burv East.
Mr. P. D. Lawlor (Lakeshore): That was
not \ery original.
Hon. Mr. Davis: It goes back before that
Mr. E. W. Martel (Sudbury East): A ques-
tion of the Minister of Conomunity and Social
Services: Based on the six recommendations
made by David Cole of the ministry, and
apparently concurred in by the Attorney
General when he held the social policy min-
istry, has the government now decided how
it intends to fund the emerging services which
are in such financial straits, not only here in
Toronto but in other parts of the province?
Hon. R. Brunelle (Minister of Community
and Social Services): Mr. Speaker, is the
member referring to information centres? I
missed part of his question. Which services
is he-
Mr. Cassidy: Boy! Is the minister ever in
Mr. Martel: I'm referring to the six
recommendations made by David Cole of
this ministry to assist the emerging services,
primarily the LIP groups, which have de-
veloped into emergency services. Mr. Cole
of the ministry has made six recommenda-
tions. Is the government now in a position
to indicate how it intends to financially assist
these groups, which include the information
services, but also co-ops and so on?
Hon. Mr. Brunelle: Mr. Speaker, we are
funding many organizations which meet our
criteria, and as the hon. member probably
knows there will be a meeting with the
various Metro groups with reference to vari-
ous requested assets. This meeting will be
held soon. We are presently funding several
of these organizations.
Mr. Renwick: Why doesn't the minister
take it as notice and find out?
Mr. Martel: A supplementary question, Mr.
Speaker: In view of the fact that the minis-
ter is subsidizing to the tune of only $85,000,
and that all of the agencies involved are
Metro agencies, and in view of the fact he is
meeting on Friday afternoon, doesn't he
think the government should be in a position
at this time to indicate to the House how it
intends to assist these groups?
Hon. Mr. Brunelle: Mr. Speaker, again, as
the hon. member mentioned, we are meeting
this group soon and we will be indicating to
them what assistance will be provided.
Mr. Martel: Doesn't the minister think the
House should know?
Hon. Mr. Brunelle: Yes.
Mr. Deans: Doesn't he think we should
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Water-
loo North.
Mr. E. R. Good (Waterloo North): Thank
you, Mr. Speaker, I have a question of the
Minister of Colleges and Universities. Could
the minister inform the House what action is
being taken regarding the recommendations
in Dr. Porter's report on the administrative
problems at Conestoga College?
Hon. J. A. C. Auld (Minister of Colleges
and Universities): I will attempt to do so in
a day or two. I haven't read the report yet,
but I will find out what is going on.
Mr. Roy: Not yet? He has been minister
for two weeks now.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Sud-
Mr. Germa: Mr. Speaker, a question of the
Minister of Health: With reference to all
this fancy advertising I see in the newspapers
regarding the low-cost denture programme,
could he tell the House the total cost of this
programme? And secondly, how does he
justify spending public funds to promote
private business?
Mr. R, F. Nixon: The hon. member for
Ottawa East asked that earlier this week.
Mr. Roy: I asked him that last week, but
he didn't have a very good answer for me.
Hon. F. S. Miller (Minister of Health): He
didn't ask me that last week, I'm quite sure
of that.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Let the minister see il
he can improve on the answer,
Hon. Mr. Miller: Yes; the total cost of the
programme, I am told, was $30,000. The
iustification for the programme would be that
of almost any governmental programme of
information. A programme of providing low-
cost dentures was made available and it was
necessary to let the people know about that
programme and its availability in their imme-
diate area.
Mr. Martel: It is called back scratching.
Mr. Roy: I am glad he didn't say, "in the
fullness of time."
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Minister of Housing
has the answer to a question-
Mr. Germa: A supplementary, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. L. A. Braithwaite (Etobicoke): Supple-
Mr. Speaker: Well, I think the member
who asked the question is entitled to one
Mr. Germa: Mr. Speaker, I wonder how
the minister would justify including the
names and addresses of dentists as being
public information or governmental informa-
Hon. G. A. Kerr (Solicitor General): Den-
tists serve the public, don't they?
Hon. Mr. Miller: Interestingly enough, a
number of municipalities, and particularly
the welfare groups in them and people in
the communities, had clamoured for a listing
of the names of the dentists who were avail-
able to provide the service and who had
volunteered to do so.
Mr. Roy: Why didn't the dentists do it?
An hon. member: There were only two.
Hon. Mr. Miller: I think the average is a
little better than that. I think probably one
out of five licensed dentists in the Province
of Ontario are participating. There were
about 600 names.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: There was a supplementary;
the hon. member for Etobicoke.
Mr. Braithwaite: Will the minister state
whether his department condones the placing
of advertisements by private dentists, adver-
tising the fact they have tbese technicians?
And in the light of the same advertisements
placed by these dentists, does the 830,000
to whic^h the minister referred include the
cost of these advertisements or have the
dentists paid for these themselves?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I'm not specifically aware
of the privately-placed advertisements. I
understand that advertising by dentists as
such is governed by the regulations written
by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario and that they would have to operate
under the constraints of those regulations.
Mr. Braithwaite: A further supplementary:
in view of the fact that this matter has
already been brought to the attention of the
minister's predecessor in the House, and
since there have been individual dentists who
have been putting these sort of advertise-
ments in local papers, would the minister
look into this matter and report back to this
House as to what steps his mmistry is
Secondly, I don't think I got an answer as
to whether or not these ads have been paid
for by the government out of the S30,00G
to which the minister referred.
Hon. Mr. Miller: I think the hon. member
and I would need to look at specific adver-
tisements to decide what he was talking
about. Certainly we paid for no advertise-
MARCH 12, 1974
merits otiher than the ones the member for
Sudbury has just shown us.
Mr. Roy: A full-page ad.
Hon. Mr. Miller: As I understand, there
were some advertisements placed by the
Ontario Dental Association, which did not
name specific dentists but, in the main, gave
the fact that low-cost denture service was
available, and I believe a number to which a
person could call for information. It is also
my understanding that these advertisements
were paid for by the association rather than
by individual dentists in that group.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Minister of Hous-
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Thank you, Mr.
Speaker. The hon. member for Scarborough
West asked yesterday: In the light of the
vigorous housing efforts planned, Why have
the budget estimates of OHC dropped by
S20 million, according to the most recent
issue-Jan. 31, 1974, table 5-of Ontario
finances? They are down from $69 million to
$49 million.
I'm now in a position to advise the hon.
member that the ministry informed the
Treasurer, for his quarterly report, that in the
last quarter of the year we were going to
underspend our mortgage requirements by
$20 million.
Mr. Deans: Why?
Hon. Mr. Handleman: The reason for this
is that in the previous fiscal year OHC
stopped lending money on high-rise con-
dominiums since there were adequate private
funds flowing into that area of the housing
market and the supply of such housing at
that time was sufficient. This decision re-
sulted in lower commitments of funds and
hence lower cash flows for 1973-1974. It has
no bearing on our budget for 1974-1975.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Lewis: A supplementary: Is the min-
ister telling the House then that there wasn't
sufficient imagination within the Ontario
Housing Corp., or within the Ministry of
Housing, to find an alternative use for the
$20 million, given the housing crisis in On-
tario? Are they that bankrupt as a depart-
Hon. Mr. Handleman: No, Mr. Speaker, I
was not suggesting that at all. I am sug-
gesting that there was a change in the cash
flow and the mortgaging requirements of
Mr. Singer: Oh nonsense.
Mr. Lewis: The money was dormant; like
everything else in housing.
Mr. Deans: I think to say there were not
sufficient people looking for mortgages-
Mr. Speaker: Is this a supplementary?
Mr. Deans: I did say that. I'm sorry.
Mr. Speaker: Well there was so much
noise I didn't hear the hon. member. If that
was a supplementary ITl permit it.
Mr. Deans: Is the minister saying that
there were not sufficient numbers of people
looking for mortgages that that $20 million
couldn't have been utilized?
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, it is
not a function of OHC to supplement the
mortgage market in this province.
Mr. Lewis: Of course it is. That is what
the money was there for.
Interjections by hon. members.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: The hon. members
would have been the first to complain if we
had diverted mortgage money from one area
to another without the authority.
Mr. Lewis: No we would not.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Of course the\
Mr. Lewis: On a point of order: We would
not have complained had the minister di-
verted that mortgage money from condomin-
iums into low- or middle-income housing,
not at all.
Mr. Speaker: Order.
Mr. Lewis: Why didn't he?
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Kent.
Mr. Singer: Terrible bankniptcy of imag-
Mr. J. P. Spence (Kent): Mr. Speaker, I
have a question of the Minister of Trans-
portation and Communications. Is the minis-
ter aware that two weeks ago the United
States interstate commerce commission im-
posed a six per cent surcharge tax on freight,
which is being applied the entire distance
from the American port of origin to the
Canadian destination, whereas a surcharge
should only apply as far as a Canadian point
of entr>?
Mr. Roy: Good question.
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: It is an excellent question.
Mr. Speaker, no, I was not aware that this
was so and I would appreciate if the
hon. member can make the information avail-
able to me. I will certainly look into that
Mr. Speaker: The Minister of Natural Re-
sources has the answer to a question asked
Hon. Mr. Bernier: Mr. Speaker, the hon.
member for Downsview asked me a question
last week. He wanted me to explain: "the
basis on which payments in the amount of
$59,578 were made to a firm of consultants
and writers on public relations to manage
the information and public relations pro-
gramme for the historical parks in that
year." He also wanted to know who they
were, who found them and on whose au-
thority this expenditure was made.
He asked further, by way of supplementary:
"Could the minister shed a little light on
who Communications-6 Inc. really is?"
My reply is that in the formation of the
new government ministries on April 1, 1972,
the direction of the Huronia historical parks
of the former Department of Tourism and
Information was assigned to the new Ministry
of Natural Resources. Prior to this transfer,
the Department of Tourism and Information
had established in 1968 a committee of
senior officials, including the deputy minister
of that department, to select a firm to develop
a public relations and publications pro-
gramme for Huronia historical parks. This
committee requested several public relations
firms to submit formal presentations, and
following an analysis of these presentations
the firm of Communications-6 Inc. was
On the basis of satisfactory past per-
formance, the details of the annual public
relations programme were established each
year by the director of the historical sites
branch and transmitted to the consultants.
A similar arrangement was negotiated and
confirmed in May, 1973, for the 1973-1974
fiscal year, with the same firm based on their
performance in 1972. On the basis of this
arrangement my ministry approved the
accounts for payment. Subsequently, in ac-
cordance with normal ministry policy, the
director of our historical sites branch, whose
duties include the management of the
Huronia historical parks, was informed that
in future proposals must be invited from
several public relations firms and Manage-
ment Board approval obtained for the award
of that contract.
In this connection I might add, and also
inform the members, that some two weeks
ago we invited proposals from 16 firms for
the forthcoming season.
The firm of Communications-6 Inc. has
its head office in Montreal with a major
office in Toronto and affiliations in Ottawa,
New York, London, Paris and Brussels. The
president is Mr. C. R. Ha worth and we were
advised by Mr. Ha worth that the firm was
incorporated in December, 1963.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Minister of Col-
leges and Universities has the answer to
a previous question.
Mr. Foulds: Has he been here before?
Hon. Mr. Auld: Mr. Speaker, I have
checked my files and I have the answer to
a question which the hon. member asked a
moment ago.
I understand that in November the board
of governors approached my predecessor to
ask him to institute a study of all aspects of
the operation of the college. My predecessor
appointed Dr. Arthur Porter of the University
of Toronto. He submitted his report on Feb.
10 and the college board is dealing vdth it.
Mr. Good: A supplementary then, Mr.
Speaker: Since the minister authorized the
investigation into the administration of the
college, is the ministry not inserting itself into
the matter any further in view of the dif-
ference of opinion, in the published report,
between the faculty and the administrative
stafi^ at the college?
Hon. Mr. Auld: Mr. Speaker, my under-
standing is that the minister simply appointed
a person to look into the situation at the
request of the college board and the college
board, as part of its responsibility, has taken
the report and is going to deal with it.
MARCH 12, 1974
Mr. Speaker: I believe the hon. Minister
of Housing has the answer to another ques-
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, I have
the answer to a question asked by the mem-
ber for Wentvvorth yesterday. However, the
hon. member has kindly informed me that he
has additional information which I suggested
he supply, so perhaps I could defer the
answer to his question until I've received that
Mr. Royi Good' idea; sit down.
Mr. Speaker: I believe it iS' the New Demo-
cratic Party's turn. The hon. member for
S and'wich-Riverside.
. Mr. F. A. Burr (Sandwich-Riverside): Mr.
Speaker, 1. have a question of the Premier-
Mr. Martel: If the member can get his
Mr. Burr: —regarding pensions for per-
manently disabled workmen. Is there any
other pension, federal or provincial, that has
not been escalated, within let us say the last
10 years?
Hon. Mr. Davis: Mr. Speaker, I will have
to get that information for the hon. member.
I don't know, but I shall endeavour to find
Mr. Burr: Supplementary question, Mr.
Speaker: Is there anything about injured
workmen that makes them impervious to the
effects of inflation, and did the remarks' in
the Throne Speech indicate that some hel'p
was on its way to these people?
Hon.: Mr.\ Davis: Mr. Speaker, to answer
the first part of the question, there is nothing
that I know of that makes injured' workmen
or any dther group in this society impervious
to the effects of inflation.
As far . as , the second part of the question
is concerned, quite obviously matters of gov-
ernment policy will be announced here in the
House at the appropriate time.
Mr. Martel: Oh, the Premier just wags his
finger at Ottawa all the time and says what
they are not doing.
Hon. Mr. Davis: We wouldn't do that.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Peel
Mr. R. D. Kennedy (Peel South): Mr.
Speaker, I have a question of the Minister of
Mr. R. F. Ruston (Essex-Kent): A member
of cabinet.
Mr. Deans: Why doesn't the member ask
him when he is in^ cabinet meetings?
Mr. Roy: Is the member dissatisfied with
him too?
Mr. Kennedy: In view of the housing needs
here and the impending closedowoi of the
Veterans' Land Act on March 31, I was
wondering if the minister would communicate
with the federal Minister of Veterans' Affairs
to determine if this is under reconsideration
and if indeed a continuation is warranted?
Mr. Lewis: It depends on the federal
Mr. Bullbrook: Very good question.
Mr. Singer: Twenty million dollars the
government didn't use would have financed
a lot of houses.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, the
provisions of the Veterans' Land Act have in
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): That Act
is as old as this government.
Hon. J. W. Snow (Minister of Government
Services): Not quite.
Mr. Kennedy: It's been a very successful
Hon. Mr. Handleman: It has been a very
successful Act.
Interjections by hon, members.
Mr. Speaker: Ordter.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: Mr. Speaker, there
has been a very successful programme imder
the Veterans' Land Act.
Mr. Bullbrook: Why doesn't the minister
take this question as notice? Take it as notice.
Mr. Lewis: He can't reply to this kind of
question wdthout advance information. He'd
best take it as notice.
Hon. Mr. Handleman: I don't need it. I
will be meeting with the hon. Mr. Basford
in a couple of weeks. I understand it is due
to expire within that period; however, I will
be discussing it with him. I think it is a sound
suggestion, if that interest rate can be main-
tained imder present-day conditions.
Mr. Singer: He isn't the Minister of
Veterans* Affairs.
Mr. Bullbrook: Is the member satisfied with
that answer?
Mr. Speaker: There were about five mem-
bers of the Liberal Party, and I am certain I
don't know who was first.
Mr. Bullbrook: The fellow he is meeting
has nothing to do with veterans* aflPairs. Is
the member satisfied with that?
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. There are at
least four members before the hon. member
for York Centre (Mr. Deacon). The hon. mem-
ber for Windsor- Walkerville, I think.
Mr. B. Newman (Windsor- Walkerville):
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a question
of the Minister of Revenue, if I can get his
attention. As he is walking back to his seat,
I would like to go on with the question—
Hon. A. K. Meen (Minister of Revenue):
Mr. Roy: Yes.
Mr. B. Newman: He is the minister.
Mr. Roy: Yes, he is the fellow.
Mr. Good: He's not quite sure yet.
Mr. Martel: It was so long in coming.
Mr. B. Newman: In the interest of pro-
moting fitness and encouraging greater par-
ticipation in amateur sport, is the minister
considering eliminating the sales tax on
sports equipment that is purchased by organ-
ized amateur sports organizations, especially
those recognized by the Ministry of Com-
munity and Social Services?
Hon. Mr. Meen: Mr. Speaker, my Ministry
of Revenue administers the laws as estab-
lished by this Legislature, and particularly
as recommended by the Treasurer and Min-
ister of Economics and Intergovernmental
Affairs. I don't think it would be fair to say
that I was considering that.
I suppose it is fair to say that since the
Retail Sales Tax Act does come under my
ministry we have occasion to review matters
such as this, but the final decision is not one
that is in my hands alone.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: That's right.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Wind-
sor West.
Mr. B. Newman: A supplementary, Mr.
Mr. Speaker: A supplementary? Yes.
Mr. B. Newman: May I ask the minister
if he is considering issuing exemption certifi-
cates to amateur sports organizations in the
same way that exemption certificates are
issued to school boards so they may purchase
athletic equipment and not pay the sales
Hon. Mr. Meen: Mr. Speaker, that is a
matter I have been looking at, but it off^ers
a considerable number of problems and I am
not at this time prepared to say I would
issue such a certificate.
Mr. Singer: It is under review, as the
front bench says. Everything is under review.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Wind-
sor West.
Mr. E. J. Bounsall (Windsor West): A ques-
tion of the Minister of Transportation and
Mr. Martel: That is the minister.
Mr. Bounsall: Mr. Speaker, where is the
schedule for reconstruction of the right-hand
lane of Highway 401 proceeding westward
to Windsor, from about 10 to 15 miles out,
which for the last five to seven years has
been reminiscent of the old corduroy roads
in northern Ontario? It was supposed to be
started and completed this spring and sum-
Mr. Foulds: There are new corduroy roads
in northern Ontario.
Mr. Martel: He forgot all about those
roads. Some of his best speeches in the
House have been about roads.
Mr. Stokes: What about the new corduro\-
roads in northern Ontario?
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: Mr. Speaker, I would
like very much to answer the hon. member's
question if I could have heard him behind
the noise made by his colleagues. I think he
referred to Highway 401, but if they would
MARCH 12, 1974
quieten down for him I would be pleased
to hear it again.
Mr. Martel: No one said a word.
Mr. Bounsall: It is about a portion of 10
to 15 miles out of Windsor, heading west,
the right hand lane, which has been remi-
niscent of the northern corduroy roads for
the last five to seven years.
Mr. Ruston: All the rates are up.
Mr. Bounsall: When will the construction
start, and will it be commenced and finished
this summer?
Mr. Ruston: The contract's been let.
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: I can't give the member
a direct answer at this time. I will be pleased
to provide the information as to when it can
be done.
Mr. Roy: Try an indirect answer.
Hon. Mr. Rhodes: I appreciate that the
member recognizes that there is a need for
highways in the north, though.
Mr. Ruston: The roads will be completed
by September.
Mr. Martel: The minister should have told
the northwestern Ontario Chamber of Com-
merce that.
Mr. Speaker: I thought the hon. member
for St. George had a question?
Mrs. Campbell: Mr. Speaker, my question
is to the Minister of Revenue.
Would he clarify for this House the policy
which appears to have been arrived at where-
by no assessment notices are to be extended
this year to the people of Ontario, save and
except for new construction and special cir-
cumstances, thus denying a large proportion
of people the right of appeal?
Hon. Mr. Mean: Mr. Speaker, I have no
information on that at the moment. I will
get it for the hon. member.
Mrs. Campbell: A supplementary, Mr.
Speaker: I wonder if the minister would also
look into the situation in the matter of a
condominium project in the riding of St.
George, namely 40 Homewood, where there
has been an appeal successfully made by
those who did take title in the fall of 1972,
but no further appeal has been heard, al-
though it has been launched by the com-
missioner as of June, 1973; meanwhile those
who were not included in that appeal are
faced with an old assessment and no right
to appeal at this time?
Hon. Mr. Meen: I will look into that
matter, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for High
Mr. M. Shulman (High Park): A question
of the Minister of Health, Mr, Speaker: Is
the minister willing to make public the
report prepared for and about his department
by the firm of Hickling-Johnston?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I must say that question
from the member came as something of a
Mr. Ruston: One a day!
Mr. Germa: Just answer.
Mr. Ruston: An apple a day keeps the
doctor away; the minister should try it.
Hon. Mr. Miller: If it would cut my OHIP
premiums, I would do that. I really would
have to learn more about that report because
quite honestly at this point I don't know
much about the contents of it.
Mr. Shulman: A supplementary, if I may,
Mr. Speaker: Will the minister familiarize
himsfelf with What is occurring in the ministry
and report back to us on whether he is
willing to make that report public or table it?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I may have misinterpreted
the member's question. Does he mean would
I familiarize myself with what is happening
in the ministry or with what the report says
is happening within the ministry?
Mr. Stokes: Why not both?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I would be pleased to
do so. I am doing my best to do the former
and I will be pleased Ic do the latter.
Mr. Speaker: I think the hon. member for
Kitchener is next.
Mr. Breithaupt: Mr. Speaker, I have a
question of the Minister of Colleges and Uni-
versities. Has the minister ordered a review
of the apparent expenditure by the chairman
of the Ontario Council of Regents for the
colleges of applied arts and technology, and
his expenditures for a hospitality suite during
the meetings of the regents as referred to in
the auditor's report? Will the minister pro-
vide us with the details of the expenses of
that operation and the persons who received
the hospitality?
Hon. Mr. Auld: Mr. Speaker, I have made
inquiries about this. I am informed that the
chairman of the Council of Regents lives in
Markham. When the council has its bi-
monthly meetings they last for about two
days. He has premises in the hotel where
the meeting takes place, not primarily for his
own convenience but for meetings with mem-
bers of the board— individual meetings and
that sort of thing rather than the general
meeting. I am informed that, in fact, it is
probably less costly to have him staying in the
hotel than it is to have him going back and
forth to Markham by taxi. I can get the
detailed rundown if the hon. member would
like it.
Mr. Mattel : Let him try using a car like
the rest of us.
Hon. Mr. Auld: I haven't read the detailed
part in the auditor's report myself but I
assume that the details are there. If they
aren't, I'll get further information for him.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Lake-
Mr. Lawlor: Thank ^X)u very much, Mr.
Speaker. I have a question of the Minister of
Interjec^ons by hon. members.
Mr. Lawlor: What are the minister's
reasons, metaphysical, biological or otherwise,
for reducing the age at Which abortions may
be obtained without parental consent to
Hon. Mr. Miller: Mr. Speaker, the member
has misinterpreted the regulation in the same
way as the press has.
Mr. Roy: Straighten us out.
Hon. Mr. Miller: The Province of Ontario
by itself does not set the conditions under
which an abortion may be performed. This
is done by federal statute. The change in
regulations which was made by the Pro\ ince
of Ontario, and given some press publicity
last week, dealt with the age at which consent
could be given for any surgical operation
performed within a hospital, and of course
abortion is a surgical operation.
It was not aimed at abortions per se. It
was to cover a group of people who, for one
reason or other, either had not official guard-
ians or parents who could sign for them or
who, unfortunately in this mobile modern
society, did not relate to their parents and so
were not in contact with them. A number of
these people were coming into hospitals in
need of all kinds of surgical procedures and
legally there was no way of prpxiding them.
Some of them were falsifying names and
ages and leaving the hospitals in \er\- delicate
legal conditions if they served thiem.
Mr. Lawlor: Supplementary: Would the
hon. minister consider excluding this par-
ticular category of surgical operation from
the regulations?
Hon. Mr. Miller: I certainly \\i\\ listen to
any suggestions that are given at this point
in time, I wouldn't want to say that we
could necessarily start making exclusions
of one type or another, because I tliink—
Mr. Reid: Abortion is not one type or
Hon. Mr. Miller: —exclusions can be very
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for
Ottawa East.
Mr. Roy: I defer to my friend, Mr. Speaker,
thank you.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Essex
Mr. D. A. Paterson (Essex South): Mr.
Speaker, I have a question of the Minister
of Natural Resources. Has he or his policy
group made a decision as yet as to whether
the 1974 licences for sand-sucking operations
off Pt. Pelee National Park are going to be
issued or not?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, I am
pleased to report to the hon. member that
that decision has been reached.
Mr. Paterson: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker:
The minister says the decision has been
MARCH 12, 1974
Hon. Mr. Bemier: It has been reached.
Mr. Paterson: And what is that decision?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: That decision? The de-
cision was that the two licences would not
be reissued.
Mr. Stokes: I have a question of the
Minister of Natural Resources. In view of
the social and economic problems experienced
by the people of Armstrong, and in light of
the fact there are several hundred thousand
cords of good merchantable timber in the
area, will the minister undertake to insist
that the prime licence-holder utilize that
timber for a saw-log operation for the benefit
of the people in the community of Arm-
strong, or turn those timber stands over to
somebody else who is prepared to use them
to look after the social and economic needs
of that town?
Hon. Mr. Bemier: I can relate to the hon.
member for Thunder Bay that this govern-
ment is very concerned with the future and
the people of the Armstrong area because of
certain actions of the federal government.
With regard to the resources in that par-
ticular area, I would point out to him
that they have been allocated to the St.
Lawrence Corp. for processing in the Red
Rock area. I have been in verbal discussion
with the company. They are to present to
me a proposal which will fully utilize all
those resources. But they did point out to
me in their discussion that if there were
going to be a continuous operation at Red
Rock and if the viability of that particular
mill were to be maintained, it may well be
that the resources in the Armstrong area
would have to be directed to the Red Rock
mill. That was only in a verbal discussion
and we are waiting for something from
them in a more formal way at the present
Of course, we have in our hand a pro-
posal from a gentleman by the name of
Buchanan, I believe, who is most interested
in establishing an operation in the Arm-
strong area; and we are certainly considering
that aspect too.
Mr. Stokes: Supplementary.
Mr. Speaker: We have already exceeded
the question period by about three minutes.
Presenting reports.
Hon. Mr. Bemier: Mr. Speaker, I am
pleased to present to the members of the
Legislature a copy of a report of the ad-
visory committee on the revision of the
Mining Act.
The members will recall that this com-
mittee was established approximately two
years ago under the chairmanship of the
present Minister of Transportation and Com-
munications, my former parliamentary assist-
ant, the hon. member for Sault Ste. Marie
(Mr. Rhodes).
In the course of carrying out its responsi-
bilities, the committee examined comparable
legislation and situations in several other
jurisdictions. Their aim was to ensure that
Ontario continued to be the leader in respect
to mining legislation.
I am indeed grateful to the members of the
committee for the very thorough study that
they have carried out. I have had a brief
opportunity to peruse the report and more
particularly the recommendations. In my own
opinion, there is a great deal of merit in
many of the recommendations. I feel sure
there will be revisions to our legislation
which will result from the discussions that
will flow from the study of this report.
At the same time, I want to make clear
that the government has rejected recommen-
dation No. 51 which proposes mining in
provincial parks.
Consistent with tabling this report in the
Legislature, it is my intention to make copies
available to the executive of such organiza-
tions as the prospectors and developers, the
Ontario Mining Association and the Canadian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. The
views of these organizations, along with the
recommendations of individuals, other organi-
zations, as well as the views and comments
of the individual members of this House, will
be of great benefit to me and my staff.
It is proposed that all such views and
recommendations be submitted prior to the
end of June. This will allow the summer and
the early fall to distill the recommendations
in the report and the reactions to the recom-
mendations through the course of the sum-
mer, in the interest of developing the appro-
priate revisions to the legislation for the fall
sitting of this Legislature.
Once more, I would like to express my
appreciation to my colleague who chaired the
committee— he did an excellent job— and to
the individual members of the committee,
and to all those who have or will have or
will be assisting us in any way in the devel-
opment of this legislation.
Mr. Carruthers from the select committee
appointed to prepare the lists of members
to compose the standing committees of the
House, presented the committee's report
which was read as follows:
Your Committee recommends that the lists
of standing committees ordered by the House
be composed of the following members:
1. Procedural ArFAms: Messrs. Bales,
Bounsall, Burr, Carton, I>ymond, Edighoffer,
Ewen, Henderson, Hodgson (Victoria-Hali-
burton), Johnston, McNie, Morrow, Smith
(Hamilton Mountain), Smith (Nipissing),
Spence, Timbrell, Turner— 17.
2. Administration of Justice: Messrs.
Bullbrook, Carruthers, Davison, Downer,
Drea, Givens, Havrot, Lane, Lawlor, Law-
rence, MacBeth, Nixon (Dovercourt), Ren-
wick, Ruston, Singer, Taylor, Walker,
Wardle, Yaremko— 19.
3. Social Development: Messrs. Apps,
Belanger, Campbell (Mrs.), Deacon, Dukszta,
Eaton, Foulds, Hamilton, Irvine, Jessiman,
Leluk, Martel, Momingstar, Newman (Wind-
sor-Walkerville), Parrott, Reilly, Roy, Scriv-
ener (Mrs.), Villeneuve— 19.
4. Resources Development: Messrs. Allan,
Beckett, Evans, Gaunt, Gilbertson, Good,
Laughren, MacDonald, Maeck, Mcllveen,
McNeil, Nuttall, Paterson, Rollins, Root,
Sargent, Stokes, Wiseman, Yakabuski— 19.
5. Miscellaneous Estimates: Messrs.
Cassidy, Drea, Evans, Gisbom, Haggerty,
Hamilton, Jessiman, Leluk, Nixon (Dover-
court), Nuttall, Parrott, Riddell, Root, Scriv-
ener (Mrs.), Stokes, Villeneuve, Wardle, Wor-
6. Public Accounts: Messrs. AUan, Dy-
mond, Ferrier, Germa, Lane, MacBeth, Mc-
llveen, Reid, Ruston, Taylor, Wiseman,
7. Regulations: Messrs. Belanger, Braith-
waite. Deans, Havrot, Johnston, Maeck,
Momingstar, Morrow, Paterson, Reilly, Tur-
ner, Young— 12.
The quorum of committees 1 to 5 and of
the private bills committee to be seven in
each case. The quorum of committees 6 and
7 to be five in each case.
Mr. B. Newman: Mr. Speaker, I would
like to request of the government that they
consider permitting substitution of individu-
als to all committees prior to the sitting of
the committee. The estimates committee now
makes provision so that before the estimates
are being discussed-
Mr. Speaker: Order please. I must point
out to the hon. member that the matter of
substitutions was dealt with previously. The
motion today does not deal with substitutions
on these particular committees. That motion
has been before the House previously.
Mr. Lawlor: But the opposition was ig-
Mr. Deans: Mr. Speaker, if I may, sir,
the matter of substitutions was a matter of
discussion within the committee this morning,
and a decision was reached in the committee
that the chairman would make representation
to the House leader of the government party
to allow limited substitution on all commit-
tees. I think that's probably what the hon.
member for Windsor-Walkerville was talk-
ing about. If not contained in the report of
the committee, it was certainly a decision
of the committee that the chairman would
speak with the House leader of the govern-
ment and ask on behalf of the committee that
some limited substitution be pennitted.
Hon. Mr. Winkler: Mr. Speaker, following
the discussion in the House the other day, I
think I intimated to the hon. members that I
certainly had an open mind on the matter.
When the chairman approaches me we will
discuss the matter and I will report back to
the House.
Mr. Renwick: Is it just a matter for dis-
Report adopted.
Mr. Speaker: Motions.
Introduction of bills.
Hon. Mr. Wells moves first reading of bill
intituled. An Act respecting a Certain Dispute
between the York County Board of Educa-
tion and Certain of its Teachers.
Some hon. members: No!
Some hon. members: Explain!
Mr. Lewis: No. Surely we can have an ex-
Mr. Speaker: We will defer the—
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Mr. Speaker, on a point of
order. The minister was not in for the order
of business entitled government ministerial
statements. Certainly it would be quite in
order to revert, surely, if the minister would
have a statement to make before we are
asked to vote on the bill.
MARCH 12, 1974
Mr. Speaker: If the House is agreeable
I see no reason we shouM not revert and that
the minister should make a statement at this
Hon. T. L. Wells (Minister of Education):
Mr. Speaker, I wish to introduce legislation
today to bring to an end the long dispute and
disruption of educational programmes in the
secondary schools of the York county Board
of Education.
Negotiations relating to the 1973-1974 con-
tract began with York county board and its
secondary school teachers in April, 1973,
which is more than 10 months ago. Free col-
lective bargaining has proceeded through this
extended period, assisted in the latter stages
by the services of a mediator from the Minis-
try of Labour. The past 5% weeks have been
marked by a withdrawal of services by a
majority of York county secondary school
teachers. Unfortunately, because of this situ-
ation, the secondary school students of York
county have been severely disadvantaged due
to their lack of access to a full educational
Mr. Speaker, members will recall that about
667 York county secondary school teachers
took part in a mass resignation last Novem-
ber. These resignations were to have taken
effect on Dec. 31 but as part of an arrange-
ment that affected teachers in several areas
of the province, it was agreed to defer them
until Jan. 31, 1974, in order to allow fur-
ther bargaining to continue.
Bargaining, supported by mediation, did in-
deed continue, but as the Jan. 31 deadline ap-
proached it became apparent that a settlement
was not going to be achieved at that time.
Mr. Terry Mancini, the Ministry of Labour
mediator who had been working with the
York county board and its teachers since
early January, wrote a report and recom-
mendation on the situation on Jan. 30. In it
he said, and I quote:
The writer feels that a settlement could
have been achieved if the matter of pupil -
teacher ratio issue could be resolved. How-
ever, both parties remain adamant and re-
fuse to settle this issue. It is my opinion
that a closing of the schools by either party
is not in the best interests of all concerned
and strongly recommend that the parties
submit this dispute to voluntary arbitra-
As Minister of Education I put the proposal
for voluntary arbitration to both parties at
that time and strongly recommended that this
course be followed in order to keep York
county secondary schools open and operating
normally. Unfortunately, the parties could not
agree on the terms of arbitration and the re-
sult was that the 667 teachers withdrew their
Mr. Speaker, with settlements having been
achieved in all other parts of the province
where mass resignations had been submitted,
it seemed clear to me that the best solution
to the York county situation was to encourage
both parties to negotiate their way out of the
dispute and to reach an agreement between
themselves with the participation of Mr.
Mancini, who continued to provide skilled as-
sistance in keeping negotiations moving for-
Mr. Speaker, I personally spent many hours
dealing with both parties in a concerted effort
to achieve a negotiated setdement. However,
five more weeks passed without significant
progress, with the schools in the meantime
able to provide only minimal progress at best
to their students.
Last Friday, negotiations between the
board and the teachers cleariy reached a state
of impasse, with neither party willing to
adjust its position in a way that would lead
to further meaningful discussions. Therefore,
Mr. Speaker, late Friday evening I again
presented privately to the negotiating teams
of both the teachers and the board a proposal
that they proceed voluntarily to refer the
items remaining in dispute to a board of
Later that evening the chief negotiator of
the board, Mr. Honsberger, indicated the
board's willingness to accept my proposal and
he signed a document to affirm this. The
teachers' negotiating team advised me on
Saturday that it was unwilling to accept the
proposal for voluntary arbitration.
At this 11th hour, Mr. Speaker, with volun-
tary arbitration obviously the most favourable
option open to both parties, I called a further
meeting of teacher and board representatives
on Sunday morning. At this time I formally
presented my proposal for voluntary' arbitra-
tion, the proposal which I tabled in this
House yesterday. Once again, Mr. Speaker,
the chief negotiator for the board signed to
affirm his aceptance and the teachers' negoti-
ating team refused. I asked the teachers to
take another day to consider the proposal
further, but last night they remained un-
changed in their position.
Mr. Speaker, in all good conscience this
government cannot allow this situation to
continue, primarily because of the fact that
students are caught in the middle of a situ-
ation over which they have no control and it
is they who are suffering the consequences
most severely. We have absolutely no alterna-
tive but to bring this stalemate to a con-
This we are doing today with the intro-
duction of legislation designed to settle all
matters remaining in dispute between the
board and its secondary school teachers. In
considering this legislation and the solution
it proposes, responsible persons would do
well to remember very clearly the effects of
these past 5% weeks on the secondary stu-
dents of York county. They have been, de-
prived of about 10 per cent of their school
year. Some York county students may miss
out on scholarships because of the dispute,
and others may find their post-secondary
education plans changed also because of it.
Some students are reported to have dropped
out of school.
Mr. Speaker, the objective of the legisla-
tion is simply to return York county second-
ary schools to normal operation again. Being
realistic, I imagine that it will be variously
interpreted as being anti-teac'her or anti-
board. It is neither. It is pro-student. Students
and their parents have the right to an educa-
tion, and they have been deprived of that
right for too long.
The legislation which we hope will correct
the situation has two main features. It caMs
for teachers to return to school immediately
and for the board of education to resume
their employment. It requires that all items
remaining in dispute be referred to a three-
person board of arbitration for settlement.
Each party will select one member of the
board of arbitration, and these two persons
will jointly select a third person to act as
chairman. If they carmot agree, I, as Minister
of Education, will appoint an independent
and objective person as chairman.
Procedures laid down for the board of
arbitration will ensure fairness in judging the
merits of the arguments put forward by both
the teachers and the board of education.
Both parties will be called upon to write
up their ovm hsts of items they consider to
be in dispute, and the board of arbitration
will be required to look at all items on both
lists and give each party ample opportunity
to state its case on each item.
These aspects of the terms of reference of
the board of arbitration deserve special men-
tion. First, the board must consider pupil-
teacher ratio as an arbitrable item. Second,
the board of education's latest salary offer
must be considered as a floor by the board of
arbitration; and in fact it is implemented by
this legislation, effective September, 1973.
As I have said, Mr. Speaker, I am con-
vinced that this legislation is on bdance
equally fair to both the York county Board
of Education and its secondary school teach-
ers. We are proceeding today because we
feel that such legislation is in the public
interest, and particularly the interests of the
students of York county.
Further, Mr. Speaker, it is my sincere hope
that both parties in York county wiU make
one final effort to reach an agreement through
further negotiations. I stand ready to wi^-
draw this bill at a moment's notice if an
agreement were reached and ratified by both
parties, and communicated to me while we
are debating this bill in this Legislature. But
I would say, Mr. Speaker, we cannot in good
faith wait any longer.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Mr. Speaker, will you
permit a question of clarification? Is the min-
ister in his statement making it clear to the
arbitrator that the pupil-teadher ratio is itself
arbitrable, and not whether or not it should
be an arbitrable item; if the minister gets the
significance of that?
Mr. Lewis: Yes, he is saying that.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: In other words, govern-
ment poHcy is being imposed in that regard
and it reverses the trustees' position.
Hon. Mr. Wells: Mr. Speaker, that is the
intention of the government in this bill. The
section says pupil-teacher ratio is arbitrable
and shall be deemed to be included as a
matter in dispute; and the notice is referred
to in section 1.
Mr. Lewis: May I also ask a point of
clarification? Are there any penalty provisions
in the bill, as the minister has laid it out,
if teachers do not return; or is there a refer-
ence to the acceptance of resignations if they
do not return?
Hon. Mr. Wells: The section says where,
on the application of the board or a teacher,
a judge of the Supreme Court is satisfied
that the board or any teachers failed to com-
ply with section 2, he may make an order
requiring, as the case may be, the board to
employ the teacher who has attempted to
comply with section 2 or the teacher who
has failed to comply with section 2 to resume
his employment with the board, in accord-
ance with this contract of employment in
effect on Jan. 30, 1974.
MARCH 12, 1974
Mr. R. F. Nixon: With your permission,
Mr. Speaker, will the minister make it clear
whether or not his ceilings apply to the
arbitrators in this particular piece of legis-
Hon. Mr. Wells: Mr. Speaker, there is
nothing in this legislation that refers to ceil-
Mr. Lewis: Ceilings are not the problem
Hon. Mr. Wells: It is exactly as the sug-
gestion made for voluntary arbitration that
we talked about here last December. The
arbitrator will consider the issues in dispute
on their merits and bring down an award.
Mr. Speaker: Shall the motion for first
reading of this bill carry?
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Those in favour of first read-
ing of the bill will please say "aye".
Those opposed will please say "nay".
In my opinion the "ayes" have it.
Motion agreed to; first reading of the
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Order. Any further bills?
Orders of the day.
Clerk of the House: The first order, re-
suming the adjourned debate on the amend-
ment to the amendment to the motion for
an address in reply to the speech of the
Honourable the Lieutenant Governor at the
opening of this session.
Mr. Speaker: Order please, the hon. mem-
ber for Beaches-Woodbine has the floor.
Mr. T. A. Wardle (Beaches-Woodbine):
Mr. Speaker, my first remarks in this debate
on the Speech from the Throne are a tribute
to you as the Speaker of this Legislature.
The ofiice of the Speaker is one of honour,
dignity, tradition and of the greatest impor-
tance in the conduct of our parliamentary
system of government. You have carried with
distinction, good humour and fairness this
heavy responsibility, and you are held in
high regard, I am sure, by all members of
this House.
Mr. Speaker, there are a number of im-
portant matters raised in the Speech from
the Throne and hopefully each will be dealt
with during the present session. However,
before speaking on some of these matters I
should like to make a few comments on
previous suggestions I have made in the
Throne Speech debate during the last session
and also in the budget debate at that time.
One of the suggestions that I made in the
Throne Speech debate a year ago was the
necessity of stopping immediately the sale
of recreational land in Ontario to people who
are not Canadian citizens. We know that
already large amounts of recreational land in
Ontario have been bought up by Americans
and people from overseas. This has had the
effect of forcing up prices send, I am
sure, putting out of reach of the average
Canadian the purchase of land in these recrea-
tional areas. This would mean of course that
the title to recreational lands now held by
Americans and others would still be valid
but future sales of new land or lands already
held would be permitted only to Canadian
Mr. Speaker, in the budget debate in the
last session I spoke of the need for assist-
ance to small business. It seems to me that
more and more the business of this province
is going into the hands of big business
enterprises. This trend is alarming indeed
for the small merchant and the small busi-
nessman of this province. These people are
faced with increased taxes, increased rent
on their premises, increased wages, increased
costs of raw materials and general increases in
the cost of doing business. They often lack
the cash resources required today.
Income and corporation taxes take a large
slice of any profits they may realize, which
certainly does not leave enough money for
expansion. It seems many of them are merely
holding their own and many are fighting a
losing battle against the large shopping plazas
which surround suburban areas of many of
the cities and towns in Ontario.
There are several ways that the govern-
ment could help these people: first, by re-
lieving them of some of the tax burden;
second, by providing low-cost loans for re-
habilitation of stores and business premises;
third, by granting them remuneration for
the cost of collecting provincial sales taxes,
and fourth, by offering expert advice when
I suggested before, and I suggest again,
that the government should set up what I
would call an advisory council of independ-
ent businessmen who would act as a haison
between government and small business.
Mr. Speaker, and fellow members, I in-
tend in this debate to present the record
of the government and to state the ad-
vantages and benefits which are contained
in the number of challenging proposals, pro-
grammes and policies of the Throne Speech.
Mr. M. Cassidy (Ottawa Centre): That
\\'ould try even the member's imagination.
Mr. E. W. Martel (Sudbury East): He
shouldn't embarrass himself.
Mr. Wardle: I want to speak at some
length about the imaginative and innovative
proposals contained in the Throne Speech
related to housing, consumer protection,
correctional services-
Mr. Cassidy: Oh, come on, we don't
believe it.
Mr. Wardle: —programmes for small
businesses, and new developments for day-
care centres.
Mr. Cassidy: I must have been in some
other chamber the day of the speech.
Mr. Wardle: But before I proceed to
launch into specifics of these public policy
issues, there is an urgent need to consider,
on a broader perspective and a wider scale,
the purposes and goals of these programmes
and policies contained in the Throne Speech.
What underlies the proposals and policies
of the Throne Speech? It is a philosophy of
concern for the individual citizen in Ontario.
The government believes that policies must
always be designed to assist and encourage
the individual to function effectively and
creatively in a free society; to develop the
skills necessary for him or her to reach
his or her full potential; to encourage a
climate of individual initiative and in-
dependence free of increasing regulation and
regimentation from a variety of social and
economic institutions, and yet provide a
sufficient number of buffer zones and
mechanisms for peoople to act freely from
discrimination and suppression.
Mr. Cassidy: The member is reading it
very effectively. It must have been written
by a Harvard speech writer.
Mr. Wardle: It is the underlying philosophy
of the government to continue to emphasize
these principles and to see to it that these
principles constitute the thrust of implemen-
tation in the programmes and policies of
this Throne Speech.
It is also important to remind hon. mem-
bers that the government is consciously
aware of the principles of balance which
needs to be continually maintained between
the affairs and activities of the private
sector and the public sector. Unhealthy,
dangerous and unwise would be the most
descriptive terms to define the state of man's
affairs when government tends to encroach
continuously on the private actions of
citizens and groups.
As Progressive Conservatives, our philosophy
is suitably attuned to understand and
appreciate the sensitivities of all Ontario
Mr. P. D. Lawlor (Lakeshore): The gov-
ernment intervenes much too much these
Mr. Wardle: —in not \\'anting to realize a
trend of growing government involvement and
participation in our economy and society that
lacks coherent direction, meets specific objec-
tives and responds to well-dtefined needs of
our citizenr)'.
What we, as Progressive Conservatives,
attach considerable importance to is the role
of the individual-
Mr. Lawlor: The member is one of the last
true Progressive Conservatives.
Mr. Wardle: —in a complex urban and in-
dustrial world, in helping and assisting him
or her not just to cope with massive change,
but to function freely, effectively and
I Mr. Speaker, now to the government's pro-
grammes and policies. First, housing.
As I have mentioned previously, the gov-
ernment's concern for the rolte of the indi-
vidual in Ontario's society is based on assist-
ing and encouraging him or her to make a
significant contribution to the individual's de-
velopment and to society.
With this basic objective in mind, the gov-
ernment has undertaken several new initia-
tives to meet the housing problem. One of
these major initiatives aimounced recently
by the government was the Ontario Home
Renewal Programme. The major purpose of
this new programme is to assist residents in
municipalities in retaining and updating
existing housing stock where the federal
Neighbourhood Improvement Programme and
the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Pro-
gramme do not apply as defined by Central
Mortgage and Housing Corp.
The form of this provincial assistance will
be in the form of municipal grants; low-
interest loans amounting to approximately $10
million. The funds will be divided on a per
capita basis of $4 for municipalities of 5,000
MARCH 12, 1974
population or less; $3 per capita for cities
between 5,000 and 100,000; and $2 per
capita to cities of more than 100,000.
The other significant feature of this pro-
gramme is that there is no maximum or mini-
mum on the grants and loans, thus permitting
the municipalities to have as much flexibility
built into the programme as is possible.
Administration is to be central at the
regional and local levels. It is but one more
example of the government's strong and sin-
cere effort to decentralize the operation of a
provincial programme and attests' to our en-
deavours to make municipal government vital
and decisive— despite rather unfounded claims
of current critics.
I know what the Ontario task force on
housing recommended. I also know that the
government has a number of policy options
in the housing field under consideration and
review. I would trust that among these options
to minimize the housing problems are the
possibilities of providing loan assistance to
families for purchasing land on which mobile
homes could be placed— that is in certain
sections of Ontario. I realize that high land
costs and very restrictive zoning regulations
presently prohibit mobile homes from being
considered as' a viable housing alternative.
Another innovative measure that could be
considered at least in parts of Ontario would
be to study the possibility of using shell hous-
ing as an answer to the critical housing short-
age. Recent reports indicate that the shell
housing concept has met with some reason-
able success in Atlantic Canada. I realize that
some substantial modification) of the concept
would be required to be useful in large urban
markets, particularly in light of the fact that
low l^nd costs and a high handyman's tradi-
tion have combined to assist in making this
type of housing useful in Atlantic Canadia.
I would like also to congratulate the gov-
ernment for implementing the proposal for
the new Ministry of Housing. In its' very short
existence, the housing ministry has already
proved its real worth in the new and exciting
programmes which it has undertaken.
Certainly, we on this side of the House
understand the very vital role of the private
sector in implementing new housing pro-
grammes, in its expertise in providing a wide
range of choices for consumers.
We should not dictate to the private sector
in order to meet the housing probfem, but
instead use a co-operative approach and
partnership basis to meet housing needs. Con-
frontation and dictation to the housing indus^
try are not the most satisfactory method of
resolving the problem, whether it is getting
the private sector to build more condominiums
or involvement in the rent supplement pro-
I am interested, Mr. Speaker, in the new
initiatives and the rejuvenating of urban areas
in this province. I note that in Ontario last
year 100,000 housing units were started.
However, I note that many older units were
destroyed in older neighbourhoods to provide
this new housing.
I welcome the suggestion that the provin-
cial government enter into full consultation
with municipal authorities in providing a new
programme to be called the Ontario Home
Renewal Programme. As already mentioned,
the present federal RRAP programme pro-
vides low-interest, partly forgivable loans to
homeowners, landlords and non-profit hous-
ing corporations under certain conditions; but
only within areas designated for funding
under the Neighbourhood Improvement Pro-
gramme. Non-profit housing, however, can
get this aid despite its location.
This has had the effect of barring some
homeowners and landlords from receiving
needed help because their homes are not
located in a designated area. They feel that
they are being discriminated against and,
after all, they are. Through their taxes they
are helping to pay the cost of this type of
programme. When they are paying the cost,
they should have, if they qualify, the benefits
that come through this or any other type of
I believe this programme would be bene-
ficial to many people owning homes in my
riding. Beaches-Woodbine riding has many
homes that were constructed 50 to 75 years
ago. Although many are well kept, others
are in need of rehabilitation in order to
bring them up to acceptable housing stand-
The city of Toronto has had for many
years a home inspection programme. When
matters affecting health and safety are
found, the homeowner is required to make
the necessary repairs. The city provides low-
cost loans when this is necessary. However,
some people, especially older people, find it
very diflficult to pay for such improvements.
It seems to me that a programme of grants
would be helpful to them.
There is another matter that also affects
homeowners that has concerned me over
many years. That is the matter of how a
homeowner goes about getting necessary re-
pairs done to the satisfaction of city oflB-
cials, especially, Mr. Speaker, in these days
of high costs of materials and labour.
I developed my interest in this matter
when I was a member of Toronto city coun-
cil. The city does assist homeowners on re-
quest in commenting on tenders submitted
for necessary repairs. I know that some own-
ers, when they are faced with a long list of
repairs to be made, are not able to cope
with the situation and put the house up for
sale, which just puts the problem on to the
new owner. If they cannot do the work
themselves, what do they do to comply?
We all know of home repairmen who take
large sums of money from elderly home-
owners for repairs which may or may not
be done in the proper manner. These so-
called businessmen approach persons at the
door, telling them they have facilities to
repair a roof or a chimney or to do other
outside repair work, telling them of the con-
sequences that would ensue if the work is
not done. If the owner agrees to have the
work done, which is, say, the repairing of a
roof or a chimney, how can an elderly per-
son climb a ladder to see if indeed the roof
has been done properly?
Home repairmen who actually do renova-
tions and buildings and repairs are required,
when operating in Metropolitan Toronto, to
have licences issued by the Metropolitan
Licensing Commission. Those who do paint-
ing and non-building types of work do not
require a licence. Mr. Speaker, I have a
number of people in my area who have
been placed in a very difficult financial posi-
tion by the operations of certain home reno-
vating business people. I have had cases
where people have been taken for hundreds
of dollars by such home repairmen who are
operating without a licence.
I continually tell homeowners that before
agreeing to such work, they should obtain
the Metro licence number of these people
and check with the Better Business Bureau
before signing any contract or agreeing to
have any work done. When the homeowners
have paid out money for this work, which
later turns out to be unsatisfactory, or they
have been charged for work which has not
been properly done, the only recourse they
have is to sue in a civil court for the return
of their money.
How could an 80-year-old woman living
alone institute a court action to recover
money taken from her in this way and even
pursue it through legal aid?
Another thing done especially to elderly
people is to offer to clean out the basement
and to throw out all the junk. I have had
cases where repairmen have done this sort
of work and the basement is probably clear-
ed, and the owner does not realize that this
so-called junk does not go to the garbage dump,
but indeed goes to second-hand merchants
who are often able to obtain quite high prices
for the sale of this type of article now being
called an antique.
What should be done in the circumstances
that I have described? Mr. Speaker, I would
make four suggestions. First, give the munici-
palities the power to license throughout On-
tario people engaged in home rehabilitation,
whether they are doing renovating, repairs
or painting.
Two, when home repairs are required by
municipal authorities, the authority should
contact the homeowners and assist in setting
out tenders and approving prices on work
to be done. It should follow up the progress
of the work and approve the quality of the
work before the final bills are paid.
Three, draw up and approve grants and/
or low-interest loans, depending on the cir-
cumstances of the homeowner.
Four, institute legal action on behalf of the
homeowner to recover funds obtained by
fraudulent means and provide stiff penalties
for home renovators, persons or firms who do
not live up to standards set.
I bring this up at this particular time when
spring will soon be on the way, when this
type of operator is knocking on doors, especi-
ally in large metropolitan areas. I should add,
however, Mr. Speaker, that most firms or
persons in this field are honest and hard work-
We should remember, as we move here in
this province toward the recognition that,
while we need and require more new hous-
ing, it is important also to maintain and im-
prove our present housing stock. This pro-
gramme will provide much needed work for
the building industry; but let us do all we
can to ensure that the homeowner will not
be jeopardized as he takes steps to improve
his own property.
Mr. Speaker, another matter of serious con-
cern to homeowners in my riding and in ad-
jacent ridings, and indeed in other communi-
ties throughout the province, is the damage
being done to houses and buildings by the
insect known as the termite. No one seems to
know when this insect was first brought to
Ontario, but it did appear about 30 years or
so ago in the eastern part of the city of
MARCH 12, 1974
This is an insect that has its nest in the
ground and exists by living on wood fibres.
The nest is on the outside of a building, but
by the building of ingenious tunnels they
work their way through the foundation of the
house, eating away at the foundations and
woodwork until, in some houses at least, the
building is in danger of collapse. Some of the
smaller houses in my riding were built many
years ago on cedar posts and have suffered
considerable damage from this insect. This
insect is able to penetrate through cement
blocks, if they are not properly laid and
treated and have openings that the insect can
get through.
Examination of these houses shows the tun-
nels leading from the nest into the wood-
work of the home, and solid I'umber is over a
period of time hollowed out as the insect
does its work. There is a way, however, to
combat this infestation. The insect must re-
turn to the nest daily in order to live. By
digging a trench around the house and by
treating the walls, this prevents the re-entry
of the termite.
Through my efforts several years ago, To-
ronto city council recognized this as a serious
problem to homeowners and passed a bylaw
in co-operation with the provincial govern-
ment in order to help these homeowners so
affected. A grant is now made to a home-
owner who applies for assistance. The bill
for an average home to do the necessary
treatment runs between $500 and $600. This
is shared 50 per cent by the homeowner, 25
per cent by the municipality and 25 per cent
by the province.
I suggested several years ago, and I sug-
gest now to the minister in charge of the
Ontario Housing Corp., who is responsible
for this programme, that this formula should
be changed. In addition to his share of the
grant, the homeowner has the cost of re-
pairing the damage already done to his home,
which often amounts to a considerable
amount of money. My suggestion— and this
would be a real help in the rehabilitation of
older houses, especially in certain areas— is
that the homeowner's share should be re-
duced to 25 per cent. The municipality should
pay 25 per cent and the provincial govern-
ment should bear 50 per cent of the total
cost. This wouM be a definite and immediate
step to help the homeowner improve and
maintain his property.
Mr. Speaker, I should like also to mention
consumer protection. As all members of this
Legislature realize, there has been a tre-
mendous upsurge of the consumer movement
in recent years. Consumers are increasingly
aware of the growing sophistication of the
marketplace and the diverse range of products
which have come on to the market in the
last few years. It is, therefore, most im-
portant for the consumer and the business-
man of any size of enterprise to realize that a
viable, fair and efficient market relationship
develop between the buyer and the seller.
Ontario has been notably in the forefront
of effective consumer protection legislation
in North America. The government has
pioneered in such diverse fields as the fair
regulation of the real estate industry through
the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act;
amendments to the Insurance Act; and intro-
duction of the Consumer Reporting Act as
well as the usefufeess of the Consumer Pro-
tection Bureau.
Legislation in the areas of warranties and
guarantees will be introduced during this
What the public wants to know about this
legislation is its purpose, the principles on
which it will operate and the scope and
authority of the legislation. Certainly, the
basic objective of the legislation is to protect
the interests of both the consumer and the
businessman in the many business trans-
actions which characterize the sophisticated
and complicated marketplace.
Underlying the warranties and guarantees
legislation are these basic principles:
1. Encouragement of consumers and pro-
ducers to resolve as many as possible
warranty-related problems on a mutually
satisfying basis;
2. The eflBcient use of resources to resolve
problems rather than adding costs to industry
and the taxpayer;
3. The costs of operations should not ex-
ceed the benefits;
4. Enhancement of responsibility for prod-
ucts between manufacturer and retailer;
5. Fairness of treatment between producer
and consumer.
iWhat the government wants to achieve is a
system which removes the constant necessity
of government to intervene in' the market-
place, and thereby to devel'op a fair and more
realistic consumer marketplace for all On-
tario citizens.
Mr. Speaker, I have spoken in the past in
some detail about the plight of the small
businessman, so often ignored in the past by
government and other sectors of the economic
Mr. F. Laughren (Nickel Belt): Always
ignored. Always.
Mr. Wardle: rm most gratified to see that
the government will be introducing significant
legislation with respect to unfair trade and
business practices. Ideally, the approach to
be taken in these matters is not to establish
regulations and standards which tend to hurt
the small businessman and to consume his
valuable time in report-writing activities, but
to promote effective ongoing and co-operative
relationships between government and busi-
What I am advocating is positive regula-
tion of business associations instead of re-
strictive and narrow measures designed to
frustrate the individual businessman. What
we need in Ontario is greater managerial and
trading assistance programmes for the indi-
vidual businessman to foster his skills and
improve his productivity, positive measures
which I know the government will consider.
Mr. Speaker, I would like to speak for a
few moments on the matter of correctional
services, which I know is a matter of great
interest to all members of this House. I want
to commend the government for its farsighted
and progressive measures to assist the adult
and juvenile offender. These measures include
improved integration of group homes, proba-
tion and institutional services, thus ensuring
better co-operation with all agencies of the
community. By placing juveniles in training
schools closer to their homes-
Mr. Martel: Banish them.
Mr. Wardle: —we remove some of the pres-
sures and strains placed on the juvenile in an
ahen environment.
Mr. Martel: Outlaw them.
Mr. Wardle: In this way, greater interaction
between the training school and the home
will assist the rehabilitation chances of the
young offender. Through this process greater
community resources can be marshalled in the
rehabilitation of the young offender.
Hon. members should be aware of the
exciting, very personal and meaningful pros-
pects of personal development for adult
offenders in the rehabilitation process. The
government intends to promote the further
development of small community-based adult
residences for rehabilitation linked with the
temporary absence programme and improved
employment prospects for adult offenders in
the northern areas of the province.
Another innovative feature of the cor-
rectional services responsibility is a proposal
to involve inmates serving short terms in an
effective employment programme with private
The terms of the proposal in effect mean
a simulation of working conditions related to
what actually happens in society. Inmates
chosen for this programme would receive
competitive wages compared to those in the
real work force. These types of programmes
offer continuing and improved prospects to
inmates to return to society able and wilHng
to contribute fully to it.
I believe it is worth detailing some of the
other developments which are under way in
our correctional services system.
One of the more interesting and intriguing
experiments which went into operation last
year was the Camp Bison programme. The
essential ingredients were a well-prepared
course of action for correctional officers, who
are involved in learning about the social
pressures and situations that create the type
of conformity displayed by most inmates. The
experimental programme is designed to break
down the subculture and help the inmates to
think for themselves and to communicate
positively with the correctional officers trained
to help them.
The temporary absence programme remains
the basic vehicle for rehabilitating inmates.
Depending upon the type of offence which
the inmate committed, his educational level
and otiier important factors, temporary leaves
can be devised to meet an inmate's particular
need for educational and personal improve-
Through these innovative and experimental
programmes, correctional serxices have
assumed a new social dimension. Keeping in-
mates confined is more costly to our society
in the long run than assisting inmates and
helping them to lead useful lives upon their
return to society.
The government is to be commended for its
forward-looking and progressive corrections
Mr. Speaker, on the matter of daycare
centres the government is intimatelv con-
cerned with the proper social and personal
development of the children of Ontario. To-
day's youngsters will be tomorrow's leaders.
We must constantly strive to provide the sup-
port facilities and programmes to realize that
kind of promise.
It was only last year that the Minister of
Community and Social Services (Mr.
Brunelle) presented legislation for our con-
sideration that would extend grants and sub-
sidies to individual corporations or classes of
MARCH 12, 1974
corporations, and widen the base of financial
support to working mothers whose chfldren
require safe and proper care during her work
day to prevent her from worrying about their
situation. We are told that regulations Avill be
announced in a few days and a programme
will be under way. Mr. Speaker, I am merely
stating positive programmes of this govern-
ment that I am sure even the Liberals and
the NDP can fully support.
Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposi-
tion): There is not a single member of the
government here.
Mr. M. Gaunt ( Huron-Bruce ) : Nobody be-
lieves it but the member.
Mr. Wardle: This government believes in
positive programmes.
Mr. Martel: Now if the member had said
"banned, outlawed."
Mr. Wardle: Mr. Speaker, I listened all
Mr. D. C. MacDonald (York South): And
he learned a lot, too.
Mr. Wardle: —to the Leader of the Opposi-
tion and the leader of the NDP ( Mr. Lewis ) ,
and 1 didn't hear any positive programme of
what their parties stand for. I'm still at a
loss to know What they stand for.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: How can he say that?
Mr. Wardle: At least the government does
have a positive programme that the members
of this government support.
Mr. Martel: What is it?
Mr. R. F. Nixon: We have a solution to
the housing problems but evidently the gov-
ernment is not very interested in the mem-
ber's alternatives. There is nobody here.
Mr. Wardle: In the Throne Speech the
government is proposing a series of measures
to supply high-priority resources for those
groups whose needs are still to be met; in-
cluding the establishment of new programmes
of assistance for community co-operative day-
care centres for low-income areas, for handi-
capped children and native children. It speaks
of our deep and abiding interest in reaching
out to assist those seriously disadvantaged and
to permit them to share in the resources of
our productive economv.
Mr. Martel: One hundred and fifty-one
dollars a month.
Mr. Wardle: Mr. Speaker, often critics
accuse us of an absence of social commitment
and social action for the disadvantaged sector
of Ontario society. These same critics pro-
claim that the government does not possess a
socially coherent philosophy for the indivi-
dual. Naturally these claims are unfounded.
The Throne Speech offers a significant packet
of economic and social measures designed to
meet the needs of the disadvantaged. This
Progressive Conservative government seeks to
resolve problems and citizens' concerns
positively and responsibly.
Mr. Martel: Why doesn't the member see
what is in the bloody book before he gets up
and gives oif such prattle?
Mr. Speaker: Order, please.
Mr. Wardle: Mr. Speaker, I listened yester-
day afternoon to the leader of the NDP, and
I have never heard such a negative approach
to the problems of this province.
Mr. MacDonald: It was not negative at all.
The member wasn't listening.
Mr. Wardle: Most of his speech had to do
with food prices. And surely the fanners of
Ontario are not taken in by the policv of the
Mr. Martel: Guaranteed income in BC for
Mr. Wardle: The farmers of this province
have a very, very low price for their products.
This is the policy of the NDP—
Mr. Martel: The chain stores have a very
low price for farm produce.
Mr. W^ardle: —to keep the wages of
farmers down. I don't think, Mr, Speaker,
that many farmers in Ontario are making
very much money today. I don't think the
public of Ontario worry too much if the
price of food rises a little, if they know
the farmer himself is getting a better income
than he has had in the past; and the only
way we are going to keep farmers on the
land, in my opinion, is to make certain that
they get a decent return for their work.
Speaking further about the remarks of
the leader of the NDP on food prices and
inflation, and what inflation is doing, his
party in Ottawa has the power to bring
down the present government in Ottawa
which is responsible for many aspects of in-
Mr. Martel: Except on the Food Prices
Review Board, the hon. member's colleague
voted with the Liberals.
Mr. Wardle: If they were sincere-
Mr. Martel: They voted with the Liberals
on the Food Prices Review Board. The hon.
member should learn that before he gets
up and beats his gums off.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please.
Mr. Wardle: If they were sincere in their
wish to help Canadians, it would not in-
clude co-operating with the Liberal federal
government in maintaining the present
Liberal policies.
Mr. Martel: The Conservatives voted
against the Food Prices Review Board with
the power to roll back prices.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. Other mem-
bers will have an opportunity to enter the
debate later.
Mr. Martel: Well, tell him to tell the
Mr. Speaker: Order, please.
Mr. Wardle: Mr. Speaker, I prepared my
remarks not wishing to say anything against
the opposition, whether it be the Liberals
or the NDP. But I'm moved at this time to
say a few things. It seems to me that as
far as the NDP in Ottawa are concerned,
they can bring down this Liberal govern-
ment any time they wish to do so.
Mr. MacDonald: They had three chances
in the Tory party and they muffed them.
Mr. Wardle: And if they are worried about
inflation, as was the leader of the NDP
yesterday, they should bring down the
present government and put in a government
led by Mr. Stanfield, who would do some-
thing about inflation.
Mr. Martel: That would be a disaster!
An hon. member: How is the hon. mem-
ber doing with his federal riding these
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Speaker: Order, please.
Mr. J. F. Foulds (Port Arthur): The
federal Tory party is the only albatross I
know with an ancient mariner around his
Mr. Speaker: Order, please. The member
for Beaches-Woodbine has the floor.
Mr. Wardle: Mr. Speaker, before I con-
clude my remarks, I would like to say this:
I was in this House for a good part of the
speech of the Leader of the Opposition.
I was in this House yesterday and listening,
without any interruption at all, to the
leader of the NDP. Surely, when a govern-
ment member gets up to speak, the mem-
bers of the NDP could at least offer the
same courtesy as government members offer
the opposition.
Mr. MacDonald: Oh, having provoked in-
terruptions now he is crying about them.
Mr. Foulds: The hon. member should be
flattered that we consider him important
enough to heckle.
Mr. Wardle: Mr. Speaker, I am sure that
my final remarks will meet with the atten-
tion that I think they deserve, and I'm sure
that all the members of the House will agree
with them.
Mr. Foulds: Why are all the Tories leav-
Mr. R. G. Hodgson (Victoria-Haliburton):
The hon. member opposite has just come
An hon. member: He just came in.
Mr. Wardle: Mr. Speaker, in my final
remarks I should like to express my words
of gratitude for the fine way in which the
Lieutenant Governor of this province, the
Honourable W. Ross Macdonald, has served
as the representative in Ontario of our gra-
cious sovereign. Queen Elizabeth.
Mr. Foulds: Well said.
Mr. Wardle: He has conducted himself
with dignity, great ability and with a dedica-
tion to his duties. His term of oflBce has
enhanced the honourable oflBce that he holds.
I know that the people of Ontario will look
forward to welcoming His Honoiur's succes-
sor. Dr. Pauline A. McGibbon.
Whilst speaking of the oflBce of Lieuten-
ant Governor, I would like to express my
hope that serious consideration will be given
by the govenmient to provide a home in
Toronto for our lieutenant governors. This
was formerly the practice, and I see no
reason why this policy should not be re-
Nearly every province in this Dominion
has a government house. Many of my con-
stituents have expressed their agreement with
this proposal. I feel certain that good use
would be made of such a facility, especially
as Ontario is increasingly serving as host to
MARCH 12, 1974
visiting organizations and dignitaries from
other parts of Canada, the British Common-
wealth and foreign comi tries. Such a home
would also allow members of our royal fam-
ily to stay there and to entertain and wel-
come our citizens in a dignified setting.
Every resident of Ontario will be looking
forward with great anticipation to the visit
this June to Ontario and Quebec of Her
Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen
Mr. Martel: Don't include me in that.
Mr. Wardle: Her Majesty is held in high
regard by our citizens, especially by those
who remember the fine example she and her
husband, our late sovereign. King George
VI, set during the perilous days of World
War n. When the light of freedom had
nearly been extinguished in Europe and our
western civilization was in danger, our King
and Queen were able to rally our people and
those who love freedom everywhere to fight
against those who would have buried the
great heritage of freedom which has sus-
tained us through the centuries.
I know that the people of Ontario and
Quebec will offer Her Majesty a warm re-
ception. We know the personal sacrifice that
such a position requires and the complete
dedication of Her Majesty to her duties. I
hope that the school boards will, in advance
of the Queen Mother's visit, bring to the
attention of students the importance of the
constitutional monarchy in our system of
government and will declare at least part of
the day a holiday when Her Majesty visits
their coinmunities.
Mr. Foulds: We can't close the schools.
Mr. Wardle: I am most impressed, Mr.
Speaker, by the large numbers of our young
people who want to learn more about our
constitutional monarchy and its present and
future role in our parliamentary system. This
interest has been especially sparked by the
overwhelmingly successful visit last June of
our sovereign Queen Elizabeth. Her Majesty
was greeted with great enthusiasm by Cana-
dians of all ethnic backgrounds.
We must not forget that constitutional
monarchy is respected not only by those of
British and French descent but by people
who have come here from all parts of the
world. Many of the critics of the monarchy
tend to forget that the system of monarchy
is also a respected institution in many coun-
tries from which Canada's iiimiigration has
When our newest citizens swear allegiance
to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs
and successors, they come to realize that the
monarchy is the oldest of Canada's political
institutions having come down to Canadians
through 1,146 years of political development.
These new Canadians also realize and appre-
ciate the fact that our constitutional mon-
archy provides Canadians with the greatest
constitutional safeguard against communism
or any other form of totalitarian government
or dictatorship.
The most essential and distinctive institu-
tions of the Canadian government and the
ultimate defences of the constitution are
based on the position and powers of the
Crown. The^e include the whole of the
executive power of the government of the
day, the cabinet system, the principle of
responsibility, and the ultimate assurance
that the genuine popular will shall prevail.
To a democratic people, the monarchical form
of government testifies to the ability of that
people to develop a responsive political sys-
tem from an authoritarian feudal structure
without passing through the violence ot
revolution. The constitutional monarchy has
a proud record in the development of the
Canadian nation.
Mr. Foulds: Hasn't the member ever
heard of Cromwell?
Mr. Wardle: How fortunate we are to
have as our sovereign a most gracious lady
who, by her example, has endorsed high
Mr. Foulds: So Cromwell was a Commie?
Mr. Wardle: —and has encouraged the
worthwhile traditions—
Hon. E. A. Winkler (Chairman, Manage-
ment Board of Cabinet): The member
shouldn't show his ignorance.
Mr. Foulds: He doesn't even know who
Cromwell was.
Mr. Wardle: —so many of which vitally
reflect the better aspects of civilized be-
haviour and living.
Her Majesty has carried out her royal
duties with dignity and zeal and has truly
carried out her promise to her people in 1953
that, to their service, she would give her
heart and soul every day of her life.
Mr. G. Nixon (Dovercourt): How true.
Mr. Wardle: Mr. Speaker, how proud we
are to be Canadians and to live in Ontario,
this great province of opportunity.
Mr. P. G. Givens (York-Forest Hill): Mr.
Speaker, I rise to participate in this annual
ritual of reply to the Throne Speech which
ushers in the rites of spring. As I rise to
speak, I don't know whether to cry or to
laugh because in my entire public career
()\ er the past 25 or 30 years I think I have
spoken in cities all over Canada, some in the
United States, some in other parts of the
world, but never before have I risen to speak
imder circumstances such as these, when the
complete vista in front of me is totally
Mr. D. M. Deacon (York Centre): Even
though there are people sitting over there.
Mr. Givens: Even when there are people
sitting there, it's usually blank. The House
leader just sat down, called over the hon.
member for Riverdale (Mr. Ren wick)— and
now another member has just walked in—
so I won't have to look at a totally blank
I don't think Tm ever going to get used
to this sort of a situation, Mr. Speaker. I have
no speech to read. That's probably where I
made the mistake. I should have a speech
writer write me a speech which I can read
Mr. J. R. Breithaupt (Kitchener): The
Minister of Education (Mr. Wells) might
have one.
Mr. Givens: Probably they have a better
system in the United States where they just
hand in their speeches and get them printed
in the Congressional Record.
The members have just received a raise,
I would have thought that when members in
the House get up to speak during a Throne
Speech debate that there would be more
people sitting here to listen to them— because
making a speech is a product of the heart
and the soul and the mind. You use your
mouth to articulate it, but you would like to
feel that you are communicating with people.
I don't care whether people agree with
me or whether they disagree with me, or if
they want to boo or if they want to jeer at
me or if they want to scorn me.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: We want to hear the
hon. member.
Mr. Givens: But at least a member of this
Legislature should have an opportunity to
speak to human beings— and not just to be
rea:l in Hansard. Not that I am that immodest
that I feel that I have anything to say that
is of such great importance, or that the man-
ner in which I will say it will be so enter-
taining that it should enrapture those who
sit here— but good heavens, Mr. Speaker, what
is the purpose of making a speech? God has
given us mouths and tongues with which to
articulate for the purpose of communicating
with one another. How do we communicate
when we sit in a chamber like this where
there is hardly a quorum?
I think maybe a quorum has just appeared
right now of 20 members. But as Sam Ray-
burn said, "In order to get along you must
go along," and my leader and the House
leader have said that I have to participate in
this annual ritual of replying to the Speech
from the Throne. So here I am. I shall do
Mr. J. E. Stokes (Thunder Bay): The mem-
ber shouldn't trouble himself.
Mr. Givens: I shall use my ability to reply
to the Speech from the Throne.
Interjection by an hon. member.
Mr. Givens: Well, Mr. Speaker, the hon.
member says I shouldn't trouble myself. I
hope that I am not being interpreted in that
light; but really, what is the purpose of talk-
ing if you are not communicating with some-
body? Let me tell the hon. member that in
council we had people who sat there and
they listened— and you turned them on or you
turned them off and you could persuade them
about something. Now we know very well
that nobody is going to persuade anybody
around here of anything. The Juggernaut will
roll on and we just participate. It's sort of a
hypocritical ritual really when it comes down
to it.
An hon. member: Storm the barricades!
Mr. Givens: Anyway, having said that, I
want to deal with some of the issues— well,
there's no point in storming the barricades.
Hon. A. Grossman (Provincial Secretary for
Resources Development): We are listening to
the member.
Mr. Givens: Well, it's really frustrating any-
way. I thank those members who are here.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Givens: I know that there is nothing
the members are going to learn from me,
but at least it's comforting to know that
some of them are friendly enough to sit here
even though some of them are busy reading
the newspapers, or their mail—
MARCH 12, 1974
Mr. MacDonald: It's a challenge to the
mem her for York-Forest Hill.
Mr. Givens: —or indulging in other things,
such as consulting with one another. How-
Mr. R. D. Kennedy (Peel South): Could I
leave for a couple of minutes?
Mr. Givens: My leader—
An hon. member: Sit down!
Mr. Givens: My leader and the hon. leader
of the NDP made much of the fact, and right-
ly so, that there is nothing in this Throne
Speech that says anything in particular about
the subject of inflation, which is supposed
to be so important to everybody living in this
province and, indeed, in this whole country.
I sometimes think that the reason why gov-
ernments—both federal and provincial— are not
doing anything about inflation is because they
don't want to do anything about inflation.
I feel that there is almost sort of an un-
conscious or a subconscious deliberate con-
spiracy not to deal with inflation. And I'll tell
the members why. Because I think a large
sector of our population benefits from infla-
I think there are professional people, there
are business people, there are strongly or-
ganized union members in the big unions, in
the strong unions— not the underprivilteged
people who aren't organized— who benefit
from a httle bit of inflation, because it is
like a little bit of intoxication. It's euphoric.
It's liuoyant.
I know many people in business who are
benefiting by virtue of the fact that they
have acquired debt. They have bought ma-
chinery or equipment and they are paying it
off in half-dollar bills, so to speak, because
their debt has shrunk in relation to the infla-
tion that has taken place at the rate of from
8 to 10 per cent a year- and probably in
1974 it will be greater.
It isn't only a matter of the big corporations
or the big companies. A lot of small people
benefit from inflation, and they are happy to
have this situation continue. And the govern-
ments are copping out and they are opting
The provincial governments blame the fed-
eral government. The federal government
l^lames the UN, international affairs— all kinds
of things. Everything is being attributed to
the oil shortage today, from the price of
gasoline for cars to sexual impotency.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: W ho is dealing with that?
Mr. Givens: They are copping out. The
people they are not dealing with are the little
people, the kind of people the hon. member
thinks he represents, who are involved in a
bit of a ripoff here and there. A member of
the NDP got up yesterday and read into the
record a long list of properties in areas which
I used to consider my turf when I was a kid
— Markham St., Clinton St., Niagara St. and
all those streets where working people live.
As for these values that members have heard
of, of people who had these houses on these
various streets, these are people from
factories. These are people that I worked with
in the steel mills and in the packing houses
of this city and these are the people who
Mr. Foulds: Markham St.?
Mr. Givens: Yes, sir.
Mr. Foulds: Honest Ed has a place there.
Mr. Givens: One of the reasons why these
properties are going up in vallie is that many
of these properties are income producing.
Many of these people have boarders. They
are not supposed to have them in many cases
but they have boardbrs or they rent out
accommodation. They get a certain amount of
income, which they don't declare on their
income taxes, and this helps them ward off
It would be interesting if the member sent
his research workers on the job of looking up
the assessment roles of these respective prop-
erties. I will wager that he will find that the
assessed values of these houses havai't
changed in 20 or 25 years. They are probably
paying realty taxes on values that were estab-
lished by the assessment people about 20 or
25 years ago. If one were to reassess them—
and I wish the Minister of Revenue (Mr.
Meen) were here-it wouM probably take
about 10 years to reassess them, and by the
time he got all the reassessments finished,
they would probably be out of date as well.
It's interesting that the leader of the NDP
pours scorn on these developers and these
companies and that he talks about their lack-
ing a moral obligation. Many of the de-
velopers, or these companies tiiat he talked
about yesterday, were people who were
bom and grew up on these streets and in
these houses that he talked about yesterday.
Mr. Foulds: That still doesn't excuse it.
Mr. Givens: They had social obligations.
Manv of them were socialists or many of
them were members of the CCF. As a matter
of fact, I know a couple of them who ran as
provincial candidates for the NDP and some
of them were even further left than that.
I remember coming into the gallery here
when I was a student at the school across the
street and Joe Salsberg was sitting here and
A. A. MacLeod, representing the Labour Pro-
gressive Party. They were the people who
represented these poor struggling developers
who have become these ogres that the mem-
ber accuses tod^y of lacking social obligations.
They think that they are fulfilHng their social
obligations. They sit on hospital boards, on
charitable institutions, philanthropic institu-
tions, and cultural organizations. These are
the member's people, and some still picture
themselves as NDPers.
I don't justify it, but in all fairness, many
of them have fathers who were socialists in
the old country and had to escape the coun-
tries that they came from in order to live in
these places that the member talks about.
Mr. Foulds: Mr. Speaker, we have no
comer on virtue. We never have claimed it.
We have the member for High Park (Mr.
Shulman) after all.
Mr. Givens: It is the same thing with the
price of food.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Don't say that when he is
in the House.
Mr. Givens: It is not enough to talk about
inflation in housing and food. The same thing
apphes to recreation and entertainment. You
go out to buy a hockey stick for a kid or a
pair of skates or a jersey or, if you want to
move into the aristocracy of the boaters, you
buy a canoe or a rowboat or a sailboat, and
it is just preposterous what has been happen-
Mr. R. F. Nixon: One of those little items
that sleeps six.
Mr. Givens: It is absolutely ridiculous. As
far as housing is concerned, the leader of the
NDP says, "We will buy the land from the
developers at the price that they pay for it
and we will pay them that value and we will
pay them holding costs." Well, that's very
generous of them, certainly a great dfeal more
generous than what the Tories are doing.
This government went ahead on a parkway
belt and just zoned down property and
they've confiscated the property and given
the people nothing for it. So thanks for
small blessings, if this is what the leader of
the NDP is going to do.
Then he's going to provide cheap mortgage
money at six per cent from the provincial
savings accounts of the people who have
their pension funds in the provincial savings
account. They're going to give out mortgages
at six per cent. Are we going to subsidize
that six per cent? Why should a person who
has money in a provincial savings account
only be able to benefit to the extent of six
per cent when somebody else is paying 9%
per cent? Surely that wouldn't be fair?
Mr. Foulds: They're only getting 4V2 per
cent now.
Mr. Givens: And when he says that this
Tory government won't do it, I think he'd
be very surprised. The Tory government
probably will do it, because they're confiscat-
ing right now, and I'll come to that in a
The leader of the NDP went along and
he talked about how they're going to tax
natural resources. They're going to put a
tax on the mines, and they're going to put
a tax on the oil wells and on uranium and
on everything else. And as he was talking
about tnis great tax that he was going to
put on, and how three of the provinces that
have NDP governments have done this and
the mines haven't moved out and the corpo-
rations haven't moved out and jobs haven't
moved out of the provinces, rriy eye caught
a clipping, an article on the financial page
of the Star yesterday, and I want to read it
to the members. It's all right for him to
speak so confidently and so stridently about
the great success that British Columbia has
Mr. Foulds: Never stridently, only elo-
Mr. Givens: —but here's an article from
the Star, dateline Victoria, that says that:
The mining association of British Col-
umbia has told Mines Minister Leo Nim-
sick that the proposed Mineral Royalties
Act must be revised or the government
will destroy mining in BC.
Mr. Foulds: Did they say they were going
to move out?
Mr. Stokes: Does the member for York-
Forest Hill have an interest there?
Interjections by hon. members.
An hon. member: How do they move a
MARCH 12, 1974
Mr. Givens: To continue:
The association represents 80 companies.
W. J. Tough, association president, said
that the proposed royalties would make
the BC mining industry unable to com-
pete with mining in other parts of the
Earlier, the BC and Yukon Chamber of
Mines said that if the Act were imposed,
there would be a loss of $587 million in
revenue for various sectors of the econ-
omy. At the same time, the chamber said,
the provincial government would gain
revenues of $179 million.
Now, my purpose in reading this clipping is
not because I agree with him.
Mr. Martel: Sounds like Powis of the
Ontario Mining Association.
Mr. Givens: I have no way of knowing
whether I can agree with him or not, be-
cause we don't know what the facts really
are on the basis of what the leader of the
NDP has said and what this clipping says.
But I'm trying to indicate that there is a
cacophonic disagreement on the part of the
people who talk about these things because
they don't use the same language.
Mr. Stokes: Well, where does the member
stand? Does he think we should be getting
more money for our resources?
An hon. member: Just listen and you'll
find out.
Mr. Givens: Yes, I think we should be
getting more revenue. The fact is, the mem-
ber knows, as a speculator and an investor,
himself, that these—
Mr. Stokes: I sold mine. The member still
has his.
Interjections by hon. members.
Mr. Givens: —profits the NDP talks about
are not reflected in the stock prices on the
stock markets.
Mr. Stokes: Nobody said they were.
Mr. Givens: The thing gets very compli-
cated. There are all kinds of reasons why
the stock market reacts the way it does.
Mr. H. Worton (Wellington South): Tell
Mr. Givens: But one must agree that the
stock market in every country in the world
is a very sensitive barometer of the economic,
the psychological and emotional health of
that particularly country— economically, be-
cause it is a reflection and a barometer of
what is going on. So it isn't enough simply
to get up and say that these profits have
been enormous and they forget about deple-
tion allowances, they forget about deprecia-
tion and they forget about a number of
other things. So they can't be that accurate
when on the one hand they say how wonder-
ful things are, and on the other hand the
president of the association says that mining
will be destroyed in British Columbia.
Mr. Martel: They don't want to pay a
cent in taxes. That's the reason!
Mr. Givens: The member will agree that
there's a difference of opinion, would he not?
Mr. Stokes: No.
Mr. MacDonald: Since the member asked
Mr. Givens: And continuing on the subject
of inflation, as far as the people who have
fixed incomes, as far as our government here
is concerned, When Christmas comes around
there'll be another $50 Christmas present, but
since we're heading into an election year
there'll be—
Mr. R. F. Nixon: We might have an Easter
present, too.
Mr. Givens: Well, they can increase it by
100 per cent and make it another $50, and
then they're going to have an income support
programme, maybe, and then there's going to
be a proposal made for a prescription drug
plan for our senior citizens. This is the way
we expect to help the people who are living
on a fixed income.
As far as the parkway belt is concerned
I'm surprised that in the Throne Speech there
was nothing further said about that because
the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
( Mr. White ) has been promising for a long
time, together vdth the former deputy min-
ister of that department, that there would be
open planning. There were supposed to be
hearings. The legislation is just about a year
old. It was passed last June. There hasn't
been a public hearing that I know of with
respect to either the parkway belt or the
Niagara Escarpment. Land has been frozen.
I feel very strongly about this. I'm opposed
to the whole concept. I believe that if a gov-
ernment wants somethhig for public purposes,
w'hether it is a municipal government or a
provincial government, it should have to
prove that it requires it and it has to go in
and buy it and not confiscate it and not steal
it. I think this is wrong. I think it is wrong
to zone land for agriculture when we know
very well that it isn't agricultural. Any lands
in these areas that are being farmed are being
farmed as holding operations. They're not
being farmed on an economic basis. They're
being farmed because people are getting con-
cessions with respect to municipal taxes and
so forth.
I ha\ e here an evaluation. What is happen-
ing is that in the parkway belt, for instance,
land has gone down by about 90 per cent. I
have here an evaluation by the firm of
Constam, Heine Associates Ltd., which is a
real estate appraiser. I think the firm has
done a lot of work for the government on
previous occasions. It has evaluated a piece
of land— I'm just using this as an example—
of 100 acres and shown that the value has
gone down. On June 3, 1973, it was worth
$600,000 for the 100 acres and on Dec. 31,
1973. it was worth 100,000 acres.
Mr, Deacon: One hundred thousand
Mr. Givens: What did I say?
Mr. Deacon: Acres.
Mr. Givens: I'm sorry; $100,000 an acre.
This is happening all over the place.
Mr. Deacon: One hundred thousand dol-
lars for the 100 acres?
Mr. Givens: One hundred thousand dollars
for the 100 acres whidh means it's been down-
graded from $6,000 an acre to $1,000 an
acre. This is only one example. There are
other examples of values which have dropped
and one would think this would be a good
thing— that the price of land for housing and
other purposes was going down— but it isn't
because outside the parl^ay belt the values
have tripled and quadrupled. What has the
government gained? What has it accom-
plished? None of this land will be used for
housing. I think it's confiscatory.
People have died and the estates pay suc-
cession duties on the basis of the land not
being for agricultural purposes. People have
given some of the property to their children
and the Department of National Revenue has
revalued the properties on the basis of not
being agricultural land. I don't know how
one government can base an evaluation for
succession duties or for gift tax on it being
non-agricultural when the provincial govern-
ment comes along and says, "Your land shall
be agricultural for ever and a day." There
isn't even a house or a farmyard or a barn-
yard or anything on the property which would
enable anyone to use the land for farming
This open planning hasn't taken place yet
and I wish the Minister of Intergovernmental
Affairs was around to indicate when these
public hearings and this participation is going
to take place since he talked about it in the
legislation. How long is he going to wait?
In some cases it's a matter of life and
death when the government is going to de-
termine what the future of these properties
is going to be. It is unconscionable. It is
politically amoral and this is what the
government is doing. I wouldn't expect this
to come from a government which is sup-
posed to be a free enterprise party and
believes in free enterprise and believes in
people's rights because I believe we're
living in a democracy.
What constitutes freedom? The govern-
ment takes away a man's property. It takes
away what he's worked for and I'm not
talking about the speculators. If the govern-
ment worries about the speculator, tax him
with a windfall tax. Put it up to 75 per
cent; in this case I agree with the leader
of the NDP. But there are people to whom
these lands represent a lifetime of savings;
indeed the property goes back two or three
generations and the government gives them
a once-in-a-lifetime gift of $50,000 and what
will that be evaluated on? Agricultural
land or land which was worth a certain
amount of money because development had
come up right to one side of the street
and they happened to be on the other side
of the street?
Mr. Speaker, I think this is horribly
unfair. This business of playing Robin Hood,
of stealing from those the government
thinks are the rich to satisfy the poor,
creates a very terrible precedent and in no
other free country in the world is this per-
mitted. In the United States, in Britain, one
can't get away with it.
Mr. Lawlor: Even Robin Hood went to
Mr. Givens: Under the law of eminent
domain in the United States, if the govern-
ment wants the property, it takes it; it
proves it needs it but pays for it based on
what other criteria it wants to set up. There
are a lot of definitions of market value.
They are in the federal expropriation Act
and in the provincial Expropriations Act.
There are definitions that realtors can give
MARCH 12, 1974
yoii, experts in this particular field. Pick
an> one that you want. But don't steal
property from people. I don't think it is
fair. I don't think it is conscionable. If the
go\ernment wants to tax them for the big
profits that they make, fine. It should take
certain things into consideration: how long
the\ liave held it, how long they have worked
it and how long it has been in the family
The go\emment knows it can do it be-
cause it is doing so with respect to taxation.
It is doing it with respect to its once-in-
a-lifetime gift. I say this is very unfair,
Mr. Speaker, and I am very surprised that
the government is going ahead with it.
Mr. R. Cisborn (Hamilton East): We will
take it under consideration.
Mr. Givens: They will take it under
consideration. Even in British Columbia
where they passed similar legislation.
Premier Barrett has indicated that value will
be paid to people from whom lands are
taken or people from wiiom lands are
taken just to sit there sterile. If the govern-
ment really thinks that they are agricultural,
let it go in and expropriate them for agri-
cultural purposes and let people farm them.
But don't leave it there and steal it. Then
the government says it can't aflFord to pay
these people for the land. What kind of an
excuse is that?
At least when Robin Hood came driving
down the pike, one could see him coming.
He had his bow and arrow. But when the
proN'incial govermnent moves in one can't
even see it coming. And Robin Hood con-
fined his activities to stealing-
Mr. Breithaupt: One gets shafted just the
Mr. Civens: —whatever one had on his
bod>. This is stealing what people have
saved up for 30, 40, maybe 50 years. He
confined his activities to Sherwood Forest.
This Robin Hood government's jurisdiction
stretches all over the province. The park-
way- belt and the Niagara Escarpment are
onh two places. If the government gets
av^a>' with this now, it can put in a parkway
belt anywhere in the province that it wants.
I don't think it will get away with it because
I think there will be litigation in the
courts that will go on for many, many years.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: They are going to be
defeated too.
Mr. Deacon: The airport loading zone,
isn't it?
Mr. Lawlor: They haven't even got a
Maid Marion.
Mr. R. F. Nixon: Maid Margaret?
Mr. Givens: It is the same thing with the
aiiport. On the question of regional govern-
ment, we have here a report, "The Mu-
nicipal Dynamic". This was prepared for
the Ontario Economic Council, which I sup-
pose is ordered by the government. This
particular tract was written by a man by
the name of Lionel D. Feldman. The report
isn't very complimentary to the government.
The report doesn't say too much of who
Mr. Feldman is. At one time he was a mem-
ber of the staff of the Department of
Municipal Affairs in Ontario. He has been
a research associate with the bureau of
municipal research in Toronto. He has
worked on the staff of a number of royal
commissions. Recently, as a principal author
of research monograph No. 6, entitled, "A
Survey of Alternative Urban Policies for
Urban Canada: Problems and Prospects,"
he combined or collaborated with Harvey
Lithwick in this report in 1970. This was the
report incidentally that convinced the Prime
Minister, with whom I had many arguments,
about the constitutionality of the urban
question as far as federal government involve-
ment is concerned. The Prime Minister of
Canada said there would never be a Ministry
of Urban Affairs for Canada and there would
never be a Minister or a Ministry of Housing
for Canada, because, within section 92 of
the British North America Act, this was com-
pletely under the jurisdiction of the provinces.
It was this Lithwick report, together with
the collaboration of Feldman, which brought
this about. Mr. Feldman was also active as
a special adviser on urban aflFairs to the
government of Manitoba, which should
commend him to the party on the left.
Mr. MacDonald: When?
Mr. Givens: As part of a study team re-
sponsible for the reorganization of Winnipeg
in 1972; that was when. So he is okay. All
right? This is what he has to say.
Mr. MacDonald: I just wanted to be cer-
Mr. Givens: He completely scoffs at what
the members opposite are doing and what the
government is doing. He takes a dim view of
what the government has done in the regional
government field. I read a report of his, and
he is worth quoting. He says:
The goal of the government of the Prov-
ince of Ontario stated in the 1973 budget
was to enhance the autonomy of munici-
palities and broaden the scope for decision-
making at the local level. [But what have
they accomplished? He goes on to say:l If
this is the aim, then what is occurring
creates an autonomy which is virtually
meaningless. Few meaningful functions are
being left to the local governments to per-
form unilaterally, and therefore less remains
in substantive terms to be decided by local
councils. If this prognosis is valid, then the
future is dim for effective local govern-
And so it is. The government keeps talking
about local autonomy all the time. But all
it has left for the local governments to do are
the menial tasks. They are hewers of wood,
drawers of water and collectors of taxes and
garbage. The government has left them no
powers at all hardly worth a dam.
Mr. R. Haggerty (Welland South): Even
taken the garbage collection away.
Mr. Givens: He goes on to make a very
valid point, which I think is important to bear
in mind. He says on page 40: "Efficiency was
never intended to be the sole objective of
local government"— if indeed the government
thinks they are achieving eflBciency, but I
don't think that they are, because the costs
of local government are going up tremend-
He goes on to say that eflSciency isn't
enough. He says:
The underlying assumption of equal im-
portance was that ordinary people should
associate with the provision of local schools,
roads, sewerage, water, social services and
so on, to the extent that they not only plan
these services, but vote funds to provide
services, pass the contracts, supervise con-
struction, so the citizens may feel that they
are really dealing with their own services
and not merely receiving services and pro-
grammes being provided for them by a sen-
ior government
And this government is emasculating them
and tearing them dovm; it is making it use-
less for anybody to run for public office.
He goes on to say— and he was quoted by
my leader the other day, but I will quote this
again— "if this continues the future of reor-
ganized municipalities is bleak"— and I'm look-
ing for the quotation that was quoted the
other day to the effect that the tasks they have
to perform are so unimportant that hardly
any people are going to be willing to run for
public office in the local municipalities any
more. That is a fact. That is what people are
saying. And this government should concern
itself with What people are saying in the re-
gional governments because this government
is going to suffer from it:
As far as the two-tier system is concerned,
the government is leaving nothing for the
lower tier to do. They have no jurisdiction at
all. It's all determined here, and we can't
take in that kind of centralization. Quite
frequently the minister yells across, "What
would you do?" Well, I'il tell him what we
would do. I'll tell him what I would do as
Minister of Urban Affairs: I would restore
their manhood and their power to do what
they want in the local municipalities. And
I wouldn't fund all kinds of programmes
which this government funds for their bene-
fit, but which aren't for their benefit. The
only reason they participate— and this gov-
ernment only tells them about these pro-
grammes after the event; it doesn't consult
with them in advance— the only reason they
participate is because this government is
handing out the dough, so they figure they
might as well get a piece of the action whe-
ther indeed they need that programme or not.
Mr. R. F. Ruston (Essex-Kent): Right on.
Mr. Givens: And another thing that we
would do: You know, Mr. Speaker, this gov-
ernment makes a big deal about mergers and
greater eflBciency; it is taking all these munic-
ipalities, welding them into one and calling
them names that they don't want to be called,
wiping out names that have become tradi-
tional over many years.
!What the government is also doing in many
cases is decreasing representation. The gov-
ernment talks about participatory democracy,
about considtation, and about local autonomy
having a part in the daily lives of local
people, yet it is ripping away all kinds of
representation from them. There are areas in
this province today that used to be repre-
sented by councils of six, eight, nine or 12,
even existing in Metropolitan Toronto, and
these people are no longer represented by a
council and have nobody to turn to with
respect to their local affairs. This isn't right.
So while this government is striving for this
eflBciency and while we are having these
mergers and consolidations, it is cutting down
on the number of representatives. It is taking
away the democratic rights of these people
all over Ontario and giving them no repre-
sentation at all. This is wrong.
MARCH 12, 1974
lit is wrong to take away a council of about
a dozen from a municipality and replace it by
one solitary alderman who in many cases is
not even elected by them, as in the city of
Toronto, where the members of Metropolitan
Toronto council are not elected by the people
of Toronto. Then, over and above it all, the
government imposes a chairman, which is
such an undemocratic principle that I can't
imdterstand why the government keeps on
using it over and over and time and time
While democracy works for the members
of this government— the Premier (Mr. Davis)
has to get elected, the cabinet ministers have
to get elected by some convoluted logic, which
I've never been able to understand, they feel
that the man who is chairman of Metropolitan
Toronto should be chosen by a small group
of people on that council and not by the
people he represents, although he has all this
influence and has a budget tiiat is larger than
the budgets of eight of the provinces of this
country. The government is doing this in other
areas, and it's a wrong principle.
(The people who have this power and this
control should have to be elected. That's
what we would do: we would make them be
elected. We wouldn't impose decisions on
the people vdth respect to things that they
don't want and don't need.
On the question of transportation-
Mr. Cassidy: On which the hon. member is
an expert.
Mr. Givens: —this Throne Speech is re-
markably devoid of any half-decent recom-
mendations with respect to transportation.
Incidentally, it was such an interesting speech
that even though the Lieutenant Governor
left out three pages, because they weren't in-
cluded in the speech, it didn't seem to make
any difference; nobody even noticed it. That's
how good a Throne Speech it was. So when
I heard the Throne Speech being read I said,
"isn't that marvellous for northern Ontario?"
For some reason I have a sympathetic feeling
for the people up north because I think they
have been getting—
Mr. Stokes: Sympathetic— right.
Mr. Givens: Sympatico— sympathetic feeling
for the people up north; because I feel that
the people up north have been getting a raw
deal for a long time. So when I heard the
speech I said: "A whole new era is dawning
for northern Ontario." But it wasn't until I
read the speech a second or a third time that
I realized' what it really said.
It didn't say that a road was going to be
built. It said a feasibility and engineering
study vdll be undertaken for a road from
James Bay to Moosonee. So it ain't no road
yet; don't hold your breath.
Then it went on to say that priority con-
sideration will be given to the supply of
electric power to northern communities; a
power line to Moosonee will be the first
project in this undertaldng. So don't throw
away your coal oil lamps or your flashhghts
Then it went on to say that the northern
communities vdll have the opportunity to
establish local community councils and went
on to say they will have water and roads and
other such services— and implementation of
this plan will follow full consultation with
residents of communities who wish to parti-
cipate. I suppose the full consultation will
be the same kind of full consultation that the
Premier of this goverrmient had with Metro-
politan Toronto just before he abandoned the
Spadina Expressway after blowing $100
milHon. That is the kind of consultation they
are going to get.
Then the speech goes on to say high
priority has been given to rebuildmg or
widening Highway 17 between Sault Ste.
Marie and Sudbury— that is high priority. And
also it says that the Ontario government is
negotiating an agreement to participate
through an appropriate agency about the
Polar Gas project. The government is not
going to have an agreement. It hasn't got an
agreement; there is no sign of an agreement—
but it is going to be negotiating an agree-
Then last but not least, it says studies will
be made regarding the establishment of a port
facility in the James Bay area. Now, when I
first heard this I figured: "Boy, they are
going to get a port; how wonderful. I will be
able to sail my boat up there." But the gov-
ernment is going to have studies regarding
the establishment of a port in the James Bay
area. Well, so muc^h for the north. I begrudge
the north nothing. If the money that was
saved on the Spadina Expressway can be
used to put in Highway 17, or the Moosonee
road, more power to them. But I don't think
they are going to get it.
Mr. Deacon: No, there will be more
Mr. Givens: Only more studies. So, so
much for the north.
Mr. Breithaupt: Nothing is too good for
the north— and nothing is what they are
going to get.
Mr. Givens: Now, we have been told over
and over again—
Mr. Stokes: Does the member think the
north should subsidize the TTC down here?
Mr. Givens: No. And it won't, because the
TTC isn't doing a hell of a lot— or the prov-
ince isn't permitting it to. Dr. Richard
Soberman has just brought in a report in
which he indicates that the Scarborough Ex-
pressway in his opinion— I am paraphrasing;
I haven't had an opportunity to read the
report, so I judge from what I read in the
newspapers— but Dr. Soberman is recommend-
ing that the Scarborough Expressway be
abandoned. And I tell the members that I
am not surprised. If there was reason for
abandoning the Spadina Expressway— which
was much less painful to the people in the
area from a disruptive and inconvenient stand-
point than it would be for the people if the
Scarborough Expressway should be built— if
there was reason for abandoning the Spadina
Expressway then, a fortiori, the Scarborough
Expressway— a fortiori means I am leading
with greater strength for greater reason— the
Scarborough Expressway should be aban-
When asked whether the Scarborough Ex-
pressway should be replaced by this Krauss-
Maffei scheme— the government is putting all
its eggs in one basket on that one— Dr. Sober-
man said no, that he wants something that
will work now and not in the future. When
he talks about Krauss-Maffei— which I will
come to in just a second— he says it is a
research project, really, and not something
that is viable to go into because it hasn't
been in operation anywhere. He talks about
the project as a matter for the future and
probably it won't be operational for about 20
Mr. Deacon: That is a basket of eggs that
is beginning to turn rotten.
Mr. Givens: And then he indicates that it
should be LRT. LRT is like rapid transit.
Some people call it Hght rail transportation,
which is a streetcar system which is being
developed in the United States and which is
being used in Europe and in many American
cities. They are planning it right now and
they are putting it in operation. It is a tried
and tested system.
I would have thought that under the cir-
cumstances, since this is having so much suc-
cess in other jurisdictions, that at least there
would be something in the Throne Speech
that would indicate that the provincial gov-
ernment is interested enough in studying this
particular issue. But it is not. There is not a
word in it about light rapid transit.
Dr. Soberman has indicated that the very
right of way which was designated for the
Krauss-Maffei thing some time off in the
future should be used for an LRT system,
which means that as far as he is concerned,
as an expert— and he must be an expert or
else he wouldn't have been brought in to
make this study and make this report— as far
as he is concerned, he is completely ridding
himself of any idea that that's Where the
Krauss-Maffei system should work and he
doesn't think it's going to work. And he sug-
gested that right of way now be used for this
light rapid transit system.
The Krauss-Maffei thing is being called into
question all along the line. People are asking
questions; they can't get answers. It's a re-
search project, it's not a proven system. It is
nowhere in existence, not even in the countr)-
where it's manufactured.
Magnetic levitation is being used for many
kinds of engines but not for transportation
anywhere in the world. The stations are going
to be huge. They are going to be up in the
air. There are going to be staggering ques-
tions as to how it is going to be interlined
with the subway system and with the bus
Thev talk about 20-passenger cars. It has
been figured out from an engineering stand-
point that these 20-passenger cars aren't
going to be able to handle the loads with
enough of a time headway between them
to let it operate as a safe system, so there
are the same serious loading limitations and
there are going to be no attendants on the
cars. It's going to have high capital and
operating costs. It's a new and completely
unproved technology at the present time,
and I would have thought that the Throne
Speech would have taken into consideration
this new manifestation— this LRT system.
There is a citizens transit committee which
has been dealing with this at various public
hearings and the government has chosen to
disregard this completely. I think that is
absolutely wrong. I think that Krauss-Maffei
may be okay. Maybe it will be in operation
in about 15 or 20 years, but there is knoNvn
technology which has to be utilized for the
purpose of moving people now, because the
Spadina Expressway, for instance, was aban-
doned three years ago. It will be three years
on June 3 of this year.
What has taken its place? The Spadina
subway is going to be built. I think tenders
MARCH 12, 1974
have just been approved for the building of
the sewers in the ravine there and that will
take about six months. And they indicate that
the subway will be finished by 1977. I think
there will be grass growing dovm Yonge
St. before that subway is finished in 1977,
because it has taken 10 years to move the
Yonge St. subway from Eglinton up to Finch
and that hasn't been opened yet.
That thing started when I was still at
city hall in Toronto. True, there was tunnel-
ling and there may not be tunnelling in the
ravine, but by the time that they deck the
system in the ravine and do what is sort of
tunnelling in reverse, it will probably take
10 years and you ain't going to get that
subway finished for at least 10 years, Mr.
So, what have they done? What have they
done to replace the transportation system
which they abandoned three years ago? A
dia-a-bus system is only an intermediate sys-
tem which takes people from their homes
and brings them to bus stops or subway
stations. But if you don't have subway sta-
tions or if the subway stations are over-
loaded, the dial-a-bus system is just a tertiary
kind of support system. So what has the
government done to replace that transporta-
tion system? Absolutely nothing. And there
isn't even a word in the Throne Speech about
what the government is going to do.
Concerning the teachers situation which
the Throne Speech alludes to, it looks like
we are going to get compulsory arbitration
whether we like it or not. As far as we in
this party are concerned, the criterion of
what should determine compulsory arbitra-
tion is not whether a calling or a service or
a kind of work is essential or not. I don't
think that really is a relevant point. As far
as I am concerned, I think that the criterion
for compulsory arbitration should be the
kind of work or service which has to do
with public safety, which has to do with
health, which has to do with the matter of
life and death, vital services.
It is not a question of essentiality. Garbage
collection is essential. Transportation is essen-
tial. There are some of these things that are
essential for which I wouldn't consider com-
pulsory arbitration to be the necessary option,
the necessary outcome, the necessary remedy.
But what bothers me is this, and I will
tell you quite frankly, Mr. Speaker, here we
have a class of people, the high school
teachers in this particular area— and this is a
cause celebre, it isn't only the teachers in
the York county system, but it's the teachers
everywhere; the whole world is watching as
to what's going to happen here— what bothers
me is this, that here we have several hundred
teachers who obviously have the support of
most other teachers throughout the countrv
for that matter who are highly intelligent,
highly educated.
This isn't riff-raff. These aren't people be-
ing led by Communist radicals where you
think that they are trying to score political
points. These are people who have been
exposed to our kids. They realize the impor-
tance of their jobs. Some of them have verv
high degrees. If this government hasn't been
able to empathize with these people, if this
government hasn't been able to establish a
rapport with this class of people in our
society, then something is very, very serious-
ly wrong.
The only way that we can settle this
problem is by the shotgun of compulsory
arbitration, because that is what it is. This
class of people are not miners and the>- are
not uneducated people who haven't had an
opportunity to have an education; these are
our most highly qualified people in the
community, people who have always been
looked up to as the people to whom we
would entrust the minds and the souls of our
children. These are the people that the
government is gunning under with compul-
sory arbitration and I say that it is \er\', very,
very sad. Something is wrong when we have
to invoke this solution, which we will prob-
ably do within the next day or two. This
party is against it. We cannot support com-
pulsory arbitration, because we think that
there's another remedy and we will come to
that at the proper time when the debate
takes place.
Lastly, I want to deal with the question
of solid waste management. The Throne
Speech says:
A permanent advisory committee on
solid waste management will be established
in order to achieve closer consultation
with municipal governments, environmental
groups and industry, whose co-operation
is essential to the solution of problems
created by increasing waste of energy and
material resources and the diflBculties of
waste disposal.
This means another study. I don't know what
we need another study for in this field,
really. You know, there's a lot of very mud-
dled thinking going on on this subject.
Toronto has a garbage problem. It goes into
another area and wants to dump it. "Don't
dump your garbage here. No way. Don't
dump it here." Well, what shall we do with
it? "Burn it, incinerate it." If we want to
build an incinerator in town, the people in
the area don't want it where we want to
locate it. "Don't build a sewage disposal
These people have no objection— and this
is universal, it involves everybody— they
ha\'e no objection to making garbage. They
have no objection to flushing a toilet and
creating waste. It's a very unpleasant subject
but we have got to face up to it and talk
about it. They are all waste makers and all
litterers and they are all garbage makers, but
nobody comes up with a solution as to how
we are going to dispose of this stufiF.
So we are the victims of progress, because
years ago when garbage was collected on the
streets of Toronto, we had a packer truck
that came down the street and we took the
cartons out and flattened them out and shor-
ed up the sides of the truck. Then when they
took the stuff to the dump, they could separ-
ate the paper from the garbage and so on.
The flush toilet was supposed to be great
progress. It is one of the worst things that
has ever happened to civilized society to date
and that's a fact. This is the problem today,
and of course the cigarette smoker is the
greatest polluter of all.
I am the vice-president of a company
called Atlantic Packaging Co. We recycle
paper, kraft paper. In our mill in Scarbor-
ough, at 111 Progress, we manufacture 220
tons of paper a day for corrugated cases and
boxes. We manufacture other things as well
but this is our prime concern. The only way
we can manufacture this product is by col-
lecting waste corrugated for the purpose of
making the kind of paper that is required for
corrugated products. That's 220 tons a day.
That's a lot of paper.
We have tapped just about every source
of paper practically, in this country within
transportation distance of our plant. We get
the stuff from as far as 1,500 miles away
from here to the south. So we've tapped the
chain stores, the department stores and all
people who generate this kind of waste paper.
I have gone to the municipalities in this
area. I won't designate them; I won't name
them. Nobody wants to move. Nobody wants
to do anything about segregating the paper
from the garbage. Paper represents and con-
stitutes 40 per cent of garbage collection
today. We have gone to these people, the
commissioners of street cleaning, and we've
said to them, "Segregate this.**
The prices vary from $20 to $35 a ton and
we've been prepared to pay that for paper
delivered at our plant, which is a fair mar-
ket price. This is not speculating in waste
paper because we require this amount of
paper on a day-to-day basis, seven days a
week, 365 days a year. Members should hear
the excuses they've given us: The garbage
gets dumped in the packer truck and that
hydraulic press comes in and just congeals
it all; the members of the union wouldn't
be prepared to go out on the dump and
separate and segregate this stuff.
They'd rather burn it and all the stuff is
wasted. Nobody lets us dump it and nobody
lets us burn it.
We said to them, "All right, pass bylaws
which will require your people to segregate
this stuff at the source, so they come up with
their newspapers in one bundle and their cor-
rugated in another bundle and so on." We've
got to come to that because nobody's letting
us dump it and nobody's letting us bum it.
And they have 51 excuses as to why that
can't be done, such as, "We can't subject
people to onerous bylaws." There are some
municipalities which have these bylaws now
but refuse to enforce them because they feel
that they will antagonize the people who vote
for the politicians.
What is the use of indicating another study
on this subject when there are plants today
which are doing this kind of work, like our
plant, with respect to paper? There are others
with respect to metals and glass and so on.
They are just looking for this stuff and no-
body wants to take the time or trouble to
make it available to them.
We can take all this paper off anybody's
hands. We're in production now; we've been
in production for several years. What would
be wrong with indicating to these munici-
palities that the people have to segregate this
stuff, this garbage, right at the source so that
we can make use of it? And for this people
will pay. We're only one company of many.
We hailed with great hullabaloo the other
day when a minister on behalf of Anglo an-
nounced a sawmill and a pulp and paper plant
being erected somewhere where they're going
to cut down trees and make pulp and paper.
Do members know that for every ton of paper
we use on a recycling basis, we avoid cutting
down 17 trees somewhere in a forest in north-
em Ontario, where aforestation and reforesta-
tion have to take place? This is a great con-
servation measure.
What does the government have to study
in order to decide that this is a good thing
and to implement it and enforce it? We're
in operation now and, as 1 say, we're only
one plant of many which recycle materials
MARCH 12, 1974
and are recycling them today. This isn't a
plan for the future or a programme for 20
years from now. This is in existence now.
The provincial government seems to refuse
to come to grips with this. It would rather
deal with hostile people who don't want gar-
bage dumped in their localities; with hostile
people who refuse to have incinerators and
sewage disposal plants erected in their various
municipalities. This is an anti-growth psy-
chosis; I'm all right, Jack, but don't come in
here. We don't want any changes and don't
pollute and don't do this and don't do that.
Yet these are the very people who are doing
the polluting and don't come up with any
solution as to how these things should be
So here's another study. I say that this
Throne Speech could have gone a lot further
in indicating to the people of Ontario what
should be done and what has to be done
vAth respect to recycling and with respect to
handling the problem of waste management.
About the only thing in the Throne Speech
I do agree with and which, apparently, some
members of the Conservative government
don't agree with, is the enforcement of the
use of seatbelts. I think enforcement of the
use of seatbelts is a good idea. I don't think
the probl'em of enforcement will be that great.
There will be a lot of people who won't
obey the law, but since when is this a rea-
son for not passing a law? People who com-
mit murder, of course, don't obey the criminal
law. There are a lot of people who don't
obey the laws in the Criminal Code, but yet
we have the Criminal Code because society
has to be protected.
The real sanction which will enforce the
law of having to clip on your seatbelt, Mr.
Speaker, is the civil action sanction. If you
find that you're, heaven forbid, in an accident,
and you haven't had your seat belt on, and
you're going to be involved in contributory
negligence because you didn't have your seat-
belt on, and that your award will go down
by 50 per cent or 80 per cent or, in turn,
that the award to the plaintiff who sues you
is going to go up tremendously because you
didn't have your seatbelt on, I think you'll
find a lot of people are going to abide by the
Because once you put it in as a law, Mr.
Speaker, the custom in our community and
our society is that people will obey the law.
If they don't obey the law they run the risk
of this very serious civil sanction and a civil
case if they get into an accident, and that's
rough. If you don't get into an accident then
it doesn't matter whether or not you buckle
on your seatbelt, but at a critical time, when
this becomes a factor in a serious matter such
as an accident, it will be very, very important
as a question of fact in any given trial, or in
the settlement of a case, as to whether you
hal your seatbelt on or not. I think that
consequently this will cause people to obey
the seatbelt law.
That, Mr. Speaker, is about the size of it.
I hope we will all be here next year when we
will again indulge in this ritual and I'm glad
to see how the chamber filled up from the
time that I started.
Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Nickel
Mr. F. Laughren (Nickel Belt): Mr.
Speaker, it's good to see you back, looking
well, sitting on the Throne and ruling in your
customarily fair way. As I listened to the
Throne Speech as read by His Honour I
couldn't help but think that we were listen-
ing to a typical mid-term Throne Speech
which, in a rather somewhat uniquely vague
way, indicates the social and economic direc-
tion that tile government intends to take in
the next year and, perhaps, the next two
There was nothing in the speech that was
terribly unpalatable to any groups in our
society. There were no announcements of
new regional governments in the province
that would upset people in their community.
I was just projecting ahead to next year
and I thought, "My goodness, can you hear
the trumpets blaring as the announcements
are made from the Throne in an election
But I can assure you, Mr. Speaker, that
next year the people across this province
are going to say: "No, not this time. An
election year of a platter full of promises
will not make up for the by then 30-plus
years of Conservative government neglect in
Ontario." This is particularly true in northern
Ontario. I can imagine that the polls in the
province will reflect that next year and then
we'll witness the Conservatives pulling the
plug on the advertising campaigns and
we'll have another American style propa-
ganda campaign across the province.
But I should get back to this speech. I
should mention too, Mr. Speaker, that those
who know me well know I've never been
a very strong royalist, but I must say that
given the ofiBce of Lieutenant Governor, that
His Honour, Mr. Macdonald, filled the bill
admirably and I could only hope that in
the years to come the government in Ottawa,
perchance in 15 or 20 years, will appoint a
Conservative as Lieutenant Governor for
I suppose we all think of people that would
fill the bill among those people we know.
The first member that came to mind to me
when I was thinking of a Conservative
Lieutenant Governor for the Province of
Ontario— I'm thinking now 15 years ahead
—would be, of course, none other than the
member for Timiskaming (Mr. Havrot).
Can't you just picture it now? When the
call to serve came he would shut down his
hotdog stand on the top of Maple Mountain.
He'd fight through the blizzards at the top
and the black flies at the bottom. He'd
jump on the monorail express to Toronto and
he would come down here to serve out his
I think most of us would support the mem-
ber for Timiskaming if he was to fulfil that
role. I am sure the members of his con-
stituency would anyway.
Mr. Lawlor: He would probably bring
the black flies with him.
Mr. Laughren: Mr. Speaker, there was
nothing in the Throne Speech that would
make the people of Ontario excited about
what they were going to witness for the
next year. There were no really new exciting
programmes. As the member for York-
Forest Hill (Mr. Givens) indicated, it men-
tioned all sorts of studies and all sorts of
indications of priority ratings; but it certainly
didn't go beyond that, unless, of course, you
consider mandatory seatbelts as being excit-
ing. I understand that the Parliamentary
assistant to the Minister of Transportation
and Communications doesn't even consider
that such an exciting addition to our legis-
Let it never be said Mr. Speaker, that the
New Democrats just criticize without offer-
ing alternatives, because I certainly intend
this afternoon to offer some alternatives to
the government as to what should have been
in that Throne Speech. For example, there
should certainly have been in that Throne
Speech a commitment to establish public
auto insurance in the Province of Ontario. It
is inevitable in this jurisdiction, as it is
going to be in other jurisdictions, that we
will have public automobile insurance.
Either the Conservatives will implement it or
we will implement it.
Mr. Cassidy: They never will.
Mr. Laughren: Mr. Speaker, you would
think that the Conservatives, having a fairly
good instinct for survival, would see that
and would implement it.
Also the entire question of the ownership
of our resources is becoming a very debatable
subject among a growing number of people,
not just in this province, but all across the
country. A more comprehensive form of
social insurance that would entirely replace
the Workmen's Compensation Board is some-
thing that those people who understand so-
cial insurance are saying has no equal. Those
people who are familiar with the Wode-
house report in New Zealand and have read
its contents will tell you that it's much
superior to that of the private sector.
The Throne Speech should have offered
some alternatives in the supply of land for
residential purposes. I suppose that the
government is in a spot and that it is clearly
locked into commitments to the resource cor-
porations, to the insurance industry and to
the land speculators and developers across
this province. So nothing is going to be done
about the rapidly rising price of raw land or
serviced land.
We have in this province, Mr. Speaker, a
milieu in which the government moves with-
in ever-narrowing parameters because its
commitments are being made to fewer and
fewer people in this province, and they are
not for the benefit of the majority of people
in the province. While there are all sorts of
reasons for that, one need only examine some
of the individual members of the Conserva-
tive Party to know that.
Those of us who represent northern ridings
listened to the Throne Speech, read it over
after the speech and then read it over again.
Then the next day we were dumbfounded to
read in the media all that was being done
for northern Ontario— major concessions for
northern Ontario. The member for York-
Forest Hill said it as well as it could be said:
What are those concessions for northern
Ontario? Another study? Is that a major
concession? Another priority rating for a
project in northern Ontario? That surely is
not a major concession. I must say that con-
spicuous by its absence was any concession
to the member for Timiskaming and his pet
project, the Maple Mountain project.
I really think, Mr. Speaker, that there
could be a major split developing in the
Conservative Party in this province. I can
see the split now between Ontario's junior
achiever, the Ministry of Industry and Tour-
ism (Mr. Bennett), and the north's under-
achiever, the member for Timiskaming, over
Maple Mountain. There are more and more
MARCH 12, 1974
people coming down and saying that the
development of Maple Mountain is not the
best kind of development for northern On-
I knovi when I make a statement like that
there are people going to say that there is
somebody who is against tourism. That's not
true. I wish the tourist industry well. But
there are many unanswered questions about
Maple Moimtain, including the environmental
concerns and the claims by the native peo-
ples for Maple Mountain. I feel that if public
money is going to be channelled into enter-
prises in northern Ontario it shouldn't be
channelled into an enterprise such as Maple
Mountain. It should go into enterprises which
will provide good employment for the area,
which will employ local people and employ
them at good wages. I don't believe that
Maple Mountain is the kind of project which
is going to add to the industrial development
of northern Ontario,
I wouldn't do to the tourist industry what
I have witnessed this government do to the
tourist industry. What I have seen this gov-
ernment do, through its Ministry of Trans-
portation and Communications, to the little
town of Gogama about 80 or 100 miles from
Sudbury, I wouldn't do and nobody in this
party would do. That government over there,
with its so-called interest in tourism, isolated
the town by building a road two miles from
the town, by-passing it completely, and issued
a lease to Imperial Oil— who else?— for a
service centre at the corner. Now there is no
need for anyone travelling on Highway 144
between Sudbury and Timmins to go into
the town of Gogama, none whatsoever. That's
some commitment to tourism in northern
Ontario and I hope the NOTO rooters will
take note of that.
Mr. Martel: Good luck to them.
Mr. Laughren: The announcement in the
Throne Speech that Highway 17 was going
to be widened and improved between Sud-
bur\' and Saulte Ste. Marie is an interesting
statement. I don't know, maybe the member
for Algoma (Mr. Gilbertson) would know
more about this, but why did it not say
four lanes? Does that not leave the member
wondering just what the government is up
to when it says there are going to be im-
provements to and widening of the highway
between Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie?
We've known that for 10 years. It has already
started from each end so what kind of an
announcement is that to excite people in
northern Ontario?
Mr. J. A. Taylor (Prince Edward-Lennox):
Did the member want the specifications in
the Throne Speech?
Mr. Martel: Sure.
Mr. Laughren: As far as concerns the com-
mitment to improve telecommunications in
the remote communities in northern Ontario
that is not something this government should
be bragging about because it is an embar-
rassment the way it is now. Bringing in some
kind of communications into remote com-
munities surely should have been done years
and years ago. I can name communities now
where there are no telephones; where the
hydro supply costs three times the rate that
Ontario Hydro charges people in other com-
munities. That's some commitment the gov-
ernment just made.
Mr. B. Gilbertson (Algoma): The member
will agree it needs improvement, won't he?
Mr. Laughren: At the same time, the
people in these remote communities pay the
same seven per cent sales tax. What do they
get in return? Certainly not roads. They pay
the same Medicare premiums as the rest of
us. They have no medical services whatso-
ever—not even a nurse-practitioner, not even
an emergency vehicle— but they pay the same
premiums. They pay the same income tax
and it takes some gall to stand up, as a
government, and brag about improving serv-
ices in those communities.
Mr. Stokes: They have to go 100 miles to
get them.
Mr. Laughren: I remember, Mr. Speaker,
that the present Minister of Energy (Mr. Mc-
Keough) stood up two years ago and indicated
that he understood the problems in the un-
organized communities in northern Ontario;
he was then the Minister of Treasury and
Economics, But to this day nothing has been
done for the unorganized communities in
northern Ontario except for one statement
in the Throne Speech that the government
was going to recognize community organiza-
tions or councils to funnel grants through.
There was no mention of the grants or the
funding of those actual organizations or
community councils to help them get off
the ground.
There are community councils all across
northern Ontario in these unorganized com-
munities. The response by the Minister of
Health to demands from small communities
to send in some kind of medical service has
been anything but enthusiastic. We have be-
sieged the minister with letters to put, for
heaven's sake, a nurse practitioner or an
emergency vehicle in these communities be-
cause it is not right to have communities iso-
lated perhaps by 100 miles or 200 miles,
with no access to any kind of medical service
wh;)tsoever. The response has been negligible
from the ministry.
People who live in these small unorganized
communities in the north do so for a variety
of social and economic reasons. I think that
one could generalize and say they tend to
be very self-reliant, very patient people, not
ove^^ly demanding of the government. In
other words these people don't really expect
to see a return on their tax dollars from the
Science Centre in Toronto, from the art gal-
leries, from the museum, from the express-
ways down here, from international trade
missions. Those people don't expect to get a
return on their tax dollars to build those
But on the other hand, they are not stupid
either. And as more and more New Democrats
get elected in northern Ontario, they are com-
ing to realize that they have a right to de-
mand a return for those things they are not
getting— the basic amenities of life.
As taxpayers they can see that their taxes
are going to service others. They can see as
well that while communities in southern On-
tario debate the merits of a billion-dollar
transit system, they go without drinking
water, they go without any recreational fa-
cilities at all, they go without inadequate
roads, they have inadequate communication
systems, and they know that is not right.
Surely, Mr. Speaker, there is no place in
this province for a double set of standards
like that— one set for the unorganized com-
munities in the north, and another set of
standards for the more populated centres;
some of those populated centres are in north-
em Ontario, as well.
There really must be some members of the
government who seethe with anger inside
when they alternate between Toronto and
their ridings and see these two standards; see
this double standard in effect. I don't know
how they can accept this, but I suppose if
they really wanted to change things they
wouldn't be members of the government; they
would be in opposition trying to change them,
rather than keeping them as they are.
If the government contfnues with its
present level of non-intervention in these
unorganized communities, a couple of things
are going to result. They are going to
continue to have an inadequate level in
supply of and standards for housing. We
are going to continue to have money from
the Social Development policy field being
poured into these commmnities with no
measurable results whatsoever because the
government is not changing the environ-
ment in those communities at all. It is sup-
porting people who are living on social
assistance but it is not changing the con-
ditions under which they live; and that's
not changing anything. The government is,
perpetuating the cycle of poverty that exists
in those communities.
I am glad the Provincial Secretary for
Social Development (Mrs. Birch) is in the
Legislature this afternoon, because I believe
there is about $39 million or $40 million
available to the Province of Ontario under
the federal capital projects fund. I believe
that money is available only from April 1,
1974 until May 31, 1975. I think it is in
the neighbourhood of between about $35
million to $40 million that is available from
the federal govermnent to the province to use
for provincial projects. I am not talking
about municipal projects now; these are
provincial projects. That money is available
to the Province of Ontario and that is what
should be used.
Any money put into those communities;
should be done so in a very calculated
way. What is required is something that is
very similar to the New Democratic Party's;
municipal foundation plan, where one estab-
lishes a minimum level of services to all
communities and then provides it. That is
where that $30 million or so that is avail-
able from the federal government could be
Mr. Martel: Put it in Cornwall.
Mr. Laughren: These are some of the
things that should be a requirement for every
community if one regards a community as
being a viable community in which people
can continue to live; these are the things
that should be there. There should be some
form of community complex that would
allow people to have some form of recrea-
tion facility. In some cases, maybe a com-
munity steam bath-
Mr. Stokes: Water or sewers.
Mr. Laughren: There must be a supply
of energy in every community. Now, if
you can't bring in Ontario Hydro, then
provide a Delco unit, but for heaven's
sakes not a Delco unit at three times the
MARCH 12, 1974
rate of Ontario Hydro for energy supply.
That is what is happening today.
There should be some form of emergency
transportation. There are communities with
absolutely no form of emergency transporta-
tion at all. There should be some even if it
is a Natural Resources station wagon that
can be arranged as an ambulance to take
somebody 100 miles to the nearest doctor
or the nearest hospital; or an arrangement
with the charter air service to fly into a
community and take out somebody who is
sick. These arrangements have to be made.
It is ridiculous that in 1974 these com-
munities are without these services.
Clean water. There are communities in
northern Ontario surrounded throughout a
vast acreage with clear, unpolluted water,
yet in those tiny communities the water
table is polluted primarily because of the
nature of their septic systems. That's got
to be changed.
Mr. Stokes: Two hundred and fifty
thousand lakes and not a drop to drink!
Mr. Laughren: They have got to have a
good supply of drinking water and that can
be done through a community water supply,
with either a lagoon system to get rid of
the sewage or perhaps a holding tank.
There has got to be fire protection and
that would include making sure that there
is a fire extinguisher in homes and so forth.
But there is no fire protection in a lot of
these communities and to this day there is
not a single penny of provincial money
available for fire protection in unorganized
communities. I could take members to com-
munity after community where they have
been writing letters to the fire marshal's
office and saying, "How about some money
to help us buy an old fire truck?"
Mr. Martel: No way.
Mr. Laughren: And if they do get a
fire truck, such as one community I know
of, they got a fire truck by running a lot
of raffles, they got an old fire truck and
they had no place to put it. So they fill it
up with water and it freezes. Now what could
be more ridiculous in 1974? The government
must supply these basics.
Another thing is suitable garbage disposal.
Members should see some of the dumps
outside these towns where the people have
dumped their garbage. It's a disgrace.
If they can't supply a doctor in these
communities and that's understandable in
a community of 200 people, 500, 800, then
they should at least supply a nurse prac-
titioner. The efforts of the Health Ministry
in this regard have been minimal. They just
have not treated the matter seriously. I can
show the House letters — I should have
brought them in and read them into the
record-from the Minister of Health offering
the platitudes and agreeing that there cer-
tainly should be something done and that he
has authorized the local health unit to try
and find somebody, but nothing ever hap-
pens. Because they are not serious about it.
That list I've just given may seem like a
long list. One might think of the expense of
bringing all those services into those com-
munities, because most of the communities
are lacking all of those services.
Mr. Stokes: There is a greater expense in
social terms if they don't do anything.
Mr. Laughren: Can members imagine
people in southern Ontario or in other urban
centres settling for anything less than that?
They wouldn't do it.
It doesn't make sense to suggest to these
people in these remote communities that they
move into the larger urban centres, either in
the north or in southern Ontario. Those
centres are having trouble, in an employment
sense, supporting their existing populations.
And besides, very often the jobs that are
available in the larger urban centres require
a degree of expertise or education, specializa-
tion, that those people in the unorganized
remote communities simply do not have. So
it doesn't make sense to say move them out
of there. That's not going to solve any prob-
lem. We just create another problem in the
urban centre.
So the alternative is to do something with
the community. And for heaven's sake, the
government should make up its mind soon
whether or not it is going to regard those
communities as viable entities or not and tell
the people that instead of misleading them
now into thinking that there is a winter works
project here and there is an OFY project
here. That's not solving the problem.
Mr. Martel: Maybe a youth programme.
Mr. Laughren: The Provincial Secretary for
Social Development is very hard on the OFY
projects. I could show her a provincial
winter works project up north, near the town
of Foleyet, where in the winter time they
cut off all the brush at snow level along the
road. Do members know how deep the snow
is in the winter time in Foleyet?
Mr. Givens: How deep is it?
Mr. Laughren: Five or six feet. And then
in the summer time, of course, they had to
have another government project to cut the
brush off at ground level. Well, they are
doing a lot for the development of that com-
munity, aren't they? They are not breaking
any cycles when they do things like that.
People still have the same pattern. Cyclical
poverty continues and it is not doing any-
thing for the community.
But more than that, more than the prob-
lem of employment, many of the people in
those towns have financial ties there. They
have family ties there and they may have
some form of employment there. So I'm not
talking simply about creating employment for
the unemployed in those communities. I am
talking about making those communities a
different place in which to live. It's a very
hard thing to say, but if we look at the
houses in a lot of those unorganized com-
munities, they would be unacceptable in
Toronto. If we look at the problems with the
lot sizes, we find out that no ministry will
give them approval for a septic tank; so in
1974 they are condemned to outdoor privies,
and that's one reason we have polluted water
Interjection by an hon. member.
Mr. Laughren: There is absolutely no grant
from any ministry of government to help
them build holding tanks, to help them pay
for a truck to empty those holding tanks or
to have a sewage lagoon— nothing whatsoever
—and yet other communities get up to 75
per cent in subsidies for their sewage systems.
But not the im organized communities— they
don't get a single penny.
This is something the government should
be embarrassed about. If they are not, it's
only because there are few people up there
and nobody pays any attention to them. But
the standard of living in those unorganized
communities is something about which this
government should be ashamed.
I would like to document a few towns and
tell what the inadequacies are in those towns.
I tend not to be very parochial in my
speeches in this House, Mr. Speaker— prob-
ably not enough— but when we talk about
unorganized communities, I think that the
riding of Nickel Belt is probably a good ex-
ample of a northern riding with unorganized
communities. I will now document six com-
munities; there are many more in Nickel Belt,
but I will document six of them.
Cartier: It has inadequate recreational
facilities, medical services, fire protection,
access by road and sewage disposal. I men-
tion access by road, because can you imagine,
Mr. Speaker, a town with 700 or 800 people
—it is only 40 miles north of Sudbury, but it is
unorganized— cut off from a highway, in this
case. Highway 144, from any kind of entrance
or exit, by a shunting yard of the CPR? If
people want to get out and go to work, some-
times they have to wait 40 or 45 minutes
while the trains shunt back and forth. There
are no lights or traflBc sigi^ls there, and
there is no requirement by the railw^ay that
they have to move out of the way within,
say, 10 or 15 minutes, because it's classified
as a shunting yard.
Here are people, 40 miles north of Sud-
bury, who live in fear that at some point
there is going to be a serious illness or an
accident on one side of the tracks— but try to
move a freight train. There are two or three
of them going back and forth at the same
time, if one wants to get out in a hurry.
Gogama, a little farther north, which I
mentioned earlier as having been cut off b\^
the Ministry of Transportation and Com-
munications, has inadequate recreational
facihties, inadequate medical services, inade-
quate fire protection, inadequate sewage dis-
posal, inadequate drinking water and inade-
quate garbage disposal.
Mr. Martel: Except for the Tories.
Mr. Laughren: That's the town, Mr.
Speaker, where 10 years ago there was a
chemical spill that polluted' part of the water
table. Mind you, the Ministry of Natural
Resources and the OFF are well off. They
have a community water supply and sewage
disposal. But not the rest of the town. The}
have nothing. And that's where over 50 per
cent of the wells now are polluted with
nitrate, which is dangerous to the health of
infants. Over 50 per cent of the wells are
polluted and yet to this day there are no
grants available from this government to
rectify that situation. Can you imagine, Mr.
Speaker, a community in southern Ontario
having 50 per cent of its wells polluted with
a substance that's dangerous to the health of
infants, without a public outcry?
Mr. Gaunt: No way.
Mr. Breithaupt: Shocking.
Mr. Martel: Shame.
Mr. Foulds: It is never mentioned—
MARCH 12, 1974
Mr. Martel: That is how the vote goes too.
The Tories all vote and they have the sewer
and water — and the Ministry of Natural
Resources and the OPP. They are all Tories.
Mr. Laughren: My colleague from Sudbury
East is quite right that when you drive into
the town, it's the classic example of the other
side of the tracks. You drive into town and
there are the nice big white houses where
the government employees live. It's not the
I fault of those individuals working for the
f government there now; it's the fault of a
government that doesn't see that they have
created — and I don't know whether it is
I deliberate or not — such an incredible class
l structure within that commimity that there
has to be hard feelings, as the people in the
town see the government employees really
well off while they them.selves live in inade-
quate housing, their water table is polluted
and there is no sewage disposal. They live
with outdoor privies and unpaved roads, but
nothing is ever done. This has been docu-
mented to different ministries of government
time after time, year after year, and still it is
neglected. It is truly a disgrace.
Shining Tree, another community, is prob-
ably worse off than either Cartier or Gogama.
It has inadequate recreational facilities, in-
adequate garbage disposal, inadequate sew-
age disposal, inadequate drinking water, in-
adequate access roads, inadequate medical
services, and inadequate telephone service.
As a matter of fact, Mr. Speaker, it has
no telephone service, and Northern Tele-
phone will not put in lines, despite the fact
that Ontario Hydxo offered them the use of
their poltes. They won't put it in. There's
no ministry in this government that will say,
"This is fundamentally wrong, let's put it in
there." Nobody says that. Those people
just wish that they were under the Depart-
ment of Indian Affairs, where much much
smaller communities than those have been
provided with services that put this govern-
ment to shame.
Shining Tree also has inadequate housing
and inadequate fire protection. Foleyet has
inadequate medical services, inadequate gar-
bage disposal, inadequate housing, inade-
quate drinking water and inadequate sewage
disposal. Ramsey has inadequate medical
services, inadequate recreational facihties, in-
adequate garbage disposal, inadequate sew-
age disposal, inadequate drinking water, and
inadequate access roads. As a matter of fact,
Ramsey is on a private road, and you have
to get a pass to get into it.
I'd hke to tell you about going into that
place one time, Mr. Speaker. When I went
in, I had a fellow with me.
The fellow at the gate said, "Where are
you going?"
I said, "Into Ramsey."
He said, "Who are you going to see?"
I said, "Well, everybody I can."
He was an employee of Edd\ Forest
Products, and he said, "What have you got
with you?"
This was in the wintertime. We said, "We
have a few guns and a few grenades and a
few Molotov cocktails. It's the start of the
winter campaign."
He said, "You haven't got any chain saws,
have you?"
We said, "No, just guns and bombs and
He said, "I don't want you to cut any trees
when you're out there."
So he gave us a key and we went through.
An hon. member: What was the key for?
Mr. Laughren: The key is to get through
the gate.
Mr. Cassidy: Did the member shoot any
Mr. Laughren: It's locked. There's a gate
at each end and this community is in be-
tween the two gates. It's Crown land and
all Eddy Forest have is cutting rights on it,
but they've put gates up at each end to stop
the public from going through. They do open
the gates up on the weekend to let people
go in and hunt, but you should see the form
you have to sign, Mr. Speaker. I'm sure it's
more complicated than an international adop-
An hon. member: It's feudal.
Mr. Laughren: You remember the problems
they had in the Province of Ontario with this.
Those are the kind of antique laws and rules
that govern the unorganized communities in
northern Ontario. It just doesn't make sense.
Mr. Stokes: Like the sheriff of Nottingham.
Mr. Laughren: Besides having those inade-
quacies, Ramsey has inadequate housing, in-
adequate fire protection, and onl>- a Delco
unit for the supply of energy, and once again,
at much in excess of the rate that Ontario
Hydro charges its users.
The last community I wish to talk about is
Sultan. Sultan is just outside one of these
famous gates that Eddy Forest Products has
set up. They have inadequate housing, inade-
quate medical services, inadequate recrea-
tional facilities and inadequate access roads.
You can only get up from the north because
from the south you have to go through that
private road. They have inadequate fire pro-
tection and inadequate hydro. They too have
Delco units, but at three times the rate of
Ontario Hydro. They have inadequate tele-
phone ' service, inadequate garbage disposal,
inadequate sewage disposal and inadequate
■drinking water.
I should be careful when I'm quoting this
as three times the rate as Ontario Hydro.
Maybe now it's only double!
Mr. Mattel: It's only double after the last
bills that came out.
Mr. Laughren: Particularly with the rural
Mr. Gaunt: After the last raise, yes.
Mr. Laughren: There are other communi-
ties in northern Ontario for which I could
•document the inadequacy of services, but I
think that should point out to you, Mr. Speak-
er, that it's a serious matter. It's not some-
thing that this government is not aware of
and that it can plead innocent on. They've
known about it for a number of years and
yet they continue to ignore them. Until a plat-
form is put in under those communities and
on that platform is a level of services to
Mr. Stokes: Did they ever hear about these
problems from the former member? Did he
ever speak about them in the Legislature?
Mr. Laughren: I haven't seen any corre-
-spondence on it.
Mr. Martel: He spoke about how great
these r'ebate